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Memes and the Exploitation of Imagination

The general issue addressed in a Mandel Lecture pointed out, the fundamental principle is "that
is how or whether art promotes human evolution all life evolves by the differential survival of
or development. I shall understand the term "art" replicating entities. "2
in its broadest connotations-perhaps broader
than one normally recognizes. I shall understand The gene, the DNA molecule, happens to be the
art to include all artifice, all human invention. replicating entity which prevails on our own planet.
W hat I say will a fortiori include art in the There may be others. If there are, provided certain
narrower sense. other conditions are met, they will almost inevitably
There are few ideas more hackneyed than the tend to become the basis for an evolutionary process.
idea of the evolution of ideas. It is often said that But do we have to go to distant worlds to find other
schools of thought evolve into their successors. kinds of replication and other, consequent, kinds of
In the struggle for attention, the best ideas win, evolution? I think that a new kind of replicator has
according to the principle of the survival of the recently emerged on this very planet. It is staring us in
fittest, which ruthlessly winnows out the banal, the face. It is still in its infancy, still drifting clumsily
the unimaginative, the false. Few ideas are more about in its primeval soup, but already it is achieving
hackneyed-or more abused. Almost no one writ­ evolutionary change at a rate which leaves the old
ing about the evolution of ideas or cultural evolu­ gene panting far behind.3
tion treats the underlying Darwinian ideas with
the care they deserve. I propose to begin to These newfangled replicators are, roughly,
remedy that. ideas. Not the "simple ideas" of Locke and
The outlines of the theory of evolution by Hume (the idea of red, or the idea of round or hot
natural selection are now clear. Evolution oc­ or cold), but the sort of complex ideas that form
curs whenever the following conditions exist: themselves into distinct memorable units. For
example the ideas of:
(1) variation: a continuing abundance of different
elements arch
(2) heredity or replication: the elements have the wheel
capacity to create copies or replicas of themselves wearing clothes
(3) differential "fitness": the number of copies of an vendetta
element created in a given time depends on interac­ right triangle
tions between the features of that element (whatever it alphabet
is that makes it different from other elements) and calendar
features of its environment. ' the Odyssey
This definition, drawn from biology, says chess
nothing specific about organic molecules, nutri­ perspective drawing
tion, or even life. It is a more general and ab­ evolution by natural selection
stract characterization of evolution by natural impressionism
selection. As the zoologist Richard Dawkins has Greensleeves

