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Critique paper:

What Darwin Never Knew.

Evolution is how a species adapt, change, and evolve. The documentary series is about a research using
genetics and embryology.
Darwin go for an exploration to the island of Galapagos with 13 clusters island that have a different animals that
can only see in that island. The Galapagos have a penguins, marine iguanas, large tortoise and birds. Darwin
noticed that shells of a tortoise are depending on the inhabited island. He also noticed the different kinds of
beaks of birds, were the birds use as a tool for food. After this discovery, Darwin came up to the theory that
every species change and evolve over time. From that theory, researchers and scientist conduct more research
and experiments how species change time to time. In snake’s embryos there are four bumps in the limbs appear
but couldn’t develop when they hatch and also the whale that has a teeth in embryos but not when they are born.
From a flies with a black spots and glow-in-the-dark wings, sticklebacks lost their pins, the leg of Tiktaalak, the
light and dark mice, and humans that has a features of all the traits of the ancient ancestors. The human also
compared to apes. The documentary emphasis and illustrates how the large differences can be produce in small
changes. Darwin also mentioned the natural selection those who survived the extreme situation are most
adapted, he also said that variation that make the offspring are not actually the same.
The programs highlight between humans and apes, namely opposable thumbs, big brain and skull. These traits
alone can’t explain art, architectures, and all other things that we separate us from the other animals. The codes
of our DNA makes our genes, genes translated in proteins and proteins are responsible making our muscles,
color of hair, skin color, and what kind of eye color. DNA also doesn’t stay the same. DNA change the
mutations- mutation happens when the letters in our DNA switch around. We only have 23,000 genes, same as
the chickens, and corns. One genes determine where the embryo limbs go and what kind. There are body plane
genes are tell what other genes what can do. A piece of DNA which is a switch gene turns on the genes that
bring out some features and also switch some other genes off.

Human minds are unique and human activities are diverse. Darwin stirred controversies when he said that
humans are related to apes, where 99% human and apes shares DNA. Human brains are 3 times bigger than the
apes and the structures are differently. In the 1% difference between human and apes, most of the mutation
happens in switches which involve the brain development. The chicken and apes DNAs are different by 2
letters. The human and apes DNAs are different by 18 letters.

Humans maybe closely relative to apes because of the research and experiments conducted by the scientists.
The Charles Darwin’s theory were the foundation of how species become different from each other. DNA
makes us unique for others and should be thankful of. The results of Darwin’s insights are breathtaking
diversity. In all honestly the documentary was kind of boring but when you finish it you can have a knowledge
and overflowing information on how a species evolve, change and develop.

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