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Status of Glucocorticoid Alterations in

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Rachel Yehuda
The Traumatic Stress Studies Program, Department of Psychiatry, The Mount Sinai
School of Medicine, New York, New York, USA
The PTSD Program at the James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Bronx,
New York, USA

The current status of glucocorticoid alterations in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

will be described in this chapter. Emphasis will be placed on data that suggest that at
least some glucocorticoid-related observations in PTSD reflect pretraumatic gluco-
corticoid status. Recent observations have provided some evidence that pretraumatic
glucocorticoid alterations may arise from genetic, epigenetic, and possibly other envi-
ronmental influences that serve to increase the likelihood of developing PTSD following
trauma exposure, as well as modulate attendant biological alterations associated with
its pathophysiology. Current studies in the fteld of PTSD employ glucocorticoid chal-
lenge strategies to delineate effects of exogenously administered glucocorticoids on
neuroendocrine, cognitive, and brain function. Results of these studies have provided
an important rationale for using glucocorticoid strategies in the treatment of PTSD.

Key words: acth; cortisol; depression; dexamethasone; glucocorticoid receptors

Introduction Hyperarousal symptoms, such as insomnia, ir-

ritability, impaired concentration, hypervigi-
The initial conception of post-traumatic lance, and increased startle responses, concern
stress disorder (PTSD) as first described in the more “physiologic” manifestations of trauma
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental exposure. In the DSM-IV , these symptoms
Disorders (DSM)-III was that this condition rep- must impair social, occupational, or interper-
resented a universal human response to expo- sonal function, and persist in tandem for at least
sure to extremely traumatic experiences, de- a month following the trauma.2
fined as both markedly distressing, and unusual It was implicit in both the original and re-
or rare in a person’s experience.1 Three dis- vised definitions of PTSD that the most impor-
tinct, but co-occurring, symptom groups are tant predictor of PTSD would be the type and
present in PTSD. Re-experiencing symptoms severity of trauma exposure. Reciprocally, the
are intrusions of the traumatic memory in presence of PTSD provided post hoc confirma-
the form of distressing images, nightmares, tion of trauma exposure. The strong theoretical
or dissociative experiences, such as flashbacks. link between exposure to events at the extreme
Avoidance symptoms include actively avoid- end of the stress response spectrum and PTSD
ing reminders of the traumatic event, includ- provided the rationale for hypothesizing that
ing persons, places, or things associated with biological alterations in this disorder, partic-
the trauma, and more passive behaviors re- ularly those associated with glucocorticoids,
flecting emotional numbing and constriction. would be similar to those observed in basic sci-
ence models of stress.3
The normal fear response is characterized
Address for correspondence: Rachel Yehuda, Ph.D., Bronx VA
OOMH, 130 West Kingsbridge Road, Bronx, NY 10468. Voice: 718- by a series of biological reactions that help
584-9000 ext. 6964. the body cope with stress. Activation of the
Glucocorticoids and Mood: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1179: 56–69 (2009).
doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04979.x § c 2009 New York Academy of Sciences.

Yehuda: Glucocorticoids in PTSD 57

sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the re- Glucocorticoid Alterations in