The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48:2 Spring 1990

128 The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

"read my lips" shelter, and habits of communication that could

deconstructionism. provide transmission media for memes.
This is a new way of thinking about ideas. It is
Intuitively these are identifiable cultural units, also, I hope to show, a good way, but at the
but we can say something more precise about outset the perspective it provides is distinctly
how we draw the boundaries-about why D-F#­ unsettling, even appalling. We can sum it up
A isn' t a unit, while the theme from the slow
with a slogan:
movement of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony is.
Units are the smallest elements that replicate A scholar is just a library's way of making
themselves with reliability and fecundity. Daw­ another library.
kins coins a term for such units: memes-
I don' t know about you, but I am not initially
attracted by the idea of my brain as a sort of
a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation.
dung-heap in which the larvae of other people's
'Mimeme' comes from a suitable Greek root, but I
ideas renew themselves, before sending out cop­
want a monosyllable that sounds a bit like 'gene' . .. it
ies of themselves in an informational Diaspora.
could alternatively be thought of as being related to
It seems at first to rob my mind of its importance
'memory' or to the French word meme....
as an author and a critic. Who is in charge,
Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases,
according to this vision-we or our memes?
clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building There is, of course, no simple answer. We
arches. Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene
would like to think of ourselves as godlike crea­
pool by leaping from body to body via sperm or eggs,
tors of ideas, manipulating and controlling them
so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by
as our whim dictates, and judging them from an
leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the
independent, Olympian standpoint. But even if
broad sense, can be called imitation. If a scientist
this is our ideal, we know that it is seldom if ever
hears, or reads about, a good idea, he passes it on to
the reality, even with the most masterful and
his colleagues and students. He mentions it in his creative minds. As Mozart allegedly observed of
articles and his lectures. If the idea catches on, it can
his own brainchildren:
be said to propagate itself, spreading from brain to
brain.4 W hen I feel well and in a good humor, or when I am
taking a drive or walking after a good meal, or in the
So far this seems to be just a crisp reworking night when I cannot sleep, thoughts crowd into my
of the standard fare about the evolution and mind as easily as you would wish. Whence and how
spread of ideas, but in The Selfish Gene, Daw­ do they come? I do not know and I have nothing to do
kins urges us to take the idea of meme evolution with it. Those which please me I keep in my head and
literally. Meme evolution is not just analogous to hum them; at least others have told me that I do so. s
biological or genie evolution. It is not just a
process that can be metaphorically described in Mozart is in good company. Rare is the novel­
these evolutionary idioms, but a phenomenon ist who doesn't claim characters who "take on a
that obeys the laws of natural selection exactly. life of their own"; artists are rather fond of
The theory of evolution by natural selection is confessing that their paintings take over and
neutral regarding the differences between memes paint themselves, and poets humbly submit that
and genes. They are just different kinds of rep­ they are the servants or even slaves to the ideas
licators evolving in different media at different that teem in their heads. And we all can cite
rates. And just as the genes for animals could not cases of memes that persist unbidden and unap­
come into existence on this planet until the evo­ preciated in our own minds.
lution of plants had paved the way (creating the The other day I was embarrassed-dismayed­
oxygen-rich atmosphere and ready supply of to catch myself walking along humming a mel­
convertible nutrients), so the evolution of memes ody to myself: not a theme of Haydn or Brahms
could not get started until the evolution of ani­ or Charlie Parker or even Bob Dylan. I was
mals had paved the way by creating a species­ energetically humming: "It Takes Two to Tan­
homo sapiens-with brains that could provide go, " a perfectly dismal and entirely unredeemed
Dennett Memes 129

bit of chewing gum for the ears that was unac­ education
countably popular sometime in the 1950s. I am environmental awareness
sure I have never in my life chosen to listen to arms-reduction.
this melody, esteemed this melody, or in any way
judged it to be better than silence, but there it And such particular memes as:
was, a horrible musical virus, at least as robust
in my meme pool as any melody I actually The Prisoner's Dilemma
esteem. And now, to make matters worse, I have The Marriage of Figaro
resurrected the virus in many of you, who will MobyDick
no doubt curse me in days to come when you long weekends
find yourself humming, for the first time in returnable bottles
thirty years, that boring tune. the SALT Treaties
The first rules of memes, as it is for genes, is undergraduate major.
that replication is not necessarily for the good of
anything; replicators flourish that are good at ... Other memes are more controversial. We can see
replicating! As Dawkins has put it, why they spread, and why, all things consid­
ered, we should tolerate them, in spite of the
A meme that made its bodies run over cliffs would problems they cause for us:
have a fate like that of a gene for making bodies run
over cliffs. It would tend to be eliminated from the colorization of classic films
meme-pool. . .. But this does not mean that the teaching assistants
ultimate criterion for success in meme selection is grade point averages
gene survival. . . . Obviously a meme that causes advertising on television
individuals bearing it to kill themselves has a grave Hustler magazine.
disadvantage, but not necessarily a fatal one. . . . a
suicidal meme can spread, as when a dramatic and Still others are unquestionably pernicious, but
well-publicized martyrdom inspires others to die for a extremely hard to eradicate:
deeply loved cause, and this in turn inspires others to
die, and so on.6 anti-semitism
hijacking airliners
The important point is that there is no neces­ computer viruses
sary connection between a meme's replicative spray-can graffiti.
power, its "fitness" from its point of view, and
its contribution to our fitness (by whatever stan­ Genes are invisible. They are carried by gene­
dard we judge that). The situation is not totally vehicles (organisms) in which they tend to pro­
desperate. While some memes definitely manip­ duce characteristic effects ( "phenotypic" effects)
ulate us into collaborating on their replication in by which their fates are, in the long run, deter­
spite ofour judging them useless or ugly or even mined. Memes are also invisible, and are car­
dangerous to our health and welfare, many­ ried by meme-vehicles, namely pictures, books,
most, if we are lucky-of the memes that repli­ sayings (in particular languages, oral or written,
cate themselves do so not just with our blessings, on paper or magnetically encoded, etc.). A
but because of our esteem for them. I think there meme's existence depends on a physical embod­
can be little controversy that the following memes iment in some medium. If all such physical
are, all things considered, good from our per­ embodiments are destroyed, that meme is extin­
spective, and not just from their own perspective guished. The fate of memes depends on the
as selfish self-replicators. selective forces that act directly on the physical
Such very general memes as: vehicles that embody them. (An existent meme
might make a subsequent independent reappear­
cooperation ance-just as dinosaur genes could, in principle,
music get together again in some distant future to
writing create and inhabit new dinosaurs. These dino­
calendars saurs would not be descendants of the original
130 The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

