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The Maharani

The Maharani - Part One: Mahmud of Ghazni

It was 1007 A.D. and Mahmud of Ghazni was preparing to

raid Hindustan once again. Hindustan, which the British with
their inability to curl their occidental tongues around alien
consonants, and their arrogance as makers of history, would
later rename India.

And Christopher Columbus would set sail looking for it and

rename Native Americans – Indians.

But back to Mahmud.

His forays were well planned. Crossing over the mountains as

the winter snow melted, he would return to Afghanistan
before the monsoon made it impossible to ford the rivers
that made Hindustan so fertile and wealthy. His strategy was
simple – attack, conquer, plunder and then move on. Not for
him the administrative and political quagmire of ruling these
Hindus. That would be left for the Mughals and the British to
do. Pretending to superimpose law and order over anarchy,
the British would prove to be the biggest plunderers. They
would systematically denude the region of its wealth for two
hundred years and leave behind as their legacy a political and
bureaucratic mess that would ensure future generations
remained ensnared in poverty.
But back to Mahmud.

On his first incursion he had met severe resistance from a

disciplined force led by a powerful king. He had been able to
subdue the king's forces with better tactics and the sheer
ruthlessness of his men. On the next expedition he had met
with even more resistance from the son of the now dead
king. This time around Mahmud was on the verge of defeat.
The tide of battle and the course of history were changed
when the king's elephant for no clear reason bolted from the
battlefield. The king's men thinking that their leader was
fleeing had capitulated easily.

On subsequent incursions he had been able to run rampant

at will through a series of kingdoms with little or no
resistance. He had now pillaged most of the kingdoms in the
area of Hindustan called the Punjab. Kashmir had been
impossible to subjugate and he had given up after a few
attempts; besides who cared, there was enough booty to be
had elsewhere! He had left behind puppet rulers with the
specific task of raising revenues for him. On this expedition
he was looking forward to collecting their tribute before
moving on to plundering other kingdoms.

It never ceased to amaze him how quickly these Hindus

accumulated wealth. No matter how many times he
ransacked their kingdoms, they always seemed as rich the
next time. Ready to be plucked like ripe mangoes!

Ordinary citizens appeared to be well off and some of their

houses were worth looting. Even more rewarding was
sacking the houses of rich merchants and landlords. But by
far the greatest treasure-troves were palaces and temples.
Here the accumulation of wealth was at times mind boggling.
He remembered one kingdom where the king would weigh
himself in gold on his birthday and put that gold away in the
palace treasury and when Mahmud raided it he found gold
bars stacked to the ceiling! And as to the temples, he
remembered a particular one with breathtakingly exquisite
life size statues of gods and goddesses with multiple limbs.
These statues were made of precious metals and heavily
encrusted with diamonds, rubies and sapphires. Being a True
Believer, he could not allow these symbols of idol worship to
exist. He had the gems carefully removed and the metals
melted into bars. And of course he had to take the whole lot
back with him to Afghanistan for safe keeping.

But it was not just the loot that brought him back. It was sex
as well. Yes, sex and material wealth. The oldest and most
dependable motivating forces to make the male Homo
sapiens get off his butt and do stuff.

To Mahmud, sex was not synonymous with r a p e. He was a

fighter and a lover. To him it was disgusting. Taking a woman
by force, against her will, was to him an act of cowardice. It
was an admission that the perpetrator lacked the skills and
the confidence to woo a woman and then fuck her with her
full consent, to ecstasy and beyond.

Some of the best sex could be found in Hindu temples. There

were women here, called Devdasis or servants of God. Their
sole purpose ostensibly was to serve God in whatever
capacity. In some kingdoms this included servicing the priests
and the wealthy and powerful people of that area under the
pretext of 'healing' them.

He had experienced the 'healing' touch of these sensuous

creatures on many an occasion. These women knew how to
screw the life out of you - all three orifices, all night, over and
over again in numerous positions and various techniques.
Two of them in one night could leave you so depleted that
for days afterwards you had an idiotic smile on your face and
looked at all women as sisters, mothers and daughters, not
as sex objects.

But that was not all. He had learned that not all married
Hindu women were paragons of virtue. True, they gave you
the impression that they would rather die than commit
adultery. But with a little bit of charm and lots of assurance
of secrecy he had been able to get quite a few of them to
open their legs for him.

In particular he remembered this ultra conservative long

legged dusky Hindu woman from his last incursion. She was
an aristocratic, haughty ice princess, with a lissome figure,
chiseled features, and delightful light brown eyes. She was
married to the prime minister of the kingdom he had just
moved into. He had sensed the seething passions that lay
underneath the frosty exterior of this long legged beauty.
And while his men raided the kingdom he had gradually
worked on her. It took time but when that woman finally
succumbed it was worth the wait and then some. He
remembered one memorable night by the end of which he
was almost sapped of all his strength. He, Mahmud, the great
lover, had almost been bested by this woman. She had taken
him up her cunt and anus over and over again in various
positions, some so outrageous that he had never been able
to duplicate with anyone else. Between rectal and vaginal
invasions and some times mid way through she would take
him in her mouth and let her cultured tongue pamper his
cock. Oh, what a night!

The memories of that encounter had his sizable penis erect

as he rode his trusty steed through the Khyber Pass beyond
which lay the plains of Hindustan. But he did not even touch
his penis. Masturbating while riding a horse was too close to
having sex with animals, which he thought was an
abomination. In fact he never masturbated. He never needed

While he was home in Ghazni his wife kept him occupied. She
was of royal lineage - the daughter of the King of Persia,
given to Mahmud to keep him out of Persia. She was an
absolute raving beauty. Her doe like enchanting blue eyes,
petite frame, soft voice and winsome personality kept him
from even looking at other women while he was in Ghazni.

Mahmud could have taken a number of wives and an even

greater number of concubines. But he was a practical man
and knew that having too many women around could lead to
palace intrigue and unnecessary complications and
unhappiness. Then there was the question of succession. He
and his Persian princess had produced one son and that was
that, as far as he was concerned. The boy was now seven
years old and already being groomed to become a king.

When Mahmud needed more women he went off and

ravished kingdoms in Hindustan or visited a Central Asian
neighbor. There he had women of the royal court offering
themselves to him, both because their potentates wanted to
keep Mahmud off their kingdoms and also because he had
worked his charms on them on previous visits.

And what of his Persian princess, was she the doe eyed
pristine paragon of virtue he thought she was? Indeed not;
she had a sexual appetite even more, if it was possible, than
his. She had just learnt to hide it artfully.

The Persian youngster who at this moment stood naked

before her was testament to that. His slender form was in
stark contrast to the monster that stood out proudly from his
loins. How could a small and beautiful fellow pack such a
huge weapon? He stood with his hands on his hips and a
smirk on his face, and waited. She shuffled forward on the
velvety smooth bed and engulfed the bulbous end of his
penis with her mouth. Gradually she worked her mouth
down the shaft licking its underside with her tongue, till his
pubic hair brushed up against her lips. She looked up at him
with a smile of accomplishment in her eyes. It was
remarkable how easily she was able to swallow his entire
prick. It was not just that she had experience – she had been
able to do it at their very first encounter.

He moved his hands off his hips and caressed her silken fair
hair as she continued to stroke the underside of his cock with
her tongue. She braced herself for what she knew was
coming next.

He suddenly grabbed her head with both hands and started

brutally moving it back and forth on his cock. She began
moaning but kept on working on the underside of his prick
with her tongue as his rising excitement quickly built up the
tempo of his thrusts. Abruptly, with a prolonged cry he came.
She swallowed as much as she could but there was just too
much stuff today and it leaked out onto her chin and chest.
He stooped down and holding her hands made her scoop up
all the goop into her mouth and then made her lick her
fingers clean. He then stuck his still erect cock back in her

She sucked on his cock with vigor till it was back to being rock
hard. Roughly, he moved her face off his cock and flung her
on the large bed. He lifted up her loose skirt and since in
anticipation she had not worn undergarments, her hairy cunt
was exposed. Without much ado he mounted her. "It has
been a long time princess, a very long time." As he sank his
prick into her warm and wet cunt, "Tonight I will make you
my whore again. Poor Sultan Mahmud thinks you are an
angel. Does he know who you really are?" He lowered his
face and kissed her on her lips and then insinuated his
tongue into her mouth and as she entwined hers with his, he
began thrusting it in and out in time with his cock thrusts.

Then he began savagely fucking her. In and out he banged

her cunt viciously slamming into her till she cried out. "Ah my
precious princess," he said, "you are in pain?"
"Just fuck me, you idiot," said the dainty beauty, "come on,
come on, bang me with that baton." And she spat on him and
thrust herself at him with abandon. He licked the spit off with
his tongue and collecting some of his own, spat right back,
and kept on spitting till her face was covered with spit. All the
while he cursed her in their native Persian, calling her a
whore, a father fucker, a brother fucker, a loose woman who
gets fucked by horses and buggered by donkeys and crapped
on by the eunuch who cleans out the royal toilet.

She kept grunting and thrusting herself energetically back at

him, holding her legs apart so that he could continue to
penetrate her fully. She rubbed her face against his,
spreading his spit on his own face, using her tongue to
alternately lick his face or entwine it with his tongue. He
reached down and ripped her richly embroidered silken
blouse off and sucked on her pink nipples. The added
sensation tipped her over the edge and she shrieked out a
Persian expletive and reached her orgasm. Her cunt was
flooded with wholesome fluid even as it clamped down on
his huge cock squeezing it rhythmically.

When she was with this fellow, she loved being taken brutally
and treated like a slut. When she was with Mahmud, she
loved being treated like a dainty princess, allowing Mahmud
to indulge his softer, gentler side and make love to her, not
just fuck her. It was not that she was play acting or hiding her
real self. Plain and simple – she loved sex. She understood
sex was an act between consenting adults and to really enjoy
it meant behaving differently with different partners,
allowing each of them to express their sexuality completely
thus enhancing the interaction and raising the act from mere
fucking to sublime intercourse.

The fellow she was with right now had no such lofty thoughts
and just waited for her to climb off the rainbow. Not being
able to move his cock he feasted on her nipples till finally her
cunt released his colossal cock. He then turned her over on to
her hands and knees with half his cock still sheathed in her
stretched cunt. He climbed on the bed behind her and
placing his knees inside hers proceeded to hammer away at
her exposed cunt.

He parted her buttocks and there was his crinkled pink prey,
her unprotected anus. He spat on his hands and worked the
spit around the opening, feeling the muscles of the
corrugated ring. Involuntarily, her anal ring contracted,
thrilling him. He placed his index finger at the opening and
gradually pushed it in till suddenly the ring gave and
contracted around his finger. He moved his finger in and out
till he felt the sphincter relax and then he shoved another
finger in. Gradually he made her get used to the sensation of
having her ass hole stuffed. She wanted to yell at him to get
on with it and shove his cock up her anus but she also
wanted to humor him and let him pretend that she was a
poor little dainty princess with a delicate and tiny anus that
had to be prepared properly before being ravaged.
He removed his exploring fingers, spat on his prick and then
on her ass hole and then placed his cock at the wrinkled
opening. Slowly he introduced it in. When he got the head
beyond the ring she moaned as if in pain. "Aha, my little
princess finds this humble servant's prick too big for her tiny
anus," and she moaned some more as he worked it in
further. She continued to humor him and play this game even
though anal penetration was nothing new or painful. She
loved to be taken up the shit hole. In fact Mahmud took her
ass quite frequently and his prick was just as thick though
shorter than this guy's.

Finally he bottomed out and then watched in fascination as

his cock slithered out till only the heavy head remained
embedded. He paused for a moment then thrust it in
viciously drawing a genuine cry from her. He began
relentlessly assaulting her rectum, forcefully holding her
head down and biting the back of her neck. Not satisfied he
turned her over and laid her supine and entered her ass face
to face. The lusty ravaged expressions on her face exciting
him to greater heights.

"Started without me," said someone, startling them both till

they saw that it was Rehana the princess's hand maiden and
the wife of the guy who was buggering her. It was Rehana
who had brought the news of Mahmud's crossing into
Hindustan to the princess. Such was the fear of Mahmud that
they had not even thought of playing till he was far away.
Even now Rehana, the princess's hand maiden, was taking no
chances. She had unlocked a cleverly hidden trapdoor in the
floor below the thick carpet in the princess's bedroom to let
Rahim, her husband, in. She had then gone off to ensure that
there was no one else in any of the other rooms that made
up the princess's chambers. She had then securely locked
from the inside all entrances, before returning to the
bedroom. She quickly shed her clothes and joined in.

Rehana was short, dark and chubby. Yet she exuded

sensuality. It was in her healthy brown skin that had the right
sheen to undulate seductively with each movement of her
body. It was in her movements, the way she walked with a
natural swing in her hips that made her ass bounce
provocatively with each step. Strong men found themselves
wanting to stop her, expose her chubby cheeks and ravage
her brown anal bud savagely. It was in her soft raspy voice
that sent blood rushing to engorge men's cocks.

She climbed on to the bed and placed her cunt on the

princess's face, who then proceeded to use her talented
tongue on the exposed vaginal lips and clitoris. They had
been lovers for years. In fact this hand maiden of hers had
been with her since childhood and had moved with her from
Persia when she got married. It was a complex relationship in
which they were mistress and servant, friends, lovers and
had shared men over the years. It was basically because of
this relationship, that the princess had been able to keep her
sexual encounters secret, even from her own husband.
Rehana's husband removed his cock from the princess's anus
and thrust it into his wife's open mouth, and said, "Clean it;
remove your precious princess's shit from my cock."

"You better have plenty left for me, Rahim you bastard," said
Rehana lovingly to her husband, as she briskly tongued his
prick from root to tip and back again till it was clean and
shining with her spit. Back went the battering ram into the
princess's anus in one savage thrust that made her cry out
again. Vigorously he buggered her, holding her legs up and
parted so that his wife could attack the exposed cunt with
her tongue. He could feel that he was close to coming.
Roughly he pushed his wife out of the way and moving up the
princess's body pushed his cock into her mouth, "You
scumbag princess, I am going to come in your royal mouth
again." Gladly, the princess's mouth accepted his prong while
his wife parted his buttocks and began sucking on his
exposed ass hole. This pushed him over the edge and he
came; once again flooding the princess's mouth and nostrils
with his spunk. Rehana moved from her husband's ass to
greedily lick his semen off the princess's face.

She then heard the muffled tap tap in code and went off to
open the trapdoor and let Rogan, her brother, in. He had
crawled through a long and winding passageway that started
in the royal stables. Rogan was officially in charge of the
stables and had discovered this long forgotten secret
passageway by sheer chance.
The princess became conscious of his presence when she felt
his prick going up her ass.

