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Impact of Retrograde Saturn

A retrograde Saturn in a chart, regardless of where you find it, always represen
ts the neglect of responsibilities in the past. In many ways, it indicates that
the native of the chart must be more honest with himself since there was an avoi
dance of true self-awareness and self honesty.
Also, with a retrograde Saturn, the native comes into this life with a tendency
to have the same goals that he had before, for these were not fulfilled in the p
ast because of the avoidance of responsibilities. Therefore, the identical goals
will be present, sometimes clothed in different circumstances or different situ
ations, but the same goals would be the underlying foundation, regardless, in th
e circumstances and situations inthe person s life.
Always, a retrograde Saturn in a chart indicates that, in a past lifetime, the i
ndividual crystallized-did not grow. The responsibilities that were ignored or a
voided in the past are involved with the qualities of the sign in which the retr
ograde Saturn is located in this lifetime. For example a retrograde Saturn in Le
o shows that the individual avoided the responsibility of leadership in the past
, and with the Sun as the ruling planet of Leo, the individual made no attempt t
o bring out the soul quality or soul consciousness in the past. Another example
of this would be a retrograde Saturn in Cancer. Since Cancer is the feeling sign o
f the Zodiac, it shows the avoidance of true feeling concepts in the past.
First House: Retrograde Saturn in the 1st house shows that the individual, in th
e past, did not develop a flexible personality, was set in his ways, self-opinio
nated, and, according to the sign, had an ego problem. The responsibility of dev
eloping that ego was neglected, or the personality was developed along negative
lines. It also indicates that the individual avoided the development of talents
which were part of his character and personality.
The lesson to be learned, with retrograde Saturn in the 1st house, is the proper
development of personality in such a way that the individual receives the respe
ct of others. It tells that the individual should establish proper values, goals
and direction in life. The tendency to be too sober, too serious, too contempla
tive, should be balanced with a good sense of humour and a flexibility in adjust
ing to diversified situations and experiences in life that would be encountered.

Second House: This shows the individual was much too materialistic in the past,
placing emphasis solely upon material security, material possessions. It indicat
es that the values were self-centred, with little regard as to how the material
aspects in life could be used for the benefit of others. There was little true a
ppreciation of the wise use of money and things.
There are several questions that arise with retrograde Saturn in the 2nd house.
Can the native of the chart accept poverty and privation without losing a sense
of perspective about life itself? Can the native of the chart assume a code of v
alues which are non-materialistic? Since the retrograde Saturn opposes the 8th h
ouse, the answers to these two questions could easily reside in emphasizing the
qualities of the 8th house, such as regeneration, metaphysics, etc.
The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 2nd house: Despite denials, limitations,
disappointments, more effort will have to be expended in order for the native to
accumulate any degree of an estate or material security. It requires that the i
ndividual establish correct values where these things are concerned. Even if the
individual does exert effort and re-align his values, the material possessions
and security will not come easily, but they can, depending upon the sincerity an
d the effort exerted by the native of the chart.
Third House: There was undoubtedly an avoidance of responsibility where brothers
and sisters were concerned. It also shows that the individual did not use educa
tional opportunities to the best advantage for self-development and for proper m
ental attitudes. In communicating with others, the person displayed saturnine qu
alities (cold, gloomy, moody).
The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 3rd house shows responsibilities where br
others and sisters are concerned. The individual should never ignore the mental,
or economic, or spiritual lack where siblings and/or other relatives are concer
ned. The present life will, in all probability, the characterized by consistent
needs on the part of these family members and other relatives. Whether this need
requires monetary assistance, mental stimulation, or spiritual counselling, the
condition of Saturn in the 3rd house means the acceptance by the native of the
responsibilities in these areas. The attitude and manner in which the person com
municates with others, orally or in writing, and in assisting in the afore-menti
oned areas of responsibility, will determine how the retrograde condition can be
Fourth House: Similar to the condition of retrograde Saturn in the 1st house, in
one aspect, it deals with the failure on the part of the native of the chart to
develop himself in such a way that his influence upon others was more positive.
Since all who come within our sphere or our personal environment are influenced
by us, our attitudes, our personality, the retrograde Saturn indicates the nega
tive influence of the individual in the past. It could also mean that the indivi
dual did not attempt, nor was concerned with, how he affected other people. Sinc
e Cancer is the natural ruler of the 4th house, the feeling concept was misused or
neglected in the past.