dinosaurs-or at least not any more directly than brief, we ought to accept the true and the beau­
we are. Such second comings of memes would tiful.
also not be copies of their predecessors, but In the normal view, the fact that an idea is
reinventions.) deemed true or beautiful is sufficient to explain
Meme vehicles inhabit our world alongside why it is accepted, and the fact that it is deemed
the fauna and flora. They are "visible" only to false or ugly is sufficient to explain its rejection.
the human species, however. Consider the envi­ These norms are constitutive. We require partic­
ronment of the average New York City pigeon, ular explanations of deviations from these norms;
whose eyes and ears are assaulted every day by their status grounds the air of paradox in such
approximately as many words, pictures, and aberrations as "The Metropolitan Museum of Ba­
other signs and symbols as assault each human nalities" or "The Encyclopedia of Falsehoods."
New Yorker. These physical meme-vehicles may There is a nice parallel in physics. Aristotelian
impinge importantly on the pigeon's welfare, physics supposed that an object's continuing to
but not in virtue of the memes they carry. It is move in a straight line required explanation, in
nothing to the pigeon that it is under a page of terms of something like forces continuing to act
The National Inquirer, not The New York Times, on it. Central to Newton's great perspective shift
that it finds a crumb. was the idea that such rectilinear motion did not
To human beings, on the other hand, each require explanation; only deviations from it did­
meme-vehicle is a potential friend or foe, bear­ accelerations. We can discern a similar differ­
ing a gift that will enhance our powers or a gift ence in what requires explanation in the two
horse that will distract us, burden our memories, views of ideas. According to the normal view,
derange our judgment. We might compare these the following are virtually tautological:
airborne invaders of our eyes and ears to the
parasites that enter our bodies by other routes. Idea X was believed by the people because X
There are the beneficial parasites such as the was deemed true.
bacteria in our digestive systems without which
we could not digest our food, the tolerable para­ People approved of X because people found X
sites, not worth the trouble of eliminating, such to be beautiful.
as all the normal denizens of our skin and scalps,
and the pernicious invaders that are hard to What requires special explanation are the
eradicate such as fleas, lice and the A I D S virus. cases in which, in spite of the truth or beauty of
So far, the meme's eye perspective may ap­ an idea, it is not accepted, or in spite of its
pear simply a graphic way of organizing very ugliness or falsehood it is accepted. The meme's­
familiar observations about the way items in our eye view purports to be a general alternative
cultures affect us, and affect each other. But perspective from which these deviations can be
Dawkins suggests that in our explanations we explained. What is tautological for it is
tend to overlook the fundamental fact that "a
cultural trait may have evolved in the way it has Meme X spread among the people because X
simply because it is advantageous to itself "7 was a good replicator.
This is the key to answering the question of
whether or not the meme meme is one we should There is a non-random correlation between
exploit and replicate. There is an unmistakable the two; it is no accident. We would not survive
tension between the meme's-eye view and our unless we had a better than chance habit of
normal perspective on the transmission of ideas. choosing the memes that help us. Our meme­
It is time to clarify it. immunological systems are not foolproof, but
The normal view is also a normative view. It not hopeless either. We can rely, as a rule of
embodies a canon or ideal about which ideas we thumb, on the coincidence of the two perspec­
ought to "accept" or admire or approve of. (It tives. By and large, the good memes are the ones
concentrates on acceptance, rather than trans­ that are also the good replicators.
mission and replication; it tends to be individ­ The theory becomes interesting only when we
ualistic, not communitarian. It is epistemology look at the exceptions, the circumstances under
and aesthetics, not communication theory.) In which there is a pulling apart of the two per-
Dennett Memes 13 1

