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The results indicate our hypothesis to be incorrect, as average rate of reaction did not

decrease for the dilutions. This does not mean that the null hypothesis is correct, but it could
point to the ability of the dilutions to provide external H2O for more hydrolysis to take place,
which would could speed up the rate of reaction. That is because the substrate density was
conflated with substrate concentration, which ran the risk of skewing our results tremendously.
In addition to to that, we indicate a slight standard error overlap when the substrate H2O2 was
diluted by 66%, and an extremely inconsistent result with the 33% dilution. Thus we must
ultimately reject our hypothesis, because the H2O in the first and smaller dilution, the water
would have easily been able to accomodate the hydrolysis reactions in its proximity, for every
mL H2O, there being 2 mL H2O2 . Equalizing the H2O and H2O2 to the same quantity of 10 mL
would have likely isolated H2O2 bonds to the point that it would have taken more time for the
catalase to reach the substrate, and since quantifying change as a rate relies on time as a
dimension, then the results can be somewhat rationalized, regardless of it being able to cast off
its relation to our hypothesis on a tangent.This experiment is particularly significant in that it
contextually portrays enzymes as catalysts that are valuable to the cellular processes of our
bodies on each of their levels of biological organization. Catalase hydrolyzes the hydrogen
peroxide into water and oxygen to the benefit of all aerobic organisms in which it inhabits,
because those very acts of oxygenic respiration produce free radicals that lead to multiple forms
of cellular damage and contribute to aging, the H2O2 being one among them. This allows our
survivorship to increase as a k-selected species to the point where we can live long enough to
produce and raise offspring. Since entropy applies to closed systems, it can be inferred that
those with aerobic respiration (after the cyanobacteria performed their great mass extinction),
the ability for species to thrive longer with this respiratory method (beyond merely glycolysis)
depended on their genetic adaptations to the free radicals their respirations produced, and
therefore the ability of the encoded proteins (i.e. enzymes) to enforce the genetic information.
On a more tangible level, it shows how enzymes are able to do hydrolysis reactions to achieve
many effects under natural and artificial systems, where it can break down cellulose into
polysaccharides and reduce peptide bonds into their free amino acid constituents. There was
one defining source of error (independent of the aforementioned conceptual one) in this
experiment, and that was when one member of our group bumped the table, causing the
reaction chamber to shift and forcing the oxygen to travel external to the graduated cylinder for
5> seconds. As for instead of 10 mL H2O2 each time and then adding the water, we would alter
it to where the amount of water and H2O2 equaled 10 ML - in that we would keep the 10 mL
sum constant.

Figure 1: Figure one shows the amount of O2 gas produced by 33% diluted H2O2. It shows how
much gas is produced over five minutes, broken down into 30-second increments.

Figure 2: Figure one shows the amount of O2 gas produced by 66% diluted H2O2. It shows how
much gas is produced over five minutes, broken down into 30-second increments.
Figure 3: Figure three shows all the data collected from figures one and two. It also adds data
from a previous lab and it shows regular undiluted H2O2. The graph depicts the average
reaction rate of the different dilutions of H2O2.

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