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Describing a Good Conductors

Reporters: Allanah Ashley B. Macasabuang

Nestleh Joy Tubiera

What is a conductor?

A conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of charge (electrical
current) in one or more directions. It easily allows the flow of electricity in an object.


Not all atoms are created equal. Some atoms don’t hold onto their outer electrons very tightly.
These are known as “free electrons” since they are literally free to roam around from atom to atom. So
a material with many free electrons allows an easy transfer of electrical energy and is therefore called a
conductor. If we send an energetic electron into a conductor it will impact free electron knocking down
the line until it hits another free electron. This sums up a chain reaction of impacts that conducts the
electrical energy through the material.

Properties of a good conductor

 Low resistivity and has a high conductivity

 Low temperature coefficient of resistivity

 Good thermal conductivity

 Must have high number of free electrons

 High strength

 Low weight

 Flexibility

 Mechanical Stability

 Physical Stability

 Lifetime Stability

 Shape

 Size

Why does metals are good conductors?

Electrical conductors are materials with the special quality of containing electric charges
that are conducive to conducting electricity. This electric charge, or free electrons, flows through
the material when in the presence an electromagnetic field. Metallic bonds are made from a
lattice of ions in a 'cloud' of free electrons. These free electrons are responsible for the ability of
metals to conduct electricity and conduct heat especially well.

Electric current is the flow of electrons in a wire. In metals, the outer electrons of
the atoms belong to a ‘cloud’ of delocalized electrons. They are no longer firmly held by a
specific atom, but instead they can move freely through the lattice of positive metal ions.
Normally they move randomly. However, when the wire is connected to a cell, they are pushed
away from the negative terminal and drawn to the positive one.

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