"Get off my face you swine," said the petite and refined
princess to Rahim, "suck my cunt while Rogan buggers my
ass." Rahim turned around quickly and enthusiastically
immersed his face in her cunt. Rogan removed his prick from
the royal ass hole and shoved it at the husband, "Suck my
cock, you whore, clean it well for I am going to fuck you with
it." Without hesitation Rahim took it in his mouth, lovingly
licking every nook and cranny. He had taken this cock up his
ass quite a few times and was looking forward to a buggering

"No," said the royal wife to Rogan, "fuck my cunt let his wife
take care of him." Eagerly Rogan obeyed her and placed his
now clean cock at her vaginal opening and with a gratified
sigh smoothly shafted her. Rehana, who was aching to have
her cunt filled, lay down next to the princess with an
expectant smile on her face and her legs eagerly parted. Her
husband placed his now erect again cock at her vaginal
opening and went down that well used tunnel. She took his
huge cock much more easily than had the princess. Very
quickly the practiced duo set up a delicious tempo matching
their movements with those of the princess and Rogan.

Her husband's huge cock going in and out of her slick cunt so
excited Rehana that she had to reach out and fondle her true
love's breasts. She loved her husband but simply adored
Mahmud's wife – her childhood sweetheart. She maneuvered
herself and her husband so that without breaking the rhythm
of their fucking she was able to reach over and kiss the
princess on her lips even as she continued kneading her
breasts. "Oh, my princess," she said, "My perfect little
creature, I will fuck you to my heart's content today. No fear
of your husband walking in on us." Her mouth moved down
and suckled on those perfect breasts, her tongue expertly
working on the perky pink nipples. She reached down and
felt her brother's cock as it rammed the princess's cunt and
her fingers found the royal clitoris eliciting a contented growl
from the princess. Meanwhile her husband hammered his
cock into her cunt and was quickly reached the tipping point.
He reached over and worked a finger into Rogan's bum hole,
and then extending his neck worked his tongue into the
princess's mouth. He moved his cock, finger and tongue in
rhythm and with a loud and extended grunt came in his
wife's warm cunt. Spent, he let his shrinking cock plop out of
his wife's flooded cunt and lying on his side continued to
observe the frenzied fucking.

Rogan was the next to come. But before he reached

ejaculation he pulled out of the princess's cunt and impaled
his sister's drenched cunt. She held his face in her hands and
entwined her tongue with his. A couple of vigorous thrusts
and he exploded with a deep seated incestuous growl. But he
was not done yet. He kept thrusting into his sister, while she
sensuously stroked his body with her hands and his tongue
with hers. In no time his penis was rock hard again. He
removed it from her clasping cunt and anointed it with
perfumed oil that he had brought with him.

Next he worked the oil into and around her anus liberally
smearing the area. Then without much ado he shafted her
bung hole. This elicited an involuntary 'oh' from Rehana and
then as she grew used to his full blooded thrusts began
spitting at him and yelling out choice expletives. This
spectacle had made Rahim hard and raring to go. He in turn
rubbed profuse amounts of the perfumed oil on his cock and
moving Rogan out of the way went up his wife's dark hole.

Rogan was not going to let his penis just hang in thin air. No
indeed. He applied oil to Rahim's exposed ass hole and then
quickly thrust his cock in. This sudden and brutal assault
made Rahim yell out in pain and paralyzed his own cock. But
in an instant pain became pleasure and soon two cocks were
vigorously being thrust into two very accepting ass holes.

The sight of this communal buggery was too exciting for the
princess and she moved her naked body astride Rehana's
face who lovingly drooled all over her pink gash.

Rogan was the first to come. He pulled Rahim off Rehana and
pushed him face down on the bed. He sat on him and lovingly
caressed his pink buttocks while continuing his brutal assault.
With a loud and prolonged roar he came up Rahim's ass hole.
He was not allowed to rest. Rahim had not yet come and his
enormous cock was hard as stone. He pushed Rogan off him
and onto his back. He then stood up and pulled him to the
edge of the bed, pushed his legs back and exposed his anus.
Quickly some oil was smeared on anus and cock and then up
Rogan's alley went the enormous cock.

This was too much for Rogan to handle and he began howling
like an injured dog. His sister hastily shut him up with a slap
and then muffled him with her hands, "Shut up you clown.
Stop behaving like a foolish virgin. You will have the
Princess's guard breaking down the doors. You have taken
this cock too many times to be yelping like this." She then
moved down and engulfed his penis with her mouth and
began working on the poor shrunken thing. Instantly his
yelping was reduced to satisfied grunts and she took her
hands away from his mouth. In a few more thrusts Rahim
was done and flooded Rogan's rectum with his spunk.

All in all, a wonderful menagerie of perverts!

But back to Mahmud.

As he moved through the mountains, a little hullabaloo was

taking place in the kingdom of Bhatner in the plains of
Hindustan. A tiger had snatched an infant in the southern
reaches of the kingdom. The hapless mother had put the
sleepy infant in a hammock while she worked in the fields
sowing wheat. A cry and a growl had made her turn around
anxiously only to see the tiger disappear into the jungle with
the baby.

When word of this reached Bhatner fort, the king's abode, he

as the protector of his people, felt duty bound to hunt down
this marauding creature. A royal hunt was organized and the
king rode out on Bajrang, his favorite steed. It took a day for
the royal party to reach that part of the jungle where the
tiger had last been seen. It took another day for the royal
elephant, Bijli, to reach them and then the hunt started in
real earnest.

The king seated high on his lavishly decorated elephant

moved into the jungle at the beast's naturally leisurely pace.
In front of him went the beaters. They would beat loudly on
drums to scare animals out of hiding from under bushes or
the thick undergrowth. The jungle was teeming with game
which scuttled out in droves. But the king and his people
were strict vegetarians. Taking life unnecessarily was a
punishable offence. So nothing was killed and the relentless
hunt continued for the tiger.

Suddenly the tiger was sighted. It was lying on the ground in

thick grass growling and snarling but unable to move. The
reason why it turned into a man-eater was now obvious - its
left hind paw had been injured at some stage and was now
heavily infected. The tiger was put out of its misery with a
salvo of royal arrows and its carcass left for the scavengers of
the jungle to feed on.
It was on the trail home that tragedy struck.

The king was dozing in the afternoon heat on Bajrang, when

a partridge suddenly took flight across the royal path. The
startled royal horse reared up in surprise unseating the
dozing king who fell off the horse onto the upright spear of a
guard walking beside him. The spear entered his side and it
was quickly apparent that the king was gravely injured. He
was rushed back to Bhatner fort for the royal physician's
ministrations. This consisted of the chanting of mantras and
the brewing of numerous herbal concoctions which were
either imbibed by the royal patient or placed in his wound.

It soon became obvious that the king was going to die. While
arrangements were being made for the royal pyre the queen
was being prepared for sati. She was young and had been
married to the king for just a few years. No matter. Hindu
tradition demanded that a widow end her life by immolating
herself on her husband's pyre. And royalty had to set an

But back to Mahmud.

While all this was going on he and his men had reached the
border of Bhatner and were preparing to invade it. Even as
the king breathed his last, Mahmud and his muslim soldiers
gathered for a swift strike.
The lack of resistance was amazing even by Hindustani
standards. People just gaped at the soldiers as they advanced
on the fort. It was at the gates that there was some
semblance of resistance – the guards refused to open the
gates. Two charging horsemen made them quickly change
their minds and they flung the gates open and fled.

The young king had been very well liked and his sudden
demise had left his people numb and utterly lacking the will
to resist. All this meant just one thing to the ever practical
Mahmud. He could raid this kingdom without the fear of
losing any of his men. And by the grace of Allah this kingdom
looked really rich!

In a leisurely stroll through the fort he found the treasury. As

he suspected it was filled to the rafters with good stuff.
Immediately, men were detailed to both take inventory and
start packing the stuff to take home. He trusted nobody and
so had a lot of men involved with everyone watching
everyone else.

Next he stumbled upon the female section of the fort. His

men had secured the entrance without venturing inside.
They knew the ways of their Sultan well!

He pushed open the doors and wandered in. There was the
usual assortment of female attendants now huddled
together in fearful congress. He spied an ornately carved
wooden door that he suspected led to the queen's chambers.
Curiosity made him push it open and enter.

In an inner large room he found the queen. She was

crouched by the side of a bed on which lay a sleeping child.
She was draped in a widow's white sari the free end of which
completely covered her face. In an exposed fair hand she
held a large metal vessel.

"If you come any closer I will kill myself with this poison." Her
voice was throaty yet with a light trill and with a velvety
something in it that made Mahmud think of the purring of a

"Stop right there," said that throaty voice. Mahmud stopped

right there.

"That is a lot of poison, your highness," said Mahmud with a

hint of laughter in his voice, "can it be that the royal poison
maker mistook her highness for an elephant."

Queen Parvati drew herself to her full height and said

disdainfully in that incredibly sexy voice, "Do not mock us,
you savage."

Mahmud of Ghazni drew in a sharp breath, found his tongue

sticking to the roof of his suddenly dry mouth and felt a
stirring in his loins. The queen was tall, the top of her head
almost up to his eye level, and he was a full head taller than
most of his men. Even her baggily draped sari could not
effectively hide a perfectly proportioned figure. She had kept
her face hidden in the hooded end of her sari. Like any
virtuous Hindu woman she would rather show a stranger her
bottom than her face. In fact virtuous Hindu women were
more likely to let you fuck their bottoms than show their
faces. His penis enlarged as he remembered the number of
perfect and naked Hindu bottoms he had fucked – ass or cunt
or both, with the face never seen. His penis began rising.
Mahmud, he said to himself do away with that thought. Stay
in the present.

"Please your highness," he said with a voice suddenly dry and

raspy, "I have no intention of mocking you. Forgive this
unworthy one and allow him to explain himself. I do not want
to harm you or your child. You may call me a savage but as
Allah is my witness I have never forced myself on any

At that precise moment the sleeping child made a sudden

movement and let out a cry that made the queen jerk around
to make sure all was well. The child carried on sleeping with
an abandon only known to the very young. However, on
jerking around the queen lost her grip on the hood of her
sari. Down came the never to be dropped veil.
Just for an instant, before she regained her hold on the sari,
her face was uncovered. That instant for him was like an
eternity. He had just beheld the most beautiful face that had
ever been his good fortune to behold.
And he had beheld quite a few.

Fair complexion, rich brown hair, chiseled features, generous

mouth, almond shaped grey green eyes. Allah! Thought
Mahmud, she is what the Hindus call an Apsara – those
heavenly maidens whose beauty enslaves devoted Rishis and
even gods. Hindustani women were generally dusky – mostly
light brown, some black. Fair complexion was less common
and women as fair as the queen rare indeed.

Said this vision of beauty from behind her now restored veil,
"We have heard that you and your men have done
unspeakable things to the people whose land you usurped."

"Your highness," said Mahmud in a feigned shocked tone,

"who told you these lies! Sure we use force to subjugate
people to our will. But never more than what is absolutely
necessary. And my men never force or pillage." Absolute
nonsense of course because even if Mahmud himself had
never forced a woman there was no way he could prevent his
men from doing so. And he was smart enough to not even
try. But the wily guy was only trying to keep the conversation
going. He already had visions of this ethereal beauty
bouncing on his prong and was busy figuring out how to get
her there.

Said the queen, "If I have been told lies then you tell me the
The truth, only Allah knows the truth, thought Mahmud, "My
people are good and hard working. But by God's will they
have been given land on which very little grows. So every
now and then I need to make these expeditions to feed my

An erect cock has no conscience, absolutely none. And

Mahmud's was as erect as a minaret. Her voice, her figure,
her face had engorged it to unbelievable proportions. It
made him say things with only one aim in mind – put me
between those divine thighs.

"Really?" This really was news to the queen. Feeding his poor
people had never been bandied about as a reason for
Mahmud's raids.

"How do I know that you tell me the truth? You are denying
that your men force and pillage. And now you tell me that
you do not rob us to make you wealthy but only to feed your

"Your supreme majesty," said Mahmud, "I will prove to you

that my men do not force or pillage. My men and I will
withdraw from the fort completely. We will stay in tents that
we shall pitch at the foot of the little hill on which your fort
stands. We will allow free access both to and from the
palace. Of course all movement will be closely watched and
guards will be posted. If you hear of any misdeeds committed
by my men I will withdraw from your kingdom and leave you
in peace. However, at the end of seven days if nothing is
reported to you, then you will pay me tribute from the royal
treasury. The exact amount in gold, silver and precious
stones will be what my tax collectors calculate it to be."

Why seven days he was not sure. Except that it would give his
men enough time to assess the wealth in the royal treasury,
and in the rest of the kingdom – in the temples and houses of
the rich. And for him to finalize which kingdom he would
annex next.

"This is silly; you already have access to the treasury. You are
free to do as you please. Our kingdom is defeated and
without a king."

"But I have no other way of showing you my truthfulness. I

am not the greedy thief you think I am. I will not touch the
treasury till the seven days are up and you are satisfied that I
speak the truth. Please accept my offer."

Exasperated the queen said, "Why do you make this offer?

This kingdom is yours to do with as you please."

"Because quite simply dear lady you are the most beautiful
woman that I have ever had the good fortune to meet."
Truthfully and sincerely and with an unbearably erect cock.

This so shocked the queen that she let the end of her sari fall
as she turned around with her face uncovered and looked at
him in horror.

"I am a widow. How dare you talk to me in this fashion?

Don't you know that with the death of my husband my life is

Absolutely the wrong thing to have done. Her naked face, her
throaty voice, her perfect figure inflamed his passion so
much that it took all his control to stop Mahmud from
clasping her to his breast and making passionate love to her
right there and then. Actually fuck her to kingdom come was
more in line with his thinking. He was a practical man after
all; not given to flights of fancy. Just hard old fashioned
raging fucking that is what he wanted. Just to fuck this
wonderful creature – fuck her cunt, fuck her face, and fuck
her ass.

But all in good time. For now -

"I am a muslim but am not a zealot and I respect the

traditions of other religions. I fight and conquer for economic
reasons not to convert the conquered to Islam. However, I do
find this Hindu practice abhorrent especially when it means
that the nectar of life from a delicate flower like you will be
fuel for the fire of tradition," said Mahmud waxing lyrical
with his sublimated passion.

"No your highness I can not countenance that. I will allow the
priests to cremate your husband and I will let the people
mourn him but I will not allow you to kill yourself."

"And how exactly will you stop me," said the queen raising
the large chalice of poison to her lips.

"Will you really leave your child motherless in this cruel


Defeated, her shoulders drooped and she stifled a sob as her

gaze fell on the still sleeping child. He had guessed correctly;
this woman had more mother in her than your average Hindu
woman. Again that impulse to clasp and fuck raced wildly
through his brain.

"Mahmud," he said to himself, "get out of here right now.

This is not the time. The time will come later if Allah wills it."

Aloud he said, "I see Allah has given you wisdom. I will leave
now for I can see that you will not disappoint Him. I will take
this poison with me."

Outside the door he turned to one of his men and said,

"Bring the Hakim here." And when the Hakim appeared he
was ordered to go through the queen's chambers to search
for poisons. Meanwhile his soldiers removed all weapons
with which she could do herself any harm.

Mahmud was a practical man.

For the next seven days he did what he said he would do. He
retreated from the fort and camped outside. But everyday he
presented himself at the palace and waited till the queen
gave him an audience. And then he worked on her. He
understood perfectly that you just cannot fuck women. You
got to be able to make them want to get fucked.

