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Kathryn I.

Reyes, 2017-2-01888

1) What is a law and why is there a law?

Law is the discipline and profession concerned with the customs,
practices, and rules of conduct of a community that are recognized
as binding by the community there is law because they protect our
general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by
other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We
have laws to help provide for our general safety.

2) State the difference among political ideologies of

democracy, communism, fascism, socialism and
The difference among political ideologies;
The Democracy is the government by the people usually through
elected representatives while Anarchism is a society without
government, laws, police or other authority. This is a system of
The Communism is an extreme left-wing ideology based on the
revolutionary socialist teachings of Karl Marx. Collective ownership
and a planned economy. Each should work to their capability and
receive according to their needs while Fascism is an extreme right-
wing ideology where the existing social order is protected by the
forcible suppression of the working class.
The Socialism is a left-wing political system where the principle
means of production, distribution and exchange are in common

3) Define political law and what covers it?

Political laws are applied primarily to government officials,
candidates, advocacy groups, lobbyists, businesses, nonprofit
organizations, and trade unions. Political law covers election law,
voting rights law, campaign finance law, laws governing lobbying
and lobbyists, open government laws, legislative and executive
branch ethics codes, legislative procedure, administrative
Kathryn I. Reyes, 2017-2-01888

procedure, constitutional law, and legislative and regulatory


4) Why is teaching political law necessary?

Politics governs our life in society and affects many aspects of our
lives. It regulates what we can read, say and watch, tells us when
and how to pay taxes, and administers everything from driving
privileges to business activity. In other word, politics presides over
us literary from birth until death.

5) Distinguish political theory from public law and public

Political theory in public law is a focused field of study that
evaluates the theory and practice of governments at the local,
state, national and international levels while Public Administration
is a professional and academic discipline that studies the
application of government policy and public services to advance
the interest of society. It is central to the process of implementing
and managing public programs.

6)State the difference among the aristocratic, totalitarian,

federal, presidential and parliamentary forms of
An Aristocracy is a form of government where a small group of
elites rule. Aristocrats, or the ruling elites, tend to enjoy both
social and economic prestige as well as political power

Totalitarian means relating to a government where the ruler or

ruling group has complete control. An example of totalitarian used
as an adjective is in the phrase "totalitarian regime" which means
a rule where the ruler has total authority over everyone.

A Federal government is a system of government that divides the

power between a larger central government, and the local and
regional governments beneath it.
Kathryn I. Reyes, 2017-2-01888

In Presidential system, the legislative, executive and judiciary body

of the government are independent of each other while the
Parliamentary form of government system the legislative,
executive body of government are closely related, while the
judiciary is independent of the other two bodies of government.

7) In what years and significant events, the Philippines

has the constitution?
The Philippines has had 6 constitutions.
The 5 constitutions started with the country's independence in
1898: The 1899 Malolos Constitution (1899-1901) The 1935
Constitution (1935-1943, 1945-1973)

8) Explain the difference between the constitution and the

The 1935 Constitution provided the legal basis of the
Commonwealth Government which was considered a transition
government before the granting of the Philippine independence
with American-inspired constitution; the Philippine government
would eventually pattern its government system after American

The 1943 Constitution was the constitution of the Japanese-

sponsored Second Republic of the Philippines (1943-1945). It was
recognized as legitimate and binding only in Japanese-controlled
areas of the Philippines but was ignored by the United States
government and the Philippine Commonwealth government in-

The 1973 Constitution, promulgated after Marcos' declaration of

martial law, was supposed to introduce a parliamentary-style
government. Legislative power was vested in a unicameral
National Assembly whose members were elected for six-year
Kathryn I. Reyes, 2017-2-01888

The 1987 Constitution established a representative democracy

with power divided among three separate and independent
branches of government: The Executive, a bicameral Legislature,
and the Judiciary.

9) Why is the constitution of the Philippines supreme?

"It’s the Constitution that is supreme, not the Supreme Court"

Because it is an essential rule of our constitutional republic that

the supremacy of the Constitution over all organs and
instrumentalities of government.

The reason for this is crystal clear. The sworn duty of the
Supreme Court is to uphold and defend the Constitution. Like
other instrumentalities of government, the High Court is a creation
of the Constitution; it cannot surpass or exceed the Constitution in
authority in our national life.

The concept of the supremacy of the Constitution has long been

settled in the history of democracies and constitutional
governments. So, it is also in our national history, where reverence
for the Constitution is sacrosanct, and constitutional supremacy
has been affirmed in several decisions of our Supreme Court.

10) What is meant by the principle: A government of laws

and not of men?
The rule of law, at its most basic, means that the law applies to
everyone equally. It means that no one is above the law. It is also
popularly understood as “a government of law, not of men.” And,
while the law may be harsh, it is the law.

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