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Rules for authors / arbitrators

1.- Send your manuscripts to the Editor of the OPCIÓN Magazine, in word
attachments to the following email addresses: and . You can also send it to the
Experimental Faculty of Sciences, Office of Scientific Publications, Universidad del
Zulia, Av. Universidad, diagonal to Cuartel El Libertador, Venezuela.

2.- The works must be unpublished and have not been proposed simultaneously to
other publications. For this purpose, the author (s) must accompany, together with
the manuscript, a letter of exclusivity. The Option Magazine may decide on the
publication of works already published, when it considers it.

3.- The works will deal with topics related to scientific research partially or totally
concluded, critical essays, with theoretical reflection or discussion on short-term

4.- The works will be accepted for the relevance of the topic they deal with, their
originality, contributions, updating and scientific level, style norms and agreed
editorial standards.

5.- The works will be submitted to a double blind expert by a Committee of

Referees-Specialists of recognized prestige, in order to maintain a high academic
and scientific level.

6.- The Opción Magazine is completely free, so it does not charge for editorial
processing or for the publication of the works evaluated.

7.- When the work is sent in physical, the author will send an original and three
blind copies of his manuscript, or by attachment when it comes to digital
submission, in accordance with the following editorial rules:

- Extension of Work: In the case of articles, the extension should not be greater
than twenty (20) pages, including the bibliography. The Essay section may contain
up to thirty (30) pages.

- The margins, on all four sides of the pages, must be three (3) centimeters.

- The font of the entire text will be times new roman, on a letter-size sheet, on one
side and delivered digitally to the aforementioned electronic addresses
( and jvillalobos @ fec.

- The font size, from the introduction to the bibliography, will be 12, to a space and
a half (1.5) in the paragraphs. And between paragraphs and between titles and
paragraphs in double space. The paragraphs will be indented half (1/2) centimeter.
- Title: It must be a maximum of (12) twelve words, explanatory and contain the
essence of the work. If the article is in Spanish, the title must be translated into
English. If the article is in French, the title must be translated into English and
Spanish. If the article is in English, the title must be translated into Spanish. The
same if it is in French, Portuguese or Italian. The titles in the different languages
must be written in sixteen (16) size letters, sentence type, and only the main title
in bold. The title of the abstracts should not be bold.

- Author (s): Indicate full names and surnames, without professional titles. They
may not be more than (4) four authors. If there are more than four (4) authors,
they should send an explanatory letter to the Editorial Committee, indicating that
they belong to the same research group. The names must be written in bold and
italic, font size fourteen (14).

- The name of the institution where the work was carried out and the electronic
address of the institution to which the author (s) belong must be complete; Place
only one personal or institutional electronic address per author, in size 12.

- Summary: Not more than one hundred (100) words, single space, in Spanish and
English, or in the language of the article plus Spanish and English, and must
contain the main objective of the work, the methodology, the results and
conclusions or main reflections . At the beginning with an indentation of one (1)
centimeter, written the whole summary in a single paragraph.

- Keywords: In order to facilitate the inclusion of the article in international

databases, keywords should be included after the summary in Spanish and English,
in a number not greater than five, separated by semicolons (;)

- Sections and sub-sections: The structure of the work will have sections and at
most one subsection for each one. Example: 2. Theoretical Framework. 2.1. The
bullies applicable to the case. 2.2. Referential terias (2., 2.1 .; 2.2.). There may not
be 2.1.1, etc. It is recommended to divide the work into a summary (including the
abstract), introduction, theoretical foundations, methodology, analysis or discussion
of results, conclusion or final considerations and bibliographic references. The
different sections or sub-sections, from the introduction to the conclusions, will be
expressed in Arabic numerals.

- Appointments: Citation references are included in the text. The citation must
indicate: Author's last name, followed by a comma, year of publication; Everything
in parentheses. At the bottom of the page, only the explanatory notes should go. If
there were a publication by the same author in the same year, the distinction will
be made in lowercase letters, following the alphabetical order. This indication must
be maintained in the bibliography, so that the reader distinguishes which work each
quotation corresponds to. When the quotation is textual and does not exceed 3
(three) lines, it must be incorporated into the main text in quotation marks, without
italics, and then indicate, in parentheses, the author's last name, comma, year and
then two points, followed by the number of page. If the quotation exceeds 3 (three)
lines, it is separated from the main text and margins of one centimeter are placed,

- Bibliography: Bibliographic references will ONLY refer to those cited in the work
and will be ordered in strict alphabetical order. The authors are responsible for the
fidelity of the references. In order to guarantee the topicality of the work, the use
of English-language bibliography is recommended in a good number of references
of indexed and high-impact refereed journals. The spacing of the references must
be 1.5, and between author and author place double space.

