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Meal Food Unit Quantity

Wake up Whole egg 1 medium sized 2

Oats 100gr 1
45min before Beef Steak 100gr, uncooked 1
30 minutes Rice, white 100gr, uncooked 1

Right after Chicken breast (without skin) 100gr, uncooked 1

Rice, white 100gr, uncooked 1

Other meals Salmon 100gr uncooked 1

(just divide
Whatever you like 300 calories 1 better be fruit or your custom snack
thorought the
day into as
many meals as
you want)

Before bed Greek Yoghurt 100gr 2

Notes Other than wake up meal, pre, Use a little olive oil to
post workout meal and before cook food or just hard-
bed meal, you can freely choose boil them
your timing

Supplement Whey protein isolate (1 scoop

Stack and right after workout)

Creatine 5gr after you workout

BCAA 5gr after you workout

Multivitamin x 1 before you
L- Carnitine before you workout
1 serving
Priority of each supplements is
arranged from top down
weight sets reps
DAY #1:
Barbell Bench Press 5 5
Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press (neutral grip) 3 6-8
Pendlay Row 4 6-8
Pull Up 3 6-8
OHP (Millitary Press) 5 5
Barbell Curl 3 6-8
Close Grip Bench Press 3 6-8
DB Shrug 3 6-8

DAY #2:
Squat 5 5
Leg Press 5 6
Sumo Deadlift / Conventional Deadlift 5 5
Stiff Leg Deadlift/ Romanian Deadlift 3 6-8
Lunges 3 6-8
Standing Calf Raise 4 15-20
Weighted Crunches 4 8-12
Hanging Leg Raise 4 8-12
Lying Leg Raise (or Hanging Knee Raise) is easier if
you cannot do
DAY #3: Off (Rest Day)

DAY #4:
Incline BB Bench Press 3 8-12
Butterfly (or Flys with DB) 3 12
Lats Pulldown 3 8-12
Dumbbell Bent Over Rows 3 8-12
Dumbbell Seated Overhead Press 3 6-8
Bent Over Lateral Raise 3 8-12
Hammer Curls 3 8-12
Rope Pushdown 3 8-12

DAY #5:
Squat 4 6-10
Leg Press 4 8-10
Sumo Deadlift/ Conventional Deadlift 4 6-10
Stiff Leg Deadlift/ Romanian Deadlift 3 8-12
Lunges 3 8-12
Standing Calf Raise 5 5
Side Bend 4 8-12
Hanging Leg Raise 4 8-12
Lying Leg Raise (or Hanging Knee Raise) is easier if
you cannot do

DAY #6:
Option 1 Burpees 30s
Mountain Climbing 30s 3-7round
Kettlebell Swing 30s total

Option 2 Walking/ Cycling... minutes

Option 3 if you are too busy, then just rest

DAY #7: Off (Rest Day)

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