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Popular Agile Gurú, Jim Highsmith
- ability to create and respond to change
in order to profit (PRODUCIR GANANCIAS)
in a turbulent business environment

- need of adaptability
- need to be cutting edge (VANGUARDISTA)
- shrinking the time of market of products
- innovation from customer end
- quick testing, less experimentation,
- VALUE of the product is at DELIVERABLE POINT but planification
- adaptive method instead predictive one (talking about development)

When changes are rapidly, adaptability is required in project management

Agile can be used at ANY kind of project



1. Customer Satisfaction, the highest priority of PM using Agile

- early deliverable
- continuous deliverable
- valuable deliverable/software
2. Welcome changing requirements
Take advantage of changes
the PM must be adaptive to those changes
instead to follow antique, outdated data that were predicted
For a shorter timescale
Main principle of Agile -> WORKING SOFTWARE
and increments throughout lifecycle
4. Business People/Customers and Developers MUST
- work together
- DAILY throughout the project
- Customers are collaborators
5. Work with motivated individuals
- Set environment
- Set support
- TRUST them to get the job done
(Agile believes:
key part/actors of the project are the PEOPLE, better to take care of
6. Face to Face communication
Must efficient and effective method of conveying (transmitir/comunicar)
information within development team
7. Working Software
- Primary measure of progress
- instead goals predicted
8. Sustainable Development (que tenga bases para realizarse asi como los medios)
by collaborators (sponsors, developers, customers, analytics, business,
9. Technical Excellence, continuous attention
With a good design
- Continuous integration
- Refactoring
- Re-architecture
10. Simplicity
The art of maximizing the amount of work not being done
Keeping things as simple as possible is a great ethic to streamline your
Use small features
Focusing on client value
11. The best comes from self-organization team
People is the key
12. Regular introspective of how to deliver more effective products
And adjust itself

How Agile differ from traditional methods?

Based on predicted results
Everything is clearly defined
Estimated accurately
(Such projects are dwindling)
Predictable domain
Linear management
Marked with unpredicted and volatility
Change is its mindset
Focusing in business value than methods
Emphasis on people
Suited to unpredictable or exploratory domains
Process style is iterative
Low upfront planning (casi ni se planea)
Decentralized management
Iterative manner (per Sprint)
Highest Business values are completed first


Methods used in Agile

Started in 1990-2000
Adhere to Agile Manifesto

- Lean Kanban Dev

Deliver best results (TO PRODUCE VALUABLE RESULTS) based on:
resources, needs and alternatives, REDUCING waste.
Creating a visual incremental evolutionary process management system
- Extreme Programming (XP)
Keep the cost of changing software avoiding the time incrementation
- incremental development
- flexibility schedules
- automated test codes
- Communication
- Feedback
- Simplicity
- Courage
Prescribes, practices of (listed) to achieve best (effective and efficient)
- Coding
- Development
- Business
- Customer
- Developer
- Tracker
- Coach
- Practices
- Events
- Artifacts
(all for an effective and efficient development)
Well defined for engineering practices
- Crystal Method
Easy to adapt (adjust to requirements and specifications)
Processes are updated to adjust to requirements but fix
4 Roles
- Executive sponsor
- Lead Designer
- Developers
- Experienced Users
Cycle consists of chartering:
- Delivery cycle
- Wrap-up
-Dynamic Systems Development methods - DSDM
MoSCoWo (Most, Should, Could, Wont)
Se enfoca en términos de costo y tiempo
6 fases:
- pre-proyecto
- viabilidad
- fundamentos
- exploración e ingeniería
- desplazamiento y evaluación de beneficios
-Desarrollo orientado a funcionalidades - FDD
Pequeños entregables valorados por el cliente
(Divide and conquer, breaking it down on functional pieces to be deliverable)
en menos de 2 semanas
Desarrollo de Software:
- Actividad Humana
- Funcionalidad valorada por el cliente
-Desarrollo guiado por pruebas (TDD)
Redactar primero los códigos de prueba para continuar con la sig. fase
- ATDD (Aceptance), to be accepted and integrate
- DTDD (Developer), to test own functionality
-Desarrollo Adaptativo (ASD)
Desarrollo iterativo e incremental
Constant adaptation of processes
No existen riesgos y se ve lo que sucederá
Feature based and target Driven
Speculation = First phase, rather than planning
-Proceso Unificado Agil (AUP Agile Unified Process)
Evolucionado de Proceso Unificado de Rational (RUP)
Mixing technologies to deliver a best product
Combinación de métodos para brindar un producto funcional con calidad
-Diseño guiado por dominio (DDD)
implementación vinculada con el modelo evolutivo
Manager considerations:
- RiskDriven
Desarrollo impulsado por el riesgo
- ChangeTolerant
Tolerancia al cambio

Collaborative effort to create the product in a Vision Statement
Projects impacted by:
- Time
- Cost
- Scope
- Qualitiy
- Resources
- Organization capabilites

A project SHALL provide a real business benefit for the organization

What Scrum is?