lease of adrenaline allow the organism to in- Chronic PTSD: Overview
crease its physiologic capacity for “fight-or-
flight” in response to threat 4 and facilitate Alterations of the HPA axis are a predomi-
consolidation of the threat memory.5 The si- nant feature of PTSD pathophysiology. While
multaneous activation of the hypothalamic- there are exceptions in the literature, it appears
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, culminating in the that PTSD is associated with a unique profile
release of cortisol, helps contain the stress re- in that corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
sponse when the threat is removed.6 As stress- levels appear to be increased18–20 while urinary
activated biological reactions are suppressed as and plasma levels of cortisol are lower or at least
a result of cortisol inhibition, elevated corti- not elevated, compared to nonexposed persons
sol levels also exert a negative feedback inhibi- without PTSD.21–26 Increased cortisol suppres-
tion at the pituitary, hypothalamus, hippocam- sion in response to dexamethasone (DEX) has
pus, and amygdala—sites initially responsible also been observed in most studies, reflecting an
for the stimulation of cortisol release.7 Negative enhanced negative feedback inhibition.27–39 An
feedback inhibition occurs due to the presence important feature of this profile is that it differs
of glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) and leads to from that observed in acute and chronic stress
the restoration of basal hormone levels.8 and depression, which has been classically asso-
Early biological studies in PTSD hypoth- ciated with increased CRH and cortisol levels,
esized increases in both cortisol and cate- reduced cortisol suppression to DEX, and re-
cholamines. However, only the latter were duced GR responsiveness.40–44
found to be elevated.9–11 The first neuroen- Indeed, it is presumed that the enhanced
docrine study of cortisol in PTSD demon- negative feedback inhibition reflects a greater
strated lower 24-h urinary cortisol excretion in responsiveness of the GRs, as suggested by
PTSD compared to persons with other psychi- demonstrations of changes in GR number and
atric diagnoses. 12 Although these results were responsiveness in response to DEX administra-
initially difficult to interpret, it soon became tion and other challenges.35,45–47 Although it is
clear that (1) only a minority of persons ex- easy to reach the erroneous conclusion that the
posed to trauma failed to recover from initial lower cortisol levels reflect a less active HPA
fear reactions and move on to develop PTSD, axis, this does not appear to be the case. Circa-
and that (2) traumatic exposures that had been dian rhythm of cortisol reflects a more dynamic
presumed to be rare were common occur- regulatory pattern, as confirmed by mathemat-
rences.13–15 These epidemiologic observations ical modeling of cortisol oscillations over the
resulted in a paradigm shift with respect to the diurnal cycle.22,48,49 Furthermore, hormonal
conceptual link between trauma exposure and responses to naturalistic and laboratory provo-
PTSD.3,16 That is, rather than representing the cations suggest an exaggerated hormonal (and
normative response to trauma, it seemed more subjective) response to stress.50,51 In some cases,
appropriate to describe PTSD as a failure to but more rarely, elevated cortisol levels have
engage the biological mechanisms associated been reported in PTSD. Together, these find-
with recovery and physiologic homeostasis.16,17 ings imply that although cortisol levels may be
This conceptual change provided an important generally lower, the adrenal gland is certainly
context for understanding glucocorticoid alter- capable of producing adequate amounts of cor-
ations in PTSD. Indeed, if PTSD represented tisol in response to challenge.52
a specific biological phenotype representing a Table 1 presents a summary of the biological
failure of recovery, lower cortisol levels could findings in PTSD that report on some aspect of
represent an important biological correlate of glucocorticoid function. While it is beyond the
this phenomenon. scope of the paper to review each of the findings
58 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

