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Stage 1
Suasana kelas hari itu tetap sama seperti biasanya, membosankan, tenang, damai, dan tidak menarik. Amanda,
Wiwin, dan Farah menjalani hari-hari yang membosankan belajar di kelas bersama Bu Amah. Hingga suatu hari,
Bu Amah datang bersama tamu yang tak diduga.

Wiwin : Arrgh, I'm tired of studying.

Amanda : Yeah, so bored.
Farah : Hey, be quiet and calm. We are studying here.
Amanda : All right, honorable class president(Sambil mengejek Farah)
Wiwin : Hahaha, hey Farah uselessly reprimanded us.
Farah : You mean?
Amanda : You mean, it's useless you reprimand us. We still will not change.
Farah : Let it be. The important thing is that my obligations and duties are still carried out.
Wiwin : Whatever you say.

Bu Amah : Good morning, children.(Entering class)

All : Morning, mom.
Erna : Who's that, mom?
Istiqomah : From abroad, mom? From Hong Kong?
Bu Amah :. Erna, Istiqomah shut up! I haven't talked yet!
Erna, Istiq : Yes, mom.
Bu Amah : Alright. I came with your new friends.This is a transfer student from outside the city. Please
introduce yourself. (Holding Elisa's shoulder)

Elisa : Hello…. My name is Elisa, I moved from Surabaya.

Istiqomah : Rich person, huh?
Amanda : Great, go home eating delicious.
Farah : Hey you two. She hasn't finished talking yet, let her talk to the end!
Bu Amah : I have done it already! Elisa please continue.
Elisa : I ... yes, mom. I moved here because my parents were on duty in this city.
Bu Amah : All right, Elisa. Please sit next to Farah. OK, my children want to go back to my room, so please
don't be noisy. Farah, I trust this class with you.
Farah : Ready, mom.
Bu Amah : OK, I'll go first.(Leaving the classroom)
Wiwin : Hey, new kid acquaintance please.
(Over to Elisa)
Elisa : you can.
Erna : Why are you so nervous? Don't be nervous, we don't eat Human.
Elisa : Sorry ... that's not it. I'm just not used to it.
Farah : Hey, you two. Don't make too much noise. Remember the teacher's message.
Amanda : Farah just relax, this is our class. Happy! we have a new friend, we have to keep quiet.
Farah : Ah it's up to you!
Erna : continue Wiwin!
Wiwin : Introduce my name Wiwin and they are Amanda, Erna, Istiqomah, Rini
(while holding their shoulder)
Elisa : Hi gays
Istiqomah : Be brave. Don't be so nervous, just like a sissy.
Rini : Don't be afraid. We are fine. No need to be a sissy.

Kring !!!! Kring !!!! Kring !!!!! The bell goes home.

Wiwin : Let's go home already bell !

Farah : (The way to approach Elisa and introduce himself)
Hi .... introduce my name, Farah.
Elisa : Hi my name is Elisa.
Farah : I'll go home first.
(then walks out of the classroom)

Stage 2
Ketika Elisa berjalan keluar kelas dia dijegat oleh lima serigala itu lalu Mereka mengajaknya ke warung Kopi.

Amanda : Come to our coffee shop!

Elisa : ok ... come on.
(walks to the coffee shop)

Stage 3
Keesokan harinya mereka menjalankan aktivitas seperti biasa di sekolah,namun Elisa tampak lusuh di kelas.

Farah : (Paying attention to Elisa)

Hey, Elisa. Are you okay?
Elisa : Hmm ... yes, I'm fine.
Farah : Really? You look pale.
Elisa : No... I'm just not feeling well.
Wiwin : Hey, never mind, you don't need to be busy handling people.
Amanda : That's it, just take care of yourself! No need to take care of other people's lives!
Farah : It's not like that, but he's not feeling well anymore. He'd better be sent home.
Erna : What if we don't want to?
Farah : Why don't you want to?
Wiwin : She already has an appointment with us. She wants to treat us to a coffee shop after school.
Farah : Oh, I see. You forced her to treat you, right?
Amanda : Already! Shut up! Don't interfere too much!
Farah : I will report you to the teacher!(Running to Mrs. Amah)

Farah : Mom ... mom! Elisa please, mom!

(Sudden shouting)
Bu Amah : Oh my God! Hey, Farah, why you? Just shocking!
Farah : Please Elisa, mom. She was hounded by Amanda, Wiwin, erna.
Bu Amah : Really?
Farah : Yes, mom.
Bu Amah : Yes, let's go to class.

Stage 4
Sementara di Kelas

Amanda : Hey, Elisa. Beware don't put a sad face in front of Mrs. Amah
Wiwin : If Mrs. Amah sees you are sad, I guarantee that your life will not be calm.
Elisa : I ... yes. I promise.
Wiwin : Good. Just smile when Mrs. Amah comes.

Stage 5
(Bu Amah dan Farah masuk ke kelas)
Bu Amah : Where are Wiwin, Amanda, Erna?
Wiwin : Here, mom.
Amanda : What's up, mom?
Bu Amah : You're yelling to Elisa, huh?
Wiwin : Who says, mom?
Bu Amah : Farah, I ask you a question. Is what you said earlier true?
Farah : That's right, mom
Amanda : Look at Elisa, mom. Sad, no face?
Bu Amah : Elisa, are you really being hounded by of them?
Elisa : No, mom. In fact, I was treated by of them.
(Smiling at Mrs. Amah)
Bu Amah : Farah, what is this? You don't accuse your friends carelessly! You don't want this to happen
Farah : Yes, mom. I am sorry.
Bu Amah : Already, you guys are ready to go home.
(Leaving class)
Wiwin : Hey, hero! Don't mess with us, okay?
(Hitting Farah's stomach)
Farah : Ugghh ...
Amanda : This is a warning for you. If you dare doing anything else, the hospital will be your next bed!
Istiqomah : Come on, Elisa. We are going to the stall
Elisa : But I can't stand it.I don't want to go with all of you!
Amanda : Noisy! (Hits Elisa until she falls from the chair)
Elisa : Arggh ...
Amanda : Uh, what did you say?
Elisa : I said, I don't want to go... I don't want to be your slave anymore!
Wiwin : Say it one more time !(Gripping Elisa's collar)
Elisa : I said ...
Wiwin : Shut up, you!(Hitting Elisa's stomach)
Elisa: Uggh ...... (Slumped to the floor)
Rani : Hey, you guys!
(Hitting Wiwin)
Wiwin : Damn you!
(There was a fierce and exciting fight between the four of them)
Farah : Elisa, hurry and call Mrs. Amah. I will hold them!
Elisa : Alright
(Running to call Mr. Anis)
Wiwin : Wow, damn you!
(Fighting continues again between Wiwin and Amanda against Farah, Rani)

Elisa : Teacher!
Mrs Amah : Oh my God! What happened, Elisa? You look so pale.
Elisa : Mom, please help Farah and Rani. They are ganged up in class.
Bu Amah : What? Is it true?
Elisa : Yes, mom. Come to class now!
Mrs Amah : Come on!
(Running towards class)
Mrs Amah : Hey, you get down on your knees!
Wiwin : But, Mom ...
Bu Amah : Hurry up! There are no but... So this turned out to be you guys, huh? Acting in front of me.
Tomorrow you come to school with your parents.

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