- Project Agile methodology
- Iterative, Facts, Changes...
- Para todo tipo de desarrollo de proyectos
- Es mejor (framework de administración de proyectos) por:
* Interactua entre todos los componentes/roles
* Es auto organizado
* Se mejora a sí mismo
* Se entrega en Sprints (entregables cortos de avance del proyecto)
Periodos cortos de tiempo para entregar trabajo terminado
- Se define un plan de acción y se acata
* el análisis se realiza al final del SPRINT
* que puede durar entre 2 a 6 semanas
* y se realiza una integración diario entre el equipo para ver
Qué hicieron?
Cuál es el siguiente paso?
- Los entregables se validan por el Product Owner antes de entregarlos al
* al final de cada SPRINT
* El product Owner valida con respecto a los requerimientos del client
* Se enfoca más en el cliente
- Pasos generales:
* Caso del Negocio - Business Case
* Visión del Proyecto - Vision Statement
* Lista de pendientes - Product Backlog
(Cronograma de actividades) - Release Planning Schedule
* Lista de pendientes (SPRINT) - SPRINT Backlog
Implementación / Desarrollo - Create deliverables
Scrum meeting ******* TO PLAN AND ADAPT *******
DAILY - SPRING Review meeting
Entregables aceptados por el cliente - Accepted Deliverables
Se encarga el ProductOwner
(Repetir SPRINT y actualizar Lista de Pendientes)
* Release to client
- Características
* Metodología Ágil Popular
* Adpatativo e Iterativo
* Transparencia y Comunicación
* Collaborative participation
* Supports all projects
* Se basa en Caso de Uso - Historias de Usuarios
Se enfoca en las personas
Se enfoca en el cliente que participa demasiado en el proyecto, por ser
Documentación mínima y se enfoca más en los entregables
Desarrollo iterativo
Adaptativo según los requisitos
Auto-organizado y descentralizado
Liderazgo COLABORATIVO y servicial
El progreso se mide según el aporte del negocio
Los frutos se ven conforme avanza el proyecto

6 Principles Guidelines mandatory in each project

- Empirical Process Control
Transparency, Inspection, Adaptation
- Self-organization
Focuses on workers
- Collaboration
Collaborative work
- Value-based Prioritization
Awareness, Articulation, Appropiation
Focused on value-creation, máximo valor en el negocio
- Time-boxing
Time = constraint in any project
Definir el tiempo es importante y así como respetarlo
Sprints, Daily Stand ups, Sprint planning, Sprint Review
- Iterative Development
Retrospectives and evaluation of deliverables

5 Aspects
Business Justification
5 Processes
Init of roles, tasks, deliverables
Planing and scheduling, prioritize

A project is a collaborative enterprise to either create new products or
services or to deliver results as defined in the Project Vision Statement. Projects
are usually impacted by constraints of time, cost, scope, quality, people and
organizational capabilities.


The Scrum cycle begins with a Stakeholder Meeting, during which the Project
Vision is created. The Product Owner then develops a Prioritized Product Backlog
which contains a prioritized list of business and project requirements written in
the form of User Stories.

Scrum believes that employees are self-motivated and seek to accept greater
responsibility. So, they deliver much greater value when self-organized.

SPRINT MEETING RESULTS = Retrospect Sprint Meeting

The Retrospect Sprint Meeting is Time-boxed to 4 hours for a one-month Sprint
and conducted as part of the Retrospect Sprint process. During this meeting, the
Scrum Team gets together to review and reflect on the previous Sprint in terms of
the processes followed, tools employed, collaboration and communication mechanisms,
and other aspects relevant to the project. The team discusses what went well during
the previous Sprint and what did not go well, the goal being to learn and make
improvements in the Sprints to follow. Some improvement opportunities or best
practices from this meeting could also be updated as part of the Scrum Guidance
Body documents.

The Scrum framework is driven by the goal of delivering maximum business
value in a minimum time span. One of the most effective tools for delivering the
greatest value in the shortest amount of time is prioritization. Prioritization can
be defined as determination of the order and separation of what must be done now,
from what needs to be done later. The concept of prioritization is not new to
project management. The traditional Waterfall model of project management proposes
using multiple task prioritization tools. From the Project Manager’s point of view,
prioritization is integral because certain tasks must be accomplished first to
expedite the development process and achieve the project goals. Some of the
traditional techniques of task prioritization include setting deadlines for
delegated tasks and using prioritization matrices.


