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Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645


Cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD): focus on

hypoxemia, secondary erythrocytosis, and coagulation
Luis M. Zabala1 & Nina A. Guzzetta2
1 Department of Anesthesiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - Children’s Health Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA
2 Department of Anesthesiology, Emory University School of Medicine, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA

Keywords Summary
congenital heart disease; neonate;
coagulation; blood transfusion; heparin; Children with cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD) have complex alter-
antifibrinolytic ations in their whole blood composition and coagulation profile due to long-
standing hypoxemia. Secondary erythrocytosis is an associated physiological
Correspondence response intended to increase circulating red blood cells and oxygen carrying
Luis M. Zabala, Department of
capacity. However, this response is frequently offset by an increase in whole
Anesthesiology, Section of Pediatric Cardiac
blood viscosity that paradoxically reduces blood flow and tissue perfusion. In
Anesthesia, Children’s Health Dallas, 1935
Medical District Drive, Dallas, TX 75235, addition, the accompanying reduction in plasma volume leads to significant
USA deficiencies in multiple coagulation proteins including platelets, fibrinogen
Email: and other clotting factors. On the one hand, these patients may suffer from
severe hyperviscosity and subclinical ‘sludging’ in the peripheral vasculature
Section Editor: Greg Hammer with an increased risk of thrombosis. On the other hand, they are at an
increased risk for postoperative hemorrhage due to a complex derangement
Accepted 7 May 2015
in their hemostatic profile. Anesthesiologists caring for children with CCHD
doi:10.1111/pan.12705 and secondary erythrocytosis need to understand the pathophysiology of
these alterations and be aware of available strategies that lessen the risk of
bleeding and/or thrombosis. The aim of this review is to provide an updated
analysis of the systemic effects of long-standing hypoxemia in children with
primary congenital heart disease with a specific focus on secondary erythrocy-
tosis and hemostasis.

a comprehensive and updated review on systemic hypox-

emia in patients with CCHD with emphasis on second-
The perioperative management of patients with cyanotic ary erythrocytosis as a compensatory mechanism and its
congenital heart disease (CCHD) relies on a clear under- effects on normal hemostasis.
standing of the underlying anatomic defect and physio-
logic implications. Irrespective of their primary cardiac
Polycythemia and secondary erythrocytosis
lesion, patients with chronic hypoxemia (resulting from
venous to arterial mixing) suffer from a wide variety of Erythrocytosis is frequently encountered in children
alterations in their hematologic, endothelial, and hemo- with CCHD and refers to an isolated increase in red
static systems and thus should be recognized as having a blood cells (RBCs), more specifically an increase in RBC
multisystem disorder. It is critical that anesthesiologists mass. This is in contrast to the primary polycythemias,
understand and recognize these effects given that hypox- such as polycythemia rubra vera, that result from
emia will continue to be a common feature throughout factors intrinsic to red cell precursors and are associated
infancy and early childhood in patients undergoing with a marked increase in all three blood cell lines
staged palliation of their congenital heart disease and including RBCs, white blood cells and platelets (leuko-
that many of these patients may live well into their third cytosis and thrombocytosis) (1). Despite the common
or fourth decade of life. Thus, our objective is to provide finding of an elevated hematocrit, these disorders

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Pediatric Anesthesia 25 (2015) 981–989
Cyanotic congenital heart disease L. M. Zabala and N. A. Guzzetta

