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LL04; 17 June 2015:.

Security Sector Reform was a major problem- "Everyone has a piece of the pie but no coherence"

(i) Italians - Justice

(ii) French -Constitution
(iii) US- Military
(iv) Germans- Police
(v) Japanese- DDR
(vi) UK- CN

Each lead nation left to determine how to approach things- each changed freq uent ly.

Even if things lined up with the lead nation none of them moving at same pace
Italians and justice particularly slow but growing frustrations with UK approach to CN

Also inherent tensions- recognize need for LT strategy but operating within 2 year congressional cycle

2002/3 Poppy not on the agenda

Quick w ins
relatively peaceful
New government
Pending Presidential election
The rate of improvement was staggering but respondent realized it wasn't sustainable.
Unfortunately expectation in congress and at highest levels was momentu m should be sust ained and
there was a need to 'consolidate success' and 'that it needs to be done quickly due to Iraq "

In early 2004 the veneer suggested all going well

However, Hill started asking more questions about drugs and linking it to the insurgency. Intel
community quick to dispel this but link resonated with Hill.

At this point poppy started becoming an issue.

Plan Colombia wa s seen as a success, so it starts to be seen as part of the solution.
But it had very different conditions:
(i) Uribe was a credible leader and linked insurgency and drugs;
(ii) The Colombian military w as competent;
(iii) There was U.S. commitment, as the final product was going to the United States

(b )(6), (b )(7)(C) believed others

Alsofmptpip1 was replaced by This changed the demand on the CN effort. Aerial
spraying was seen as a route to "qu Aerial spraying seen as "demonstrable action" and
evidence of mon ey spent.

Lot of issues competing for time: "Taliban went from mere annoyance to security being an issue back~
front and centre" In 2006/07 Threat Finance Cell- linked crop to insurgency funding and "By 20071 5
spray planes were ready to go"

Spent a lot of time within USG trying to work out differences in approach
UK didn't agree on aerial and were working ba·ck channels briefing against the USG.

Believed Karzai didn't agree with aerial spraying in principal but there was a divisive element to spraying
and he played US and UK off.

Believes in late 2007 VTC between Karzai and Bush where aerial spraying was discussed. Karzai said he
would spray. Karzai maintained collegial relationship but said the push for spraying did not play well
[with Karzai]. Within USG Bush said 'gone as far with spraying as it could go" at the time and "the case
was now closed". In saying he would not press it further Bush said "there can only be one President in

Respondent says if the heroin had been going to the US it might have played out differently.

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