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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Grade 12

NAME: _________________________________ SECTION: _______________________ SCORE: __________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice in the space provided before the blank. (10)
_______1. Who said that sociological imagination is defined as vivid awareness of the relationship between the private experience and
the wider society?
A. Right Mills B. Richard Haque C. Ricardo Lazo D. Wright Mills
_______2. What is the term that described the ability to influence others and gives authority to lead?
A. Government B. Order C. Power D. Justice
_______3. Who defines culture as a “complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, customs and other capabilities
and habits acquired by man as a member of the society?
A. Edward Taylor B. Eduardo Taylor C. Ricardo Lazo D. Wright Mills
_______4. What does Haque wanted in managing political issues?
A. Authoritative policy B. Authoritarian policy C. Standard policy D. Strict policy
_______5. What do you call the shared products of a human group or society?
A. Mores B. Tradition C. Culture D. Taboos
_______6. Which of the following is defined as any action regarding authority in general and government in particular?
A. Political Issues B .Political Behavior C. Political Identity D. Taboos
_______7. Which of the following is an example of political participation?
A. Right to complain C. Right to remain silent
B. Right to file a case against the accused D. Right to vote
_______8. What term is used to describe a group of people involved in persistent interpersonal relationships, or a large social grouping
sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations?
A. Sociology C. Social
B. Society D. Ethnic
_______9. Which of the following is NOT an example of political identity.
A. Feminist B. Gay Liberation C. Civil movement D. Rallies
_______10. What is the prohibition of an action based on the belief that such behavior is either too sacred and consecrated or too
dangerous and accursed for ordinary individuals to undertake?
A. Mores B. Tradition C. Culture D. Taboos
A. Identify whether the following statement gives the significance of studying: CULTURE, SOCIETY or POLITICS. (5)
____________11. Gives meaning to the importance of the self in relation to others (kapwa)
____________12. Broadens our perspectives on how we value our own and others’ cultures
____________13. Educates us on the importance of exercising our rights and maximizing our political participation to sustain, maintain
or change society
____________14. Provides a bigger context on how government works and how rules, regulations and laws maintain social order,
cohesion and unity
____________15. Describes how and why we belong to a bigger global society

B. Identify what country does each taboo is referring to. Choose your answer from the word bank below (10)
Papua New Guinea China Italy Japan Brazil
Jamaica Nigeria Russia India France

____________16. Sharing your meal must place the tasting morsel on a small plate and then pass it to the recipient.
____________17. It is believed that if children eat chicken before they learn to speak, they will never talk.
____________18. It is considered rude to rush through a meal or hurry your order along.
____________19. Children who eat eggs will turn into thieves, they also feel particularly strongly about coconut milk.
____________20. Eating a cow in prohibited, as it is thought of as God’s useful gift to mankind since it provides dairy products and is
the basis for other products.
____________21. Predatory fish, like piranhas and bottom feeders are considered taboo for the ill to eat.
____________22. As the initiator of the date, you are expected to pay for everything, as most women won’t even bring their wallets on
a formal date.
____________23. After finishing a meal at a restaurant, do not leave your chopsticks sticking up in the left-over rice at the bottom of
your bowl. That practice is employed when families offer a meal to their ancestors' ghosts at family shrines but people believe that
doing so in a restaurant would plague the proprietor with a terrible curse.
____________24. Despite the fact these people will feed you until you are beyond full, it is considered rude to accept the first offering
of food.
____________25. Anyone who eats the food a menstruating woman cooks or even steps over, that person, — particularly the husband
— will become "ill with cough and possibly die.”

III: ESSAY: Explain this quote in two to five sentences: (5)

Change is the only permanent in this world- Heraclitus
Subject Teacher


1. D. Wright Mills
2. C. Power
3. A. Edward Taylor
4. A. Authoritative policy
5. C. Culture
6. B .Political Behavior
7. D. Right to vote
8. B. Society
9. D. Rallies
10. D. Taboos


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