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List ID Time Word Translation

34 1183510 6.37E+17 温度, おんど temperature

34 1183390 6.37E+17 温室, おんしつgreenhouse, hothouse, conservatory, glasshouse
34 1409270 6.37E+17 体温計, たいおんけい
medical thermometer
34 1586420 6.37E+17 暖かい, あたたかい
warm, mild, genial
34 1557050 6.37E+17 冷静, れいせいcalm, composure, coolness, serenity
34 1556630 6.37E+17 冷える, ひえるto grow cold (from room temperature, e.g. in refrigerator), to get chilly, to cool do
34 1556750 6.37E+17 冷める, さめるto become cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to come dow
34 1556730 6.37E+17 冷たい, つめたい
cold (to the touch), chilly, icy, freezing, , coldhearted, unfeeling
34 1556770 6.37E+17 冷やす, ひやすto cool (from room temperature), to chill, to refrigerate, , to calm down, to cool off
34 1556740 6.37E+17 冷ます, さますto cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to let cool, , to damp
34 1644870 6.37E+17 緑茶, りょくちゃ
green tea, Japanese tea
34 1555320 6.37E+17 緑色, みどりいろ
green, emerald green, green color of new foliage, verdure
34 1362460 6.37E+17 新緑, しんりょく
fresh verdure, new green leaves
34 1280770 6.37E+17 紅茶, こうちゃblack tea
34 1276110 6.37E+17 口紅, くちべにlipstick
34 1371410 6.37E+17 水玉, みずたまdrop of water, , polka dots
34 1334530 6.37E+17 十円玉, じゅうえんだま
10 yen coin
34 1240530 6.37E+17 玉, たま, 球ball, sphere, globe, orb, , bead (of sweat, dew, etc.), drop, droplet, ball (in sports),
34 1512220 6.37E+17 返事, へんじ reply, answer, response
34 1512200 6.37E+17 返金, へんきんrepayment
34 1512180 6.37E+17 返却, へんきゃく
return of something, repayment
34 1512130 6.37E+17 返す, かえす to return (something), to restore, to put back, , to turn over, to turn upside down,
34 1419270 6.37E+17 団体, だんたいorganization, organisation, association
34 1419300 6.37E+17 団地, だんち multi-unit apartments, apartment complex
34 1333730 6.37E+17 集団, しゅうだん
group, mass
34 1496890 6.37E+17 布団, ふとん futon (quilted Japanese-style mattress laid out on the floor), , round cushion used
34 1165790 6.37E+17 一般, いっぱんgeneral, universal, , ordinary, average, common
34 1396020 6.37E+17 全般, ぜんぱん(the) whole, universal, wholly, general, as a whole
34 1545160 6.37E+17 幼児, ようじ infant, baby, child, , child over 1 but not yet of school age
34 1545110 6.37E+17 幼い, おさないvery young, , childish, immature
34 1348200 6.37E+17 小児科, しょうにか
34 1315060 6.37E+17 児童, じどう children, juvenile
34 1294940 6.37E+17 歳, さい, 才-years-old, , ability, gift, talent, aptitude, genius
34 1600790 6.37E+17 二十歳, はたち20 years old, , twenty
34 1527830 6.37E+17 未定, みてい not yet fixed, undecided, pending
34 1527770 6.37E+17 未知, みち not yet known, unknown, strange
34 1528060 6.37E+17 未来, みらい the future (usually distant), , future tense, the world to come
34 2242840 6.37E+17 未, み not yet, un-
34 1528040 6.37E+17 未満, みまん less than, insufficient
34 1526860 6.37E+17 満足, まんぞくsatisfaction, contentment, complacency, , sufficient, enough, adequate, proper
34 1526720 6.37E+17 満員, まんいんfull house, no vacancy, sold out, standing room only, full (of people), crowded
34 1604540 6.37E+17 満ちる, みちるto be full, , to wax (e.g. moon), to rise (e.g. tide), to mature, to expire
34 1561090 6.37E+17 老人, ろうじんthe aged, old person
34 1469310 6.37E+17 年老いる, to grow old
34 1386060 6.37E+17 設定, せっていestablishment, creation, posing (a problem), setting (movie, novel, etc.), scene, , o
34 1386020 6.37E+17 設計, せっけいplan, design, layout
34 1386070 6.37E+17 設備, せつびequipment, device, facilities, installation
34 1212780 6.37E+17 換気, かんきventilation
34 1591760 6.37E+17 切り替え, exchange, conversion, replacement, switching (to), switchover
34 1600460 6.37E+17 乗り換え, transfer (trains, buses, etc.), connection, connexion, , switching (stock), chromoso
34 1624690 6.37E+17 風向, ふうこう
wind direction
34 1604750 6.37E+17 向い, むかいfacing, opposite, across the street, other side
34 1277140 6.37E+17 向こう, むこう
opposite side, other side, opposite direction, , over there, that way, far away, beyo
34 1434920 6.37E+17 停止, ていしsuspension, interruption, stoppage, ban, standstill, halt, hang-up, deadlock, stalem
34 1435020 6.37E+17 停電, ていでん
power outage, electricity outage, blackout, failure of electricity supply
34 1434960 6.37E+17 停車, ていしゃ
stopping (e.g. train)
34 1418400 6.37E+17 探訪, たんぼう
searching, hunting for news story, journalist
34 1183480 6.37E+17 温暖, おんだん
warm, mild, temperate, warmth
34 1711240 6.37E+17 除湿, じょしつ
34 1399790 6.37E+17 掃除, そうじcleaning, sweeping, dusting, scrubbing
34 1345640 6.37E+17 除く, のぞくto remove, to eliminate, to eradicate, , to exclude, to except
34 1320490 6.37E+17 湿度, しつどlevel of humidity
34 1320410 6.37E+17 湿気, しっけmoisture, humidity, dampness
34 1320390 6.37E+17 湿る, しめるto be wet, to become wet, to be damp, to be moist, , to be in low spirits, to feel d
34 1488710 6.37E+17 標準, ひょうじゅん
standard, level, norm
34 1535650 6.37E+17 目標, もくひょう
mark, objective, target
34 1488820 6.37E+17 標本, ひょうほん
example, specimen, sample
34 1473230 6.37E+17 倍, ばい twice, double, , times, -fold
34 1955950 6.37E+17 巻, かん volume (of book), reel (of film)
34 1211200 6.37E+17 巻く, まく to wind, to coil, to roll, to wear (e.g. turban, scarf), , to envelope, to shroud, to ou
34 1603890 6.37E+17 巻き戻し, rewinding (e.g. VCR, tape deck, etc.)
34 1561610 6.37E+17 録画, ろくが(video) recording
34 1561590 6.37E+17 録音, ろくおん
(audio) recording
34 2581860 6.37E+17 風量, ふうりょう
air flow, air volume
34 1504430 6.37E+17 分量, ぶんりょう
amount, quantity
34 1373320 6.37E+17 数量, すうりょう
quantity, volume
34 1600650 6.37E+17 計る, はかるto measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate), , to conjecture,
34 1543240 6.37E+17 予定, よていplans, arrangement, schedule, program, programme, expectation, estimate
34 1543070 6.37E+17 予習, よしゅう
preparation for a lesson
34 1543320 6.37E+17 予備, よび preparation, preliminaries, reserve, spare
34 1543000 6.37E+17 予算, よさんestimate, budget
34 1543750 6.37E+17 予約, よやくreservation, appointment, booking, advance order, , contract, subscription, pledge
34 1538100 6.37E+17 約, やく approximately, about, , promise, shortening, reduction, simplification, contraction
34 1538130 6.37E+17 約束, やくそく
promise, agreement, arrangement, one's word, contract, pact, appointment, enga
or), to get chilly, to cool down
temperature), to come down (fever), , to cool down (interest), to abate, to subside, to dampen