CORE Roles
Involved to produce
NonCORE Roles


Review important Terms and Concepts for this Knowledge Area

Term Concept
1. Adaptación Adaptación sucede cuando el Equipo Principal de scrum (Scrum Team
Central) y el/los stakeholder (s)aprende(n) a través de la transparencia e
inspection y luego se adaptan a lo aprendido para mejorar el trabajo.
2. Auto-organización Scrum cree que los empleados son auto-motivados y desean
una mayor responsabilidad. Por lo tanto, los empleados ofrecen mucho más valor
cuando se organizan por cuenta propia.
3. Boxeo Tiempo Bloque de Tiempo se refiere al ajuste de periodos cortos de
tiempo para el trabajo por hacer.Si el trabajo realizado está incompleto al final
del Bloque de Tiempo, se mueve al Bloque de Tiempo posterior. Bloque de Tiempo
proporciona la estructura necesaria para los proyectos Scrum que tienen un elemento
de incertidumbre, que son dinámicos por naturaleza y son propensos a cambios
4. Cliente El Cliente es un individuo o la organización que adquiere el producto
del proyecto, servicio, o cualquier otro resultado.Para cualquier organización,
dependiendo del proyecto, no puede haber dos clientes internos (es decir, dentro de
la misma organización) o clientes externos (es decir, fuera de la organización).
5. Colaboración Colaboración en se refiere al trabajo e interconexión entre el
scrum core team de y los stakeholder para crear y validar los resultados del
proyecto y cumplir con los objetivos planteados en el Proyecto Visión .
Colaboración se produce cuando los equipos trabajan en conjunto para aprender de
los demás y aprovechar este conocimiendo para luego producir algo más grande.
6. Control de Calidad Control de Calidad se refiere a la ejecución de las
actividades de calidad previstas por el Scrum Team en el proceso de creación de
Entregables que potencialmente se pueden mandar.También incluye el aprendizaje de
cada conjunto de actividades realizado con el fin de lograr un mejora continua.
7. Control del Proceso Empírico Elmodelo Control del Proceso Empírico ayuda a
tomar decisiones basadas en la observación y la experimentación, más que en la
planificación inicial detallada.Se basa en las tres ideas principales de
transparencia, inspección y adaptación.
8. Entrega Iterativa Entrega Iterativa es la entrega gradual de valor al cliente
9. Inspección Inspección se refiere a la vigilancia necesaria para seguir
control de proceso empírico, para asegurar que los producto s entregables del
proyecto se ajusten a los requisitos.
10. Justificación de Negocio Justificación de Negocio demuestra las razones para
emprender un proyecto .Responde a la pregunta "¿Por qué es necesario este project?
Justificación de Negocio impulsa todas las decisiones relacionadas con un proyecto
11. Prioritización Prioritización se puede definir como la determinación del
orden de las cosas y separar lo que se hará ahora, de lo que se puede hacer más
12. Ritmo Sostenible Ritmo Sostenible es el ritmo en el que el equipo puede
trabajar cómodamente.Esto se traduce en una mayor satisfacción de los empleados, la
estabilidad y aumento de la precisión de la estimación, todo lo cual en última
instancia conduce a una mayorsatisfacción del cliente.
13. Transparencia La transparencia permite que todas las facetas de cualquier
proceso de Scrum puedan ser observadas por cualquier persona. Compartir toda la
información conduce a un entorno de alta confianza.

