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Llaguno, Marco Nathaniel C.

November 6, 2019


What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Why and how can we promote it in our country?
Will this be helpful and relevant to the people?

Corporate Social Responsibility, according to our lesson, is the ability of an individual to

consider his/her decisions in terms of a social system and holds him/her responsible for effects of
their action. According to Moore, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business strategy
with a growing currency all over the world. It argues that organizations/companies not only have
the responsibility to multiple stakeholders, but it also has the responsibilities that go well beyond
the scope of the conduct of their business.

All businesses in the Philippines, whether large scale or small scale, should practice CSR
since it is important to the citizens of the country and it will greatly improve the reputation of the
business. According to Biro, Millennials are hard workers who rank social responsibility as an
important factor in looking for companies to work with it is why CSR is very important in a
company. By promoting CSR, not only are you helping with the growth of the business, but you
are also conveying to the customers on how you care about the world. Some ways of promoting
CSR in the Philippines is by starting with the HR of the company. The HR will greatly help with
the success of the CSR initiative in the company since they are the ones who will manage, monitor
and record its success throughout the company. One example of this is by implementing proper
waste disposal and recycling program throughout the company. With the implementation of this,
it will help the community to lessen waste.

However big or small a business is, they should practice CSR since it will be truly helpful
to the people. It will help in making the citizens disciplined since other people will tend to copy
what they are seeing. One example of this is Paraluman. Paraluman carries local, handmade
products. Whenever you buy products from them, not only are you helping the community but you
are also helping the environment since the company’s packaging is made from sustainable

Biro, M. M. (2017, May 18). Be the Change: Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility.
Retrieved from

Moore, K. (n.d.). 7 Ways to Promote Corporate Social Responsibility. Retrieved from

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