The other aspect of retrograde Saturn in the 4th house is that the individual di
d not provide the necessary environmental factors requisite to a proper home con
dition. This could have been actual home facilities or the home atmosphere itsel
The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 5th house requires the transmutation of a
ttitudes relating to how we influence and affect those who are in contact with u
s and how we communicate the proper feelings in our daily relationships. Regardl
ess of the struggle or effort required, the individual should, and must establis
h proper home facilities and create a constructive atmosphere in the home.
Fifth House: Retrograde Saturn in the 5th house shows responsibilities towards c
hildren were neglected. Children were misused, even to the point of being abused
. In love affairs, the individual used members of the opposite sex for self-grat
ification and self-fulfilment (physical) with little regard to the results or ef
fects upon others. Creativity was also ignored or misused because of the ego-cen
teredness of the individual. Anything the individual created in the past reflect
ed self rather than being for the sake of creativeness or for what was being creat
The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 5th house : Usually children are denied t
o people who have retrograde Saturn in the 5th house, or the number of children
limited. If children are denied, the individual could very easily engage in some
fact of work which would deal with children especially handicapped children. If
children are limited, it would require the wise rearing of these children, the
assumption of the responsibility of proper guidance and proper direction given t
o these children. The person might also have to accept the fact that, regardless
of what he does, there might not be the appreciation or any hope for reward fro
m his children. In relation to the affairs with the opposite sex, it requires ca
ution and a realization of the responsibility an individual has when it comes to
any relationship with the opposite sex, whether it be physical, social, mental,
or spiritual. Creativity should be for the sake of creation itself, rather than
how it would reflect the individual.
Sixth House: This location of a retrograde Saturn shows the avoidance of the res
ponsibility of awareness where the general public would be concerned. As the nat
ural ruler of Capricorn, it shows that the individual, in the past, remained alo
of from the needs or the wants of the general public and was not able to identif
y himself with or to relate to the social trends of mankind, whether these trend
s were political, social, economic, or spiritual. There was a great deal of disc
rimination where service was concerned. Any service rendered in the past was don
e from the viewpoint of how much prestige it would bring to the individual. Thes
e attitudes were also carried over into the working conditions in the past relat
ionships with co-workers or those who worked under the individual.
General health observances were ignored or neglected, or good health misused.
The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 6th house : Unselfish service to mankind
without hope for the proverbial pat on the back for a job well done; service shoul
d be rendered wherever the need as shown or requested of the individual; patienc
e and understanding should be developed where the public is concerned and with a
ll those involved with the individual in his working environment. Wise use of go
od health and the observance of general health conditions are basic requirements
for the retrograde Saturn in the 6th house.
Seventh House: In the past the individual did not assume the responsibility of p
artnerships. If the partnership were in the form of marriage, the individual (ac
cording to aspects) could have been unfaithful, could have been lacking in true
love, or could have been improvident. In a business partnership, the responsibil
ities could easily have been left up to the other partner, or neglected, or misu
sed. The misuse, in a business partnership, could have centered around material
self-advancement at the expense of the partner, which could have tended towards
The lesson of a retrograde Saturn in the 7th house: The assumption of responsibi
lities in marriage, by being faithful, by being a good provider, or a wise manag
er, by providing a solid, lasting foundation in the relationship of marriage. In
business partnerships, it means the individual has to carry his share of the wo
rk load, and the responsibilities, and must be sincere and honest where any part
ner would be concerned.
Eighth House: This shows that, in past lives, the individual has been exposed to
metaphysical teaching, higher truth learnings, astrology, etc., but neglected t
o pursue them to the greatest degree possible or, having gained the knowledge co
uld easily have misused this. Hence, the misuse could have concerned itself with
establishing groups with a negative cast where motives and functions are concer
ned, such as witchcraft, development circles, lower forms of mediumship. It show
s that the individual also refused to recognize the negative effects resulting f
rom how he ended a friendship, a job, a project, etc. In most cases, the individ
ual was his own worst enemy in how any one of these things was concluded. In a v
ery subtle way, there was an underlying fear of death or fear of the unknown.
The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 8th house demands a true search for Truth
, an application of metaphysical principles to daily life, which would also be c
onnected with the manner in which the individual concluded a friendship, a job,
or a project. The person has to accept the fact that a change of values must be
accomplished in order to develop spirituality. It shows, too, that there must be
a wise choice of involvement with groups which would be studying or practicing
metaphysical techniques. Through all of this, the person s perspective on life and
death will alter for the better. The essence of the lesson, of the 8th house lo
cation of retrograde Saturn revolves around the proper assumption of the respons
ibilities of truth and the application of truth.