Review important Terms and Concepts for this Knowledge Area

Term Concept
1. Colocación Colocation es tener todos los miembros del equipo Scrum situados
en el mismo lugar de trabajo aprovechando las ventajas de una mejor coordinación,
resolución de problemas, intercambio de conocimientos y el aprendizaje.
2. Cuerpo de Asesoramiento de Scrum Cuerpo de Asesoramiento de Scrum (SGB) es una
función opcional.Por lo general, se compone de un grupo de documentos y/o un grupo
de expertos que normalmente están envueltos en la definición de objetivos
relacionados con la calidad, las regulaciones gubernamentales, la seguridad y otros
parámetros claves de la organización.
3. Etapa de Formación Etapa de Formación es la primera etapa de la formación del
equipo, a menudo considerado un escenario divertido porque todo es nuevo y el
equipo aún no ha encontrado alguna dificultad con el proyecto.
4. Etapa de Normas La tercera etapa de la formación del equipo es cuando el
equipo comienza a madurar, resolver sus diferencias internas, y encontrar
soluciones para trabajar juntos. Se considera un período de ajuste.
5. Etapa de Realización La etapa final de la formación de equipo cuando el equipo
está más unido y opera a su nivel más alto en términos de rendimiento.Los miembros
se han convertido en un equipo eficiente de profesionales que son consistentemente
6. Etapa storming Etapa storming es la segunda etapa de la formación del equipo,
donde el equipo comienza a tratar de cumplir con el trabajo.Sin embargo, las luchas
porel poder pueden ocurrir resultando en caos o confusión entre los miembros del
7. Líder Servicial Los Líder Servicial escuchan, sienten empatía y compromiso,
crean una visión, comparten el poder y la autoridad con los miembros del equipo.
Líder Servicial ayudana que se logren buenos resultados, centrándose en las
necesidades del equipo.Este estilo es la realización de lafunción Scrum Master
8. núcleo papeles Funciones de núcleo son los papeles que obligatoriamente se
requieren para producir el productoo del proyecto, están comprometidos con el
proyecto, y en última instancia son los responsables del éxito de cada Sprint
dentro del proyecto y del proyecto en su totalidad.
9. Patrocinador El patrocinador (patrocinador) es la persona o la organización
que provee recursos y apoyo para el proyecto. El patrocinador es también el tenedor
de apuestas a quien todos le rinden cuentas.
10. Plan de Colaboración La colaboración es un elemento muy importante en el
Scrum y el Plan de colaboración describe cómo los diversos tomadores de decisiones,
actores y miembros del equipo participar y colaboran con los demás.
11. Portafolio del Product Owner La Cartera propietario del producto define los
objetivos y las prioridades estratégicas para la cartera.
12. Portafolio del Scrum Master El Cartera Scrum Master resuelve los
problemas,remueveimpediments,facilita y lleva a cabo reuniones paraelcartera.
13. Product Owner El Product Owner la persona responsable de maximizar el valor del
negocio para el proyecto. Él o ella es responsable de articular los requisitos de
los cliente sy de mantenerbusiness justification para el proyecto.
14. Product Owner del Programa El Dueño del Producto del Programa define los
objetivos estratégicos y las prioridades del programa.
15. Programa Un programa es un grupo de proyectos relacionados con el objetivo
de entregar resultados de negocio definidos en Declaración del Programa Visión El
Prioritized Program Backlog incorpora el atraso programa priorizado para todos los
projects del programa.
16. Rol no Esencial No-Funciones de núcleo son aquellos papeles que no son
obligatoriamente necesarios para el Scrum proyecto .Pueden incluir miembros del
equipo que están interesados en el proyecto,pero que no tienen ninguna función
oficial en el equipo del proyecto o. Pueden interactuar con el equipo, pero tal vez
no sean responsables del éxito del proyecto.
17. Scrum Master El Scrum Master es uno de los papeles de Equipo Principal de
Scrum.Él o ella facilita la creación de entregables del proyecto, gestiona riesgos,
cambios e impedimentos durante Conducta diario Standup, Mirada retrospectiva Sprint
y otros procesos de Scrum.
18. Scrum Master del Programa El Scrum Master del Programa resuelve los problemas,
remueve impedimentos, facilita, y lleva a cabo reuniones para el programa.
19. Scrum Team Scrum Team e s uno de los roles del Scrum Core Team roles (Scrum
central Team).El Equipo Principal de Scrum trabaja en la creación de los
entregables del proyecto y contribuye a la realización de valor de negocio para
todos losstakeholdersy el producto.
20. Stakeholder(s) Stakeholder(s) es un término colectivo que incluye
clientes, los usuarios y patrocinadores que frecuentemente interactuan con el
Product Owner, Scrum Master y Scrum Team para proveer entradas y facilitar la
creación de producto del proyecto, servicio, u otros resultados.
21. Usuario Los usuarios son los individuos o la organización que utiliza
directamente el producto del proyecto, servicio u otros resultados. Al igual que
clientes, para cualquier organización, pueden haber tanto usuarios internos como
externos. En algunos casos, los cliente sy los usuarios pueden ser los mismos.
22. Vendedor Los Vendedor incluyen a individuos u organizaciones externas que
ofrecen proyectos y servicios que no están dentro de las competencias básicas de la
organización del proyecto.
23. Voz del Cliente Voz del Cliente (VOC)se puede denominar como los requisitos
explícitos e implícitos delcustomer, que deben ser entendidos antes del diseño de
un producto servicio.El Producto Propietario representa la voz del client.


