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DANCE-from the Greek word “danson” which means to stretch

 Is a sign a life and as old as mankind. Dance is rhythmic and expressive body movements usually
coordinated into a pattern and adapted to musical accompaniment.
 It is classified into different forms such as folk dance, social dance, modern jazz or modern
dance and creative rhythmic.
 Dance steps are created from man’s basic movements: walk, jump, run, hop, skip, slide, leap,
turn and sway.

Meaning of dance

 It is pure expression of the dancer’s thoughts and feelings

 It is the union of movement rhythm and arts of life
 It is the union of mind and body expressing the intangible thought, the medium of time and
 It is man’s primitive and natural expression

Kinds or Phases of Dance

Folk Dance- the traditional dance of an indigenous society showing the cultural characteristic of specific
people, of a given time and place

Ethnic Dance- are those dances that reflect the characteristic of specific tribe especially their cultural,
religious and traditional similarities.

National Dance- refers to the type of folk dance found most widely done through a specific country.
Example Italy-tarantella, Philippines- Tinikling and Carinosa.

Natural Dancing- refers to the type of dance, which makes use of the basic movement, the locomotor
and axial movement.

Creative Movement- is the highest form of dance for the purpose of entertainment. It is the product of
exploration and improvisation of movement as dancer or choreographer expresses his feelings or
emotions, ideas and interpretation.

Gymnastic Dancing- this form of dancing appealed to the more skillful because of the stunts element

Social Dancing- this includes the wholesome and artistic form of dancing used by society for recreation
purposes and sometimes called ballroom dancing.

Modern Dancing- a deviation from the traditional ballet by young American dancer ISADORA DUNCAN
who gradually involved whole technique of dance movements based on ideas that contrast the classical
or traditional dance.

Recreational Dance- dances with simple pattern with the combination of walking steps, includes square
dancing and round couple.

Singing Dance- the combined movements and singing both done together in rhythm.

Creative Training- is actually for children in elementary grade, sometimes called fundamental mutual
Philippine Folk Dance- traditional dance of our country, which were evolved naturally and
spontaneously, in connection with everyday activities and experiences of the people who developed.
Folk Dancing is the heartbeat and the outburst of people’s feeling.


There are several ways to classify Philippine folk dance. According to Francisca Reyes Aquino
folk dances may be classified by geographical extent of origin, nature, speed of movement, formation
and distinguishing feature.

The three major regional classifications of Philippine folk dances form the Cordilleras, dances from
lowland Christians and Muslim dances.

1. Tribal Dances from the Cordilleras- include non- Christian dances from the Cordilleras
2. Lowland Christian Dances- dances from places with Western influences such as that
of the Tagalog, Ilakanos, Pampaguenos, Panganisense, Bisayans and Bicolanos. These
dances are influenced by Hispanic and European Culture.
3. Muslim Dances- dances from the people of the Southern Islands of the Philippines
such as Mindanao and Sulu. These dances are influenced by Arabic and Indo-Malayan

Philippine folk dance, regardless of their classification, may be categorized as,

1. Life-cycle dances- dances that serve as ritual as one passes to a different stage in life such
as from birth to childhood to adulthood; from singlehood to marriage; and from life to
death. Below are the different dances that portray life cycle:
 Courtship Dances
 Wedding Dances
 Funeral Dances
2. Festival Dances- dances that are either religious or secular and are connected with the
celebration of recurring events of special significance.
3. Occupational – dances that depict the means of livelihood of the Filipino people
4. Ritual and Ceremonial Dances- dances performed as part of the rituals and ceremonies of
a certain tribe of group of people.
5. Game Dances- derivations from local folk games. One example of these dances is the
Pukol dance from Aklan and Capiz in the Panay region.
6. Joke and Trikster Dances- include jokes or tricks played by a dancer on another or a group
of dancer who is one one of them. Example of these is the Padanggo sa Sambalilo dance
from the Tagalog region.
7. Mimetic or Drama Dances- dances that mimic animals. Inanimate objects or other people.
The itik-itik dance from Surigao is an example of a mimetic dance as it imitates the
movements of a duck
8. War Dance- dances the express feud and enmity wherein two male dances engage in
physical combat. Maglalatik is an example of a war dance between Christian and Muslim
over latik.
9. Social Amenities Dances-dances that express social graces, hospitality, and offering of gifts
to friends. Example are Minuete Yano from Iriga, Alay from Tagalog and Habanera from


1. Physiological and neuro-mascular development of the organic system of the body.

2. Cultural depict: the culture of the people
3. Social and recreational

1. Bend both arms on chest level, elbow rounded, fingers pointing downward
2. Open both arms sideward, elbow rounded, fingers pointing downward
3. Raise left arm upward, right arm in second position
4. Place the right arm forward, elbow rounded and left arm upward, elbow slightly bent.
5. Raise both arms upward, elbow rounded.


1. Place heels together, toes of both feet turned out

2. Place the right foot sideward, in line with heel of the left foot
3. Draw the heel of the right foot to the instep of the left food
4. Place the right foot obliquely forward, right toes pointing outward
5. Draw the heel of your right to the toes of your left


- Certain individual in healthy

- Normal average level

Dimension and Determinants of health

Health is difficult to define but easier to understand. To many of us it may mean absence of disease
or infirmity and to many it may mean sound mind and sound function of the body.

