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Table 1.

Treatments for Comparation Sheet-Pipe Technology Installation and Farmers Practice on rice
growth, yield and prospect to increase planting index, Sukamandi 2019



Sub activity 1

Water management (W)

Sheet pipe installation

Without sheet pipe installation

Cropping system (C)

Paddy - paddy

Paddy - paddy - soybean

Paddy – paddy - paddy

Sub activity 2

Water management (W)

Sheet pipe installation

Without sheet pipe installation

Variety (V)

Submergence tolerant variety (Inpari 30 Ciherang Sub-1)

Drought tolerant variety (Inpari 39 Agritan)

Stages of Rice Cultivation :

1. Land Preparation

Land preparation is carried out 3 steps with flooded water conditions.

The first step is plowing to immerse weeds and rice stubbles, then leave for at least 1 week.

Second step is flip the soil by using rotary.

The last step is level the land using harrow or wood plate.

2. Early Soil Sampling

Early soil sampling was carried out after the first step of land preparation to identify soil nutrient status
(N, P available, K Available, and pH) as a reference to get dosage of fertilizer recommendation.

3. Nursery

Nursery is prepared together with land preparation.

In general, 25-30 kg of seeds is needed for 1 ha rice field.

Seeds are soaked in water for 1 x 24 hours, drained 1 x 24 hours, then ready to be sown in the nursery

4. Transplanting

Rice seedling will be transplanted at 21 days after seedling (DAS), with 1- 2 seeds per planting hole.

Plant spacing is 25 x 25 cm, stripping the land using a "Caplak / Woods stick" in limited water conditions
(t 1 cm above ground level).

5. Fertilizers Application

N, P, and K doses is obtained from the early soil test kit (PUTS) analysis.

N fertilizer apply in three different times at 7-10 days after transplanting (DAT), maximum tillering, and
panicle initiation. P fertilizer was applied entirely at first application, while 50% K fertilizer will apply at
first and third application

6. Weeds, Pest and Disease Management

During plant growth, weeds are controlled manually or weeding by hand at 21 DAT and 42 DAT. Pest and
disease management will follow maximum control. For the control of rats, it's done by installing a plastic
fence and sticking.

Observation parameters include:

1. Initial soil nutrient status. The analysis will be carried out with a simple analysis based on soil test
kit for irrigated paddy field (PUTS) to determine the nutrient status of N, P, K and the pH

2. Biomass of shoot and root parts

3. Yield components. Consist of: panicle number per hill, grain number per panicle, filled grain
percentage, and 1000 grains weight on 14% MC (moisture content) from 12 hills per plot. Procedure will
follow figure 1.

4. Yield. Harvesting for each plot will be taken from size of + (2,5 x 2,5) m per plot on 14% MC.

5. Analysis of physic-chemical rice grains. Including grain moisture content, percentage of brown rice
and millk rice), rice moisture content, head rice, broken rice, grains, chalky grain, and yellow grain +
broken, protein content, carbohydrate content, etc. The sample will be composite between replications.
Data will analysis using Varian Analysis continued with Least Significant Different (LSD) 5% to understand
the differences between treatments for sub activity 1 and I test 5% for sub activity 2.


Count number of panicles

Separate the straw from the spikelets


Straw and rachis

Dry in the oven at 70 °C for 3 to 5 days or until constant weight (Weigh and record dry weight)

Weigh and record fresh woight

Obtain a subsample of 200-250 grams (Record the actual woight of subsample)

Obtain a subsample of 30-40 grams (Record the actual weight of subsample)

Dry the subsample in the oven at 70 °C for 3 to 5 days or until constant weight (Weigh and record dry

Separate the flled from the unfilled spikelets

Count and record the number of filled and unfilled spikelets

Put the filled and unfilled spikelets in separate pre-labeled paper bags

Dry in the oven at 70 *C for 3 to 5 days or until constant weight

Weigh and record the dry weight of the filled spikelets and the unfilled


Figure 1. Procedure for rice yield component analysis

Without Sheet Pipe

Sheet Pipe

Rep. 1



Rep. 2



Rep. 3


Rep. 4



Rep. 5








Figure 2. Field Layout


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