==============Fases del Proyecto de SCRUM



Aplicable a cualquier proyecto
Productos, Servicios o cualquier producto que se entregue al Stakeholder
(personas(s) interesadas)
Process of Initial phase:

- Create Project Vision, base of inspiration, here the Product Owner is

- Identify, SCRUM Master and Stakeholders by specific selection
- Form SCRUM Team, to build the product/service, selection done by
Product Owner with collaboration of SCRUM Master
- Develop Epics (similar al UseCase), Project Vision Statement is the
base and Group meetings
- Create Prioritize Backlog, Epics are refined and prioritized to
create Backlog. Done criteria is established
- Conduct Release Planning, Delivering scheduled and shared with Scream
Core Team. Length of Spring is determined

- Create Project Vision, base of inspiration, here the Product Owner is
Input: Project Business Case, to start the project, verbal or
* substantial information on the backgroud of the project
* business purpose and desired outcomes
* FODA y GAP reports
(¿Qué es el FODA -SWOT- estrategico? El plan estratégico
les permite a las empresas conocer su estado o situación actual, conocer sus
fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas (FODA))
* List of identified risks
* Estimations of Time, Effort and Cost
When Project Business Case is presented to stakeholders and
sponsors, then the Project commences.
Stakeholders, understand the business benefits
Sponsors, confirm they will provide the financial resources
Tool used = Project Vision Meeting, with: Stakeholders, Product
Owner, Scrum Master, Chief Product Owner
helps to identify business requirements, business
context, expectations of the stakeholder to develop effective Project Vision
==============SCRUM believes in closely engaging business representatives to
deliver a good product==============
Output: Identify Product Owner and Project Vision Statement
Product Owner, responsible for
maximum business value for the project
articulating customer requirements
keep business justification of the project
each ScrumTeam have a ProductOwner
manages the sections of the prioritized
writes UserStories, manages and grooms ProductBacklog
====================IDENTIFIES THE SCRUMMASTER====================
Project Vision Statement,
well-structured and explains te business need to
cover rather than how to implement
always room for flexibility, because:
====================The Project Vision should focus on the Problem rather than the
- Identify, SCRUM Master and Stakeholders by specific selection
Input: ProductOwner, ProjectVisionStatement
Tool used = Selection criteria (of: )
Scrum Master, Stakeholders, Preconditions to define the
team members and roles
- SCRUM Master, Selection criteria: (Facilitator and
Servant Leader)
Problem-solving skills, to help remove any
impediments for scrum team
Availability, schedule, oversee, all for meetings
====================Commitment, to ensure that the scrum team is provided with a
conducive work environment, to ensure success delivery====================
Servant Leadership style, to help others
Identified by ProductOwner
====================(guides, facilitates and teaches everyone, clears impediments,
ensures Scrum process are followed)====================
- Stakeholder, customers, users, sponsors
influence throughout the product development process.
for them, the project produces the collaborative
Output: Identify SCRUM Master and Stakeholders
(ScrumTeam is a cross-functional team members, who carry out all
the work involved in develop, test, quality assurance -garantía de calidad-...
identified by ProductOwner in consultation with
- Form SCRUM Team, to build the product/service, selection done by
Product Owner with collaboration of SCRUM Master
(Scrum Team is the core of Scrum project, are
generalists/specialists they have knowledge in various fields and are experts in at
least one, their skills determine the success of self-organizing teams)
Input: ScrumMaster, ProductOwner, ProjectVisionStatement
Tools used = Scrum Team selection, Identified Scrum Team, Release
Prioritization methods
- Scrum Team Selection,
- Identified Scrum Team
ideal members are: Independent, Self-Motivated,
Customer-Focused, Responsible and Collaborative
responsible for: Understanding business requirements
(specified ProductOwner), Estimating user stories, Create project deliverables
====================Scrum realiza toma de decisiones con base a la información
proporcionada en vez de algo ya planeado de forma especifica
====================entonces, Release planning meeting se basan en algo general en