TABLE 1. Compatibility of Findings in PTSD with in detail, it could be noted that almost all of the
Enhanced Negative Feedback Inhibition observations that have been made in relation to
Enhanced glucocorticoid alterations in PTSD are consis-
negative tent with the idea of enhanced responsiveness to
Finding in PTSD feedback glucocorticoids or increased GR sensitization.
Lower ambient cortisol yes Since most studies have been cross-sectional in
levels12,56,57,60,63,64,70,71,80–84 nature, and confined to persons with chronic
Normal or variable cortisol yes PTSD, it has been difficult to determine the ori-
levels20,35,54,62,65–67,72 gin of these alterations and the extent to which
Higher cortisol levels51,53,55,59,79 yesa they are central to PTSD pathophysiology.
Increased circadian rhythm of yes
Decreased circadian rhythm of cortisol86 no
Normal ACTH levels51,62,70,71,76 yes The Role of Glucocorticoid
Low β-endorphin levels69 yesb Alterations in PTSD
Increased corticotropin-releasing yes Pathophysiology
factor(CRF) levels in cerebrospinal
Increased glucocorticoid receptor yes Though initial observations connected low
number57,68 cortisol levels and related findings of HPA axis
Increased glucocorticoid receptor yes alterations to PTSD pathophysiology, several
responsiveness46 converging findings suggest that these cortisol-
Normal cortisol levels following 1 mg yes
dexamethasone (DEX)33,54,73,74
related alterations may reflect a pre-existing
Decreased cortisol levels following 0.5 mg yes vulnerability trait that increases the probabil-
DEX28,35,37,39 ity of developing PTSD following trauma ex-
Increased cortisol levels following 1 mg no posure. In some longitudinal studies evaluating
DEX60,75 trauma survivors beginning in the immediate
Decreased number of cytosolic yes
glucocorticoid receptors following DEX
aftermath of exposure, there was an attenuated
compared to baseline receptors35 rise in cortisol immediately after the trauma in
Increased ACTH suppression following yes those at greater risk for developing PTSD or
DEX administration 30,36,38 who actually did develop PTSD.3 This finding
Increased ACTH levels to high dose yes has tended to be confined to samples evaluating
cortisol in response to a similar event exposure.
Decreased ACTH levels to low dose no
metyrapone71 Thus, lower cortisol levels were associated with
Decreased ACTH levels following CRF61,72 yes prior assault in a study of consecutively appear-
Increased ACTH levels following no ing rape victims to an emergency room hours
CRF26,62,77,78 after rape.85 Lower cortisol levels were also ob-
Decreased ACTH levels following yes served in association with PTSD symptoms in
cholecystokinin (CCK)-470
Increased ACTH levels following no
a group of motor vehicle accident victims 86,87
naloxone76 and in 88
response to the natural disaster of an ice
Increased ACTH levels following stress51,76 yes storm. In contrast, cortisol differences were
Increased cortisol response to ACTH62 no not observed in a large cohort of civilians pre-
Decreased cortisol response to ACTH70 yes senting to the emergency department in re-
a Higher cortisol levels are only consistent with en- sponse to a wide range of events ranging from
hanced negative feedback to the extent that they represent terrorism to accidents based on the subsequent
transient elevations. development of PTSD.89 Possibly, such a dif-
bTo the extent that β-endorphin is co-released with
ferentiation requires a relatively homogenous
ACTH and reflects ACTH, this finding is compatible.
This table demonstrates that the model of enhanced sample with similar risk factors for exposure to
negative feedback is compatible with 18 of these 24 ob- a particular traumatic event or PTSD following
servations of HPA alterations in PTSD. that event.
Yehuda: Glucocorticoids in PTSD 59

Interestingly, in studies finding evidence of matic memories become “over-consolidated”