represent two different entities and thus therapeutic Table 1 Types of erythrocytosis
interventions are specific to each disease state. In Compensated Patients with an established equilibrium at
CCHD, long-standing hypoxemia and reduced tissue erythrocytosis an elevated hematocrit level to hypoxemia;
oxygenation stimulate erythropoietin (EPO) production iron replete-state exists and hyperviscosity
from the kidney causing a secondary erythrocytosis. This symptoms are absent.
Decompensated Patients with ongoing erythrocytosis noted
secondary erythrocytosis is an adaptive physiologic
erythrocytosis by an increase in erythropoietin (EPO)
mechanism intended to compensate for inadequate tis-
secretion without improvement in tissue
sue oxygenation. However, in the presence of persistent oxygen concentration; increase in
and fixed hypoxemia (i.e., from a significant right-to-left erythrocyte mass continues despite harmful
shunt), tissue oxygenation cannot improve beyond a cer- effects; iron deficiency commonly present;
tain limit. Nevertheless, EPO secretion continues leading hyperviscosity symptoms are moderate to
to a further increase in red cell mass and blood viscosity severe
with paradoxically negative effects on tissue oxygena-
tion (2).
There are two distinct forms of secondary erythrocy- an increase in cardiac output to achieve optimum oxy-
tosis, compensated and decompensated, based on eryth- gen delivery, an increase in the release of nitric oxide
rocyte indices and hyperviscosity symptoms (Table 1) (NO) from the endothelium of coronary arteries to pro-
(1,3,4). In compensated erythrocytosis, a new equilib- mote vasodilation, and a rightward shift of the oxygen
rium is established with an appropriately elevated (O2) dissociation curve to encourage off-loading of O2
hematocrit in response to the chronic hypoxemia. Iron at the tissue level. The mechanism responsible for this
metabolism is preserved and hyperviscosity symptoms shift in the O2 dissociation curve is the increase in tissue
are absent. Conversely, in the presence of decompensat- production of 2,3- diphosphoglycerate (2,3 – DPG) that
ed erythrocytosis, EPO titers remain elevated despite the occurs in the presence of diminished O2 availability. As
adaptive increase in red cell mass (5). Iron store depletion the O2 dissociation curve shifts to the right, the p50
eventually occurs as the dietary intake of iron is incapa- increases consequently making it easier for O2 to be dis-
ble of keeping up with physiologic demands. As a conse- placed from hemoglobin into the surrounding tissue.
quence, a negative iron balance and ‘iron-deficient Thrombosis and infarction are clinically devastating
erythropoiesis’ develop. This results in reduced levels of complications of decompensated erythrocytosis and hy-
ferritin and decreased RBC production. Ultimately, an perviscosity, and may occur in areas of the circulation
iron-deficiency anemia develops. These iron-deficient where flow is sluggish. A significant inverse relationship
states are important because erythrocytes formed in exists between cerebral blood flow (CBF) and hemato-
their presence are microcytic and less deformable within crit and between CBF and blood viscosity (8). Increased
the microcirculation than their normocytic equals. The RBC mass has been linked with an increased risk of
change in the viscoelastic properties of the erythrocyte cerebrovascular events in neonates and infants with
affects blood viscosity at any hematocrit level and is CCHD (9,10). Although the risk of stroke in adults with
responsible for many of the clinical symptoms of hyper- CCHD is less clear; three independent factors (atrial
viscosity (6). fibrillation, arterial hypertension, and microcytosis)
In patients with compensated erythrocytosis, Broberg have been identified as significantly associated with
et al. found that the optimal hemoglobin for any given stroke and underscore the importance of iron balance
O2 saturation could be predicted based on a linear and erythrocyte deformability in the etiology of cerebral
regression equation [Predicted Hgb = 61 – (O2sat/2)] vascular events (11). Theoretical concerns exist for pul-
and correlated with improved exercise capacity (six min- monary infarcts in the presence of polycythemia; how-
ute walk test and treadmill exercise duration). Con- ever, this holds more true for the ‘vera’ form of the
versely, in patients with decompensated erythrocytosis disease than for the CCHD (12). In addition, two studies
and O2 saturations <75%, it was impossible to calculate failed to demonstrate an elevated risk of arterial or
an optimal hemoglobin level without serious symptoms venous thrombosis in patients with secondary erythrocy-
of hyperviscosity (7). These findings correlate with previ- tosis, including patients with CCHD (13,14).
ous studies suggesting aortic saturations <75% are fre-
quently associated with increased EPO measurements
Erythrocytosis and its effect on hemostasis
and represent a critical saturation level below which
many patients cannot mount an adequate erythrocytic Hemostatic abnormalities have been reported in patients
response (5). Other adaptive mechanisms to enhance with CCHD since the 1950s (15,16). Although the
survival in the presence of chronic hypoxemia include tendency for increased bleeding in this population was