spectives. Only if meme theory permits us better how many brilliant letters to the editor, repro­
to understand the deviations from the normal duced in hundreds of thousands of copies, disap­
scheme will it have any warrant for being ac­ pear into landfills and incinerators every day?
cepted. ( Note that in its own terms, whether or The day may come when non-human meme­
not the meme meme replicates successfully is evaluators suffice to select and arrange for the
strictly independent of its epistemological vir­ preservation of particular memes, but for the
tue; it might spread in spite of its pernicious­ time being, memes still depend at least indi­
ness, or go extinct in spite of its virtue.) rectly on one or more of their vehicles spending
I need not dwell on the importance of the at least a brief, pupal stage in a remarkable sort
founding memes for language, and for writing, of meme-nest: a human mind.
in creating the infosphere. These are the under­ Minds are in limited supply, and each mind
lying technologies of transmiss ion and replica­ has a limited capacity for memes, and hence
tion analogous to the technologies of D N A and there is a considerable competition among memes
RNA in the biosphere. Nor shall I bother re­ for entry into as many minds as possible. This
viewing the familiar facts about the explosive competition is the major selective force in the
prol iferation of these med ia via the memes for infosphere, and, just as in the biosphere, the
movable type, radio and telev ision, xerography, challenge has been met with great ingenuity. For
computers, fax machines, and electronic ma il. instance, whatever virtues (from our perspec­
We are all well aware that we live, today, awash tive) the following memes have, they have in
in a sea of paper-borne memes, breathing in an common the property of having phenotypic ex­
atmosphere of electronically-borne memes. pressions that tend to make their own replication
Memes now spread around the world at the more likely by disabling or pre-empting the en­
speed of light, and replicate at rates that make vironmental forces that would tend to extinguish
even fruit flies and yeast cells look glacial in them: the meme for faith, which discourages the
comparison. They leap prom iscuously from ve­ exercise of the sort of critical judgment that
hicle to vehicle, and from medium to medium, might decide that the idea of faith was all things
and are proving to be virtually unquarantinable. considered a dangerous idea8; the meme for
Memes, like genes, are potentially immortal, tolerance or free speech; the meme of including
but, like genes, they depend on the existence of in a cha in letter a warning about the terrible fates
a continuous chain of physical veh icles, persist­ of those who have broken the chain in the past;
ing in the face of the Second Law of Ther­ the conspiracy theory meme, wh ich has a built­
modynamics. Books are relatively permanent, in response to the objection that there is no good
and inscriptions on monuments are even more evidence of the conspiracy: "Of course not­
permanent, but unless these are under the pro­ that's how powerful the conspiracy is!" Some of
tection of human conservators, they tend to dis­ these memes are "good" perhaps and others
solve in time. As with genes, immortality is "bad." What they have in common is a phe­
more a matter of replication than of the longevity notypic effect that systematically tends to dis­
of individual vehicles. The preservation of the able the selective forces arrayed against them.
Platonic memes, via a series of copies of copies, Other things being equal, population memetics
is a particularly striking case of this. Although predicts that conspiracy theory memes will per­
some papyrus fragments of Plato's texts roughly sist quite independently of their truth, and the
contemporaneous with him have been recently meme for faith is apt to secure its own survival,
discovered, the survival of the memes owes al­ and that of the religious memes that ride piggy­
most nothing to such long-range persistence. back on it, in even the most rationalistic envi­
Today's libraries contain thousands if not mil­ ronments. Indeed, the meme for faith exhibits
lions of physical copies (and translations) of the frequency-dependentfitness: it flourishes partic­
Meno, while the key ancestors in the transmis­ ularly in the company of rationalistic memes.
sion of this text turned to dust centuries ago. Other concepts from population genetics also
Brute physical replication of vehicles is not transfer smoothly. Here is a case of what a ge­
enough to ensure meme longevity. A few thou­ neticist would call linked loci: two memes that
sand hard-bound copies of a book can disappear happen to be physically tied together so that they
with scarcely a trace in a few years. Who knows tend to replicate together, a fact that affects their
132 The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