low cortisol in association with PTSD or or inappropriately remembered due to an ex-
PTSD risk, there was also evidence of greater aggerated level of distress. 102,103 The primary
SNS arousal as reflected by catecholamine mechanism through which catecholamines fa-
levels.12,55,90–92 Other reports (in which cor- cilitate memory formation is by maintaining
tisol levels were not examined) also demon- organisms at a high level of arousal. 5 This
strated sympathetic arousal as determined by response is modulated by adrenal steroids. 104
increased heart rate.93–95 It may be that in- Thus, if there is insufficient cortisol signaling,
creased SNS activation reflects an inadequately catecholamine-induced arousal might be pro-
contained acute stress response. In the above longed and distress increased. 17 Both circum-
study of civilians, neither lower cortisol levels stances might impair memory consolidation or
nor elevated catecholamines were observed in lead to increased fear conditioning to more gen-
the acute aftermath of trauma.89,96 eralized stimuli. If low cortisol levels represent a
That lower cortisol levels reflect PTSD risk pre-existing characteristic reinforced by “over-
has also been supported by studies of individu- consolidation” at the time of the trauma, then
als at risk for PTSD based not on trauma ex- failing to properly contain the SNS response to
posure, but rather on the risk factor of parental traumatic reminders could perpetuate the in-
PTSD. Parental PTSD has been demonstrated trusive and hyperarousal symptoms of chronic
to increase the prevalence of PTSD following PTSD, leading to the elaboration of avoidance
trauma exposure by as much as threefold.97 symptoms that commonly occur in the disorder
In a sample of Holocaust offspring, lower cor- even over years or decades.
tisol levels were also observed in association The above discussion is important because
with parental PTSD.98 Offspring of Holocaust it suggests that cortisol levels (and related glu-
survivors with PTSD also showed significantly cocorticoid alterations) in PTSD reflect pre-
enhanced cortisol responses to 0.50 mg DEX trauma characteristics. Thus, the role of gluco-
compared to offspring of Holocaust survivors corticoid alterations in PTSD pathophysiology
without PTSD and demographically compa- may be more as precipitants or facilitators of
rable controls.99 In addition, urinary cortisol the disorder following trauma exposure than as
levels were negatively correlated with severity consequences of exposure per se. This formu-
of parental PTSD symptoms, even after con- lation is appealing because a central question
trolling for PTSD symptoms in offspring. 100 in trying to understand the biological basis of
The finding that low cortisol is associated with PTSD as a response to extreme stress involves
parental PTSD was recently replicated in a co- resolving why only a minority of those exposed
hort of infants of mothers exposed while preg- develop the disorder. That there is a biologi-
nant to the World Trade Center attacks on cal vulnerability explains why some persons ex-
9/11/2001, in whom significantly lower sali- perience exaggerated arousal and distress and
vary cortisol levels were observed in the sub- move on to develop a condition characterized
group of offspring born to mothers who de- by sustained arousal, while others are able to
veloped PTSD from this event compared to achieve homeostasis in response to exposures
infants whose mothers did not.101 of similar magnitude.
An attenuated cortisol response in the acute
aftermath of trauma in those at greater risk for
PTSD may result in a cascade in which there is Genetic and Nongenetic
increased SNS activation, leading to an exag- Contributions to PTSD Risk
gerated catecholamine response to the trauma.
The resulting excess catecholamine response, Because PTSD is a disorder precipitated
in turn, could initiate a process in which trau- by exposure to an event, elucidating the
60 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

pathophysiology of this disorder requires de- cent observation has been the finding of an
lineating molecular manifestations of environ- interaction between childhood trauma expo-
mental impacts on gene activity. However, be- sure and polymorphisms in FKBP5, a GR
cause there are clearly risk factors for PTSD, chaperone gene.109 Reduced expression of this
some of which may be constitutional, it is im- gene would be consistent with increased GR
portant to consider a wide range of biologi- responsiveness.
cal contributors to the HPA axis alterations The limited number of gene-related find-
that have been observed. These include ge- ings in PTSD may reflect the complexity in-
netic polymorphisms, permanent changes in volved in executing research in this area. Al-
gene expression resulting from epigenetic mod- ternatively, if the failure to find susceptibility
ifications, and transient and reversible changes genes for PTSD continues, this may suggest
reflecting day-to-day alterations in biological that PTSD risk is related to enduring pre-
processes, as well as the role of ongoing environ- traumatic changes that are not based on dif-
mental perturbations on these latter processes. ferences in genetic polymorphisms, but rather
The most compelling evidence for an as- on differences in genes related to epigenetic
sociation between genetic factors and PTSD alterations. Epigenetic mechanisms offer the
has been provided by findings of an increased possibility of defining pathways by which en-
prevalence of PTSD among trauma survivors vironmental risk factors might directly alter the
who also had a twin with PTSD compared to expression of a gene, thus forming a basis for in-
trauma survivors whose exposed twin did not dividual differences in a function relating to the
develop PTSD.105–107 This was first demon- gene and, perhaps, vulnerability to a disease or
strated in a cohort of combat veterans, in which disorder.
the risk for developing PTSD after trauma ex- Epigenetics refers to a transgenerationally
posure was significantly greater for monozy- transmissible functional change in the genome
gotic than for dizygotic noncombat exposed that can be altered by environmental events
co-twins of PTSD-affected probands,106 and and does not involve an alteration of se-
then repeated in a population-based study in quence.110,111 Methylation of polymerase II
civilians. These observations suggested that it promoters is an efficient way of gene si-
would be possible to detect specific suscepti- lencing and accordingly provides a concrete
bility genes for PTSD. Significant associations molecular mechanism through which genetic-
were found with a variable number tandem environmental interactions occur.112 Such
repeat polymorphism in an untranslated re- mechanisms are likely to be highly relevant to
gion of the dopamine transporter gene108 with PTSD and might specifically explain the origin
a reduced number of repeats in 93 chronic of glucocorticoid-related alterations associated
PTSD patients compared with 95 non-PTSD with PTSD and PTSD-risk.
trauma survivors. In another study, no as- DNA methylation has been shown to be
sociation was found between two GR poly- a mechanism for programming the activity
morphisms, N363S and BclI, and the diag- of genes regulating HPA activity by early life
nosis of PTSD in 118 chronic PTSD pa- events (i.e., differences in maternal care),113,114
tients compared with 42 unaffected control sub- paralleling observations that early life events
jects, though PTSD patients homozygous for are associated both with the development of
the BclI GG genotype tended to be more re- PTSD115–117 and the HPA axis alterations de-
sponsive to a peripheral test of glucocorticoid scribed in this condition.21,118,119 Such changes
sensitivity (dermal vessel vasoconstrictor assay) in rat pups result in permanent changes in hip-
and displayed more severe PTSD symptoms.45 pocampal GR expression and HPA function120
Both of these studies were comprised of rela- and provide a clear molecular link between
tively small convenience samples. A more re- early environment and gene expression and
Yehuda: Glucocorticoids in PTSD 61

