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Llaguno, Marco Nathaniel C.

Arts 1 X2

Perspective on Arts: Critique Paper on Breaking Ground

Breaking Ground was one of the galleries that was required for us to visit. I had a

blast in here since most of the arts here makes me feel calm.

“Before Dark” is a painting by Lara Latosa. It was made on an acrylic on canvas. It

shows different lightness and darkness in color. The art movement present in the painting

can be categorized under abstract expressionism since we can spot some spontaneity

on the curves of the line in the waves.

Two major kinds of line can be seen in the painting, however dynamic lines can be

seen more frequently since the painting is about the movement of waves. It is primarily

made up of curved lines. “Before Dark” has a great balance of value and intensity since

the viewers can clearly differentiate the lightness, brightness and darkness of the colors

present in the painting. It mostly uses blue with different shades of blue. The colors

present in the painting had a cool set of colors which can give the viewers a calm and

restful feeling. “Before Dark” can be described as smooth, fine, and a shiny painting. The

unevenness of the color gives effects to the gradation of light and shade. The effect of

distance upon the appearance of the wave can be seen in Linear Perspective. Converging
and diminishing size can be seen throughout the painting of Lara Latosa. It can be seen

throughout the painting that objects that are near can be seen in full intensity of color and

the waves appear to be smaller as they recede from the distance. The painting uses

colors, lines, texture, length and width. With the absence of at least one of these, “Before

Dark” would be greatly affected in terms of aesthetics. When it comes to the form, Radial

and Clustered forms can be seen throughout the painting. It can be clearly seen that there

is a center which linear forms extends outward radially. Also, the curved lines are grouped

together by a common visual trait specifically by shades of blue.

"Before Dark" shows unity and balance since all the parts of the painting does not

feels out of place and it makes the viewer feel calm and at ease. Movement is present in

the painting since it directs the viewers’ attention to the waves present in the painting.

Proportion of the waves can be seen since there are big or small curves present in the

painting. Also, the painting makes you look at the focus of the artwork which is the center

of the wave. It must have a special meaning to the artist since it catches the attention of

the viewers while looking at the painting.

I had fun looking at this painting because I think that the painter wants its viewer to

feel calm and be at ease since she uses cool colors, specifically blue and different shades

of blue as the main color for the painting. Also, we can see that she uses the unevenness

of the surface to create a gradation of light and shade throughout the painting.

“Red Pillars” by Jay Ragma looks like blueprints for a building. Other elements of

painting give more detail to the overall design of the "Red Pillars". Optical art is the art

movement in this painting since it gives an illusory effect due to the different lines it has.
Static lines were properly used in the painting since it suggests repose. Horizontal

and vertical lines were only used throughout the painting. Three colors, Black, White and

Red were only used in the painting. "Red Pillars" can be describe as a fine and smooth

painting. The effect of distance upon the appearance of different kinds and colors of line

can be seen in a Linear Perspective. It can be seen in the painting that lines appear to be

smaller as they recede from the distance making the painting have depth and volume.

When it comes to the form, it is mostly comprised of linear forms since lines are arrange

sequentially by rows and columns. Also grid forms can be seen here since three

dimensional grids are present in the artwork. Space is an important element in this piece

since without space, volume cannot be present in the artwork. Also, the pillars show

solidity or thickness all throughout the painting.

"Red Pillars" somehow shows unity. Some parts of the lines show awkwardness

while looking at the painting for a long time. It shows balance since most of the lines are

symmetrical. Movement is present in the painting since it directs the viewers’ attention to

the red lines that is supposed to be the red pillars which is the focus of the art piece.

Proportion and repetition of lines makes the painting have volume and depth since the

painting appears to be three dimensional.

I think the painter wants to show to the viewers that you can make art using the basic

elements of arts specifically horizontal and vertical lines and color. I think that the painter

is trying to use optical arts to show the red pillars however I think that the elements of arts

used is not enough since the three-dimensional figure is not easily be seen unless it will

be explained to you thoroughly.

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