chances of replicating. There is a magnificent various memes for poetry-filters. One could
ceremonial march, familiar to us all, and one subscribe, for a few pennies, to an editorial
that would be much used for commencements, service that scanned the infosphere for good
weddings, and other festive occasions, perhaps poems. Different services, with different criti­
driving "Pomp and Circumstance" and the Wed­ cal standards, would flourish, as would services
ding March from " Lohengrin" to near extinc­ for reviewing all the different services and still
tion, were it not for the fact that its musical more services that screened, collected, format­
meme is so tightly linked to its title meme, ted, and presented the works of the best poets in
which we all tend to think of as soon as we hear slender electronic volumes which only a few
the music: Sir Arthur Sullivan's unusable mas­ would purchase. The memes for editing and
terpiece, " Behold the Lord High Executioner." criticism will find niches in any environment in
This is a vivid case of one of the most impor­ the infosphere. They flourish because of the
tant phenomena in the infosphere: the mis-filter­ short supply and limited capacity of minds,
ing of memes due to such linkages. We all have whatever the transmission media between minds.
filters of the following sort: The structure of filters is complex and quick
to respond to new challenges, but it doesn' t
ignore everything that appears in X. always "work." The competition among memes
to break through the filters leads to an "arms
For some people, X is The National Inquirer or race" of ploy and counterploy, with ever more
Pravda; for others it is The New York Review of elaborate "advertising" raised against ever more
Books. We all take our chances, counting on the layers of selective filters.
"good" ideas to make it eventually through the Whether this is a good or bad thing depends
stacks of filters of others into the limelight of our on your point of view. The huge arrays of garish
attention. signs that compete for our attention along com­
This structure of filters is itself a meme con­ mercial strips in every region of the country are
struction of considerable robustness. John Mc­ the exact counterpart, in the infosphere, of the
Carthy, the founder of Artificial Intelligence (or magnificent redwood forests of the biosphere. If
in any event, the coiner of its name, a meme with only those redwoods could get together and
its own, independent base in the infosphere) agree on some sensible zoning restrictions and
once suggested to a humanist audience that elec­ stop competing with each other for sunlight,
tronic mail networks could revolutionize the they could avoid the trouble of building those
ecology of the poet. Only a handful of poets can ridiculous and expensive trunks, stay low and
make their living by selling their poems, Mc­ thrifty shrubs, and get just as much sunlight as
Carthy noted, because poetry books are slender, before!9 In the more dignified ecology of aca­
expensive volumes purchased by very few indi­ demia, the same arms race is manifested in de­
viduals and libraries. But imagine what would partment letterheads, "blind refereeing," the
happen if poets could put their poems on an proliferation of specialized journals, book re­
international network, where anybody could read views, reviews of book reviews, and anthologies
them or copy them for a penny, electronically of "classic works."
transferred to the poet's royalty account. This These filters are not even always intended to
could provide a steady source of income for preserve the best. Philosophers might care to ask
many poets, he surmised. Quite independently themselves, for instance, how often they are
of any aesthetic objections poets and poetry accomplices in increasing the audience. for a
lovers might have to poems embodied in elec­ second-rate article simply because their intro­
tronic media (more to the point: poems dis­ ductory course needs a simple-minded version
played in patterns of excited phosphor dots on of a bad idea that even the freshmen can refute.
computer screens), the obvious counter-hypoth­ Some of the most often reprinted articles in
esis arises from population memetics. If such a twentieth century philosophy are famous pre­
network were established, no poetry lover would cisely because nobody believes them; everybody
be willing to wade through thousands of elec­ can see what is wrong with them. 10
tronic files filled with doggerel, looking for the A related phenomenon in the competition of
good poems. There would be a niche created for memes for our attention is positivefeedback. In
Dennett Memes 133

