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ETLI SIT Wave1 <Employee Portal> ReleaseNotes

Project name: Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance

Track Name: Employee Portal

Release Notes
Version number. 1.5
Date: 31 08 2017

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ETLI SIT Wave1 <Employee Portal> ReleaseNotes


1. Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 3

2. Deliverable Items ......................................................................................................... 3

3. Features ........................................................................................................................ 3

4. Bugs Fixed.................................................................................................................... 3

5. Known Issues / Bugs .................................................................................................... 6

6. Dependencies ............................................................................................................... 6

7. Deployment Instructions .............................................................................................. 7

8. Roll back Procedure ..................................................................................................... 7

9. Other Information ......................................................................................................... 7

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ETLI SIT Wave1 <Employee Portal> ReleaseNotes

1. Purpose

This document serve the purpose for making sure that defects get tracked and deployed to the SIT
environment for Employee portal Module.

2. Deliverable Items
 Defect Fixed
 :Policy Management
 Mudrank

3. Features

4. Bugs Fixed
Issue Summary
ESITW- EP - Outward List - Naming convention of button "Download" is wrong
ESITW- EP - Outward List - on pagination 4 record should display only 1
ESITW- EP - Outward List - No space between result and number
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - "Showing 1 to 15 of 16 results" in the
9241 pagination in case if text is search which is not present in the Outward
List Grid.
ESITW- EP - Outward List - Records not changing when changing pagination
ESITW- EP - Outward List - Incorrect order of pagination
ESITW- EP - Outward list - 5 records are been displayed though it is showing 1
9238 to 15 records in pagination
ESITW- EP - Retrieval History - On updating the Status of the Application
9235 number without selecting the status it is showing "Success" in the
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - Downloading the file in .xls format., It
9234 should download in .csv format only.
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - Accepting file other than ".csv" format in
9233 Upload document popup.

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ETLI SIT Wave1 <Employee Portal> ReleaseNotes

ESITW- EP - Adhoc Outward - Showing "Success" message for any policy

9231 number(in valid format).
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - "Upload Document" popup should get
9230 closed after clicking on 'OK' button of the "Success" popup
ESITW- EP - Branch comments is accepting more than 150 characters
ESITW- EP - Drop down list is unavailable for age proof on click application
9225 number in retrieval history
ESITW- EP - Retrieval - Proposer name is not displayed in Retrieval History
ESITW- EP - Retreival - Proposer Name unavailable
ESITW- EP - File path not shown after selecting file in pop up window
ESITW- EP - "Select File " word is not available on the select field button
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - 'ID' column is missing in the downloaded
9206 file as compare with the
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - No event is generating on clicking the
9200 "Update" button on Update popup.
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - On loading the "Outward List" screen it is
9198 showing 5 policies numbers with "By Status = Outward_Ready" but after
that searching with same status it is showing only 1 record.
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - In "outward List" screen, "Name" column is
9197 empty.
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - Click on the "Outward" Button is not
9195 working.
ESITW- EP - Receipting - In Delivery Slip Print Icon should be Link
ESITW- EP - Outward Management - Showing duplicate statuses in the "By
9188 Status" dropdown.
ESITW- EP - There is no pop up validation message when click on upload button
8841 in upload document (Dispatch List & Upload)
ESITW- EP - Receipting - "Top UP" list item is missing in the "Payment Reason"
8711 dropdown.
ESITW- EP - Dispatch List & Upload - In case of "Edit Dispatch" , "Reset" button
9289 functionality is not working.
ESITW- EP - Dispatch List & Upload - "Upload Document" popup UI is not same
9288 as per the HTML 2.7.
ESITW- EP - Dispatch Tracker - Dispatch List & Upload - Download should be
9286 CSV Format
ESITW- EP - Dispatch Tracker - User clicks on Edit in Dispatch List & Upload
9285 incorrect details are reflected
ESITW- Ep - New Dispatch - Speed Post should not accept numeric
ESITW- Ep - New Dispatch - accepting more than 11 char for Blue dart
ESITW- EP - Dispatch List & Upload - In case of edit It is showing "Branch Code"
9282 in the "Dispatch From" dropdown.
ESITW- EP - New Dispatch Remarks is accepting more than 150 characters

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ETLI SIT Wave1 <Employee Portal> ReleaseNotes

