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The autoclave carries out that exact function of sterilizing

materials. It is a machine that uses pressure and steam to reach
and maintain a temperature that is too high for any
microorganisms or their spores to live. Microorganisms are what
most people commonly refer to as germs. These are the bacteria,
viruses, fungi, parasites, etc. that are able to cause infections in
our bodies. Spores are the environment-resistant form of the
microorganisms. Even though they are able to withstand harsher
conditions, they still can be killed if extreme conditions are
maintained for an extended period of time. Autoclaves are
pressure cookers very similar. Once an autoclave is started,
steam is pushed into the chamber that contains the items that are
being sterilized. As the steam goes in, the pressure and
temperature within the chamber are increased. Most autoclaves
are set to increase steam pressure until a temperature of at least
121 degrees Celsius is reached (about 250 degrees Fahrenheit).
This temperature and pressure will remain at this level for at least
15 minutes. This is a high enough temperature for a long enough
period of time to kill any and all microorganisms and their
spores.The high temperatures cause the internal parts of the
microorganisms to essentially cook. Once the internal parts
cannot function in the microorganisms, they will die. The steam
and pressure are released and brought down to normal room
temperature and pressure after the 15 or more minutes of
running. The items that were autoclaved will remain sterile until
they are contaminated by new microorganisms.

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