He placed himself out of sight. But he knew the power in his

voice or in fact the power in anyone's voice for that matter.
Anyone that is who knew how to use tone, inflection and the
meaning of words; anyone who spoke with an erect cock
with only one aim in mind. And Mahmud was a past master,
an artiste. Gradually and subtly he broke through her
suspicions, her primordial ideas of Hindus and Muslims, and
her inherent shyness till he was able to engage her in
effortless conversation. His task was made easier by the fact
that she was intelligent and quick on the uptake.

Meanwhile he issued an order that if any of his men forced a

local woman he would be beheaded. If there was even a
suspicion of wrongdoing - off comes the head. Such was the
power of Mahmud's personality that not a single soldier
dared disobey him.

When the seven days were up, Mahmud moved back into the
fort. He was fed up with the Spartan tent life by then and
ready for some hedonistic pleasure. And there was so much
and no more discipline that his men could take. And this
seduction was going to take longer. Both the queen and he
had forgotten about his extracting tribute from the royal
treasury. He, because of his seething lust and she because of
her raging confusion.

He moved into rooms far away from the Queen's quarters.

He was going to be patient and play it like an expert. And his
men were going to sack this kingdom like experts in the

Everyday he sent her flowers and flowery letters that he paid

one of her maids (the only one who could read and write) to
read to her. Numerous poets had penned this collection of
his and he had used it to good effect before. An erect cock
has no conscience but just one aim – penetration. He was not
just going to fuck her he was going to ass fuck her! With
every passing day his fantasies grew more and more. If you
do not masturbate like every other frustrated red blooded
male then what do you expect?!

And he sent her perfumes and other items of toiletry and bits
of jewelry that he had collected in his marauding.

She sent back everything and he kept sending her more of


Finally she got fed up.

"Why do you do this?" said she exasperated. "I am a widow,

my life is forfeit. It ended when my husband died. And you
treat me like a lover. You send personal gifts. Gifts that I
cannot accept. You are an uncouth muslim. You eat the flesh
of animals. You cannot understand the greatness of Hinduism
– I may die a widow in this life but in my next I will be
rewarded because I adhered to the tenets of Hinduism.
Please let me die and fulfill my destiny."

Aha, thought Mahmud maybe we are finally there.

"Your highness, for too long have I waited. I must now tell
you quite plainly what my feelings are. You are like a
heavenly being to me. I am worthy of kissing only the ground
you walk on."

Mahmud fell to the floor and began animatedly kissing it with

unbridled passion. The floor was dusty and tasted awful but
he stuck to his task with fervor only out and out lust could

The queen was so embarrassed by this degrading spectacle

that she moved forward with arms extended as if to lift him
bodily off the floor. Whereupon the lusty rascal seized her
hands and began kissing them with unbridled passion.
Long tapered fingers delicately poised just waiting to be
kissed. She should have taken her hands away immediately.
But for some reason that she could not effectively explain
she let them lie there clasped in Mahmud's gnarly hands.

He kissed his way up her forearms, her soft and giving arms,
to those perfect shoulders and then he was face to face with
the most gorgeous creature he had ever set eyes on, his
Persian princess included. Even Mahmud the seasoned
fornicator was momentarily stunned by this vision of beauty.

For her part the queen continued to be completely confused.

She may have been intelligent but was very young and naïve
about men. Her husband had been her only lover and he had
been as inexperienced and as inhibited as her. Their
lovemaking had been hurried and clumsy and each session
ended the moment he had expended himself. She was just
not used to so much attention and so much fuss being made
about her. And then there was this unmentionable feeling
that she felt when she heard Mahmud's voice or saw his face;
even a beard could not effectively hide a strong jaw and
resolute manly features. She felt a trembling in her knees
that she could not successfully control being held by this big
and powerfully built man.

Mahmud looked at that innocent face with its befuddled

expression and he knew he had his prey. Maybe prey was not
the right term. Unless sticking a hard piece of flesh into a
warm receiving piece of flesh was hunting.

He softly encircled her with his hands and then pressed his
lips against hers. She suddenly came alive and struggled to
get away. He held her firmly with his brawny arms and
moved one hand to the back of her head to keep her face still
while he again pressed his lips to hers. For a short while he
felt resistance and then like a deer resigned to its fate it
melted away and he became conscious of her lips quivering
against his and then actually moving against his!

Gently he moved down. Kissing softly her cheeks, then neck

and then the tops of her covered breasts. One of his hands
held the back of her neck firmly while the other traveled
down her back to her perfect taut buttocks softly squeezing
each. By Allah, they were magnificent. She was tall but not
large and this was reflected in her behind and in her breasts
when he finally got them uncovered. Those breasts were just
bigger than his fully opened hand, with large and long pink
nipples that sprang erect and hard when his fingers played
with them. He brought his lips to those nipples and teased
them with his tongue, first one and then the other.

For her part the queen was now not even remotely opposing
what he was doing. She was lost in a haze of excitement.
Sexually aroused, perhaps more than she had ever been
before in her life, she was actually sighing and gasping and
moving against his hands, one of which was now cupping her
cunt and rubbing her covered vaginal lips.

Boldly, he slipped his hand under the tied up end of her sari
and underclothes to feel her luxuriant pubic hair and her now
moist cuntal opening. Gently, he inserted a finger into the
ridged interior and she gasped even more. He found her
mouth with his and stuck his tongue down her throat. She
responded by instinctively sucking on his tongue and this so
inflamed him that he jammed two fingers into her now
widely accepting cunt and began sawing them in and out.
Gone was the gentleness, he was now shamelessly fucking
her with his fingers and she was brazenly responding by
flinging herself on those marauding fingers.

Then with a stifled cry and a gasp she came. For the first time
ever she had an orgasm. She almost passed out with the
intensity of the experience. Incredible; Mahmud's fingers had
achieved what her dead husband's penis never had.

Mahmud let her climb off her orgasmic heights. Then he

gently laid her on her bed and proceeded to slowly disrobe

The lecherous lothario enjoyed every bit of what was

gradually revealed - smooth white undulating skin, perky
perfect breasts with those mile long huge nipples, an inny
belly button rising and falling sexily with her excited
breathing on a flat abdomen, curvy waist that he could
completely encircle with his hands. Then as he peeled her
sari off – the cunt that he had fingered to orgasm, creamy
thighs that tapered to dappled knees that flowed into full
calves and sculptured feet with long resolute toes.

He just had to do the obvious. He had learnt the pleasures of

oral sex from Devdasis on his previous forays and here was
someone who deserved every bit of what he had to offer.
He parted those perfect thighs and placed his face between
them. He inhaled the fresh scent of this aroused gorgeous
woman. Then he stuck his tongue out and tasted her vaginal
lips. The contact made her realize what was happening and
overcome with disgust – how could anyone put their mouth
there – she flapped about and tried to disengage herself.
Mahmud was having none of this. He held her wonderful
thighs firmly while escalating the assault on her vagina. He
licked up to her clitoris and found that it was turgid with
arousal and obviously every little bit of it was sensitive as all
get out because she was moaning and groaning and writhing,
and in no time at all, as he continued his lingual assault she
shuddered to another orgasm.

All the times she had been fucked by her husband had been
exciting. But it seemed now that they were just dry runs that
never quite reached the take off point, beyond which lay this
incredible feeling of wholeness, of being satisfied in every
fiber of her being, of lights popping and thunder like
explosions going off in her head.

As she lay and watched through hazy eyes, Mahmud began

undressing. Off came the long loose cotton shirt and then
down went the draw string trousers and out popped his cock.
She gasped audibly as it sprang into view, huge and proudly
erect. She had never really seen an erect cock before. Just
glimpses of her husband's before he entered her and
sheathed it in her cunt. Most of their fucking had been at
night, clumsy and hurried. This erect cock before her made
her stomach muscles tighten in excitement and her cunt
moist and ready.

He moved between her thighs and gently entered her.

Another gasp from her. Much bigger than the only cock she
had known. Slowly he worked it in till finally he was in to his
balls. He stopped and savored the moment. It had been hard
work but definitely worth it. He looked down at her beautiful
face now wreathed in wonderment and lust and then to the
sight of his prong sheathed in warmth and wetness. He felt
the pleasure he always felt at the completion of a conquest.
This was what it was all about. Kingdoms or women; there
was no substitute for this feeling of accomplishment that the
immediate aftermath of conquest engendered. This feeling
was what gave true meaning to his life.

He began moving inside her. Very quickly up to ramming

speed and then with a gasp he came. Deprivation of sex had
taken its toll on his ability to last.

To her astonishment he remained hard and in her cunt, and

then began thrusting again, even as their combined
secretions ran out of her cunt and down her thighs and
buttocks on to the bed sheet. This time he lasted a long time.
She found herself parting her thighs completely and raising
her buttocks to help his prick reach further inside her cunt.
She placed her spread feet on his back where they beat on
him in time to his lunging. Again she found herself climbing
the rainbow and then with a cry she came. Shortly after that
he flooded her cunt with a second load.

He stayed on top of her with his softening cock still in her

vagina. He bruised her lips with his teeth, and then suckled
on her breasts pulling on her nipples with strength and
urgency her baby had never displayed. It stimulated her and
she found to her astonishment it made his cock hard once

He pulled out his cock with a pop that brought a sigh of

disappointment from her. He crawled up her body and held
his prick to her mouth.

"Suck this. Open your mouth my queen and suck this hose.
Take Mahmud to heaven."

He could not be serious she thought. Suck it?! Ugh! No way!

He held her head firmly and she found her lips parting and
her mouth engulfing the head of his prick. Of its own volition
her tongue began licking the underside of his penis as more
and more of the shaft penetrated her oral cavity. Down her
throat it went and all she did was suck and lick till his pubic
hair caressed her lips. The repugnance she felt at smelling
and tasting their combined intimate secretions had
disappeared, replaced by this overwhelming desire to suck
the very life out of his prick.

He looked down at her. My God, he thought, she was a

natural. This was a woman made for fucking.

He got up on his knees and began fucking her face. She found
herself accepting the violation with pleasure and moving her
tongue on the underside of his cock as encouragement.

Her hands found his balls and her fingers began massaging
them. This was too much even for a seasoned fucker like
Mahmud and he came furiously in her mouth. He held her
face as his cock exploded. She swallowed quickly but was just
not experienced enough to handle all he had to offer. Stuff
trickled out of the corners of her mouth and down her face.
Her fingers collected the run off and as his shrinking cock left
her mouth she replaced it with her fingers and licked them

With a twinkle in her eyes she reached for his penis, "Where
do you think you are going with that?"

Her hand gently stroked it to semi hardness and then she

wrapped her lips around it and sucked it back to powerful

He looked in wonder as this beautiful creature, this

personification of the ideal in a woman, sucked on his cock
with the wantonness of a slut. He had worked hard to get to
fuck her. Very hard. But never in his wildest dreams had he
anticipated this result.
He had been smitten by her absolute beauty and the
outcome he had looked for was to shaft this perfect being.
Her beauty had been a goal in itself. He had not looked
beyond that. But now as he realized that he had somehow
unleashed a lusty tigress his thoughts returned to their usual
level of depravity – he was going to ass fuck her. Oh yes he
was going to bugger this beauty. He had thoughts of ass
fucking her before but those were just the random musings
of a sex starved fellow. Never a course of action he had
thought possible. But now he saw it as the next course. Make
her submit to him, ride her ass, watch as his prong pierced
her rectum and her ravaged face begged for release.

Quickly, he removed his prick from her mouth even as her

expression said "why?" He turned her on her side and then
slid down to place his mouth on her anus. He parted those
magnificent buttocks and gazed in awe at the rose bud. But
only for a moment before he attacked it with his tongue.

"Yeech," she thought," What is he doing? That is so dirty."

And she tried to move away.

Mahmud was single minded in his purpose. He was going to

bugger this woman, this vision of perfection, come what may.
His sturdy hands firmly held her hips in place as his lingual
assault became more intense.

When she found she could not move away she just lay there
and suffered the utter degeneracy of his assault. He lifted her
thighs and moving his body placed himself between them,
wrapping her legs around him as he licked her shit chute.
Imperceptibly but surely she began to get aroused by the
incessant banging of his tongue against her anus. Gradually
she relaxed and her legs moved against his torso as her lust
rose. Mahmud pushed his tongue past her anal ring into her
rectum. He held it there even as she voluntarily squeezed her
anal muscles shut. But there was no way of expelling the
offending tongue. Then he began grinding it in and out till
she got used to the strange sensation of having something
shoved up a passage that normally shoves out stuff.

Then he spat on his fingers and took out his tongue and
replaced it with a spit slick finger. He spat some more and
before she could react another finger went up her rectum.
Both fingers began sawing in and out.

Even as she enjoyed the assault she thought, "What is going

on?" "What is the purpose of all this?"

And then in a terrifying instant she suddenly knew. "Oh no,"

she yelled," No, no, it will kill me," and in a frenzied motion
freed herself from his fingers and flung herself out of his

Mahmud reacted quickly and wrestled with her on the bed

firmly holding her in place with his body atop hers. He
regretted using force on this exquisite woman. But he knew
she would enjoy it if only he could take her there. Besides
which he now had an unbearably erect cock and a mind
fixated on anal action. Even as his weight held her on her
side, he began softly kissing her hair, her ear, her cheek and
she responded by turning her face, her lips. Gradually she
relaxed and he let her move onto her back under him.
Looking down at her he saw the lust and the want in her
eyes. To assuage it he took his erect cock and placed it on her
cunt. She parted her thighs and holding his buttocks
smoothly impaled herself on his turgid organ. Slowly and
rhythmically he fucked her, raising himself up on his arms to
observe her ravaged face. Steadily they worked together till
she was in the throes of another orgasm. She moaned and
groaned and stuck her tongue down his open mouth, and
wrapped her gorgeous arms and perfect legs lustfully tight
around him as she climbed yet another rainbow.

He waited for her to come down from orgasmic heights

before he stopped thrusting into her. Then he tenderly
extracted his still erect cock from her cunt and turned her on
her side. She sighed both in satisfaction and resignation as
she now knew what was to follow.

Mahmud moved off the bed to grab a vessel filled with

scented oil. Scooping some into his hands he gently spread
the oil around her anus and then worked heavily oiled fingers
softly past her tight sphincter and into her anal canal.
Gradually, almost imperceptibly he found her relaxing as she
got used to the invading fingers. He removed his fingers and
copiously spread the oil on his cock.
The moment was here.

Placing his penis at her anal opening, he gently but with

purpose advanced the tip past the anal ring. She moaned and
he tenderly caressed her beautiful face with his still oily
hands. Then he moved one of them down to her pubic area.
She parted her thighs a little to help him gain access to her
cunt. He strummed her clitoris, rubbed her labial petals and
then entered her vagina while his thumb continued
stimulating her clitoris. Simultaneously his cock continued its
progression down her shit chute. Such was the distracting
power of his digital stimulation that before she realized it, he
was buried balls deep in her rectum. Continuing to play with
her vagina he set up a slow and soft buggering rhythm.