function. Interestingly, the alterations observed sized the stability of both cortisol levels and
are in the same direction as those described in PTSD, yet in a follow-up, replication study, the
PTSD (i.e., increased GR sensitivity, enhanced same authors reported marked lability of corti-
cortisol suppression to DEX, lower cortisol), sol levels in association with symptom change
offering proof of principle that environmental during specialized therapeutic programs, in
exposures can result in such changes. It is there- which there is an emphasis on reliving trau-
fore possible that epigenetic alterations underlie matic exposures.121 A recent longitudinal study
some of the HPA changes observed, particu- of Holocaust survivors also demonstrated that
larly in relation to parental PTSD, and there- in those whose symptom status remained rel-
fore explain the stable neuroendocrine pattern atively unchanged over a 10-year period, cor-
observed in PTSD. The extent to which epi- tisol levels were highly correlated at Time 1
genetic mechanisms are involved in other risk and Time 2.122 If anything, there were con-
factors thought to reflect more “constitutional” sistent decrements in total mean 24-h cortisol
alterations is not clear but remains an exciting levels. This was particularly true in the group
horizon for future investigations. that had developed PTSD at Time 2 but had
not had the disorder at Time 1. In the group
that recovered from PTSD by Time 2 after
Stability of Glucocorticoid having the disorder at Time 1, cortisol levels
Alterations in PTSD increased.
If glucocorticoid alterations represent pre-
If glucocorticoid alterations are related to existing vulnerability factors that determine bi-
PTSD risk, it becomes important to under- ological responses at the time of the trauma,
stand the extent to which such alterations can they may be stable measures or may not
be altered over time. Although some biological change as PTSD symptoms change. Alterna-
risk factors associated with glucocorticoid al- tively, different components of the HPA axis
terations would be immutable (i.e., genotype), may be regulated differently, such that some
others might not. To date, there are only a glucocorticoid-related alterations are more
few longitudinal biological studies examining trait-like, while others are more related to
aspects of glucocorticoid alterations in PTSD symptom severity. Few treatment studies to date
over time. Thus, it is not possible to know have incorporated glucocorticoid alterations
whether some or all of the observed changes before and after treatment as either predic-
are stable. However, this is an important emerg- tors of response (consistent with trait) or state-
ing area. This question becomes particularly measures reflecting symptom severity. In one
interesting when the longitudinal trajectory of study, treatment responders to psychotherapy
PTSD symptoms is considered. The conven- showed increases in cortisol levels compared
tional dogma of PTSD, at least in the early to pretreatment levels, whereas nonresponders
years following the appearance of this diagno- continued to manifest lower cortisol levels. 123
sis, was that it was a chronic and stable disorder. These observations are consistent with our re-
However, PTSD may also be a dynamic disor- cent data demonstrating lower cortisol in non-
der, with symptom severity reaching high and responders at post-treatment compared to pre-
low points depending on a wide range of factors treatment with psychotherapy.124
generally associated with concurrent environ-
mental stressors.
The initial observation of low cortisol in Glucocorticoid Challenge Strategies
PTSD was based on a longitudinal study ex-
amining cortisol levels at four intervals during The increased responsiveness of the GRs re-
patient hospitalization. 12 This study empha- ported in PTSD may amplify the effects of
62 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

