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Japanese tea ceremony is a unique and artistic feature in serving sweets and

drinking tea, Matcha. The mother in the video wanted her daughter to
experience the traditional Japanese tea ceremony is because of the
uniqueness and the values which the tea ceremony portrays. With the values
hidden in the important cultural event provides deliberate knowledge and
another reason could be that the mother wants her daughter to gain
acknowledge in preserving Japanese culture and learn the values and benefits
to pass the knowledge to the future generations. This report indicates the
objectives of Japanese tea ceremony and explains in details the
values/benefits of this cultural event which the mother wanted her daughter
to experience.


The objective to experience or gain knowledge regarding Japanese tea

ceremony is to contribute to the Japanese cultural society with the moral
values obtained in the tea room. The Japanese tea ceremony further
represents purity, harmony and respect.
Another objective could be to provide spiritual satisfaction through drinking
tea and eating sweets in a pleasant and spiritual-decorated room in motive of
the host to have a peaceful communication between the guest and host.
With the objective of Japanese tea ceremony, the mother wants her daughter
to gain moral values present in the cultural event. These values are discipline,
communication and good habits.
Anwar (2013) states that the tea ceremony explicit a full manner with
respects to the tea and utensils (Anwar, 2013, pg.2393). This implicates that
the Japanese tradition to make tea requires a lot of respect and discipline
involved in perfecting the ceremony. Discipline such as how to sit in the tea
room, with bended knees with a straight back portrays a well-mannered
culture in the tea room.

Figure 2: Represent the sitting posture in tea room

There are many ways discipline is portrayed in the tea room, another such
example could be after the tea is being prepared. The front of the tea bowl
will served facing the guest, this indicates the respect and humbleness to the
guest. This characteristic of discipline describes the importance of respect to
the guest when he/she is welcomed in tea room.
These disciplines in the tea room are regarded as a high mannered in the
Japanese traditional culture, and the mother wants her daughter to learn the
disciplines portrayed in tea room. These learning from drinking tea and the
way of sitting often implies basic discipline that could be used in the daily
-communication: osaki ne, ocha dogo, arigato kozaimaz, bowl at the end
-Good habits:
The good habits present in the Japanese tea culture does give both the host
and the guest valuable moral values. This could be represented when the
guest purifies his/her hands. The guest are required to wash the hands in the
traditional Japanese garden, as seen in the video. Washing hands indicates
the symbol of purity which is clean ourselves before entering into a tea room,
this also allows to maintain the values that represents in the tea room. This
good habit is traditional in the Japanese culture which provides spiritual
value and also importance of cleanliness which plays an important role in
daily lives.
Utensil, tissue paper( pg 5),

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