Then the moment he had been waiting for arrived, as the

anal stimulation reached her pleasure center.

She moved under him to accommodate his cock better and

began thrusting her buttocks vigorously back at him. He
removed his hand from her cunt and turned her onto her
hands and knees with his penis still buried in her ass. Then he
placed his hands on her hips and holding on to her firmly
began ramming her mercilessly and at the same time gazed
down on her side turned ravaged face.

Oh my, he thought to himself, this has to be the high point of

my sexual career. His sexual abstinence and the fact that he
had come a few times already allowed him to continue
ramming her till they were both bathed in sweat. He reached
down with his hands to play concurrently with her breasts
and cunt. Slowly and indiscernibly he found himself climbing
the rainbow. Then with mind boggling urgency he spewed
into her rectum, blast after blast till the stuff backed up and
drooled past his cock and past her anal ring. He kept
thrusting his cock in and out till it softened to the point
where it simply fell out of her. Only then did he let go of her
and fall on his back on the bed.

In the days that followed they explored each other and their
sexual proclivities. Discovering areas within themselves that
neither knew existed.

In between their sexual workouts, Mahmud raided kingdoms

to the east of Bhatner while leaving her under the care and
protection of hand picked soldiers. In turn, the kingdoms of
Sirsa, Kaithal Jind and Karnal felt the wrath of the Sultan and
their overflowing treasuries added to his wealth.

Then the winds freshened. Blowing in from the southwest,

you could smell the moisture they carried. There was no
doubt; the monsoon was on its way. Mahmud knew it was
time for him to go home.

"Take me with you," said the young queen, when she learned
of his intentions. She really had no standing in this kingdom.
Her husband the king was dead and in essence so was she.
He held her close as she looked up at him with those soft
eyes. His heart melted and his penis enlarged. He could not
help it; this perfect woman gave him a permanent hard on.
At that moment he knew that between his Persian princess
and this Hindustani Apsara he would not need another
woman ever.

He pictured them lying side by side, in full naked splendor.

Two perfectly proportioned bodies as he thrust into one and
then seamlessly into the other. Their glorious cunts sucking
his penis into their mysterious depths, working on his cock till
the heavenly friction caused it to spasm and pore out its
gratefulness into one of those soft and clingy channels. And
then he would have them turn over onto their hands and
knees. Oh, what a sight! Petite perfect buns beside larger
wonderful creamy moons. He would part the buttocks of one
and then the other to gaze on two magnificent crinkled roses.
And then he would worship them with his tongue, forcing it
in till the soft muscles that guarded the opening sprang apart
and allowed his tongue into the tangy interior. And then the
incomparable feeling as his large knob pressed open the anal
bud and his whole cock slithered in. Oh, my! As he held onto
perfect hips and brutally assaulted one rectum and then the

He found himself rubbing his fully erect penis on the queen's

perfect abdomen as his hands caressed her royal buns. He
looked into her smoky eyes and saw her rising lust. Off came
their scanty clothing and she arranged herself on the large
bed to accept him. She let out an involuntary cry as he
shafted her with one lust laden savage thrust.

As usual once was not enough. He expended himself twice in

her cunt. The second time from behind with a finger up her
anus. Setting him up for what he knew would be his last
incursion into her rectum. This thought made him howl with
lust and regret, even as his oil soaked penis plunged into her
backside making her hang on for dear life to the sheets as he
purposefully buggered her.

And then it was over and the moment had arrived that he
knew he would regret for the rest of his life, "No my dear I
cannot take you with me."

Looking at his firm chin and expressionless eyes she knew

this was final.

"All right then could you at least take me to my father's


Her father was the king of Alwar, a kingdom further south

and just a little too out of Mahmud's reach on this incursion.
He had heard that it was rich and so next time around he was
going to target it. But for now he sent the queen to her
father accompanied by a large retinue of his men. They
reached Alwar without incident as no one wanted to incur
the wrath of Mahmud.
Her father welcomed her with open arms. He had lost his
wife, her mother, a few years earlier to an illness that had
wracked her lungs and left her so emaciated that when she
died their seemed to be only a bony skeleton to cremate.
He had always been a doting father. His only other child, also
a daughter, had been married off to the King of Kangra and
by all accounts was as happy as could be.

Parvati was grateful that she had a safe place to stay for now.
But even as Mahmud's men disappeared over the horizon
she was already thinking ahead and planning on how to
secure the future for her and her child.

The Maharani - Part Two: Goray Lal

Parvati knew that while her father was alive and in good
health she and her child were safe, but what if something
were to happen to him?

She began preparing for that eventuality.

From the Brahmins she learnt how to read and write. She
knew neither because it was not thought necessary for girls
to be literate, not even those of high birth. So, she had to
start at the bottom-- the alphabet. From there she
progressed in leaps and bounds, eventually reading whatever
she could get her hands on -- from the classics to the most
modern tomes that her father had collected in the Royal
Library. Concomitantly she sat down with the Brahmins
everyday to learn about Philosophy, Religion, Economics,
Governance, Warfare and anything else they cared to throw
at her.

She learnt all the physical aspects of warfare -- hand to hand

fighting, effective wielding of a sword, archery, and proficient
horse riding. She was tall, lithe and well coordinated. Her
strength would never be the equal of a man's but by using
her natural attributes she was able to subdue most of the
men she trained with.

She used Yoga to keep her body supple and strong and her
mind sharp. She never indulged in alcohol or cannabis (not
even during the spring festival of Holi when most people,
men mainly, consumed large quantities of either and went
wild). And her diet was strictly vegetarian.

Her father was so impressed with her that he made her his
prime minister. To do this he had to retire the incumbent
who was a distant cousin. This cousin went grumbling, about
women not knowing their place, to his familial estates in a
neighboring kingdom.

She knew then that she was finally safe. Because, if now
something were to happen to her father she was in a position
to declare herself as the next ruler and she would have the
power of her position to back it up.

She had one addiction if you could call it that, just one chink
in her otherwise impregnable armor. Yes this paragon of
virtue had one flaw - she had developed an appetite for sex.
Mahmud had opened up a part of her that she had not
known existed. From a conventional Hindu woman who
submerged her identity in the universal maleness of Hindu
tradition she had progressed to recognizing her needs and
aspirations and carving out a new identity for herself.
Prominent in all this was her need for sex. She had to have
sex constantly. Not every minute nor even every day -- she
was not a nymphomaniac. But fairly regularly if she was to
keep her mental equilibrium stable. And certainly not the
male initiated sex that was the norm but sex in which she
took a positive role and was at least an equal partner in the
pursuit of gratification.

She chose her lovers carefully. Her first was a shy young man
who worked in the royal stables. He was of a high caste but
had fallen on bad times when his father had died suddenly.
He was forced to work while a distant relative tried to
arrange getting him married into a rich family.

She noticed him for the first time when she returned one day
quite frazzled from trying to control her horse. These were
the early days of her return to her father's kingdom. She was
still learning the essentials of riding and her instructor had
her mount this rather nervous horse. It had been a stressful
time for both horse and rider.

The young man had soothed her horse into complete docility
in next to no time. He had a powerful physique, broad
shoulders and tree trunk thighs. But it was the gentleness
and sensitivity with which he handled her horse that
impressed her.

She observed him covertly from then on. The more she saw
of him the more her desire to fuck him grew. He was
eminently fuckable and eminently available. But she was not
going to let her lust screw up her secure existence. She made
certain that efforts to get him married were underway and
that he would most likely be hooked up with a woman from
another Kingdom. Then, she made her move.

She turned up at the stables one day when she knew he

would be the only attendant. He was working on one of the
King's horses; busy grooming it, so it would look handsome
and regal for the upcoming Shivratri festival when the King
would ride in royal splendor to the Shiv temple to seek the
blessings of the Destroyer.

He was sweating from his exertion. And smelling of it too.

The sheer maleness of the smell only heightened her lust.
Dear God, she was ready to be fucked if the stench of sweat
made her horny! A long time, or so it seemed, had elapsed
since Mahmud's prong had left her willing cunt unfilled. She
draped her willowy frame against a mud wall and observed
archly, "What would it take to rub me down like that?" She
was not going to waste time getting to the point.

So engrossed was he in his grooming that her voice startled

him. He fell forward and almost got kicked by the horse for
his trouble. He ended up under the stallion on his back
looking up at her with a silly look on his face. "Really," she
said impishly, her hands behind her back pressed up against
the wall, her left leg bent at the knee with a comely foot
resting on the wall behind her, "all I asked for was a rub
down and look at you, ready to perform in a dance drama."
"Ga, ga," he offered from his supine pose. "No silly, not
Ganga. Maybe Shakuntala if you know your dance dramas at

Then, relenting, she pulled him up into a sort of standing

position. Sort of, because the presence of the King's daughter
had flexed him into a question mark broken only by both his
hands closed into fists under his chin. It was all he could do to
stop his teeth from chattering. He was in the presence of
royalty, embarrassed and frightened - this was the King's
daughter. A Princess, no less. He may be of high caste but
knew his place in society. He had been brought up giving
deference to royalty.

Then the full meaning of what she had said sank in. Still
trembling he looked up at her -- could she be serious, a rub
down from him? He was young, with the horniness that goes
with youth and so despite his subservient position in the
social order, sexual excitement coursed like a red hot fire
through every fiber of his being, snapping his cock into

He had worshipped her from afar, for her beauty, her lissome
figure, the freedom of her movements, her tall regal bearing,
her unaffected friendliness and ravishing smile. Completely
unattainable, only to be viewed from the corner of the eyes
with the head bent in respect. But now he gazed head on at
her, in wonder, at the coquettish expression on her face.

Parvati took his hands away from under his chin and gently
stroking them, said, "So strong so rough from all the hard
work." Then she moved her hands over his face, "So prickly,"
she cooed. He had not visited the barber for a few days. Then
her hands moved onto his shoulders, then chest and then
gradually further south, inexorably moving down. No point in
wasting time, she was horny!

He began squirming with embarrassment. "Oo," she

chuckled, "the young man has been having bad thoughts," as
her hands found his rock hard penis.

She slipped a hand under his clothes and grasped his naked
and very stiff prick. He gasped and almost passed out. This
divine being, this deity, had actually held his cock in her
perfect hand! His next excited exhalation showered her face
with a fine mist of spittle.

While one hand daintily wiped her face the other was busy
stroking his raging cock. Her stroking of his penis had its
desired effect. After all this was a horny young man with the
object of his virginal desires fondling his cock. In next to no
time he felt a fire in his groin and then in the next instant
with a groan he came; prolonged and in copious amounts,
coating them both in slime.

Very embarrassed now that his fire was spent, he did his best
to move away. But she would not let his penis out of her
grasp. She relentlessly kept on caressing his now semen slick
organ through his orgasm, not letting his proud member
shrink. She released the string that held up his trousers and
with an authoritative upward movement of her head made
him remove his upper garment so that he stood naked as the
day he was born, before her. She moved closer and ran her
lips over his, even as her free hand encircled his head and
drew him in. Her tongue crept out and sensuously played
with his lips. He gasped more with shock than

Then as she continued playing sensuously with him, the

natural horniness of a young man took over. He awkwardly
groped her breasts. When she made no move to stop him, he
got more adventurous and moved his hand under her blouse
and clasped a naked breast. He felt the rubbery nipple and
softly pinched it. To his delight it firmed up and seemed to
crave more attention.

Now he was really getting into it. His embarrassment was

waning even as his lust was waxing. His other hand now
found her mound and got busy massaging it. Again, when she
showed no resistance he pushed it under her clothes. He
almost died when he felt the luxurious pubic hair and soft
vaginal lips. And when he shoved a finger past the soft
squishy petals, she let out an involuntary gasp. This
prompted him to kiss her pure lips and she responded by
shoving her tongue into his mouth. Briefly their tongues
played together even as he worked his finger in and out of
her cunt. Then she held his face firmly in her hands and
pushed it downwards till it was level with the fork in her
thighs, his finger came uncorked as his mouth reached her
thighs. She released her sari and underclothes in one fell
move and they crumpled at her feet. She daintily stepped out
of them and pressed his face into her naked hairy feminine

The horny young man had no idea what was expected of him.
His nostrils were filled with the smell of her arousal.
Repugnant, yet so enticing. Tentatively his tongue brushed
her vaginal lips. She sighed with pleasure. This encouraged
him to carry on. Eager to please he proceeded to lavish the
whole area with excited attention from his tongue.
He slurped his way to her clitoris and then thrust his
muscular oral organ into her cunt. In and out and round and
round till he had Parvati cooing with pleasure. So good were
his unsophisticated lingual excursions that she almost came
on his tongue.

Abruptly she pushed him off her cunt and pulled him up to a
standing position. Then she hauled him off and pressed him
down on to a pile of freshly cut grass in a corner of the
stables. Bending down she stroked his half erect cock back to
its full glory. Then she mounted him and taking hold of his
cock gradually introduced it into her cunt. Oh, the glorious
feeling as she sank down on him. Once again a hard cock was
filling her cunt. She lifted herself off and then sank down,
gradually building up to a steady tempo. The young man had
been completely enthralled till now, his senses
overwhelmed. Now he craved more and lifting his head,
suckled on one, then, the other perfect breast. His hands
found her hips and began pulling her onto him with each of
her downward thrusts.

She held out as long as she could, wanting to savor the

sensation and the intimacy she felt but all the excitement
after months of deprivation caught up with her and she came
with a prolonged and loud moan and a gush of her vaginal
fluids on his prick.

He now took over and holding her hips firmly continued

ramming her now drooping form from below. Hammering his
prick into her even as she passively rose and fell on his cock,
massaging those perfect buttocks, feeling the softness and
giving nature of her being, his tongue entwined with hers
sipping her saliva like he was sucking the nectar from a
flower, till he too came with a protracted grunt and a

Quickly she came to life. She dismounted and gathering her

clothes, dressed hurriedly. She knew it was almost time for
the stable master to come around on his evening rounds.
Promising to see the young man again if he kept his mouth
shut, she left, leaving behind a very satisfied young man who
resumed grooming the King's horse, after he clothed himself,
with a smile on his lips and a song in his heart.

And she kept her promise, arranging to meet him at suitable

times and places. The palace and its immediate environs had
numerous places just made for trysts if one chose the time
and the place very carefully. And she was very careful!
He fucked her from behind, standing up, in the gardeners'
tool shed at the secluded far end of the Royal Garden (in the
early afternoon when she knew it was siesta time for the
gardeners); feasting his eyes on her perfect buttocks as his
cock slithered in and out of her cunt. Or they climbed up to
the roof of the women's section of the palace in the heat of
the midday sun when everyone was resting indoors. Using
the clothes hung up there for drying as shade, she lay down
on a bed of semi dry clothes and let him have his way with
her. Or hidden in the forest around the palace, he held her
naked form against a tree as he pronged her with her long
legs sinuously wrapped around him. She sucked his cock in
the cow herd's shed till he came in her beautiful mouth, then
she rode him on a pile of hay right beside an uninterested
cow with bursting udders. Or in the throne room at a time of
day when it was closed for business she had him tongue her
to an orgasm as she regally posed nude and naughty on the
ornate throne itself.