biology, this is manifested in such phenomena as "side with" our genes-that is to commit the
the "runaway sexual selection" that explains the most egregious error of pop sociobiology. W hat
long and cumbersome tail of the bird of paradise foundation, then, can we stand on as we struggle
or the peacock. Dawkins provides an example to keep our feet in the memestorm in which we
from the world of publishing: "Best-seller lists are engulfed? If replicative might does not make
of books are published weekly, and it is undoubt­ right, what is to be the eternal ideal relative to
edly true that as soon as a book sells enough which "we" will judge the value of memes? We
copies to appear in one of these lists, its sales should note that the memes for normative con­
increase even more, simply by virtue of that cepts- for ought and good and truth and beauty
fact. Publishers speak of a book "taking off," are among the most entrenched denizens of our
and those publishers with some knowledge of minds, and that among the memes that constitute
science even speak of a "critical mass for take­ us, they play a central role. Our existence as us,
off." 1 1 as what we as thinkers are-not as what we as or­
The haven all memes depend on reaching is ganisms are-is not independent of these memes.
the human mind, which is itself an artifact cre­ Dawkins ends The Selfish Gene with a pas­
ated when memes restructure a human brain in sage that many of his critics must not have read:
order to make it a better habitat for memes. The
avenues for entry and departure are modified to We have the power to defy the selfish genes of our
suit local conditions, and strengthened by vari­ birth and, if necessary, the selfish memes of our
ous artificial devices that enhance fidelity and indoctrination.... We are built as gene machines and
prolixity of replication. Native Chinese minds cultured as meme machines, but we have the power to
differ dramatically from native French minds, turn against our creators. We, alone on earth, can
and literate minds differ from illiterate minds. rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators.
What memes provide in return to the organisms (p. 215)
in which they reside is an incalculable store of
advantages-with some Trojan horses thrown in In thus distancing himself thus forcefully from
for good measure, no doubt. Normal human the oversimplifications of pop sociobiology, he
brains are not all alike; they vary considerably in somewhat overstates his case. This "we" that
size, shape, and in the myriad details of connec­ transcends not only its genetic creators but also
tion on which their prowess depends. But the its memetic creators is a myth. Dawkins seems
most striking differences in human prowess de­ to acknowledge this in his later work. In The
pend on micro-structural differences (still in­ Extended Phenotype, Dawkins argues for the
scrutable to neuroscience) induced by the vari­ biological perspective that recognizes the bea­
ous memes that have entered them and taken up ver's dam, the spider's web, the bird's nest as not
residence. The memes enhance each other's op­ merely products of the phenotype-the individ­
portunities: the meme for education, for in­ ual organism considered as a functional whole­
stance, is a meme that reinforces the very pro­ but rather as parts of the phenotype, on a par
cess of meme-implantation. with the beaver's teeth, the spider's legs, the
If it is true that human minds are themselves bird's wing. From this perspective, the vast pro­
to a great degree the creations of memes, we tective networks of memes we spin is as integral
cannot sustain the polarity of vision with which to our phenotypes-to explaining our competen­
we started. It cannot be "memes versus us," cies, our chances, our vicissitudes-as anything
because earlier infestations of memes have al­ in our more narrowly biological endowment. 12
ready played a major role in determining who or There is no radical discontinuity; one can be a
what we are. ( Some folks say you are what you mammal, a father, a citizen, scholar, Democrat,
eat, but it is closer to the truth to say you are and an associate professor with tenure. Just as
what you read.) The "independent" mind strug­ man-made barns are an integral part of the barn
gling to protect itself from alien and dangerous swallow's ecology, so cathedrals and universi­
memes is a myth. There is (in the basement, one ties-and factories and prisons-are an integral
might say) a persisting tension between the bio­ part of our ecology.· They are the memes without
logical imperative of the genes and the imper­ which we could not live in these environments.
atives of the memes, but we would be foolish to Homo sapiens has been around for half a
134 The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