, , to calm down, to cool off, to regain one's composure, to relax, to be frightened (at), to be scared (of)
ture), to let cool, , to dampen, to throw a damper on, to spoil

op, droplet, ball (in sports), pile (of noodles, etc.), bullet, bulb (i.e. a light bulb), lens (of glasses, etc.), bead (of an abacus), ball (i.e. a testicle

over, to turn upside down, to overturn, to pay back, to retaliate, to reciprocate, to repeat ..., to do ... back

oor), , round cushion used for Zen meditation (traditionally made of woven bulrush leaves)

ough, adequate, proper

l (of people), crowded
ture, to expire

ovie, novel, etc.), scene, , options setting, preference settings, configuration, setup
witching (stock), chromosomal crossover, crossing over

re, that way, far away, beyond, the other party, the other person, future (starting now)
, hang-up, deadlock, stalemate, abeyance, , suspension of music, dance, etc. as a sign of mourning for a prominent person
ectricity supply

o be in low spirits, to feel depressed

envelope, to shroud, to outflank, to skirt, to link (verse), to move ahead (three hours, etc.), to move up

estimate), , to conjecture, to infer, to surmise

xpectation, estimate

ntract, subscription, pledge

simplification, contraction (in phonetics)
t, pact, appointment, engagement, date, , convention, rule, destiny, fate
abacus), ball (i.e. a testicle), gem, jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively), pearl, female entertainer (e.g. a geisha), person (whe
e.g. a geisha), person (when commenting on their nature), character, item, funds or person used as part of a plot, egg, coin, precious, beau
t, egg, coin, precious, beautiful, excellent

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