Because time was always at a premium their copulation was

frantic. She wished at times that their love making could be
more relaxed and languid, like it had been with Mahmud. But
she would take whatever she could get. At least it helped
keep her sanity.

A whole year went by. So besotted was he with her that he

rejected every girl that was offered to him. She then sat him
down one day and laid out in plain language the nitty gritty
facts. There was no future for them. A widow was a non
person. She ceased to exist at the moment of her husband's
death. Fucking him was pure joy but it was time for them
both to move on. He must get married. With his sensitivity
and fucking prowess he would make a girl very happy. She
must continue and do whatever destiny had in store.

And the young man moved on. Unhappily; but only until his
wedding night when he beheld for the first time his dusky
sexy bride and the uninhibited fashion in which she held his
cock and sheathed it in her willing cunt. For Parvati other
lovers followed. All very carefully chosen and discarded at
the most opportune time.

During the third year of her tenure as prime minister, her

father fell gravely ill. He quickly handed over all power to her
and forced the Brahmins to install her as queen. And in a
fortnight he was gone.

She mourned him for quite a long time. He had been a

wonderful and loving father. He left behind a great void in
her life that would take a long time to fill. But life must go on
and in the fullness of time the blackness lifted and the
numbness lessened and she began living again.

Her first act as queen was to ban sati or the practice of

having widows immolate themselves on their dead husband's
pyre. Next, she wrote laws allowing women to inherit
property. This incensed most men in her kingdom but
nobody dared object because she was popular with the
people and had the complete loyalty of the army.

The deposed prime minister had a lot to say about this. He

convinced the king of the neighboring kingdom of Rewari to
attack. The deposed prime minister of course had his own
reasons but to the king of Rewari the two most important
points were that the kingdom was prosperous and the queen
was young and inexperienced.

Were they in for a surprise! The queen was ready for them
and then some. In short order the invading king was
vanquished and his kingdom annexed. In fact so easy was the
conquest that Parvati looked about for suitable neighbors to
conquer. She knew she was a target -- a young woman in
charge of a prosperous kingdom. But why wait like a sitting
duck to be hit? I will get them before they get me, she
thought, and went on the offensive. So she began usurping
the smaller kingdoms around Alwar and started thinking
about the really large ones around her like Gwalior to the
south and Ajmer to the west.

She started touring her expanding kingdom. To learn first

hand about the land and the people and also moving publicly
through her realm allowed her to bond with the populace. It
worked; because wherever she went large crowds came out
to greet her entourage. Her popularity grew by leaps and
One day she was on the northwestern border of her kingdom
looking up at a segment of the Aravalli Mountains beyond
which lay the kingdom of Ajmer. Suddenly out of the jungle in
the distance exploded a running man. He had barely traveled
forty fast paces when behind him came two horsemen. The
running man who appeared rather large even at this distance
suddenly swerved, then stopped and picked up a huge rock.
Holding it with both hands he whirled his body round and
round and then let go of the rock. The spinning rock hit the
first chasing horseman squarely in the chest and lifted him
off his own horse and into the path of the closely following
horse and rider, knocking the horse over and unseating the
rider who fell on his neck. All this happened at lightning
speed. In an instant the man was running at full throttle
again; behind him from the jungle burst forth four more

The queen had enough of this. She sent out ten horsemen
from her entourage with orders to stop the charging
horsemen and bring the running man to her unharmed. At
the sight of the queen's men bearing down on them while
yelling for them to stop the four horsemen turned and fled.
The running man stopped and calmly awaited the queen's
men. He was brought to the queen. Of the men he had
knocked off with the rock, one was badly injured, the other
had just had the wind knocked out of him and was dazed but
unharmed. She had them both taken into custody.

The man who was being chased was huge. Not just ordinary
huge but outrageously huge. A giant; an outrageously huge
giant. It was obvious now why he could twirl that heavy rock
as if it were a pebble and knock the horsemen off their
horses. His skin was black as coal and glistening with sweat
from his recent exertion, a forest of unkempt hair covered his
face and unruly locks fell off his head matted together and
brown with dirt to his shoulders. "Why were you running and
why were those men chasing you?" He looked at her with an
expressionless face and clear black eyes, the black centers
accentuated by the pure whites of his eyes. Queen Parvati
had never encountered such an honest gaze. For a moment
as she looked into those eyes she felt like she had known him
forever, like she could see his soul. "Are you Queen Parvati?"
a deep rumbling resonating voice; the diction and accent
without a caste inflection.

Instead of making the insolent fool answer her question the

queen found herself answering, "Yes." He bowed his head,
folded his hands together and fell to his knees, "I have been
looking for you. I place myself at your mercy. Do with me as
you please. I know you are a fair person and will deal with me
justly," he paused for a moment and looked directly at her
with those clear black eyes, "I killed a man accidentally. But
his father did not think so and has been trying to have me
killed ever since." One of her lieutenants asked him
nervously, "What do you want from the queen?" for even on
his knees this fellow came up to his chin. "I want her
protection. I am tired of running." Still on his knees, still with
bowed head and folded hands. It was bordering on the
ridiculous. Here was this huge giant asking for protection.
Except of course they had seen his relentless pursuers and
there was this clear honesty in his demeanor.

The queen turned to one of her lieutenants and said, "Take

this man to the palace and place him in the dungeon under
the Royal Guards' supervision.

Treat him well. I will listen to his story and act accordingly
when I return." She still had a few towns and villages to visit.

When she got back to her palace she had the giant brought
to her. Except for his size, it would have been impossible to
recognize him. He had bathed and then the barber had
shaved the jungle of a beard off his face and shorn his head
of its scraggly curly locks. New clothes even though they
were too small for him, made him look like a human being
again. A quite good looking human the queen noted. "What
is your name?" she had to start somewhere. "Goray Lal," he
said in that deep reverberating voice, like a lion's growl
resounding in a bottomless well, and then added, "I am an
outcaste." She could have guessed that from his black skin
but his diction and language were that of a high caste person.
Puzzled she said, "But you speak like one of high birth." "I
was trained well my queen. But I am by birth a cleaner of

Okay, thought the queen lets quickly move on, "You say you
killed a man by accident. Explain." "He was beating my
mother and I asked him to stop. When he did not I picked
him up and threw him over my shoulder. He fell on a sharp
object. It penetrated his skull and he died instantly. His father
was a very wealthy man and the man I had killed, an only
child. He has never forgiven me." He looked directly into her
eyes as he spoke. She was moved to believe him, such was
the power of his honesty. Besides which she had checked on
his story. She had had the four horsemen followed, cornered
and questioned. They turned out to be mercenaries paid to
kill this guy. They did not know why he had to be killed and
they did not care. Their only concern was how they were
going to claim their money.

The two men she had taken into custody also came up with
the same story. The badly injured one was actually doing
better and it looked like he would survive. "You ask for my
protection. But of what use can you be to me in return?" "I
am a fully trained warrior. Make me a part of your Royal
Guard. In exchange for your protection I will give you my
undivided loyalty." Who could doubt his sincerity? She
thought as her eyes traveled over his person. A truly
magnificent body, aha, she thought with a gleam in her eye,
we shall see.

She made him a part of her Royal Guard, and observed him
over the next few months. He proved to be a disciplined
soldier who followed orders, lived by army rules, and melded
into becoming just another member of the Royal Guard. His
place in the Guard was secured when the annual competition
between various factions of the army took place. It consisted
of running, jumping, archery, wrestling, and the ancient team
game of kabaddi. Thanks largely to him; the Royal Guard
topped every other division of the Army in the competition.

She was fascinated by him, she had to admit. His physical

attributes were crowned by his honesty and intelligence.
Then there was this sheer animal magnetism about him.
Rapidly her lust to fuck him grew and clouded her thinking.
Matters were made worse by the fact that she had no one to
fuck her at present. Her last lover had been dispatched some
time ago.

She redoubled her Yogic exercises till her mind cleared up.
Then she thought her way through - Yes; he was an outcaste
by birth, a cleaner of shit as he put it, but what difference
would that make to her cunt? Did his caste status matter at
all? Not to her, but maybe to her subjects. However, nobody
need know. She had kept all her other affairs secret, no
reason why she couldn't this one. And even if rumors arose
she had an ear to the ground and would be able to counter
them in a timely fashion. All said and done at the end of the
day she was a queen, a potentate, a ruler of some substance
with the full backing of an adoring populace. What did she
have to worry about? All right then, she concluded, let's see
how this plays out.

But on the other hand, maybe this Goray Lal guy was frigid.
Did he not look at her with doe like eyes like she was a
goddess or something? Maybe that was what he was: a
religious freak with no lusty human feelings. Recently, she
had hit upon a guy only to discover he preferred men. Boy,
was that embarrassing or what. Maybe this giant was a homo
or a eunuch. All right, all right, she calmed her fevered
imagination, let us give him a shot and see what happens.

A few days later, she met with members of the Royal Guard,
in her private chambers, adjacent to the throne room. She
had invited the king of Karauli to visit and wanted to make
certain that security was in order. Her reason for inviting the
king of this kingdom south of Alwar was devious. She wanted
to annex Karauli but without bloodshed. She hoped to stun
him with the military might of her kingdom and at the same
time impress him with the prosperity of her people. She
would offer him an annual purse and security to let him
pursue his present lifestyle without the burden of ruling.
Across the river Chambal, bordering Karauli on the south, lay
Gwalior. That was the real prize.

Without telling them her real intentions, she made certain

that the officers of the Royal Guard understood that this
upcoming visit was very important. Nothing could go wrong,
else heads would roll. Details of a conducted tour for the king
were worked out. The guard would be his escort. It took
some time for all the particulars to be nailed down, but
finally it was done. She felt mentally drained. She ordered
cool lime water to be brought and all except Goray Lal out of
the room. "Tell me what do you think about my
arrangements?" "Your highness they are excellent." "But you
are not satisfied." "No, I am satisfied with your planning. Just
puzzled; why go to so much trouble for a minor visit from a
minor king?" She sighed and then pondered and then trusted
her instincts. She told him of her plans to annex Karauli.

His face lit up as the full meaning of what he had heard hit
him, "Brilliant. That is why you have most of the army
camped on the border with Karauli going through battle
exercises!" Then he thought for a moment and added, "But
Karauli is so little of what use is annexing it to your majesty?"
She looked at him with expressionless eyes. She trusted
nobody and had already told this giant more than she should
have. And in any case she had detained him not to discuss
her future plans but to feel him out regarding a possible
sexual liaison. "Well I see that you have settled in very well
with the Guards." But he was still thinking things through,
"Gwalior! That is your goal!"

She stiffened and gave him the full benefit of that icy stare
that had made grown men pee in their pants. "I am sorry my
queen, perhaps I misspoke," said Goray Lal, quavering -- he
was not immune to the icy treatment. But then the
excitement of his discovery took over, "What a brilliant
strategy! Annex the kingdoms around Gwalior and gradually
squeeze it into submission. Without a great deal of
bloodshed you would have more than doubled your
kingdom!" Those clear honest black eyes shone with
admiration and adulation. She relented, "So now you know.
What do you plan on doing with this information?" He fell to
his knees as soon as he understood the full import of her
question, "My queen, I have no ambition but to serve you. I
have no loyalty but to you. You are my sovereign. I live or die
by your will." She believed him. Now, she thought, let us see
if this guy wants to fuck. "Are you married?" He rose up
slowly, puzzled, "umh, no." "Well then what do you do, then,
when you need to do -- you know what I mean?" He was not
at all sure what he was being asked, but he was not going to
chance offending this paragon of virtue, "Yes my queen, yes, I
know what you mean." "Do you like women?" She had to be
sure that this guy was not a homo. "Yes your majesty I do."
"Well that is what I meant, what do you do when you want a
woman?" "My queen," he said, exhaling with relief, "for an
outcaste that is not a problem. The usual societal constraints
do not apply to outcaste women."

So he was not a homo. But he had plenty of women. How

could she get him interested in her? She was horny. She had
not had sex for quite a while. She was not a natural born
seductress. Put all three together and what you get is
directness. "What do you think of me?" asked the queen,
moving her hands down in front of her from her head to her
feet, curving her long and lithe body into a seductive pose.
Without thinking he stated what was ever present in his
mind, "I think you are a great and just queen, a goddess, a
....," his voice trailed off, his throat suddenly felt dry and
constricted. Her body language, the look in her eyes, told him
that was not the response she was looking for. Oh my god!
Was it possible?

He stood silent as the message of her archly raised eyebrows,

inviting look and sensual swaying of her long and lithe body
reached his consciousness. His cock reacted quickly.

An involuntary gasp escaped her as her eyes reached his

groin. The draw string trousers he wore could not disguise his
rising member. He wore no protective underwear. There was
no mistaking it; his penis was tenting his trousers halfway to
his knees. My god she thought what did it look like and what
was it like, fully erect?

His eyes followed her gaze.

As if he could read her mind he dropped his draw string

trousers and stepped out of them. He took off his top and
stood naked in front of her. A mass of hair covered his black
torso and legs, punctuated by a jungle over his pubic area
from which his expanding cock protruded like a battering
ram. He held it in his hand and began stroking it. It swelled
up some more and a drop of thick fluid appeared at the tiny
opening on the huge dark purple head.

Black, heavy, thick and very long, like a snake it jutted out
from his loins, seeking its prey. However unlike a snake it was
not curvy and sinuous but ramrod straight and iron hard. His
lips curled in sneering lust as he crudely made thrusting
motions with his pelvis.

While one huge hand closed around his penis, massaging it

softly with practiced ease, the other held up his dangling
balls almost offering them to her with each forward thrust of
his pelvis. She felt like someone had kicked her in the pit of
her stomach as she gazed with apprehension at his horse
cock. It had enormous veins running in a mesh on its surface
and the dark skin glowed fiercely. The head, almost as big as
her fist, shone proudly purple as he spread the secretions
from the piss hole all over it.

She stood mesmerized, her breath coming in gasps. Moving

suddenly he picked her up as if she were a feather and flung
her on the soft divan. In a moment he had flicked her sari
over her hips and removed her undergarments. Then to her
utter surprise he buried his face in her crotch. With loud
slurping sounds he proceeded to tongue lash her labial folds
and clitoris. When she cried out involuntarily with pleasure
he suddenly rammed his tongue into her vagina and fucked
her vigorously with it. His style was rough and savage as
opposed to the sophisticated and languid style of Mahmud.
But it was thoroughly erotic and very exciting. And she had
gone a long while without a man.

He slurped her milky thighs leaving a saliva trail all the way to
her labia which he proceeded to devour in right earnest. He
teased her clitoris with his tongue making it blossom and her
tiny pistol roared out of its enslaving sheath. A thousand
explosions went off in her head as she held his head and
rubbed her clitoris vigorously on his moist tongue. Before
long she was moaning her way to the first of many orgasms
she would have that evening.