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Pediatric Anesthesia 25 (2015) 981–989
L. M. Zabala and N. A. Guzzetta Cyanotic congenital heart disease

initially attributed to an increase in tissue vascularity, it (%) 40

n = 19
is now recognized to result from a complex interplay of
r = 0.68
coagulation abnormalities including thrombocytopenia,

Platelet microparticle
30 P = 0.002
shortened platelet survival, deficiency of von Willebrand
factor multimers, and a range clotting factor deficiencies
(2,17–20). 20
Historically, thrombocytopenia was cited as the main
hemostatic abnormality present in patients with CCHD.
In the early 1970s, Goldschmidt et al. (21). showed that
patients with CCHD had abnormalities of platelet turn-
over secondary to an increase in their peripheral destruc-
30 40 50 60 70 (%)
tion. Recent data suggest that the thrombocytopenia of Hematocrit
CCHD is primarily related to a decrease in platelet pro-
duction and an increase in platelet activation (22,23). Figure 1 Relationship between platelet-derived microparticles and
Platelet-derived microparticles (MPs) are a sensitive mea- hematocrit. There is significant correlation between platelet MPs and
sure of platelet activation and show significant correla- Hct in the cyanotic congenital disease group (CCHD). The regression
line was drawn based on the value of the CCHD group. Solid cir-
tion with increasing hematocrit, especially at levels above
cles = CCHD group; open circles = acyanotic congenital heart dis-
60–65% (Figure 1) (22). The increased platelet activation ease group. (From Horigome H, Hiramatsu Y, Shigeta O, Nagawasa
is likely induced by the high shear stress generated by T, Matsui A. Overproduction of platelet microparticles in cyanotic
blood hyperviscosity in the presence of secondary erythr- congenital heart disease with polycythemia. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002;
ocytosis. Lill et al. (23) reported a reduction in absolute 39:1072–1077, with permission).
reticulated platelet counts with normal to elevated plate-
let factor 4 (PF4) and b-thromboglobulin (bTG) in 105 in children with CCHD and secondary erythrocytosis
CCHD patients with hematocrits between 62% and 74% were directly related to impaired fibrinogen function
and normal iron indexes. These results are consistent with and that clot strength was negatively correlated with an
decreased platelet production and increased platelet acti- elevated hematocrit level. A more recent study by Jensen
vation. The authors hypothesize that these patients expe- et al., also in patients with CCHD and a HCT >57%,
rience a continuum that begins with low platelet counts showed that the TEG angle (A), primarily representative
and ends with thrombocytopenia in cases of severe ery- of the fibrinogen contribution to clot formation, was the
throcytosis. Indeed, platelet counts and hematocrit levels variable which was most severely affected by secondary
are inversely related (Figure 2). erythrocytosis (25). Plasma fibrinogen concentrations
Recent studies using thromboelastography (TEG) dis- were in the high normal range. The investigators con-
pute thrombocytopenia as the primary cause of cluded that, despite the raised fibrinogen concentration,
impaired hemostasis in the setting of CCHD. Because it’s functionality was impaired. Furthermore, Af and
TEG is performed with whole blood, not just plasma, it MAf negatively correlated with an elevated HCT while
reveals a global, more dynamic analysis that reflects the Ap and MAp did not. Thus, it may be that, despite a
different phases of the hemostatic process. Cui et al. low platelet count, platelet function is not as severely
employed TEG to characterize the hemostatic profile of affected as assumed earlier, and that fibrinogen dysfunc-
31 children with severe CCHD and secondary erythrocy- tion is the major culprit to normal clot formation in
tosis (24). Baseline TEG tracings of children with a these children.
preoperative HCT >54% showed a significant impair- Another proposed mechanism responsible in part for
ment in hemostatic function compared to those children the coagulopathy observed in patients with CCHD and
with a HCT <54%. The peak amplitude (maximum secondary erythrocytosis is the presence of low-grade
amplitude, MA) was significantly lower than normal disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The hyper-
(44.1  6.8 mm) with the fibrinogen component (MAf) viscosity derived from increased red cell mass and vascu-
contributing the most to the overall hemostatic dysfunc- lar stasis predisposes patients to the intravascular
tion (MAf = 3.9  1.5 mm). Although platelet counts deposition of fibrin and platelet thrombi leading to a
were low, platelet function (MAp) was surprisingly well low-grade consumptive coagulopathy. Although some
preserved. All three measurements (MA, MAf, and studies support this idea by confirming elevated levels of
Map) displayed a significant negative correlation with D-dimers in a large proportion of children with CCHD
preoperative HCT, and all parameters were lower than (26), others do not (27,28). A recent study in adults with
in children with a HCT <54%. Overall, the authors CCHD also reported normal values of prothrombin
concluded that the majority of hemostatic abnormalities time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time