The first line of the bibliographic reference should not be indented, but from the
second line of one (1) centimeter. Example:

COLOMER, Teresa. 2010. Introduction to current children's and youth

literature. Editorial Synthesis. Madrid Spain).

DÍAZ-AGUADO, María José. 2003. “Adolescence, sexism and gender

violence”. Roles of the psychologist. Nº 84. Available at: Retrieved on 06.08.2015.

If they are books or manuals, they must contain surname (s), of the author (in) in
capital letters, the title type name (period); year of publication (period); job title in
bold (period); editorial, city (country). Example: ZAMORA, José. 1982. Spanish-
American dialectology. Theory-Description-History. Ed. Almar, Salamanca (Spain).

If they are articles, they must indicate: surname (s), of the author (in) in capital
letters, the name type title (period); year of publication (period); job title (in
quotes, not underlined) (period); magazine where it was published in bold; volume
or number followed by a colon; page (first and last) (period); editorial, city
(country). Example: MÁRQUEZ-FERNÁNDEZ, Álvaro. 2015. "The backs of
science." Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 77, No .: 2: 7-18. University of
Zulia. Maracaibo Venezuela).

If it is information obtained by electronic means, the reference must contain the

same elements required for the articles, adding the electronic address or web page,
date of recovery and any other data deemed useful for the full identification of the
reference. Example: VILLALOBOS ANTÚNEZ, José V. and BOZO, Freddy. 2010. The
legal discourse and the thesis of indeterminacy of the right of
JûrgenHabermas. Frónesis. Journal of legal, social and political philosophy. Vol. 17,
No. 3: 379-397. Institute of Philosophy of Law “Dr. JM Delgado Ocando ”,
University of Zulia, Maracaibo (Venezuela). Available at:
Accessed 03.07.2015. Another example: MORA, Jesus. 2006. ICTs as an
informative element. Available at http: // www.
en.html. Retrieved 03.06.2006.
-If it is a written by several authors, place the name of the first one, according to
the indications specified above, and then the one of the other authors following the
same criteria.

- Annexes: The annexes constitute complementary elements of the text that refer
the reader to a part of the work or outside of it, with the purpose of illustrating the
ideas presented in the text, expanding, clarifying or complementing what is
expressed therein. In the case of figures and pictures, the author may accompany
the original with the illustrations he deems necessary, inserted as an image in jpg
or png format. Additionally they must be sent as an attachment to the article

The OPCIÓN Magazine reserves the right not to include them, prior notification to
the author, if they do not meet the technical requirements for reproduction. They
will be identified with Arabic numerals (Example: Figure 1), followed by a small text
or legend that indicates very briefly what you want to represent, placed before the
figure or table. The images, graphics and tables must be clear, in jpg or png format
(minimum 300 dpi), and its size will not exceed that of the printed sheet (letter
size, respecting the established margins: three (3) centimeters on each side).

Graphics obtained in computer, of good quality in terms of focus and contrast will
be accepted. Photocopies of illustrations will not be accepted.

The abbreviations used in the graphs and tables and their source will be explained
at the bottom of them. If there is more than one figure, chart or tables in a row, it
should be attempted to prepare it in such a way that it fits at least two (2) on one
page. The information of the graphs and tables must be presented in letters that
can be legible at the time of its physical edition.

- Other works: the following short extension works are also accepted, with a
minimum of three (3) pages and a maximum of five (5): Fast communication: to
publicize intellectual property rights. Technical notes: descriptions of a technique or
technological process. Letters to the editor: options on new topics or short-term
problems. News: updated information on scientific and postgraduate
events. Reviews: recent book reading comments. Receipts: analysis or critical
comments of recent edition books. Documents: historical, legal texts, agreements,
declarations. Interviews: conducted for research purposes. All these works must be
referred to the areas published by the magazine.

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