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Production Log

(28/11/2019) The first day of filming took place in Thomas Tallis school. We filmed
according to how we planned out the music video meaning we filmed in the studio first,
in order to film the beginning of the music video. The beginning of the music video is the
male lead playing the piano and we wanted to create a spotlight and we slightly
managed to achieve this. The light wasn’t directed from the top, which is usual in most
spotlight production set ups, but it was directed straight at the talent. We decided it was
better to film the studio scenes first as we already had the space booked out and more
time left over in our scheduled time frame.
In the studio, we filmed the male lead singing the chorus and he is standing up in front
of a black background with another spotlight set up with a bright light shining towards
the talent. After we filmed the beginning portion of the video, we moved onto filming the
middle section of the video and this took place in three different locations. We filmed in
school, o2 center (interior scenes and exterior scenes) and a house.
(04/12/2019) The exterior filming that was shot at school were scenes with the male
actor with his friends and the female actor with her friends both outside in a nice natural
lighting set up. The interior scenes we shot were in the corridor of one of the schools'
buildings which showed a nice spotlight which fit well with the storyline of music video.
This specific recording wasn’t a part of the initial planning, but we decided to take
advantage of the lighting and use the sunlight to create motivated lighting.
(09/01/2020) The second location we filmed in was Hollywood bowl in the O2. We used
the lighting that was already in the displayed in the venue to film to mimic gels to try to
achieve reflecting different coloured lights onto the actors which we managed to do.
Once we finished filming in different areas in the Hollywood bowl venue, we moved onto
to film the chorus of the song again but in an outside location.
(21/01/2020) The third location was one of the actor's houses in which we filmed him
having a phone conversation to show a back and forth conversation in post. Using the
studio, we used gels to represent an emotion to show how the female lead was feeling
due to the phone conversation happening. Using a yellow colour gel was the best option
to represent a happy emotion that the female lead is showing and feeling as she is
talking to the male lead on a two-way phone conversation. Recording this section of the
music video was quite difficult trying to create the perfect yellow toned gel as well as
using the light set ups in the studio such as the diffuser and the blondes. Once we were
able to create a yellow gel that we believed to be good enough we began to film the
female lead pretending she was talking on the phone.
(23/01/2020) To try and wrap up the video, we decided to film some cars and buses
driving past as it was quite dark and the lights coming off from the cars and buses would
complement the dark setting and show a nice contrast.

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