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Name: _____________________ / JC1

Identify Bundy’s personality from the extract below and complete

the diagram.
I understand violence—and I am not afraid. I am not afraid of
a thing. And it's a terribly secure thing. I am not afraid of
death. Maybe that's a function of it, also. I'm not intimidated
by anything or anybody. And I used to be very intimidated
by situations. And people. Not understanding motivations. I
can now speak my mind and be not at all self-conscious
about it. I don't think people perceived me this way, but I
saw myself as meek. I perceived myself to be easily
intimidated. And somewhat unsophisticated. Uninteresting
—even unattractive. Not in a gross, accentuated way that
would keep me shuddering in my apartment all day, but in a
mild way that sort of took the edge off things. When people
were genuinely interested in me, I seldom picked up on it. TB P.40-45

Simply, I just didn't appreciate my worth. It's strange, isn't it,

that under these circumstances, today I probably have a Highlight the words or phrases which indicate characterisation

stronger self-image that I ever did before? through setting and write the meanings in the space provided.

McSorley’s occupies the ground floor of a red-brick

- Conversations With A Killer, Ted tenement at 15 Seventh Street, just off Cooper Square,
Bundy where the Bowery ends. It was opened in 1854 and is the
oldest saloon in New York City. In 88 years it has had four
owners—an Irish immigrant, his son, a retired policeman,
and his daughter—and all of them have been opposed to
- Up In The Old Hotel by Joseph Mitchell
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7. ________________________ 2. ___________

Meaning: Meaning:

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