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Pediatric Anesthesia 25 (2015) 981–989
Cyanotic congenital heart disease L. M. Zabala and N. A. Guzzetta

Preoperative preparation

300 During the preoperative evaluation of patients with

CCHD and secondary erythrocytosis, practitioners
should perform a complete history and physical exami-
nation with pertinent laboratory testing. These children
Platelets 109·l–1

often manifest abnormal liver function secondary to

systemic hypoperfusion, heart failure, hypoxemia, and
hyperviscosity. Specifically, they should be thoroughly
150 questioned about symptoms of hyperviscosity syndrome
—headache, dizziness, irritability, anorexia, myalgias,
100 paresthesias, depressed mentation, and chest and
abdominal pain. As discussed in the previous section,
50 synthesis and metabolism of platelets and other coagula-
tion factors is often impaired. Because the detection of
0 these abnormalities and their correction may help mini-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 mize the risk of bleeding during the intraoperative per-
Hematocrit iod, it is recommended that a basic electrolyte panel,
complete blood cell count with differential, coagulation
Figure 2 Inverse relationship between platelet counts and hemato-
crit levels in patients with cyanotic congenital cardiac disease. (From
profile, and liver function tests be obtained. When col-
Lill MC, Perloff JK, Child JS. Pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia in lecting blood for laboratory analysis, accurate prepara-
cyanotic congenital heart disease. Am J Cardiol 2006; 98:254–258, tion of blood samples may require special consideration.
with permission). The increase in red cell mass reduces the amount of
plasma in any given volume of whole blood so that the
(aPTT), and D-dimers again questioning DIC as a amount of anticoagulant in the collection tube must be
major contributor to the coagulopathy seen in second- appropriately reduced. Failure to do so results in an
ary erythrocytosis (23). excess of anticoagulant and results in a prolonged acti-
Finally, other coagulation deficiencies seen in children vated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), prothrombin
with CCHD and secondary erythrocytosis include time (PT) and may explain earlier studies suggesting the
reduced levels of coagulation factors II, V, VII, IX, and presence of DIC in patients with secondary erythrocyto-
X and a state of accelerated fibrinolysis based on raised sis and CCHD (31). As described in Table 3, there are
levels of D-dimers and plasminogen activator inhibitor two commonly used formulas to accurately determine
type 1 (29,30). The deficiency of vitamin-K-dependent the amount of anticoagulant required (1,2,32). Addi-
factors is likely related to poor cardiac output, hypox- tional tests such as an echocardiographic examination
emia, chronic passive congestion of the liver and/or neo- or cardiac catheterization, if required, should also be
natal age. It is unclear if the presence of accelerated performed prior scheduled palliative or corrective sur-
fibrinolysis is due to low-grade intravascular thrombo- gery. Consideration should be given to hospital admis-
sis, primary fibrinolysis or simply increased catabolic sion the night before surgery for children with CCHD
turnover of fibrinogen (29). and secondary erythrocytosis presenting for cardiac sur-
In summary, the hemostatic abnormalities described gery in order to optimize intravenous hydration. On
in patients with CCHD are complex and include throm- occasion, carefully instructed hydration as an outpatient
bocytopenia, impaired fibrinogen function, conflicting may be offered to adult patients and pediatric patients
reports of DIC, and multiple coagulation factor defi- with strong family support.
ciencies. The direct effects of hypoxemia and secondary
erythrocytosis on the hemostatic system predispose
these patients to both bleeding and thrombosis. Despite Table 2 Perioperative strategies to decrease blood loss in patients
our best efforts at minimizing the effects of cardiopul- with cyanotic congenital heart disease