Ninth House: Retrograde Saturn here shows that the person in the past, did not u
se properly, or avoided, the responsibility of a philosophy of life which would
be constructive. There would also be a very strong karma connected to religious
outlooks and the religious practices of the individual. Both the religious probl
ems and the philosophical problem could be inter related. The individual could h
ave been very dogmatic in his religious approach, with little regard for the opi
nions of other. Religious persecution could easily have been one of the activiti
es of this individual in the past, which could have been characterized by violen
ce and cruelty towards those who did not believe according to his way of thinkin
g. This narrowness in the past also conditioned the educational pursuits of the
individual, who limited his studies to just what he was interested in, or to tho
se subjects which were supportive of his own narrow concepts. This is a self-imp
osed limitation upon the higher mind and the Christ principle.
The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 9th house : Because of the misuse of know
ledge, philosophy, religion, the person would experience conflicts and obstacles
in the attainment of education, in locating a philosophy of life with which he
would feel comfortable, in being able to resolve a conflict within himself where
orthodoxy would be concerned. Therefore, this is the responsibility of the indi
vidual with retrograde Saturn in the 9th house. He must seek true knowledge thro
ugh the higher mind coupling this knowledge with true understanding (Christ prin
ciple). He must learn the value of all religions to all people and learn to resp
ect that which other people find comforting and spiritual for them.
Tenth House : If the retrograde Saturn is in Cancer (representing feeling ), it wou
ld show the avoidance of true feeling concepts in the past. It showed that the i
ndividual did not interject the warmth of personality into his job. He was cold
in his profession, for the occupation merely represented a means of security. It
also showed a degree of price that existed in being and feeling superior to m o
st people. There was a perfectionist aspect also which was a stumbling block. Si
nce the 10th house represents a power house, the retrograde Saturn implies that
power and the responsibilities of power were misused in the past. This also depe
nds on the sign on the cusp and, if Pisces were on the cusp of that 10th house,
the individual did not assume the responsibility of power. Rather, he let others
manipulate the authority, with little regard as to whether or not it was being
used properly.
The development of responsibility, consideration for others, the establishment o
f working values and habits all are involved in the lesson of retrograde Saturn
in the 10th house. Advancement will be slow, but could be steady, depending upon
the sincerity and the effort and the motives behind the desire to be in possess
ion of authority. Motives are most important in the transmutation of retrograde
Saturn in the 10th house.
Eleventh House: Here, again, we find that relationship with other, were not deve
loped properly, nor did the individual associated with the right kind of people.
By right people we are not implying being discriminative in a negative way. The
retrograde condition of Saturn in the 11th house shows that, too often, the ind
ividual, in the past, associated with inferior types of people, or negative peop
le. Thus, by surrounding himself with people less talented, less successful, les
s presentable, the native could then stand head and shoulders above his friends
and, very probably, liked the flattery and basked in the attention and dependenc
y of these friends.
Twelfth House: This location of Saturn, in its retrograde condition, centers aro
und karma and the inner person. It clearly indicates that the individual, in past
lifetimes ignored opportunities to work off karma and to develop himself spiritu
ally. It made for the type of person who kept too much to himself and did not se
e himself in relationship to the world. Experiences garnered by a person s project
ion into the activities of service to humanity, in general, offer a lawful chann
el through which karma can be mitigated. The retrograde Saturn in the 12thhouse
shows that this was not the case : it infers that, in past lifetimes, the person
was too conservative and tended to seclude himself from the problems of the wor
The Zodiacal sign in which the retrograde Saturn is posited shows that those par
ticular Zodiacal qualities were ignored or misused. Each individual has the obli
gation, through the cons of reincarnations, to develop and manifest the highest
qualities of each sign, and thus the retrograde Saturn in the 12th house will al
ways indicate that the native of the chart failed to develop the particular qual
ities of the sign on the cusp of the 12th house.
The native of the chart also repressed soul development and soul qualities.
The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 12th house demands full participation wit
h mundane affairs in some humanitarian efforts. It requires attention to spiritu
al development and the manifestation of the inner or soul qualities.
Those who neglect the lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 12th house could easily
be reliving past experiences and, unless the lesson is learned now, will relive
this lifetime again.