ESITW- Ep - New Dispatch - By default selected branch not showing in dispatch

9278 from
ESITW- Ep - New Dispatch - Branch option is not available in drop down for
9277 "Dispatch To"
ESITW- EP - Dispatch List and Upload - "View List" Popup all fields are missing
9276 as comparison with EP HTML 2.7
ESITW- Ep - New Dispatch - No validation message showing on invalid policy
9272 number
ESITW- EP - Dispatch List and Upload - On clicking the "Policy Number" the
9270 "View List" popup UI is disturbed.
ESITW- EP - Dispatch Tracker - "Search" field UI is not same as per the latest
9268 HTML 2.7.
ESITW- Ep - Dispatch Search - Submit button is not working on input "policy and
9267 doc ref no"
ESITW- EP - Dispatch Dashboard- No data present in disaptch dashboard and
9266 wrong count showing
ESITW- EP - Dispatch Tracker - Dispatch Search Reset Button not working
ESITW- EP - Dispatch Tracker - Error Message is overlapped
ESITW- Ep - UI Level - Reduce water mark weight from input boxes
ESITW- Ep - UI Level - Left navigation all arrow should be aligned.
ESITW- Ep - Enter word should not present for non editable fields in Proposer
9256 details Section
ESITW- Ep - Enter word should not present for non editable fields in PFA/SP
9255 details Section
ESITW- EP - UI Level - Dashboard left space and right space should be same.
ESITW- EP - UI Level - Scrutiny sub tab heading should be bold and removed
9253 grey color
ESITW- EP- UI Level - Border Box color showing other color and login error icon
9251 missing
ESITW- EP - URL For Datacap is not working

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ETLI SIT Wave1 <Employee Portal> ReleaseNotes

5. Known Issues / Bugs

Receipt Insert makes call to Ingenium. At times response is very slow.
Requirement Fulfillment services currently not in SIT,
Mudrank Services not in SIT
Set Login Extension Search Service not in SIT

6. Dependencies
ESITW-9245 EP - Receipting - LA Name is reflecting in Receipting Form IIB/Data

EP - Receipting - No Cash and Cheque/DD Receipts are reflecting in Delivery


ESITW-9199 Ep - Showing wrong record count in dashboard portlet for outward List IIB/Data

EP - Receipting - In Delivery Slip once Clicked on Generate Delivery Slip No

ESITW-9193 Delivery Slip No should be generated IIB/Data

EP - Receipting - Delivery Slip - Collection Bank Branch and Pickup Location

ESITW-9191 values missing IIB/Data
ESITW-9279 EP - Dispatch Dashboard - wrong pending dispatch count showing

ESITW-9274 EP - Dispatch List & Upload - "Proposer Name" column is empty in the list. IIB/Data

EP - Dispatch List and Upload - Showing same "DOC REf No" and "Policy
ESITW-9264 Number". IIB/Data

ESITW-9263 EP - Dispatch Tracker - New Dispatch not working IIB/Data

ESITW-9262 EP - Reports - No Data available after user clicks on Search IIB/Data

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ETLI SIT Wave1 <Employee Portal> ReleaseNotes

7. Deployment Instructions

8. Roll back Procedure


9. Other Information

1. Scrutiny exception approval flow is deferred to Wave 1.5
2. Pending for exception approval & approved list screen not in scope for Wave 1. Sent for
approval button on Scrutiny screen is also disabled.
3. AOB scrutiny flow is in Wave 1.5. Not to be tested.
4. Upload file. (needs a workaround for upload , as the uploaded file needs read/write on AIX).
5. # However @Gokul can guide on current workaround for upload

Software Release Notes Guidelines

Purpose Describe in brief why this release has evolved.
Ex: This release is due to some bug fixes (or) performance enhancements (or)
new features added/enhanced.
Deliverable Items List the Software Work Products that are delivered as a part of this release.
Features If it is the very first release, just list out the features and for subsequent releases
list the features added / modified / deleted in this release
Bugs Fixed List out the bugs that are fixed in this release
Known Issues / Bugs List out the known bugs/issues that are still present in this release
Dependencies List the dependencies to test or run the build or release
Deployment Instructions Attach / embed the document or spread sheet with step by step instructions with
screen shots.
Other Information Write any other information which does not fall under any of the above sections.

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