monary bypass (CPB) on hemostasis, excessive postop- Preoperative coagulation testing and screening
erative bleeding is a common problem in pediatric Phlebotomy/Intraoperative autologous blood donation
cardiac surgery and more so in the CCHD population. Individualized heparin–protamine dose management strategy
Next, we will review several perioperative strategies
Intraoperative whole blood coagulation monitoring with
designed to mitigate the risk of postoperative bleeding thromboelastography
(Table 2).

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Pediatric Anesthesia 25 (2015) 981–989
L. M. Zabala and N. A. Guzzetta Cyanotic congenital heart disease

often beneficial to both the circulatory and hemostatic

Clinical management
systems. As long as blood volume is maintained, acute
The hyperviscosity of severe erythrocytosis has signifi- red cell reduction is associated with a significant increase
cant hemodynamic as well as hemostatic consequences. in cardiac output and cerebral blood flow. Systemic vas-
As blood viscosity increases, it negates the beneficial cular resistance (SVR) decreases while stroke volume
effects of an increase in oxygen carrying capacity and and systemic blood flow increase without a change in
causes a substantial decrease in tissue perfusion espe- heart rate (34). Systemic oxygen transport also increases
cially within the brain. Cerebrovascular events and/or as hyperviscosity, shear stress, and SVR are reduced
stroke are common seen in children with CCHD and (33). It should be noted, however, that in children with
secondary erythrocytosis, and are related to the right ventricular outflow tract obstruction or high pul-
increased RBC mass and iron-deficient anemia. Iron- monary vascular resistance and the presence of a ven-
deficient RBCs are less deformable than normal RBCs tricular septal defect (VSD), acute red cell reduction is
and do not pass smoothly through the microcirculation. associated with a fall, not a rise, in systemic oxygen satu-
Thus, the clinical management of these children focuses ration (Figure 3) (33). This is most likely the result of a
on optimizing their circulatory dynamics and hemostatic decrease in SVR leading to an increase in right-to-left
parameters. shunting. Regarding the hemostatic system, platelet
counts and function increase dramatically within hours
Phlebotomy: justification, when and how much after phlebotomy, especially when the hematocrit is
Phlebotomy in patients with secondary erythrocytosis is >65% (17). Previous episodes of bleeding may even
a topic of great controversy. The early literature justified spontaneously resolve. The mechanisms responsible for
the use of routine or prophylactic phlebotomy based on this prompt increase are unknown, but the rapidity of
the association between an increase in RBC mass and an the response suggests that platelets are released from a
increased risk of cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) reservoir rather than from an increase in production
(9,10). However, more recent studies report a paradoxi- (23). Although intravascular volume is expanded in the
cal increase in CVAs in patients undergoing routine presence of severe erythrocytosis, overall plasma volume
phlebotomy presumably due to the sudden reduction in is reduced. Thus, the restoration of blood volume after
red cell volume and systemic blood flow (33). Phlebot- the removal of whole blood may best be achieved with
omy may also precipitate seizures, cyanotic spells, and equivalent volumes of plasma rather than crystalloid in
cardiovascular collapse if stroke volume and systemic order to replace factor deficiencies. However, there is
blood flow are not maintained. Today, the medical man- lack of data in the pediatric literature to support this
agement of hyperviscosity syndrome is more conserva- statement. Unfortunately, there are also no studies
tive and phlebotomy is used only when significant defining the optimal ‘higher’ level of hematocrit for nor-
symptoms of hyperviscosity are present. Specifically, in mothermic or hypothermic CPB cardiopulmonary
children with CCHD and secondary erythrocytosis pre- bypass in patients with decompensated erythrocytosis.
senting for cardiac surgery, there are two clinical indica- Isovolemic red cell reduction to achieve a hematocrit
tions for perioperative phlebotomy. The first is strictly <50% seems rational.
to relieve symptoms of moderate to severe hyperviscosi- Intraoperative autologous blood donation (IAD) is a
ty and is usually performed preoperatively. The second blood conservation technique that involves the removal
is for autologous blood donation especially if the hemat- of a portion of the patient’s blood intraoperatively with
ocrit level is above 65%, and is more commonly per- re-infusion of this blood immediately after CPB. The
formed intraoperatively. technique was designed to limit allogeneic transfusion
Preoperative or intraoperative acute red cell reduc- by preserving the withdrawn blood from destruction by
tion, when performed correctly with replacement of the CPB circuit and by providing a fresh autologous
blood by an equivalent volume of plasma or albumin, is source of red blood cells, platelets, and coagulation fac-
tors for reinfusion after CPB. However, based on the
deficiencies in the coagulation proteins of children with
Table 3 Formulas for calculating the amount of anticoagulant adjust-
CCHD and erythrocytosis, it is questionable whether or
ment for coagulation testing in patients with erythrocytosis(2,28)
not platelets and coagulation factors contained in the
Dr. Perloff’s Anticoagulant in mls of whole blood = IAD blood would help postoperative bleeding (35). The
formula (100-hematocrit)/(595-hematocrit)
question—’what is the best use of the collected
The Toronto Anticoagulant (3.8% citrate) in mls = 1.6
blood?’—thus arises .One option is to collect the blood
formula [(100-hematocrit)/100] + 0.02 for a draw
of 10 ml of whole blood (in a sterile citrate-phosphate-dextrose-adenine bag)
prior to the administration of heparin and re-transfuse

