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Which started as their dream business, Meyi Lin

and Quint Cruz met in Beijing during Quint's on the
job training on the 6th of April 2018. Despite the
language barrier between the Chinese sweetheart
and the Filipino aspirant they both took the
challenges in life as two perfect souls ready to take
on the world. In 2019 they went all out and launched
QuinTEAssential on the busy streets of
Manila. Everything was well planned out from the
location, to the list of drinks all the way down to the
humorous name idea of the store that Meyi made
sure of .
It had been 6 months since QuinTEAssential's successful launch
which the store had received quite the head start as it piqued
people's curiosity with their sufficient range in variation and
comfy and spacious location that was perfect for an
afterschool hangout...

However the success of the store was rather short-lived as

devastating news came to surface. One evening, Quint was
rushed to the hospital after losing consciousness on his way
back from the market as part of his daily duties for the store.
In the process, he had hit his head on the ground which caused
him internal bleeding in the head. On that same night it was
confirmed that Quint had already been suffering from end
stage Leukemia or cancer of the blood. This heartbreaking
news completely shattered the bubble glass of their tiny happy
life Meyi created for the both of them.
As Quint's condition grew worse, so was their store as Meyi was
no longer able to fulfill her responsibilities with keeping the
store up and running. Each week that passed by was greeted
with a decline in sales until eventually it was clear that the store
has reached an impasse.

Upon careful assessment it was noted that the

customer's satisfaction has gone down through the months as
both owners weren't able to help supervise and
manage the store and their staff who were working students
around the University belt.

Stocks weren't properly replenished; the cleanliness went down

including the quality of their food. Sanitation now became a
problem as reports increased of customers complaining
of stomach issues. The store was starting to be known as a
diarrhea causing milk tea shop which spread like wildfire due to
word of mouth. This drastically reduced the store's foot traffic.

• Rebranding of QuinTEAssential
• Mini renovation
• A change of the store's employees
• A revamp of the drinks and food menu
• Addition of relevant promotions
Old Logo and Name New
New Logo
Logo and
and Name
Before After

Jut Su 43.00 Php
Sak Su 49.00 Php
Dak Su 54.00 Php
Super Dak Su 69.00 Php

Main Flavors
Mango – Chocolate – Ube
Menu Other flavors

Passion Fruit
Green Apple

Php 1.00 each Lumpiamo
Php 7.00 each
Ball Ball Ahn
3 Fishballs, 3 Squidballs
and 3 Chickenballs
Php 25.00

Red PVC Pan De Potsu

Tita Moody's Nachos Hotdog in a bread
Foot Long
Nachos with white cheese Php 15.00 each
Php 30.00 each
Php 45.00

Pancit Kan Tou Siopao Kan Tou Siomai Kan Tou

Spicy Samyang Mini Siopao (4pcs.) Pork/Beef Siomai (4pcs.)
Php 35.00 Php 40.00 Php 25.00
Leny: 44, Single, Sampaloc Manila
"Milk tea is one of my favorite drinks lately"


College professor, loves to go out with colleagues for

milk tea after work or alone before going to work.
Doesn't care about prices and loves to eat food
anytime anywhere because she doesn't really enjoy
the food available to her workplace. Into sweet and is


Eating healthier and avoiding sweets if possible.

Diana: 55, Married, Manila
"I, for one, have never really tasted this milk tea before but
it can't hurt to try right?"


Retired Finance advisor and is hearing about milk tea for the
first time. Milk tea has piqued her interest since it has
become so trendy and famous on social media.


Her interest in milk tea has led her to want to try different
milk tea shops since she has a lot of free time being an early
Hughie: 20, Single, Manila
"I've gone to so many milk tea shops and I just couldn't stop
this urge to find new spots and taste new flavors for my blog"


Hughie is a 2nd year college student in FEU Tech and an online

blogger, and he's recently moved in a condominium a couple
of weeks ago. He always writes his reviews or blogs on his
social media accounts when he visits a milk tea shop and he
became quite famous for that reason. He always research
about any milk tea spots that he hasn't gone through yet but
lately, he has been tired due to his studies and he wants try
something that could make him feel relax and comfortable
when drinking his favorite beverage.


Look for milk tea shops that are near his condominium.

Target Product:
Any nearby milk tea shops | Quality over Price
People who work in NGOs, Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Organizations, and Social Workers
the age range would be 18 to 50.

around UBelt area or Sampaloc and Quiapo Manila Area

They are office workers and social workers who wanted to help
others. That's what they do.

The taal volcano eruption is a hot topic. During the opening
hours, we want them to help the victims by buying our products.

We offer promos that could make them buy our products at the
same time helping the victims of Taal eruption.
Early Risers
College students and office workers

University belt area

Those who don’t have time to prepare food in the morning.

In the morning, we will offer a breakfast discount. The time is
at 4:00 am to 7:00 am only.

According to a research, some students skip their breakfast
because they are too busy or running late. We want to help
students and the working class with affordable food to fill up
their morning hunger and have a reason to keep coming back for
Hypebeast Teens
Trend followers
Around 13 to 30 years old

U-belt Area (Sampaloc/Quiapo)

Your typical social media flooder, always on the go to post things

After updating our brand name, we decided to have one week
promo where people can buy our products and post it on their
social media accounts. We will pick the best photo which will
receive a generous prize.

It is actually a win-win situation. Trendy people will surely buy it
and will post it as advertisement. While they are doing that, our
store will get some attention that can hopefully snowball into
something big.
Location: UBelt Manila
Problem: Staff, tanga, bobo, inutil..
Solution: Sibak
Problem2: Name Quinteassential
Solution2: Change the Name [Kan Tou Tea]
Promos/pakulo para mabenta/ideas
*Tea'al for Taal
*Students can print their homework if buy Milk Tea (50% discount Print)
*Jumbo Milk Tea (Super Dak Su)'
*Morning Discount (Breakfast Discount) -
Pancake (Flatland)

*Free Delivery around the Area

*Palugi muna sa una
*Yung price nasa labas, para alam na agad ng customer
*Ube Tea (Ube Passport or QRCode)
*Dry Ice Milk Tea (Tea'al)

Jut Su (Small) Asian Size
Sak Su (Regular) Normal Size
Dak Su (Large) Caucasian Size
Super Dak Su (Jumbo) African Size

Fish, squid, chicken balls – Fish(
Kwek-kwek - Viet Log (Vietnames style)
Lumpia - Lumpiamo
Kikiam - Kikimo
Foot long/hotdog - Red PVC
Nachos – Tita Moody's Nachos
Pancit Canton Spicy – Pansit Kan Tou

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