 In anatomist

Healthy body means it should confirm to normal anatomical structures.

 To a physiologist

Health means normal body functions

 Biochemist

It means normal biochemical levels/values


Means normal cellular make up


Connect existence of genetic potential

- NAD (no abnormality detected)

 Psychiatrist

Well-adjusted and a balance personality

HEALTH- a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely to absence of
disease or infirmity

Physical Health- it means adequate body weight, height and circumference as per age and sex with
acceptable level of vision, hearing, locomotion or movements, acceptable level of pulse rate, blood
pressure, respiratory rate, chest circumference, head circumference, waist hip ratio.

Mental Health is defined “as a state of well being in which the individual realized his or her own
abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to
make a contribution to his or her community.

A mentally normal person has the ability to…..with others, he/she makes friendship, behaves in a
balanced manner, keep himself tidy and observes adequate personal hygiene, well oriented to time,
place and person and environments and he is unduly not suspicious of others.

- He is cheerful and happy and enjoys life with a purpose and he thinks positively and has normal
development and contributes fully and is useful and productive to society and nation.
- Positive dimension
Social wellbeing

It is the third dimension of health. It means ability of a person to adjust with others in his social life,
at home, at work place and with people. Men interact with men and they inter-relate and inter
depend on each other and pay their effective role in accordance with a situation.



Environment Health services

Physical, social, biological and man HEALTH Promotive, preventive,

made curative, rehabilitative





Beliefs, attitudes

Practices (Lifestyle)


- Considered to be the most important determinant and input of health.

Man made environment

Health is influenced in the mad made environment or an artificial environment too. It included items like
housing, transport, industries and communication.

Health Services

Availability, accessibility, affordability and acceptability of health services are considered an important
determinant/ input to health.

Health Indicators

It is somewhat easier to defined health for an individual. But to define “community health” it is
somewhat more difficult. ”Community health parameters are different from health parameters of an
“Community health” can be measured through indicators of economics,( gross national product, gross
national income and per capita income), life expectancy, under five mortality, literacy level, infant
mortality, literacy level, composite index human development, maternal mortality etc.

A community is healthy when it enjoys sound health where disease and death rate is acceptably low, it is
not threatened with bad environments and its economy is sound and the health resources are available,
practices are sound and based on scientific evidences.

Its literacy levels are high and demographically it has balanced sex ratio and people live long, quality of
life is good and human development index is high.

A village is said to be healthy if it has: safe sources of improved water supply, safe method of waste
water disposal, paved streets, disposal of garbage refuse and animal excreta by manure pits, people use
sanitary latrines, female literacy is high, girls enrolment is universal, deliveries are conducted by trained
persons, birth rate and death rate are within acceptable limits, immunization coverage is high and
housing condition is good.

Health is a fundamental human right. The attainment of highest possible level of health is the most
important worldwide social goal.

What is disease?

- The meaning of “Disease” is “without ease” ( uneasiness)

- Either a physiological/ psychological dysfunction


Not only presence of disease but involvement of individual’s perceptions and behavior in response to
disease are included. Disease is very subjective.

Includes a state of social dysfunction to i.e.

The role an individual assumes when ill.

The environmental related to disease

This refers not only to the environment the man lives. Various environmental factors are categorized


 Physical Aspects of Environment

Airs, water, light, heat, radiation, gravity, pressure, and chemical agents etc.

Man tries a great deal to control these factors.


Certain diseases do not occur in some areas because agents or vectors cannot exist in that environment
due to biological reasons.

- Infectious agents of diseases, reservoirs of infective agents, vectors that transmit diseases,
plants and animals.

The social factors relevant to health include socio- economic status, social customs , traditional believes,
Natural History of Disease

- Refers to the course of a disease over a period of time, unaffected by treatment.

- Disease occurrence is usually insidious. Chronic diseases evolve over a long period and have
their own progression. The history and time period that it spread is different from disease to
disease. Most of the diseases pass through the following pattern.

1. Stage of susceptibility
- Risk factor that favors that occurrence of a disease are operating in this stage.
- Host factors: Age, sex, race, family history, Nutritional status
- Environmental –Exposure to infectious
- Factors: agents, (infections) obesity, (HT, DM, coronary artery diseases)
- During this stage the person remains free of clinical diseases
2. Stage of pre-symptomatic disease
- Three important factors i.e.. host, agent and environment interact to initiate pathogenic
changes that is adequate to cause a disease.
- Still the disease does not clinically manifest
3. Stage of Clinical Disease
- In this stage, the particular signs and symptoms develop. During this stage a disease can be sub
classified in to its own severity grades
- E.g. cancers
- Stages
i. Localized
ii. Local lymph nodes are involved
iii. Involvement of other organs within the same region
iv. Distant metastases
4. Stage of terminations

Diseases terminate and follow the following trend

1. Spontaneous resolution- No sequels

2. Settles down but with some sequels
3. Result in death of the patient



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