vez de algo detallado====================
- Release Prioritization methods, used to develop a release
plan, specified by industry
Output - Release Planning scheduled and Length of
Sprint (1 to 6 weeks, scrum is 4 weeks)
states de deliverables to be released to
the customers
Al final de cada sprint, es posible que
estos sean sin entregables al cliente
- Develop Epics (similar al UseCase), Project Vision Statement is the
base and Group meetings
Input: Scrum Core (Scrum Team, Scrum Master, Product Owner,
described in section 3.3.1)
and ProjectVisionStatement described in section 8.13.2
Tools used = User Group Meetings (involve relevant stakeholders:
primarily users or customers)
Relevant stakeholders, provide firsthand
information to scrum team about expectations. like:
Acceptance criteria, valuable insights
for developing epics, promotes buy-in for the project and create a common
understanding among Scrum Core and Stakeholders
Output: Epics and Personas
Epics, written in the initial stages, UC in high-
level functionality, descriptions and requirements broadly defined
, are UseCase, large and unrefined in Product
, then They are broken down in smaller and
granular UserCases (small, short, easy to implement, block of tasks to complete in
Personas/Roles of Users, detailed fictional and
representativ of the majority of users
, helps to understand requirements and goals
and how to prioritize the backlog
- Create Prioritize Backlog, Epics are refined and prioritized to
create Backlog. Done criteria is established
Input: Scrum core team (, Epics(,
Tools used = User Story Prioritization Methods
MoSCoW prioritization scheme,
Must have (debe) where the product has a real value
Should have (debería)
Could have (podría)
Won't have (no debe de) are nice to have but
necessary to be included
Paired comparison, where all Epics are in Backlog and then
compared each other, one at a time
100-Point method, each UserCase has its value (0-100) and
then sets them in the Prioritization Backlog
Output: Prioritized Backlog, Done Criteria
- Prioritized Backlog (list of business and requirements),
developed by the product owner, written in the form of Epics
based on three primary factors:
* Value
* Risk or Uncertainty (list based on risk then it's
named as Risk Adjusted Product Backlog)
* Dependencies
How do the factors affect the Product Backlog?
Value, Product Owner ensures to provide the
highest level of the business value first.
Risks, "the more uncertainty exists, the
riskier the project is",
more risker the task is, more priority
more higher level, more mitigation
more mitigation actions on high level,
the name is Risk Adjusted Product Backlog
Dependencies, in UC, requirements for each UC
depend on other's UC's functional requirements
Functional requirements often depend on
other functional and even non-functional requirements
Ways to resolve dependencies:
Split a single story
Combine interdependent stories
- Done Criteria: Set of rules to fulfill all UC, removes
ambiguity to keep quality norms
It's a clear definition of ruls and it's part
of Prioritized Product Backlog
- Conduct Release Planning, Delivering scheduled and shared with Scream
Core Team. Length of Spring is determined
Input: Scrum Core Team (section, Stakeholders (,
Project visión Statement (, Prioritized Product Backlog (, Done
Criteria (
Tools used = Release Planning Session, Release Prioritization
* Release Planning Session, defines when various sets of
usable functionality or product will be delivered to the customer
By Scrum, this enables to have an overview of the releases
and delivery schedule and Scrum Core team can be aligned to Stakeholder's
(Primarily Project sponsor's) expectations
* Release Prioritization Methods, used to develop a release
plan. Are Industry and organization specific
Output: Release Planning Schedule, Length of Sprint
* Release Planning Schedule, states which deliverables are
to be release to the customers
Scrum framework promotes information based, iterative
decision making over the detailed upfront planning practiced in traditional
waterfall style project managemen.
Release planning sessions do not produce a detailed
Release Plan for the entire project
Release plan can be updatable continually as relevant
information is available
Could not be a release at the end of any sprint
iteration, a release can be after a group of sprint iterations completed
================* Length of Sprint, based on business requirements and Release
schedule, from 1 to 6, recommended to get maximum benefits from Scrum is 4 weeks
and remains the same throughout the project================