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Pediatric Anesthesia 25 (2015) 981–989
Cyanotic congenital heart disease L. M. Zabala and N. A. Guzzetta

(a) 100 (b) 100

Group I Group II
Figure 3 Arterial oxygen saturation values
90 90 before and after red cell volume (RCV) reduc-
tion in polycythemic patients with severe pul-
80 80 monary stenosis or pulmonary vascular
Art. O2 Art. O2 obstructive disease. (a, group I) and those
Sat. (%) Sat. (%) with D-transposition of the great arteries and
70 70 no significant pulmonary vascular obstructive
disease. (From Rosenthal A, Nathan DG,
60 60 Marty A, Button, LN, Miettinen MD, Nadas
AS. Acute hemodynamic effects of red cell
volume reduction in polycythemia of cyanotic
50 50
Before After Before After congenital heart disease. Circulation 1970;
42: 297–307, with permission).

following CPB despite the coagulation deficiencies 41). Because children with CCHD and secondary erythr-
described above. Some reports suggest that the retained ocytosis have a reduced plasma volume with lower levels
coagulation proteins still may be of some benefit, and of coagulation factors, including AT, measuring AT
transfusion requirements can be decreased (36) or even activity preoperatively and supplementing its activity
totally eliminated (37). Another option is to collect the prior to CPB may be warranted to preserve heparin’s
blood from the venous cannula after heparinization and effectiveness in these children.
the institution of CPB. This latter approach may pro- Most anticoagulation practices for pediatric CPB are
vide greater hemodynamic stability for the patient dur- based on an empirical weight-based heparin and prot-
ing the blood collection process. However, it also results amine-dosing regimen using the activated clot time
in heparinized blood that requires either additional prot- (ACT) to monitor the adequacy of anticoagulation. In
amine at the time of re-transfusion or washing through general, an ACT of 400–480 s is considered adequate
the cell saver prior to re-transfusion thus depleting the for the institution of CPB. However, it has been repeat-
blood of residual heparin and all nonserythrocytic com- edly demonstrated that the ACT is a poor indicator of
ponents. There is little scientific evidence to support the heparin effect in the pediatric population (42,43). Given
use of one technique over the other and further studies the dependence of the ACT on adequate platelet func-
are necessary to evaluate their respective pros and cons. tion, the thrombocytopenia commonly encountered in
secondary erythrocytosis may lead to an ‘acceptable’
prolongation of the ACT even if heparin levels are inad-
Intraoperative management
equate. As an alternative, an individualized heparin and
Heparin/protamine management protamine management strategy, using a whole blood
Unfractionated heparin is the most commonly utilized hemostasis management system (HMS), has proven
anticoagulant for CPB. It is administered not only to more effective in suppressing thrombin generation dur-
prevent gross clot formation within the CPB circuit but ing pediatric CPB than conventional weight-based hepa-
also to prevent subtle activation and consumption of rin dosing and monitoring. The HMS-calculated
coagulation system components when blood comes into heparin concentration may improve and optimize hepa-
contact with the nonphysiologic surface of the extracor- rin responsiveness during CPB, especially in patients
poreal circuit (38). Heparin’s anticoagulant effect is who may be deficient in AT such as children with
directly dependent on the action of antithrombin (AT), CCHD and secondary erythrocytosis. It also targets a
the major physiologic inhibitor of thrombin. Heparin smaller protamine dose than predicted by traditional
binds to AT causing a conformational change in its weight-based heparin protocols which is important
molecular structure and thus transforming it from a because an excess of unbound protamine also has signif-
slow to a rapid inhibitor of circulating thrombin. Hepa- icant anticoagulant effects (44).
rin dosing regimens for children undergoing CPB have
been extrapolated from adult protocols despite their Antifibrinolytics
inherent deficiencies in AT, higher metabolic rates that Although the clinical contribution of primary fibrinoly-
make heparin clearance by the kidney significantly fas- sis to bleeding in children with CCHD and secondary
ter, greater degree of hemodilution from the CPB cir- erythrocytosis is unclear, activation of the fibrinolytic
cuit, and lack of pediatric specific pharmacokinetic and system during CPB is well documented and one of the
pharmacodynamic data on anticoagulant agents (38– primary mechanisms leading to post-CPB bleeding

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Pediatric Anesthesia 25 (2015) 981–989
L. M. Zabala and N. A. Guzzetta Cyanotic congenital heart disease

