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Date : May 1, 2019

Aim: To learn and study about the shelter homes by referring juvenile justice act 2015

S. No, Activity Objective

1. In juvenile justice act read about pre- To have a understanding about shelter
requisites of shelter homes. homes.

Process: Did a research work about the pre –requirements of shelter homes by referring
juvenile justice act 2015 and the draft uttar Pradesh juvenile justice act 2018.

Observation: observed various requirements for the establishment of the shelter homes.

Learning Outcomes: learned what are the basic needs of the shelter homes and the basic
requirements of the shelter homes.

Future Work: will visit shelter homes to observe whether they lack any requirement which
shall be provided by the shelter homes.

Date : May 2, 2019

Aim: To search all the schemes run by government of india and UP for the welfare of women
and children.

S. No, Activity Objective

1. Search schemes for the welfare of To have a understanding about the
women and children. various schemes and what are their
goals and benefits.

Process: Did a research work in searching all the schemes of government of india.

Observation: observed various schemes for the welfare of women and children.

Learning Outcomes: learned about the schemes, their objectives, benefits, who are the
beneficiary of the scheme and their essential features.

Future Work: will see and observe where those schemes can be applied and whether the
beneficiaries are getting the benefits of the schemes or not.

Date : May 3, 2019

Aim: To read the full case of ‘Subramanium Swamy V. Raju’

S. No, Activity Objective

1. Critically analyze the case. To have a understanding about the case
and the constitutional validity of the
case, etc.

Process: Did a research work by reading the full case and read about the judgment.

Observation: observed the constitutional validity, the sections applied, implementation of

the juvenile justice act, etc.

Learning Outcomes: learned about facts, issues, the arguments given in the case and the
decision given by the judges.

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