This was worship for him. Worship at the altar of her cunt.
The cunt of a goddess. Gloriously pink and soft, more
beautiful in reality than anything he had ever imagined. Yes,
he had fantasized about fucking this gorgeous woman, never
allowing himself to even think that it would ever be possible.
Yet here he was, inhaling the celestial aroma, tasting the
heavenly nectar of this impossible to reach cunt. He almost
came at that thought. But no, he controlled himself, he had
to enter her and make certain this was not a dream. Would
she let him?

He stood up and spread her legs, preparing to enter the

temple of his dreams. She gasped in disappointment as his
tongue left her cunt. Her eyes went wide with apprehension
as she opened them and saw him getting ready to penetrate
her with that impossible cock. Yet she made no move to get
away, in fact her legs moved further apart. When he looked
up at her, along with trepidation there was lust and
anticipation on her face.

Gently he inserted his cock and pushed against her silky labial
folds. They gracefully parted and accepted the end of his
knob. Slowly he withdrew and pushed in again and repeated
this softly and tenderly till the entire thick head was
completely sheathed. He stopped moving, savoring the
moment and the clingy slick warm feeling around his giant
knob. Then he continued the in and out movement of his
cock, a little bit more forcefully now, managing to enter a
little more with each thrust. He could feel he was close to
coming. He looked up at her beautiful face, her mouth was
open with lust, her breathing labored, he looked down at his
embedded cock head pistoning in and out and he could hold
back no more. He came with a loud cry and in the throes of
his climax he involuntarily forced more than half of his cock
into her.

She felt the warm fluid gushing into her and it triggered
another orgasm. Then she felt it trickling out and running
onto her thighs and buttocks. And still he continued to come!
There was so much that when he finally stopped she felt her
buttocks were sliding on a bed of the slick and slimy stuff. He
remained rock hard with half his cock still sheathed. He eased
himself down on her and tasted her lips. When her tongue
came out to meet his he went wild with lust and began
hammering his cock into her cunt. He was going to sheath
the whole damn thing in her, fuck her to extinction. He was a
horny guy mad with lust and she was just another willing
cunt. Gone were any thoughts of her as an untouchable
goddess. She let out a cry, partly in lust, partly in pain. He
took hold of her legs and forced them wide open, then
pushed them up till her perfect knees were by her head, her
Yoga trained joints allowing her knees to go way outside her
shoulders. He straightened a bit at the knees to get the angle
right. Then he proceeded to ram into her till his cock was
completely embedded and his pubic hair was rubbing against

She had never felt so stuffed in her life. This was like giving
birth to a baby. She felt as if her insides had been ripped
open. And yet she felt lust and satisfaction beyond anything
she had ever felt.

With his cock completely sheathed he stopped thrusting. He

moved to free her breasts from her blouse. She helped in the
process till his hands closed over her naked breasts. He
kneaded each and then worshipped each flawless milky
white breast and pink nipple with his tongue. Then he began
moving again. In and out went his huge cock with her wet
and hot vagina clasping it lovingly. Slowly at first, then with
gathering speed as his lust took over, he rammed her. She
could feel every nerve ending in her cunt. Every now and
then he would slow things down by withdrawing completely
to let his prick hang in mid air. She would grunt her
disapproval at the sudden emptiness only to cry out as he
thrust back in and completely sheathed his cock in one fell
move. Gradually he again got to the point of no return and
when he went beyond it, he flooded her vagina with a deep
and prolonged and satisfied grunt. And once again this
triggered another orgasm for her.

She reached between them for his cock, slimy and slick with
their combined secretions. "My god it is still hard! Does this
thing ever go soft?" She marveled.

She pushed him off her and made him stand up whilst she sat
at the edge of the divan. She reached again for his cock and
began licking the knob, then the underside and then
gradually worked her lips around the gargantuan shaft. She
could only get half of it down before she gagged. She knew
there would be other times and she knew she would persist
till she was able to swallow the whole damned thing. She
loved a challenge!

He almost came the moment she began licking his cock. This
perfect being, this goddess, was actually stooping to lick the
cock of an outcaste, lick a cock that was slimy and filthy with
both their fluids! As he watched her attempts at swallowing
it, his lust was overcome with tenderness and love. He gently
fondled her face, "My queen, my goddess, I love you. I am
your slave. Do with me whatever you please."

She looked up at him with her lovely grey green eyes and saw
only sincerity and honesty. She was amazed how he could
switch from earthy lust which made him fuck her savagely to
this cow like devotion. Not that she was complaining, only
hoping that their relationship would stay this way, so she
could retain control, otherwise she could see herself being
completely overwhelmed by this outcaste giant and his
outsized cock.

Gently, he removed her mouth from his cock and pulled her
up to a standing position. He removed her blouse and then
between them they got her sari and petticoat off till she was
nude. She stood naked, tall and proud in front of him and he
stepped back to admire her fully. He was awestruck. Never
had he seen a more perfect female form. He fell to the
ground and began kissing her feet. She let him. At first her
natural instinct was to move away but then a perverse thrill
at being worshipped took hold and she let the fool continue.

Gradually, his kissing worked upwards. Up her legs, up her

thighs, up to her glorious cunt. Now his lust took over and he
once again flung her on the divan and began orally assaulting
her cunt. And once again all the oral stimulation was rapidly
bringing her to the edge. She forcefully pushed his face off
her cunt and as he looked at her questioningly she pushed
him onto his back. His magnificently erect penis looked black
and lovely as she took hold of it and then began licking it with
tender care. Then she rose up and lowered herself on it.
Slowly she descended on his cock, working her hips up and
down, till his massive appendage was completely sheathed in
her cunt. Then she went to work, rocking back and forth,
working his cock with her wet and willing cunt. He looked up
at her and saw concentrated lust on her face as she assuaged
the itch in her vagina. Her lips were parted, her eyes faraway,
her nostrils flared. His hands came up to steady her
rhythmically moving breasts, whose up and down swaying
movement just fractionally lagged behind her hips. Then he
moved his hands down over the concavity of her waist to her
taut buttocks. He felt her butt muscles contracting with each
downward thrust of her body.

The clenching of her buttock muscles so inflamed him that he

began lifting her by her buttocks off his cock and then
pummeling her down onto its considerable length. His
enormous strength allowed him to pick her up by her
haunches and fling her down on his gigantic cock like a rag
doll. She felt like she had no control, just a plaything in this
giant's hands. It filled her with terror, yet because her cunt
felt so filled and wonderful, it was pleasurable terror. In fact
it felt so good that as she was hoisted up and then brutally
brought down, she came with a prolonged cry. Once again
she had climaxed, unexpectedly and without any prior notice.
His movements got more frantic till he rammed her down on
his cock and kept her there to receive his copious slimy
offering. She felt the hot fluid gush into her in pulses of

Boy, this giant felt so good! She wanted him again and again.
And she got him again and again. In the next few months as
Karauli was annexed, Goray Lal pumped his queen's cunt in
and around the palace in many locations and many positions.

But these were all brief encounters. Satisfying in their own

right, but she wanted more. More time to really indulge
herself and thoroughly get fucked. So she went ahead and
planned for it; for a long tryst of passion in her private
One evening, as usual, guards were posted outside her
chambers. They were given strict orders not to allow
anybody to disturb the queen. Again, nothing unusual; this
happened quite often, the queen needed time for herself.
What was unusual was that Goray Lal was already inside,
unbeknownst to them. He had been seen riding off earlier
with a message from the queen to one of her generals. He
had quietly turned around and left his horse with a trusted
friend (who had been told that Goray Lal was on a secret
mission and had to travel incognito). He had made his way on
foot and had slipped quietly into the queen's chambers.

The queen made certain the guards were alert and all
entrances securely locked. Then she made her way back to
her bed chamber where Goray Lal waited for her. An
involuntary gasp escaped her when she first caught sight of
him. Wasting no time he had divested his huge frame of all
clothing. Naked and proudly erect he stood by her bed,
languidly massaging his cock. The size of that cock still sent
shivers down her spine and yet filled her with mad lust. He
moved towards her with open arms and she thrust herself
willingly into his hot embrace. Gently he kissed her. First her
lips, and when they opened he sucked on her tongue. Her
tongue met his and they dueled as only practiced lovers can,
slithering, entwining and separating to meet again in sizzling

Then he kissed her eyelids as they closed over the most

beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Her cheeks and then he
kissed his way down her long sculptured neck. When he
reached the top of her heaving breasts he lost all control.

He ripped her blouse off and buried himself in her perfect

orbs, sucking wantonly on one and then the other nipple. Her
fresh wholesome smell enveloped and incited him as he
worked his way down her abdomen. He removed her sari and
undergarments and buried his nose in her luxuriant pubic
hair. He moved his head back and gazed up past her
wonderful breasts to her beautiful face which was looking
down at him with wonderment and lust. He rose up and
holding her hand led her naked form to the sumptuous royal

He laid her down and crawled between her parted legs to the
essence of her sex. Softly, lovingly, he sucked on her labial
lips drawing them out one by one. He moved to her clitoris
and teased it with his tongue. He worked his tongue into her
vagina and played with her clitoris with a finger. Tongue and
finger rhythmically toiled till his labor bore fruit and she felt
the start of an orgasm. Her cunt opened wide, her legs
completely parted and she held his head with both hands
banging it against her pubis. She crested the wave and came
on his tongue with a prolonged groan, flooding his face with
sticky fluid.

He kept lapping at her cunt till he was certain she was done.
Certain that he had satisfied her; his queen, his goddess, his
all. The quiet affectionate way in which her hands were now
caressing his head between her legs told him so.

Gently, he moved his head out from between her thighs and
rose up on his hands and moved himself up her body on his
hands, till his tautly erect cock was in line with her cunt. He
fell on her; his mouth meeting hers as his cock hovered
above her widely spread thighs. Softly and gently he entered
her. Entered into what was for him heaven. Gradually his
cock entered her wet and welcoming cunt and worked itself
rhythmically in and out till it was buried to its root. He rose
up on his hands and looked down at her, at her lust ridden
visage, with his massive cock buried to the hilt in her cunt. An
overwhelming feeling of accomplishment filled him. He had
once again fulfilled his dream. He had possessed his goddess,
his love, his dream.

Then his earthy lust took over. He began pummeling her cunt
with his cock, his massive body pressed firmly on her frame
and his tongue down her throat. And all he wanted to know
now was who else had been down her feminine center to

"How many, how many, how many," he grunted in rhythm

with the motion of his cock, as he pulled out almost
completely only to thrust the whole thing back again into her
wet and willing vagina over and over again. Just rhetorical,
"how many," not a question but a statement fuelled by his
jealousy as he thought of other cocks that had invaded her
cunt. The cunt of this perfect woman, this goddess, this
person with whom he now realized he had fallen hopelessly
in love. Fuelled by regret that others had been there before
and most likely others would follow. He wanted to be the
only one, the sole possessor of her body. A veritable cascade
of emotions rumbled through him as he worked his cock in
and out. Jealousy, regret, sadness and fear because he could
not imagine this goddess letting him fuck her forever, could
never love him like he loved her.

Then he made up his mind -- he was going to fuck her every

way and in every orifice while he could, before she discarded
him. An earthy solution for an ethereal problem; his way of
solving problems, and he went to work straight away.

He stuck his tongue right down her throat. Just as she

abandoned herself to sucking on it, he pulled out and thrust
his fingers in instead. He collected her saliva and in one fell
swoop pushed his tongue back into her mouth and his saliva
coated index finger up her bum.

She cried out in pain and surprise and almost bit his tongue in
half. Before she had gotten over the initial pain and
astonishment he had shoved his middle finger in as well.
Tears involuntarily welled up in her eyes. He licked them
passionately and said, "Nothing like the pain you will feel
when my cock will rip your ass apart. Yes, now I want your
ass. I want to take you like a filthy outcaste woman and have
you lick my cock after it has defiled your ass." All the time his
cock went in and out and never did her cunt deny it entry.
"And you will get used to it, my queen, for this humble
servant will fuck your ass after that, many times, in many

Oh my god she thought, how can I get this guy into his
goddess worshiping mode? I can't take this thing up my ass!
No way! It feels wonderful in my cunt now, but it did take a
lot of getting used to. Up my bum hole, oh god, it will destroy
it. She remembered how Mahmud's prick had felt going up
her ass the first time. And this guy was way bigger than

He sneered down at her, "How many have you had up your

ass, my queen?"

She had been buggered royally by a few but none as big as

this weapon pounding her cunt. Mahmud was the first defiler
of her shit hole. And come to think of it there had been only
one other. Mainly because her sexual liaisons were short and
hectic to preserve their secrecy. But this one guy had
persisted after he had fucked up her up her cunt. He was a
carpenter, a distant relative of the Royal carpenter. She had
got him to fuck her from behind in a secluded corner of the
Royal garden on a hot and humid afternoon.

After they were done he persisted on leaning on her as his

cock continued to move inside her cunt in its semi erect
state. She should have moved off but for some reason stayed
as she was. Very soon his cock hardened to its full potential.
He spat on his fingers and introduced one into her ass.

Gradually he worked another spit riddled finger into her bum

hole even as his cock continued fucking her cunt. Quick as a
flash he removed his fingers and stuck his cock into her ass.
He spat on it as he advanced it further into her rectum. It felt
like a fire had erupted in her anus. She cried out in pain but
he persisted in pushing more of his cock in till the whole
fucking thing was embedded. Now he began ramming her ass
while his fingers worked on her cunt. She felt the pain being
replaced by a feeling of wantonness, of lust, of wanting him
to bugger her to extinction. And he proceeded to do just
that. He roughly held onto her hips as he savagely ploughed
into her ass. He was lost in a haze of lust and moved in and
out only to satisfy his lust. Yet his fingers in her cunt and on
her clitoris were rapidly bringing her to a boil as well. So well
was the whole exercise orchestrated that they both came
together, with him depositing his spunk in her rectum even
as she gushed on to his fingers.

It was satisfying but she did not like the fact that she had lost
control of the situation. She enjoyed the buggering but not
the fact that he had initiated it without her consent. That was
the last time they met. She pulled unseen strings and had
him sent away to a far off kingdom.

And now she remembered that the young man's cock had
been very efficient but pretty average in size. Even Mahmud,
big as he was, was not in the same league as this black giant.
Goray Lal's cock was almost as long as her forearm and as
thick as her closed fist. "My God," she thought, "it will feel
like a battering ram."

Desperately she asked, "Have you fucked anyone's ass with

this thing?" "Oh yes," he said, and added matter-of-factly,
"Plenty. I am very good at it. You see my mother taught me."
"Your own mother?" She asked, astonished. Then she felt
relieved for she had found a reprieve. "Yes my own mother.
Even though she was not my first fuck, it was she who taught
me that true pleasure lay in overwhelming a woman and
completely satisfying her. She taught me how to worship a
woman's ass and give her sublime joy."

Quickly, and nimbly, she moved from under him, disengaging

his turgid cock from her wet cunt. "Tell me how this
happened?" He looked at her and smiled because he
understood that she was trying to buy time.
But he was not averse to telling his story. In fact he now
wanted to tell this woman everything about him. But his cock
was erect and it was unsheathed.