endogenous cortisol.16,21,44,125,126 A more clas- in working memory and the extent to which
sic understanding of low cortisol is that it re- hydrocortisone suppressed plasma ACTH lev-
sults in reduced cortisol signaling.127 Direct els. The association between hydrocortisone’s
administration of cortisol provides a power- effects on cognition and endocrine measures re-
ful challenge strategy to differentiate between inforces the links among neuroendocrine status,
these two alternatives. Although there are only PTSD symptomatology, and measures of clini-
a few studies examining the effects of exoge- cal pathology in this disorder. Indeed, there are
nously administered glucocorticoids in PTSD, numerous studies documenting working mem-
they are informative. When administered as ory dysfunction in PTSD.
an intravenous bolus (17.5 mg), hydrocortisone Assessment of regional relative glucose
produced a greater decrease in corticotropin metabolic rate (rGMR) in the hippocampus
(ACTH) in combat veterans with PTSD com- and amygdala and discrete regions of in-
pared to combat veterans without PTSD. This terest in the prefrontal cortex in response
finding suggests an exaggerated negative feed- to hydrocortisone and placebo was also per-
back effect of the GRs. 128 Similarly, a study formed, measured by radio-labeled 2-deoxy-
examining the effect of 30 mg of oral hydro- 2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission to-
cortisone on trace eyeblink conditioning also mography (18FDG PET).131 On the placebo
demonstrated an exaggerated suppression ef- day, group differences in hemispheric lateral-
fect in PTSD.129 Trace eyeblink conditioning ity of rGMR were observed following placebo
is a hippocampal-dependent associative learn- administration, reflecting lower rGMR in the
ing task that is thought to reflect hippocampal right hippocampus and ventral amygdala, and
function. However, because it can be manipu- higher rGMR in the left ventral amygdala in
lated by glucocorticoids, it is also a good probe the PTSD group compared to the non-PTSD
of GR responsiveness. In both of these studies, group. Hydrocortisone administration reduced
hydrocortisone administration produced an ef- these group differences in laterality, such that
fect directionally similar to the one produced hippocampal rGMR increased in the PTSD
in comparison subjects, but it did so in a more group and decreased in the non-PTSD group.
exaggerated manner. Hydrocortisone also reversed laterality differ-
The effect of hydrocortisone administration ences in rGMR in the amygdala. In the gray
on memory performance in PTSD has also matter of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC),
been examined. Here, interpretations of hydro- hydrocortisone reduced rGMR in the PTSD
cortisone’s effects are somewhat complicated by group and slightly increased metabolism in the
the bidirectional effects of glucocorticoids on non-PTSD group, consistent with central glu-
memory performance observed in normal sub- cocorticoid responsiveness. The net effect of
jects. Declarative and working memory were hydrocortisone was to restore a normal inverse
measured in combat veterans who received the association between the ACC and amygdala
i.v. bolus of 17.5 mg of hydrocortisone one in the PTSD group, but to disrupt this neural
day, and placebo another day 2 weeks later network in the non-PTSD group. The magni-
(in a randomized, double-blind design counter- tude of improvement in working memory cor-
balanced for order). Hydrocortisone improved related with greater hemispheric laterality in
performance in declarative memory in both the dorsal amygdala following hydrocortisone
groups but preferentially improved working in both groups. These findings indicate that
memory only in combat veterans with PTSD, restorative effects of even a single dose of hydro-
such that there was no longer a group differ- cortisone on metabolism and working memory
ence in performance as had been observed on provide a rationale for examining the therapeu-
the placebo day.130 Furthermore, there was a tic benefits of glucocorticoids in aging PTSD
correlation between the extent of improvement subjects.
Yehuda: Glucocorticoids in PTSD 63