(45,46). Pharmacologic inhibition of fibrinolysis has TA (53). However, serious concerns for increased seizure
been shown to reduce clinical bleeding in cardiac activity postoperatively are associated with the use of
surgery, trauma, orthopedic, liver transplantation, gyne- TA. A study in pediatric cardiac patients weighing
cological surgery, and obstetrics surgery (47). Epsilon <20 kg reported a fourfold increase in the incidence of
Aminocaproic acid (EACA) and tranexamic acid (TA) postoperative seizures with the use of TA vs EACA (TA
are two widely available lysine analogs used to inhibit 3.5% vs EACA 0.8%, P = 0.203), although this value
the fibrinolytic process. They produce a reversible block- did not reach statistical significance. Thus, although
ade of the lysine-binding sites on plasminogen thereby there is no concrete support for antifibrinolytic therapy
inhibiting the activation of plasminogen, interfering with specifically in children with CCHD and secondary ery-
the formation of plasmin, and stopping the lysis of poly- throcytosis, evidence suggests that antifibrinolytic agents
merized fibrin. In addition to the role plasmin plays in are advantageous in reducing blood loss during complex
clot lysis, it has also been shown to interrupt normal pediatric cardiac surgery and should be considered as
platelet aggregation induced by both thrombin and col- part of a comprehensive blood conservation strategy.
lagen. Theoretically, the reduced amount of plasmin
produced in the presence of EACA and TA should aid Dynamic intraoperative coagulation monitoring - Throm-
in the preservation of platelet function in the post-CPB boelastography (TEG)
period. Another nonspecific serine protease inhibitor Conventional coagulation assays, specifically the pro-
with antifibrinolytic effects is Aprotinin. Aprotinin was thrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin
recently withdrawn from clinical practice due to serious time (aPTT), are performed in plasma alone and conse-
concerns about its safety raised by the Blood Conserva- quently do not reflect the interactions of cellular compo-
tion Using Antifibrinolytics in a Randomized Trial or nents in blood such as platelets, leukocytes, and
BART study (48). Although it has been reinstated for phospholipid-bearing cells. In addition, as previously
use in both Canada and Europe (49,50), aprotinin mentioned, the plasma contribution to whole blood in
remains unavailable for use in most countries. Because patients with secondary erythrocytosis is significantly
of its early termination, the BART trial never answered decreased and requires special handling. Thus, the use
the question of whether or not the lysine analogs were as of coagulation devices capable of assessing the viscoelas-
efficacious as aprotinin in their blood-sparing effects, tic properties of whole blood [thrombelastography
although there was a trend supporting the aprotinin’s (TEGÒ; Hemoscope Corp., Niles, IL, USA) and rota-
superiority to prevent massive bleeding in comparison to tion thromboelastometry (ROTEMÒ; Pentapharm
both lysine analogs (RR 0.79; 95% CI 0.61–1.01) (48). GmbH, Munich, Germany)], rather than just plasma,
Unfortunately, an insightful analysis of the literature has become increasingly common. Normal values have
on the administration of TA and EACA for pediatric been described for both healthy children and children
CPB is near impossible because of the significant incon- with congenital heart disease (54,55). Modification of
sistencies between different studies. Multiple variables, the test with a contact activator allows for the rapid