million years. The first serious invasion of My own feeling is that its [the meme meme's] main
memes began with spoken language only tens of value may lie not so much in helping us to understand
thousands of years ago. The second great wave, human culture as in sharpening our perception of
riding on the meme for writing, is considerably genetic natural selection. This is the only reason I am
less than ten thousand years in progress-a brief presumptuous enough to discuss it, for I do not know
moment in biological time. Since memetic evo­ enough about the existing literature on human culture
lution occurs on a time scale thousands of times to make an authoritative contribution to it. (p. 112)
faster than genetic evolution, however, in the
period since there have been memes-only tens I think that what happened to the meme meme
of thousands of years-the contributing effects is quite obvious: "humanist" minds have set up
of meme-structures on our constitution-on hu­ a particularly aggressive set of filters against
man phenotypes-vastly outweigh the effects of memes coming from "sociobiology." Once Daw­
genetic evolution during that period. So we can kins was identified as a sociobiologist, this al­
answer the defining question of the Mandel Lec­ most guaranteed rejection of whatever this inter­
ture with a rousing affirmative. Does art (in the loper had to say about culture-not for good
broad sense) contribute to human evolution? It reasons, but just in a sort of immunological
certainly does. In fact, since art appeared on the rejection. 14
scene, it has virtually supplanted all other con­ But look how the meme meme has now infil­
tributions to human evolution. 13 trated itself into another, less alien vehicle, a
I would like to close with some observations clearly identified, card-carrying academic hu­
on the history of the meme meme itself, and how manist, a philosopher. In this guise-clothed in a
its spread was temporarily curtailed. When Daw­ philosopher's sort of words-will it find better
kins introduced memes in 1976, he described his chances of replication? I hope so.
innovation as a literal extension of the classical My chosen role in this Mandel Lecture has
Darwinian theory and so I have treated it here. been a humble one, a mere vector, a transmitter,
Dawkins, however, has since drawn in his horns with just a few embellishments and mutations,
slightly. In The Blind Watchmaker ( 1988), he of a meme that has come to play a large role in
speaks of an analogy "which I find inspiring but my mind-large enough, for instance, to deter­
which can be taken too far if we are not careful" mine the content of this lecture. My purpose,
(p. 196). He go on to say "Cultural 'evolution' after all, has been to create in your minds robust,
is not really evolution at all if we are being fussy aggressive copies of various memes that inhabit
and purist about our use of words, but there may my mind. I hope that I have succeeded in that
be enough in common between them to justify modest goal, and moreover, that you will forgive
some comparison of principles" (p. 216). Why me for reviving "It Takes Two to Tango" and be
did he retreat like this? Why, indeed, is the grateful to me for passing on the meme meme.
meme meme so little discussed thirteen years
after The Selfish Gene appeared? DANIEL C. DENNETT
In The Extended Phenotype, Dawkins replies Center for Cognitive Studies
forcefully to the storm of criticism from sociobi­ Tufts University
ologists, while conceding some interesting but in­ Medford, MA 02155

essential disanalogies between genes and memes-

memes are not strung out along linear chromosomes, I. See, for instance, Richard Lewontin, "Adaptation,"
and it is not clear that they occupy and compete for The Encyclopedia Einaudi (Milan: Einaudi, 1980); Robert
Brandon, "Adaptation and Evolutionary Theory," Studies in
discrete 'loci', or that they have identifiable 'alleles'
the History and Philosophy of Science 9 (1978): 181-206;
. .. The copying process is probably much less precise both reprinted in E. Sober, ed., Conceptual Issues in Evolu­
than in the case of genes . . . memes may partially tionary Biology (MIT Press, 1984).
blend with each other in a way that genes do not. 2. Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene (Oxford Univer-
sity Press, 1976), p. 206.
(p. 112)
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
But then he retreats further, apparently in the 5. Peter Kivy informed me after the Mandel Lecture that
face of unnamed and unquoted adversaries: this oft-quoted passage is counterfeit-not Mozart at all. I
Dennett Memes 135