Glucocorticoid Treatment pression of GRs in the hippocampus. 140 In-

activating GRs in the amygdala post-retrieval
The idea that glucocorticoid administration similarly blocked processing of the “trau-
could be beneficial in PTSD might be sup- matic memory” (i.e., behavioral response to
ported by at least some of the neuroendocrine conditioning).141 Given the role of GRs in
alterations in this disorder. In reality, how- both traumatic memory processing and PTSD
ever, the therapeutic effects of glucocorticoids pathophysiology, it is reasonable to consider
in relation to PTSD were discovered by acci- approaches that include the use of GR block-
dent. Indeed, it was noted several years ago ers, such as mifepristone, in the treatment of
that patients who received high doses of gluco- PTSD.
corticoids (cortisone) for the treatment of sep-
tic shock were significantly less likely to suf-
fer from traumatic recollections of the event or Conclusions and Future Directions
develop PTSD.132,133 Subsequent randomized
trials confirmed that the effects of glucocorti- The volume of different, and sometimes dis-
coids in the prevention of PTSD resulted from parate, observations in PTSD suggest that glu-
decreasing the traumatizing effects of mem- cocorticoid alterations associated with the dis-
ory.134,135 These observations in trauma sur- order are complex and may not be confined to
vivors led to an initial pilot cross-over study of singular aspects of HPA axis functioning. Fur-
low-dose glucocorticoids that demonstrated a thermore, to the extent that glucocorticoid al-
significant reduction in chronic PTSD, which terations reflect pretraumatic history, whether
the authors attributed to the effects of cortisol in genetic, epigenetic, or based on early envi-
impairing retrieval of traumatic memories.136 ronmental exposures, there may be individual
Interestingly, animal studies have also con- differences in these alterations among persons
firmed the potential utility of cortisol-related with PTSD. There is now strong evidence that
treatments in preventing “PTSD-related” con- some features of glucocorticoid alterations in
sequences of fear conditioning.137 PTSD may be altered prior to trauma expo-
Alternatively, it is possible that cortisol treat- sure, but the implications of this for under-
ment is an intervention that potentially offsets standing other aspects of glucocorticoid status
the low cortisol observed in PTSD. If low cor- in PTSD are not clear. Future studies should ex-
tisol facilitates a pathologic neurobiology in amine how different components of HPA axis
PTSD (i.e., through reduced cortisol signal- alterations may be differentially regulated. The
ing, increasing exposure to endogenous cate- next generation of studies should aim to apply
cholamines, etc.),26,40,138,139 the administration more rigorous tests of the neuroendocrinology
of cortisol over time might result in recalibra- of PTSD based on developmental issues, the
tion of HPA axis regulation. However, it is longitudinal course of the disorder, and individ-
probably more beneficial in this case to recal- ual differences that affect these processes. No
ibrate GR responsiveness more directly with doubt such studies will require a closer exami-
a GR antagonist. Although this has not yet nation of a wide range of biological responses,
been tried in humans, in a recently developed including the cellular and molecular mecha-
paradigm in which rats are exposed to single nisms involved in adaptation to stress, and an
prolonged stress (SPS), administration of a GR understanding of the relationship between the
antagonist prior to SPS exposure prevented the endocrine findings and other identified biolog-
normally observed potentiation of fear condi- ical alterations in PTSD. These latter studies
tioning in the amygdala, impaired long-term will contribute to the identification of targets
potentiation in the hippocampus, enhanced in- for intervention with glucocorticoid-related
hibition of the HPA axis, and increased ex- treatments.
64 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

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