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Hou, Justin Matthew C.

The True Cost/The Story of Stuff Reflection Paper

After watching both videos, the main similarity that I can draw from the two is that they talk
about the true cost of the things we consume is not actually just the monetary amount we pay
for it, but is paid in the very finite amount of resources we have on our planet. If I were to
compare the two videos, ​The Story of Stuff ​is a general overview of issues such as
consumerism and capitalism, while ​The True Cost is a deeper look into these issues, focusing
on how the fast fashion industry contributes to these issues and calling it out on the many ways
it is degrading the physical and human conditions of our world.

Personally, I agree with the main argument of the two videos because I see this phenomenon
happening around me. I have lived in a third world country my entire life, and while I am
extremely blessed to have a secure lifestyle, I always hear and see things on the local news
about how workers are protesting for higher minimum wages and better working conditions, and
things such as the environment suffering from things caused by human activity.

Since this paper is intended for a Management class, we must also look at this issue at a
management perspective. As evident in both videos, there is clearly a hierarchy of command
and influence when it comes down to the system that runs our economy. That is why, as
business students, the value of knowing this information is so that we can adapt and improve
our way of running businesses starting now. As early as now, we should be able to integrate this
awareness into the early stages of planning anything. From something as simple as recycling
our own trash to coming up with new business ideas, proper care for our planet’s resources will
go a long way for our future. After all, this is part of the RVR-COB Code of Ethics. By increasing
the value of this awareness, this is how we will be able to lead people and manage resources
that will promote human development. The result of this effort will benefit the common good and
will eventually create value that no individual can create alone-- as this effort should be one that
is generational and cultural.

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