He said, "Only if you suck my cock," and he took hold of her

head and moved his cock towards it. Willingly she began
slurping on his cock. "But then if I tell you my story I will have
to fuck you in the ass," she cringed and bobbed her head
faster on his cock. He laughed and continued.

"My father left home when I was a boy to work for a rich
merchant in another kingdom. He kept coming back with
money every now and then. Then years went by and he
never returned. We never knew what happened to him."

"My mother worked and earned enough to keep me and my

elder sister fed and clothed. She cleaned the latrines of the
rich people in the village and swept their courtyards."

Thus reminding the queen that she had broken yet another
social taboo by sleeping with a handler of human waste, a
person so low as to be out of the caste system altogether.
Handlers of human waste and others like the cobblers who
handled animal skins were considered disgustingly dirty and
decent folk would not let even their shadows cross the
threshold of their homes.

"Yes," he reminisced, "She taught me how to fuck with my

mind and body." "How did it happen?" She asked, removing
her mouth from his cock. "Suck my cock, my queen," he said
as he spread his legs and pushed her head back to engulf his
cock. "Suck it and make it hard because I will have to bugger
you, if I tell you." Repeating his promise, or threat depending
on the point of view. "Speak!" she commanded even as she
moved to swallow his monster. And he obeyed her command
and began speaking.

"My mother went without sex for years while I was growing
up. But when it became obvious that my father was not going
to return anytime soon she took on lovers. She was a lusty
woman. And as I discovered later, she simply loved to fuck.
For her fucking was a sublime act. The joy of giving and
receiving pleasure transcended all earthly values. You see,
my queen, in our society if you are an outcaste nobody gives
a damn about you as long as you stay away from better folk.
So we do not have all the social mores and taboos that upper
caste Hindus have. Fucking is a simple act of pleasure that at
times leads to procreation and that's as far as our thinking on
the subject goes. So it was easy for my mother to find men
within her casteless miasma."

"When I hit puberty it took me a few years to discover the

joys of masturbating. Then when the cowherd's wife
discovered me I enjoyed the joy of fucking, until my mother
discovered me fucking the life out of the cowherd's wife.
After that I really discovered what fucking was all about. Oh
yes I remember those days well."

"The cowherd's wife was of course of an upper caste and

really had no business even talking to me, let alone fucking
me. But she was not getting much at home and did not want
her husband to find out that she was getting fucked by
someone else. She did not want to lose her family and home.
I guess I was easy from her point of view. After all I would not
be able to tell anyone and live."

"She caught me watching her bathe. Actually it happened

quite by accident. I was wandering aimlessly in the fields way
outside the village when I came across this shed with a water
tank inside. It was right next to an open well and was used
mainly as a watering and bathing place for people and
animals. It was late in the evening and I think she felt secure
that everybody would be in their homes for the evening
meal. It was an isolated spot and only someone like me with
no purpose could be there. She was naked, which is unusual
for a woman bathing outside her home. They usually cover
their breasts and private parts with pieces of clothing. But
there she was in glorious nudity rubbing a sponge vigorously
and humming a gay tune."

"It was as she bent over to fill her bathing mug with water
from the tank that her eyes caught me spying through a hole
in the wall. She was outraged and quickly covering herself
yelled out asking whoever it was to step forward and identify
themselves. I am not sure she knew what she would do next,
but was greatly relieved to see me. It was very obvious that I
was an outcaste and very young. I was having incredible
difficulty hiding my arousal. The sight of her nudity had
started my pecker rising and her half clad body did nothing to
dissuade it from expanding to full erection."

"She scolded me in no uncertain terms. My god, that lady

really laid into me in her high pitched shrieking voice, not
even sparing my long departed father or my lower caste
mother. "Stop squirming," she said, "you piece of human
excrement." How could I? It was the only way I knew to hide
my arousal. But like I said I was still very young and a scolding
elder was someone you obeyed. So I stood still."
"It was then that she noticed the size of the thing straining to
pop out of my loose draw string trousers. Involuntarily, she
gasped and her hand flew to her face in amazement. That
was bad. For she let go of the piece of cloth covering her
breasts. Delicious, perfect, it was the first time that I had
seen mature female breasts so close. My penis lurched and a
few drops dribbled out and wet my draw string trouser front.
I just stood there and stared. I think I was panting like a

"We stood there in front of one another for what seemed an

eternity. Then a sly smile crossed her face and she let go of
whatever else was covering her. Glorious! My first glimpse of
a fully naked, full grown female, so close! Her skin was white,
but not the sickly paleness of some very fair people, rather it
had a healthy pink glow to it that was very attractive. And
then she did something that made it even more incredible.
Her hands snaked down to her bush and parted the black hair
to show me the pink soft labial petals of her vagina. All the
while she stared right into my eyes with an enigmatic smile
on her lips. She pushed a finger into her cunt and then
another and began fucking herself right there in front of me."

"She worked her fingers in and out and soon she was panting
and making unh, unh noises and her eyes took on a glazed
look. Then she abruptly stopped and said, "Enjoying the
show, you pervert?"
"My heart stood still as I braced myself for another round of
scolding or something more dreadful. Surprisingly she
beckoned me nearer and then told me to drop my trousers.
There was an involuntary gasp from her as she said, "So Big!"
Her right hand grasped my cock and then she began to milk
it. She was after all the cowherd's wife, used to milking cows
and to this day I remember her silken touch. A few strokes
were all it took. I came with a roar. All over her hand and
abdomen and as my cock lurched in the throes of orgasm I
deposited a load on her milky white breasts. Instead of being
grossed out by the amount of my spunk she spread it all over
herself and purred!"

"She had not let go of my cock, continuing to milk it and it

stayed hard. She lay down on the floor and parted her legs
and commanded me, "Put it here," pointing to her cunt. I fell
on her like a crazed being and shoved my cock right there. It
hit her thigh and I cried out in pain and frustration. She told
me to calm down and took hold of my cock and placed it on
the lips of her cunt. I pushed and it slid right into heaven.
Such warmth, such tightness! She told me to go slow and
kept her hand between us. But I had to reach bottom. Don't
know what possessed me but I had to sheath my whole cock
in her cunt. I roughly removed her hand and plunged in. She
let out a loud cry and her face broke out in sweat. I pulled
back a bit but could not stop myself from plunging in again
and again till I had my whole cock in her. I had to lift her legs
up till her knees were up to her shoulders and spread wide
and only then did I reach bottom. I looked down at her as I
slowly withdrew. Her face was held in an expression I have
never forgotten. Part shock, part lust, part fear, part pain,
teeth biting lips and eyes wide open. Then I plunged in again,
this time to the hilt in one thrust. She let out another painful
cry but made no attempt to push me off, and just lay there
with that expression plastered on her face."

"I got into a steady rhythm and as I got more and more
excited my thrusts got shorter and shorter but every now and
then I had to pull back to the tip and then ram the whole
fucking thing into her. I don't know why, it was something I
just had to do. She was sweating profusely now, moaning
continuously in a loud drone almost wailing, saliva dribbling,
her eyes closed and her head waving around lifelessly. I felt
my excitement reaching feverish heights, an overwhelming
feeling of well being swept through me and then I came with
a life ending whoosh. For the first time ever in a woman's
cunt; it was incredible and I think I passed out."

"After what seemed an eternity I felt her stirring beneath me.

I rose up on my elbows and looked down on her. Her eyes
were now open but glazed over and her lips were widely
parted as she gasped for air. Her hand crept down to where
we were still joined and she said in an astonished voice, "My
god it is still hard."

"She pushed me off her on to my back. Then her hand was on

my cock and she once again began milking it, softly like a
cow's teat. She lifted herself up and for the first time I saw
what I had done. Her bush was slimy with my come and stuff
was leaking out of her cunt on to the floor. It was all over
both her thighs and even the lower part of her abdomen had
globs of semen on it."

"Then she carefully lowered herself onto my cock. Her cunt

was well lubricated with my come and she rode me smoothly
for a while. She rolled her hips up and down and back and
forth working my cock.
She controlled the action not allowing penetration beyond
the point where my thing was half way in by placing her hand
firmly in the way. Her breasts rose and fell and beckoned me.
They were not huge, the size of large mangoes, milky white
and perfect. I seized them roughly, making her cry out but
she made no attempt to stop me. I squeezed her nipples,
they were huge and pink and felt like my cock when it is soft
and I felt them hardening as I squeezed. I lifted my face and
sucked on one then the other and softly bit them with my
front teeth."

"She continued to ride me as I suckled on her nipples and my

hands found her buttocks. My hands roamed freely over
those soft pillows and then I could not help but squeeze
them fiercely. Again she let out an involuntary cry but again
she made no attempt to stop me. Yet again that urge to
sheath my cock completely in her cunt overtook me. Roughly
I pulled her hand out of the way and she made no attempt to
place it back. I grasped her buttocks firmly and pushed her
down brutally till my cock was fully in. She let out a
prolonged scream and collapsed on me. I thought she had
passed out till I felt her tongue licking my neck! I lifted her up
and dropped her like a doll on my manhood again and again
and again. I pulled her thighs widely apart and speared her
from below. She screamed again and it became a steady
whine as I continued to lift and drop her on to my pole. She
licked my neck and then my face and then stuck her tongue
into my mouth."

"She was moaning again as her tongue went in and out of my

mouth in time with my lifting and dropping her on my cock.
She again tried to prevent me from full penetration but I was
stronger than her and determined to have my way. Then
suddenly I found her resistance gone. She began rising and
falling all the way to her pubis on her own accord, her face
twisted in a lusty sneer. She withdrew till only my head was
held in her cunt and then descended savagely till my whole
fucking cock was in her. Back and forth, up and down, round
and round she rode me, going faster and faster till with a
loud shout she came. I felt her cunt spasm around my cock
and warm fluids bathe it. Her orgasm seemed to last for ever
and then she collapsed on me."

"I waited quietly with my cock still buried in her. Slowly she
stirred and found my penis with her hand. "My god," she said
"you did not come yet?!" And then she began moving on my
pole once again. Glorious! Up and down and back and forth,
taking me in from tip to base. I wanted to come once again in
her cunt and began heaving off the floor with each of her
downward thrusts, faster and faster. I was nearing my
orgasm. I could feel the heat rising from my testicles. I
grasped her buttocks and my mouth found her mouth. I stuck
my tongue down her throat and as she sucked on it, I came
inside her once again. I was amazed at how long my orgasm

"Finally I finished coming. The cow herd's wife dismounted

and stood up. Like a river my come flowed out of her cunt
and down both her legs. She moved to wash herself when
she noticed that I was still lying on the floor. "Get up," she
said softly, "and wash yourself." "Here," she said, handing me
the mug, "pour water on you." She started were I had
interrupted her. She began pouring water on herself, rubbing
soap on and then sponging vigorously."

"I poured water on me but then got other ideas. I took the
sponge from her and began rubbing it on her back. Then I got
bolder and turning her around began running the sponge on
her breasts then on her cunt. I dropped the sponge and
rubbing soap on my hands began working on her pubic area. I
rubbed her pubic hair and then her cunt and finally pushed a
soapy finger into her, enthusiastically running it in and out.
She must have really been fuck deprived and horny as hell.
Because she made no attempt to remove my finger, instead
she moved in rhythm to impale herself on it. I added another
finger and then one more. Now I had three fingers sawing in
and out of her. I mean we had been fucking for some time
and I had come twice in her hairy cunt already but here she
was grunting away as my fingers fucked her. Her hand closed
on my cock. It was erect and ready."

"She turned around and placed her hands on the wall of the
shed and pushed out her buttocks at me. She took hold of my
cock and placed it on her cunt. She massaged it into her
vagina. Once again I felt the velvety warm interior of a wet
and ready cunt. It was mind blowing. Quickly I worked up to
ramming speed. She braced herself against the wall and let
me bang her. I held onto her hips and hammered away."

"I had come twice already and so my invading cock was in no

hurry to spew. I reached around and found her breasts. Her
nipples were erect and hard. I moved down to her cunt and
found her hand there rhythmically strumming her clitoris.
Now both of us worked on her clitoris as my cock slammed
into her cunt. She moved her hand to feel and stimulate the
underside of my cock as it moved in and out of her fuck
canal. The combination of her fingers and her warm and
clingy cunt finally took their toll and I erupted with energetic
thrusts into her cunt."

"That turned out to be the first of numerous occasions we

fucked. She was very cautious and chose the location and
time of our meetings very carefully. She knew how to find me
and picked really innovative ways of letting me know how
and where to find her."

"The last time we fucked was in the middle of a sugar cane

field. The cane had a month or so to go to harvest and so was
tall. But always there are areas where the shoots never take
root. She had found such an area and had directed me to the
spot. So there we were completely enclosed by high wavy
stalks of sugar cane in our own private world."

"She lay down on a carpet of dried up sugar cane leaves,

reached down and removed her large underpants, then lifted
her sari and petticoat up to reveal her bush, put her hands on
her cunt and said, " Come on. Hurry up." I pulled my loose
draw string trousers off and fell on her. She took hold of my
cock and placed it on her cunt and braced herself. I thrust in
like a dog in heat all the way to the root. I banged her till she
began her familiar wailing and the rag doll like movement of
her head. I abruptly pulled out of her and stood up. She
protested wordlessly. I told her to take her clothes off. I
wanted to suck her boobs and possess her more thoroughly.
She quietly and quickly got rid of her sari and blouse and
numerous under clothes and then settled down again. In an
instant I was on her and in her. My cock once again pounded
her cunt, and I began assaulting her nipples with my mouth.
She once again began her ritual wailing and side to
movements of her head, indicating to me that she was being
satisfactorily fucked."

"Just as I was really getting into it, a familiar voice erupted in

my ear, "What is going on here?" I looked up and found my
mother looming up above us. I was stunned and in a daze
pulled my cock out, stood up and quickly pulled on my

"The cow herd's wife began screaming like a banshee. In an

instant she had regressed to when I first came across her. But
this time her wrath was directed at my mother. "What do
you mean by asking what is going on here in that voice you
piece of shit. How dare you use that tone with me. Who do
you think you are, you handler of feces. This outcaste son of
yours is trying to force me with that huge monster of his. I
am a chaste high caste Hindu woman and if I tell my husband
about this your son will be hanged. As it is I will have to do
penance and wash myself in mother Ganga a thousand times
to be rid of the filth and evil from his touching me."

"And even as she raged she set about gathering her clothes
and putting them on. She really had quite a lot of clothes and
so this took some time. My mother stood with bowed head
and hands held together in a servile pose. Oh, yes, that cow
herd's wife knew who I was and who my mother was. I think
the wily woman had thought of a way out of her predicament
the moment she recognized my mother. The tirade
continued and my mother with bowed head would respond
in a soft voice every now and then with "yes mistress." Finally
the cowherd's wife was fully dressed. She left grandly telling
us to be grateful that she had not had me hanged."