Estimation Tool: Estimation Poker or Planning poker (from wideband Delphi).

Uses Fibonacci series to estimate user stories
Defines the estimation of UserStories and what has to be done to
accomplish the activity (activities required to deliver)
UserStroy (UC) 's estimation is an essential aspect of SCRUM
Therefore a benchmark is required to set the estimation level
========in SCRUM, theres's no Expert deciding the estimation, estimations are done
by the whole team, nobody is perfect========
they have to convince each other (the highest and lowest) the reason of
their estimation

* Create UC (User Stories)
* Estimate UC and Commit UC
* Identify tasks
* Estimate tasks
* Create Sprint Backlog

Applicable to: Portafolio, Programs, Project in any industry, Products,

Services, any Result to be delivered to Stakeholder
These processes can be combined and work either sequentially/isolation
or not
And depend on specific requirement of each project

* Create UC (User Stories), their associated Acceptance UC criteria are

Written by the Product Owner,
specifying the user's requirements to be fully understood
by customer
there's meeting of team member to define the UC
Each UC is incorporated in the Prioritized Product Backlog
Inputs: Scrum core team, Prioritized Product Backlog, Done
criteria and Personas
Scrum Team,
named as Development Team to estimate UC and deliver
the Product
are cross-functional, self-organizing, defines work
committed to work and the best work to perform the work
carries out all the work related to development,
testing of Deliverables and Quality assurance
Prioritized Producto Backlog,
List of Business and Project REQUIREMENTS
written in the form of Epics = High Level of UC
based on three primary factors:
* Value
* Risk or Uncertainty (list based on risk then it's
named as Risk Adjusted Product Backlog)
* Dependencies
Also encompasses all Approved Changes
Done Criteria,
Set of rules that are applicable to all UC
Removes ambiguity from requirements
================UC is done when Product Owner judges with: Done Criteria and
Acceptance Criteria================
highly detailed fictional character
created to identify the need of the target
ProductOwner could use personas to prioritize
features to create Product Backlog
Tools: User Story Writing Expertise
ProductOwner creates UC and will form Prioritized Product
Backlog based on Team, Expertise, Stakeholders
================Prioritized Product Backlog, represents the TOTAL SUM of what must
be completed for the project
COMMITTED TO BY TEAM ================
Outputs: UC (UserStories) and Acceptance Criteria of UC
UC, simple way to document requirement and end-user
functionality. Easy to understand statements
Enhances communication among stakeholders and
estimations by the team
====================Large UC (UserStories) = Epics ====================
(when an Epic appears, has to be splitted in smaller
Three things about requirement: Who, What, Why
Acceptance C, provide objectivity required for the UC to be
done or not during the sprint review
provide clarity of expectations in UC
removes ambiguity from requirements
aligns expectations
====================Scrum Master's responsibility is to ENSURE THAT THE PRODUCT
OWNER DOES NOT CHANGE IT====================
* Estimate UC, estimate the effort for each UC
Inputs: Scrum Core Team, UC
Tools: Estimation Methods
Wideband Delphi, group-based estimation technique, how much
work and how long
anonymously provide estimations
initial estimates are plotted on a chart
discusses the factors that influence their estimates
then comes the second round of estimation
repeat until the estimates are close to each
other and consensus of estimation is reached
Planning Poker (estimation poker), similar to Wideband and
focuses on consensus
estimates the size and effort to create each UC
Fist to Five, estimate and group consensus building
each member votes 1 to 5 using hand's fingers
and explains the reason of its vote (driving
1, disagree and major concerns
2, disagree and would like to discuss minor issues
3, not sure and goes with group's consensus
4, agrees but would like to discuss minor issues
5, wholeheartedly with group's conclusion
Affinity Estimation, quickly estimate a large number of UC
using notes on a board, in silence , then team
reviews and may move the stickers
then ProductOwner indicate some sizing categories in
the wall
categories can be Small, Medium, Large. Or by
and Team moves to a category
* Transparent
* Visible to everyone
* Easily to conduct
Outputs: Estimated UC, after all team agreed with
* Commit UC, cada elemento del equipo Scrum, se compromete a la entrega
de los requisitos
Inputs: Scrum core team, Estimated UC, Length of Sprint
Tools: Sprint Planning Meeting, Communication Technique
Meeting to Plan the work to be done in the Sprint
Team reviews estimations and committed to the product to be
delivered in the Sprint
Favors informal communication (face to face)
Scrum Master ensures the effective communication among the
so the Team can Self-organize, Collaborate and Work
Outputs: Committed UC
Team commits to subset of estimated UC
Committed UC should be selected by priorities defined by
Product Owner
========* Identify tasks, Estimate tasks, each UC is broken down in specific tasks
and compiled into Task List by Spring Planning Meeting========
Inputs: Scrum core team, Committed UC, Task Planning Meetings and
Task List
Tools: Spring Planning Meetings, where team plans work to be done
in Sprint, reviews committed UC at the top of Prioritized Product Backlog
Here is present the Product Owner to clear ambiguities of
UC in Prioritized Product Backlog
time boxes to 2hrs per week per Sprint iteration
Outputs: Task List
Contains all the tasks committed by team for the current
Contains description of each task
along with estimates
MUST contain, testing and integration efforts to
continue with the final result to deliver bigger than previous Sprint
level of granularity is defined by team
* Estimate Tasks, Core team uses Spring Planning Meeting to estimate
the effort required to accomplish each task in Task List
Inputs: Scrum core team and Task List
Tools: Sprint Planning Meetings, Estimation Criteria and
Estimation Methods
Meeting, once with Task list, team estimates the duration
and effort for UC to be completed in Sprint
Benefits of this technique =
Team has a shared perspective of UC and
(reliably) can estimate the effort required
Estimation Criteria, by: Story points and Ideal time
* Points, relative effort to complete tasks
* time, number of hours
Team works exclusively on developing project's
Easier to estimate effort
Evaluates and address inefficiencies when necessary
Depends on the team's skills
Estimation Methods,
Output: Effort Estimated Task List (result gathered from
meeting) and used to determine the velocity (speed) for the Sprint
List of tasks associated with Committed UC included in a
* Create Sprint Backlog, containing all tasks to be done in the Sprint
Inputs: Scrum Core Team, Effort Estimated Task List, Length of
Tools: Sprint Planning Meetings
=============== Each team member select from the List what task to do
Each Scrum member selects one activity ===============
Outputs: Team creates Sprint Backlog, Sprint Burndown chart
Sprint Backlog, List of task to be executed in the upcoming
Sprint and it's represented in a Scrum Board
depiction of status of UC in Backlog
Associated with the risk of various tasks
NOOO NEW UC, unless one it's missed then may need to
be added
Burndown chart, graph to depict the amount of work
remaining in the on-going Sprint
shows the incorrect estimation and the progress of
the team
in case is not on track:
====================(Epic represents the original idea often closely related to a
particular outcome. The user stories associated with that epic represent the
various aspects of the solution you need to deliver, or the options you have for
satisfying that need.)