Conclusion of Retrograde Saturn

Relax a little: Take this time to review your situation and what you have been a
ble to do with it (Saturn, by transit, is retrograde in motion it is backing off
from the conjunction, square or opposition of one of your birth planets, or it
is retrograding into the sign it occupied before it entered this one). Whatever
responsibilities you have been forced to assume, whatever realities you have had
to face, it is time now to relax a little and look over what you have done. Hav
e you actually faced the situation that needed definition? What have you done ab
out it? Could you handle it better in some way? Now is the time to think about t
hat because the retrograde movement of Saturn is giving you time to review your
situation. This is not a complete respite because direct motion will resume some
time in the near future. Meanwhile, this period is best used to see what methods
, what techniques, what applications of effort could be better employed to face
the situation that is undergoing definition. Do you see now what has been happen
ing ? The intelligence of the system (the skies under which you live) has been thr
owing pressure your way to get you to understand this part of your personality (
this planet) this area of your attitudes towards life (this sign), this field of
activities (this house of the chart), and this overall area of awareness (this
quadrant) and what it needs to be defined, disciplined, or economised, in order
that you can better move ahead. While the retrograde period lasts, it is giving
you time to review exactly what has happened, how you have responded to it, and
how you could better handle everything.
The usual manifestation, when Saturn moves into retrograde motion, in a sign or
in relation to a birth planet, is that the individual suddenly feels the pressur
e going away and he thinks, Well, it is all over. I am free again And that is prec
isely the most ridiculous reaction he could live out. Going forward with that at
titude, he is certain to be thwarted and bewildered when Saturn resumes direct m
otion and the pressure comes back into effect; only then seeming (because he tho
ught for a while it had gone) even more intense. Many individuals, during the re
trograde period, feel so relieved of the pressure that they immediately resume t
he haphazard way in which they were going about thing before the transit began.
That is certain to bring grief because the transit is not over. One is merely be
ing given time to REVIEW the situation and see how he could discipline himself,
define himself, or economise on his activities more effectively in this realm of
himself. Do not dream, when the retrograde motion sets in that it is all over.
Saturn is backing off the territory it has already covered but it is going to go
right back over that territory as soon as direct motion resumes. In other words
, something is going to be gone over twice in order to get it defined. And that
is what you should be pondering. What is it that has been so difficult you are g
oing to have two chances to handle it and need those two chances.
Saturn transits a planet that is retrograde at birth. This can mean one of sever
al things. If it is a plant from Saturn inward to the Sun, then that parts of the
personality does not work openly in the first place. It works through indirect p
sychic actions triggered by the unconscious. And the ability to define this part
of the personality may not be in the hands of the conscious efforts of the indi
vidual at all. But tremendous, and often non-understandable pressures go on insi
de the individual in there where others cannot see it or understand it. This ind
ividual (the one with the retrograde birth planetary position) can go through en
ormous turmoils inside that he really cannot explain to people outside. The diff
erence between this transit, and of a planet that is direct at birth, is often s
imply this; the individual with the direct planet shows his pressures and pains
to the world by speaking and agonising over them; the individual with the retrog
rade birth planet often goes through the same agonies without being able to comm
unicate, in any sensible way, what is happening to him. He simply feels the pres
sure. He does not understand what it is about. Sometimes he feels so pressured t
hat he makes lots of noises but few of them coherently related to what is really
happening inside him. For it is happening in there more than in outer terms. A
retrograde planet represents a psychic process turned inward and not manageable,
except with enormous effort, by the conscious ego. A direct planet (except for
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) represents a psychic process, or part of the personal
ity, that is manageable by the ego consciousness (the Saturn framework of indivi
dual identity). The transit of a retrograde planet, then, often represents an un
conscious process of definition that is managed not by the ego of the individual
(by what the world taught him he is) but by the inner voices and inner strength
s (what he is becoming despite society s teaching).
A retrograde URANUS, like a retrograde Mars is impatient and irritable.
There could hardly be a less-auspicious augury of gains in speculation, or anyth
ing involving the matter of chance, than a retrograde Jupiter (ruler of good for
tune), and a retrograde Saturn (old Father restriction himself) both in the 5th ho
use (speculation), with retrograde Neptune (planet of deception) in the second (
financial) house.
Retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius was in adverse aspect to a man s sun-sign, deplet
ing his vitality. Retrograde Jupiter was in adverse aspect from Virgo ruling ill
ness. His ruling planet Mercury, was retrograding dangerously close to the natal
Pluto in Taurus. These three retrograde planets appeared to be holding him on e
arth. He had several sinking attacks from which his physician was sure he would
not rally. But he did. On the day of death, Jupiter turned direct and Mercury wa
s within a few hours of being direct. It was as though the forward motion of the
se two planets set his spirit free.

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