including the age of patients studied, types of cardiac attainment of thromboelastogram variables so that the
procedures performed, CPB priming volumes and proto- use of TEG has become a real-time point-of-care coagu-
cols, and dosing regimens for the antifibrinolytic admin- lation monitor for assessing coagulopathies in children
istered, vary greatly among differing institutions. The undergoing cardiac surgery and CPB. TEG tracings
best evidence supporting the ability of the antifibrinolyt- may be obtained in the immediate pre-bypass period to
ic agents to decrease bleeding and transfusion require- define the baseline effects of cyanosis on the hemostatic
ments in children after CPB is the numerous studies system or post-CPB to rapidly assess coagulopathy. In
repeatedly demonstrating that the use of these agents is addition, with the use of heparinase, important predic-
superior to placebo (51). In addition, there is little evi- tive TEG data may be obtained during CPB thus allow-
dence supporting one antifibrinolytic agent over another. ing pertinent objective data to be immediately available
A recent study of 22 258 pediatric cardiac patients utiliz- (56). TEG is also beneficial in assessing the contribution
ing data from the Pediatric Health Information Systems of functional fibrinogen to the developing clot, a defect
Database showed no difference in efficacy or safety out- which might otherwise go unnoticed if only measuring
comes between EACA and aprotinin. Conversely, TA plasma based values. A clinical study of children with
was associated with lower bleeding and in-hospital mor- secondary erythrocytosis comparing postoperative out-
tality rates when compared to aprotinin (52). The comes between a post-CPB transfusion protocol guided
authors did not directly compare EACA to TA. Other by TEG vs one guided by clinical experience found that
studies have found no difference regarding blood loss, the TEG-guided therapy resulted in greater intraopera-
transfusion, and outcome when comparing EACA and tive administration of fibrinogen concentrate but

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 987

Pediatric Anesthesia 25 (2015) 981–989
Cyanotic congenital heart disease L. M. Zabala and N. A. Guzzetta

significantly less postoperative transfusion of FFP. In gaining recognition. It is clear that the coagulation
addition, the TEG-guided transfusion group had abnormalities associated with secondary erythrocytosis
improved outcomes including a reduction in the dura- are complex and that no one mechanism is at play.
tion of mechanical ventilation, length of ICU stay, and Understanding the pathophysiology and implementing
total hospitalization time (57). a comprehensive strategy to lessen the risk of postopera-
tive bleeding or thrombosis is warranted when caring
for these children.
In summary, patients with long-standing hypoxemia
Ethics approval
have complex and often severe alterations in their whole
blood viscosity and coagulation profile. Chronic hypox- No ethics approval needed.
emia triggers a variety of compensatory mechanisms
aimed at optimizing the tissue oxygen delivery and over-
all organ function. Alterations in the coagulation profile
of these patients are expected due to the reduction in The study was funded by departmental resources.
plasma volume that accompanies the increase in red cell
mass. Although thrombocytopenia is well documented
Conflict of interest
as a part of the bleeding diathesis associated with sec-
ondary erythrocytosis, the contribution of other dys- No conflict of interest.
functional coagulation proteins, such as fibrinogen, are

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