work in synch (as items of the clock machine), ensure the communication mechanism
work in parallel
uniformity is critical with respect to deadlines
communication mechanism
inherent transparency
====Underestimate is WRONG
What is Implementation all about?
====The Implement Phase is related to the execution of the tasks and ACTIVITIES to
create the project's product====
- Creating deliverables
Team Works on the tasks in Spring Backlog to create Deliverables
Scrum Board (to show status of UC in Backlog): ToDo, In Progress,
Testing, Done
Team uses it to plan and track progress
Preferably be maintained manually or paper or white board, but
can be electronically
ST should change as required
Provides visual information and control about the work going on
as agreed and committed by the team
Impediments, Risk HAVE TO be identified / included (Risk Manager =
+ mitigating activities shall be included in Backlog
is any hindrance or hurdle that reduces the productivity
The failure to identify them could be VERY COSTLY
External Impediments (license or missing documentation) or
Internal (...)
Impediments SHALL be listed in the impediment log
New UC should not be added (although by Product Owner)
ABOUT THEM====================
Inputs: SCT, Backlog (list of tasks to be executed), Scrum Board
Tools: Team Expertise
ST, has the authority and responsibility to determine the best
means to convert
from Backlog into finished Products by their-selfs
Outputs: Sprint Deliverables (product progress/increment or product
deliverable), Updated Scrum Board
Deliverables, possess all features defined in UC, included in
sprint and tested successfully
ScrumBoard, wiped off at the end of any sprint

- Standup meetings
forum of Team to update each other of their progress and any
impediments that maybe facing
is timeboxed (15min)
conducted every day
Inputs: ST, Spring Burndown chart
ST, responsible for
* understanding the business requirements specified by the
Product Owner
* estimate UC, decides the amount of work to commit to in a
sprint, and
* final creation of the project deliverables, determines
the best way to perform the work
ST, are cross-functional and self organizing
ST, carry out all the work involved in creating potentially
SHIPPABLE deliverables
(development, testing and quality assurance)
============Is the responsibility of the Product Owner to identify the ST
(often in consultation with the SM)
SM, is:
* servan leader
* facilitator
* ensures to provide the environment conducive to complete
the project
* guides
* facilitates
* teaches
(to everyone involved)
* clears impediments for the team
* Scrum process are followed
Spring Burnup chart, depicts the amount of work remaning in the
ongoing sprint
should be updated at the end of each day
helps to realize if a member of the team is not on track
and identify how to success accomplish or completion
Spring Burndown chart, depicts the work completed in the ongoing
Impediment log, hurdle that reduces the productivity of ST
must be identified, resolved, and removed to keep working
internal (workflow or lack of communication) or external
Tools: Daily Standup Meeting
time-boxed to 15mins, IS SHORT
members report the progress and plan the day's activities
is NOT cancelled or delayed
discussions happen after the meeting
* What I did yesterday?
* What will I complete today?
* Blockers/impediments facing?
Status of the whole team
Outputs: Updated Spring Burndown chart (remaining and updated at the
end of each day), Spring Burnup Chart (completed), Impediment log
- Grooming (preparación y ajuste de tareas)
Product Backlog continuously updated and maintained
and a meeting is held (Product Backlog REVIEW meeting)
Inputs:SCT, Prioritized Product Backlog
tasks' factors: Value, Risk, Dependencies
Outputs: Identification of Product Owner
responsible for achieving maximum business value of the project
the voice of the customer



Since the expertise empowers them to make decisions collectively

works in Iterations to allow the business the flexibility to change the
and let the developer to deliver the working piece of the product
Scrum comes from Rugby where the team work together in the chaotic environment to
keep control of the ball

- is a FRAMEWORK for developing and sustaining COMPLEX products
is Framework where you can use many processes and techniques
- empirical process control theory
evidence from the past to be reusable
- 3 principals
Transparency, trust between team members, understanding of requirements.
Being Open and Honest in the team
Done is DONE, nothing else to do
Fully tested and
Matches original design (acceptance criteria)
Inspection, check of progress,
Adaptation, improvements, practices, sticking the values, communication
(consistently INSPECT and ADAPT)

- Backlog, Features and Acceptance criteria (decided by the business)
- (subset) Sprint Backlog, work into the iteration time
length of Sprint is less than 30 days
- Daily scrum meeting


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