found it in Jacques Hadamard's classic study, The Psychol­ for the reader. Among the memes that structure the info­
ogy of Inventing in the Mathematical Field (Princeton Uni­ sphere and hence affect the transmission of other memes are
versity Press, 1949), p. 16 [emphasis added], and first the laws of libel.
quoted it myself in "Why the Law of Effect Will Not Go 11. Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker (London:
Away," Journal of the 17ieory of Social Behaviour 5 (1975): Longman Scientific, 1986), p. 219. Dawkins' discussion of
169-87, reprinted in my book, Brainstorms (MIT Press/A these complex phenomena, in the chapter "Explosions and
Bradford Book, 1978). I persist in quoting it here, in spite of Spirals" (pp. 195-220), is a tour de force of explanatory
Kivy's correction, because it not only expresses but exem­ clarity and vividness.
plifies the thesis that memes, once they exist, are indepen­ 12. In several recent essays I have expanded on the claim
dent of authors and critics alike. Historical accuracy is that the very structure of our minds is more a product of
important (which is why I have written this footnote), but the culture than of the neuroanatomy we are born with: "Julian
passage so well suits my purposes that I am choosing to Jay nes' Software Archeology," in Canadian Psychology 27
ignore its pedigree. I might not have persisted in this, had I (1986): 149-154; "The Self as the Center of Narrative Grav­
not encountered a supporting meme the day after Kivy ity," originally published as "Why we are all novelists,"
informed me: I overheard a guide at the Metropolitan Mu­ Times Literary Supplement (Sept. 16-22, 1988), p. 1029,
seum of Art, commenting on the Gilbert Stuart portrait of forthcoming in F. Kessel, P. Cole, D. Johnson, eds., Self
George Washington: "This may not be what George Wash­ and Consciousness: Multiple Perspectives, (Hillsdale, NJ:
ington looked like then, but this is what he looks like now." Erlbaum): "The Evolution of Consciousness," forthcoming
6. Richard Dawkins, The Extended Phenotype (Oxford: in The Reality Club, volume 3; and "The Origins of Selves,"
W.H. Freeman, 1982), pp. 110-111. forthcoming in Cogito. See also Nicholas Humphrey and
7. Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, p. 214. Daniel Dennett, "Speaking For Our Selves: An Assessment
8. Ibid., p. 212. of Multiple Personality Disorder," Raritan 9 (1989): 68-98.
9. This, the "tragedy of the commons," deserves a more 13. Those who are familiar with the Baldwin Effect will
careful treatment than I can offer on this occasion. Note too recognize that art contributes not merely to the fixing of
that I am submerging a complication that properly should phenotypic plasticity, but can thereby change the selective
bring our discussion full circle, back to the ideas of Adam environment and hence hasten the pace of genetic evolution.
Smith about economic competition that first inspired Dar­ See my discussion in "The Evolution of Consciousness,"
win. The competition of the billboards is competition for our and Jonathan Schull, "Are Species Intelligent?" forthcom­
attention, but the ulterior goal of acquiring our attention is ing in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
the seller's goal of acquiring our money, not the meme 's goal 14. A striking example of the vituperative and uncom­
of replicating itself. The academic examples are not inde­ prehending dismissal of Dawkins by a humanist who identi­
pendent of economics, of course, but economics play s a less fies him as a sociobiologist is found in Mary Midgley,
dominant role, as was ironically acknowledged on a T-shirt "Gene Juggling," Philosophy 54 (1979): 439-458, an attack
worn by a member of the audience at the Mandel Lecture: so wide of the mark that it should not be read without its an­
"Philosophy: I ' m in it for the money. " tidote: Dawkins's response, "In Defence of Selfish Genes,"
IO. The confirmation of this claim is left as an exercise Philosophy 56 (1981): 556-573.

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