"Of course I now know the reason my mother was in that

deserted field at that strange hour. She was getting the crap
fucked out of her in an open spot in an adjacent field. She
was on her way home and the wailing had attracted her

"What were you thinking," my mother asked me on our way

home, "couldn't you find a girl in our caste? You could have
been killed if some one other than me had found you." She
then ordered me to tell her how it had transpired that I was
fucking the cow herd's wife. Slowly, shyly I told her,

"A little later, slapping her head, she said, "How silly of me, I
had not noticed how grown up you are now. I should have
gotten you married some time ago." By then we had reached
our one room hovel in the slum outside the village. My sister
had been married a few years ago and lived with her husband
in the next village. So only my mother and I lived here now.
Inside she said, "But the cow herd's wife is right you do have
a big thing. Finding the right girl will take time. Not every
woman can accommodate a monster that size. Unhappiness
in sex will lead to unhappiness in marriage."

"Come here," she said as she set herself down cross legged
on the floor on her sleeping mat. I moved awkwardly towards
her expecting I don't know what. A scolding perhaps or even
a beating though it had been a few years since she had laid a
hand on me. It came as a shock when she said, "Show me
your thing." I just stood there paralyzed. She repeated it
firmly and a little louder and then reached for my draw string
and dropped my trousers on her own.
There was a sharp intake of breath, "my, my, it is big."

"The next thing I knew - her hand was gently massaging my

cock. And then suddenly her tongue was licking it. First the
head and the pre cum from the head and then her tongue
traveled all the way down to the base of my cock. It was a
mind blowing experience. My first experience of a woman's
tongue. The cowherd's wife had talented fingers from years
of massaging cows' teats. But she had never taken me in her
mouth. This was new and thrilling!"

"Not then and not ever did I feel what my mother was doing
was a sin or some such thing. When you are outside the
bounds of society and religion, common sense and an instinct
for survival guide you. All the bull shit that is called morality
is of no consequence. I was taken aback but only because she
had been someone who till then had been a figure of
authority; had scolded me, had even beaten me. Now
suddenly here she was licking my cock. And lick it she did
from stem to stern and back again. Then she popped the
head into her mouth and gradually tried to work the rest in.
Half way down the shaft she gagged and moved her mouth
off my cock."

The queen had stopped sucking on his cock a long time ago.
She was sitting upright engrossed in his story and every now
and then would take hold of his cock absentmindedly and
smoothly stroke it to keep it hard. So immersed was he now
in his narrative that he had not noticed the change from
mouth to hand.

"'It is big,' " my mother said as she looked up at me with a

smile on her face. I do not think she was burdened by guilt
either. For her, fucking was separate from being a mother.
She again swallowed my manhood and this time gradually
took the whole damn thing in, till her lips were up against my
pubic hair. God only knows where the tip was, probably half
way to her stomach. Not that I cared, all I could feel was the
warmth and the stimulating tightness of her mouth and

"She ran her tongue over the underside of my cock,

massaging it before moving her mouth back and forth over
the entire length of my organ. At some stage I grabbed hold
of her head and began ramming my cock into her mouth. She
held her mouth open passively, and let me hammer her
mouth and throat. She reached behind me and parting my
buttocks with her hands placed a finger on my anus and ran it
around the rim. Just as I was reaching boiling point she
pushed her finger in to the second knuckle and began
ramming it in, in time to my thrusts. That was the tipping
point for me and I came with a series of grunts. I held her
head pressed to my pubis and could feel her gagging on my
come. I had a lot of come as my encounter with the
cowherd's wife had been interrupted. It flowed out of my
mother's mouth and on to her chin. I kept ramming her
mouth and she kept her finger up my shit chute making no
move to push me away. After what seemed an eternity I
finally finished coming. Only when my cock started shriveling
did I move out of her mouth and only then did she unsheathe
her ravaging finger from my bum."

"She fondled my cock with a bemused expression and my

come on her face, "my little boy's pee pee is so big! Oo, my."
She was actually cooing as she continued to play with my
penis. Of course it began hardening. And she began licking it
again. In no time at all it was back to its full glory. I wanted to
fuck her badly now. I roughly pushed her but she resisted
falling over and said, "Oo he wants to fuck his mother now
with his little pee pee; bad boy. She had my cock in her hands
again and began frigging it back and forth. I reached down
and forcibly squeezed her breasts through her blouse. "Oo,"
she cooed, "now my little boy wants to manhandle me and
show me who is boss."

No such thing, all I wanted was to get on top of her and fuck
her. But she squeezed hard on my tool and the pain kept her
in control and prevented me from keeling her over. She
pulled downwards on my cock and brought me down to my
knees. With her other hand she caught me by the hair on my
head and forced my mouth on to hers. I could taste the
remains of my come. It neither disgusted nor delighted me as
she worked the stuff around my mouth with her tongue. Her
slinky tongue movements were arousing however and I
began reciprocating with my tongue in her mouth. But she
was in control. The moment I really got into it, she pulled me
off by my hair. Still holding me by my cock she cooed, "Oo,
now my little boy wants to show me he is a lover, eh." My
cock was now violently pulsating in her hand, I was close to

Suddenly she pushed me off and lay down on her sleeping

mat. She bent her knees and then pulled up her sari. And
there it was in full splendor, my first sighting of her
magnificent bushy cunt. She had a whimsical smile on her
face as she parted the hair with her hands to show me the
black lips of her opening. With the same mocking tone she
said, "Come little boy show your mother how much of a lover
you are, lick this." I fell on her like a demented person. My
tongue ran wild all over her cunt. I found her clitoris and it
was large enough for me to nibble on with my front teeth. It
obviously liked my ministrations and grew even larger!
Abandoning it I ran my tongue over her cunt lips and then
thrust it inside her warm hole."

"She was wet and her passage slick, filled with the ejaculate
of the guy who had just fucked her. Even if I had known what
my tongue was encountering it would not have disgusted me.
My desire for her was so great that I was oblivious to all else.
My invading tongue smoothly found its way inside her
vagina. I worked it all round and its tip found a spot that
really got to her because she let out an involuntary cry and
closed her legs around my head. The next moment however
she caught my hair and pulled me off her. Reaching down,
her hand found my now not so hard cock. No matter, a
couple of squeezes and it was battle ready. Pulling me by my
cock she placed it at her vaginal opening. "Come my little boy
put your pee pee in your mother."

"And with one mighty thrust I was in her. She let out an
involuntary grunt as I bottomed out but was soon in control.
She caressed my hair, squeezed my buttocks, prattled on
about her little boy and his pee pee as I thrust it into her like
there was no tomorrow. A few thrusts and I could no longer
hold back. I came like a flood, pouring my come into her. I
nursed on her nipple through her blouse as she held my head
tenderly and incredibly continued talking to me as if I was a
baby even though this baby's come was now leaking out of
her vagina and running down her legs! I lay on her, I do not
know for how long with my cock still firmly embedded, while
my mother kissed me all over my face like I was still a baby
and continued cooing."

"My cock was still hard and my lust still unquenched. I began
moving inside her. Slowly at first and then very quickly up to
ramming speed again. I raised myself up on my hands so that
I could ram the whole fucking thing into her and then move it
out again till it almost came out only to sheath it again in her
warm hole. I tore her blouse off and feasted on her nipples
even as I mauled her breasts with my hands. I began
ramming her again as I gazed down on her beautiful face."

"Gradually there was a change in her demeanor. The

indulging, babying mother was replaced by a horny woman
getting royally fucked. Now she was moaning with every
thrust of my cock. Her cunt was really wet and contracting
around my cock. Suddenly she grabbed my head and opening
her mouth, stuck her tongue into my mouth and began
sucking on my tongue. She began pushing upwards with all
her strength to meet my thrusts and then with a prolonged
moan she came. Her cunt flooded with warm fluid and it
squeezed my cock rhythmically making it impossible for me
to move inside her. I just held her, my mouth glued to hers,
for a long long time, till she finally was done. My heart
swelled with pride as I looked down on her beautiful and now
satiated face -- I had made this sexually accomplished
woman, my own mother, come!"

"My mother was a big woman. Not fat, but big boned and
rounded in all the right places. She still had a waist despite
two pregnancies. She displayed it by tying her sari low and
having her blouses cut high. And she wore absolutely nothing
below these garments. Very convenient! Lift the diaphanous
sari up to her waist and there was her cunt ready to be
violated or put your hand inside the blouse and squeeze
those perfect breasts and nipples without hindrance."

"There was no doubt about her caste or lack of it -- she was

black as black can be. Her skin was a lustrous black and it
seemed to be always well oiled, never dry and peeling, not
even in winter. The only things darker than her skin were her
eyes and her hair. She used kohl to highlight those lovely
eyes and kept her hair short so that she could tie it in a
ponytail and not have it get in the way while she worked. It
was those breasts and nipples that had me always horny and
wanting to fuck her, as I imagine they did her other lovers.
Her breasts were just large enough to fill my hands even
though she was a big woman. Her nipples were just
gorgeous. They were coal black, blacker even than the
surrounding skin, I have never seen blacker nipples, and
when aroused they were as big as a baby's penis. When she
thrust them into your mouth one at a time and moved the
nipple back and forth it was like getting fucked in the mouth
by a tiny cock."

"My mother decided I needed a job to keep me occupied and

out of mischief. In the next village a few landlords were
looking for someone to clean out their latrines. My mother
had fucked their night watchman and got him to put in a
word for me and I got the job. Yes, my mother had fucked a
lot of men!"

"The job kept me occupied for most of the day. In the

afternoon I usually had some free time. Sometimes so did my
mother. So I would walk home hoping to find her at home.
Sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't. I masturbated when
I did not, usually into one of her blouses. But when I did, I
fucked her royally. This despite the fact that I had fucked her
in the morning and would fuck her again in the night. I just
could not get enough of her! She loved fucking me but I knew
she fucked other men too. That was her nature. She loved
getting rammed and she just loved sampling different cocks. I
never felt jealous. I think people get jealous when they think
they own someone. I did not think I owned her or anyone for
that matter. I was just ecstatically happy that she let me fuck

"One evening I was returning from work, using a short cut,

when suddenly from behind thick bushes out stepped this
woman. She was busy arranging her clothes and so did not
see me till I was almost on her. A frightened look crossed her
face to be replaced by one of relief when she recognized me.
But it took me a little while to recognize her -- it was my

"She was covered with dirt, her usually very neat appearance
completely disheveled and blood was running down her
cheek. It seems the village headman's eldest son had come
across her in this deserted spot. He had propositioned her.
That actually sounds very polite. What he had said was more
like, "You outcaste bitch, take my cock up your filthy cunt.
You people are good for nothing else but fucking."

"This happens all the time and outcaste women have no

recourse but to get forced because who will take their word
against that of a high caste person. So my mother looked
around and not seeing a soul in sight just laid herself down
with naked parted legs and waited. He fell on her and began
ramming her mercilessly. Then it seems for some reason his
cock went limp. This angered him and he began beating my
mother. He forced her to suck his cock back to rigidity. Then
he threw her, face down, on the ground. He held her by her
hair and began grinding her face into the dirt. He then
exposed her buttocks and with no lubrication whatsoever
forced his cock up her ass hole. He lay on top of her
screaming obscenities, hammering her ass and pounding her
head into the ground. Then he went limp again. He screamed
and shouted at my mother and pulled her onto her knees and
forced his shit covered limp dick into her mouth. But no
matter how hard she tried he stayed limp. He slapped her,
threw her down and kicked her. He spat on her and then
urinated on her and then abruptly left. She was terrified and
lay trembling there for a very long time till she was absolutely
sure he was gone."

"When we got home, my mother spent a long time cleaning

herself and her clothes. The cuts and bruises on her face had
stopped bleeding but it would be a while before they healed.
She asked me to inspect her backside. Holding on to a wall
she bent over and parted her buttocks. She said her bottom
hurt a lot and she wanted me to inspect her ass hole as she
was sure it was torn up or something. I asked her if this was
the first time she had been buggered. She told me to stop
being silly and just examine the damned thing. I really could
not see any bleeding or any other sign of a serious injury. But
the sight of my mother's asshole made me very horny. My
mother sensed this and quickly turned around and told me to
go masturbate or something, because there was no way she
was going to let anyone fuck her for a while."

"Till then I had never buggered a woman. The cowherd's wife

never let my cock come even close to her anus. She let me
finger her bum hole while I fucked her but once when I tried
to stick my cock up her rectum, she howled and shrieked and
slapped my penis away and curled up in a corner gasping and
shaking with fear. It seems the cowherd had consumed a lot
of bhang (cannabis) one Holi (spring festival of colors) and
had buggered her through the night. Taking her; despite her
protests; several times in the ass. She was in pain for days
afterwards. Shitting was so painful that she had not gone for
days. "And you are so much bigger. I will die but will not let
you into my rectum," She said in her usual dramatic fashion.
And that was that."

"The sight of my mother's bum hole had once again sparked

my desire to bugger someone. Since the only woman I was
fucking was her it was only natural that I wanted her ass. But
my mother was so traumatized she would not even let me
come close to her, let alone bugger her. I waited patiently for
her to heal -- her injuries were more mental than physical.
Then in the fullness of time her natural horniness returned
and she was ready to fuck once again."

"We returned to our old pattern of fucking. But at the back of

my mind was my desire to fuck her ass. I just did not know
how to proposition her. I am not sure you can understand; I
am not sure anyone can understand; I am not sure at my age
now I can understand. But at that time it was simple. You see
she was still my mother, a figure of authority, just like you
are my queen. I could fuck her as I pleased, like I fuck you,
but I just never lost the respect and fear I had of her, like I
will never lose my respect or fear of you."

The queen looked at his big honest face and felt the sincerity
in his voice and knew that what he was saying was what he
truly believed. And she believed it too. That she could control
this gorgeous giant and have him revert to his goddess
worshiping mode whenever she wished.

"One day I was fucking her cunt from behind. She was up on
her knees, firmly holding up against my ramming. I parted
her buttocks and there was her ass hole winking at me. My
lust at that moment just about beat my fear and I bleated out
in an unnatural screech my desire to fuck her ass. My mother
stopped pushing back at me and just slumped on to her
stomach. My rigid prick fell out of her cunt. I was filled with
terror. I thought that was the end of my fucking my mother.
She was going to yell at me and banish me from the warmth
of her cunt forever."

"My mother turned on to her back and looked at me. I

cringed; but there was no venom in her gaze. She said
playfully and in the same tone as when we had first fucked,
"My boy wants to put his pee pee up my shit hole? Oh, now
he wants to take me in every hole, does he? And show me
how masterful he is?" She took my still erect cock in her
mouth and began licking it fondly. Then she got up and got
some cooking oil and began rubbing it on my cock."
"She turned around and got on her knees. Looking back, she
handed me the jar of cooking oil, and said, "Put some on my
ass hole." Boy that was so erotic, such a turn on. I have never
forgotten the rubbery, buttery feel of her anal ring and the
tightness with which it clamped down on my oil smeared
fingers as I worked the oil into her shit hole. Then I mounted
her. I put my oiled cock on her anus and pushed till suddenly
the ring expanded and gave me entry. What a glorious feeling
as my cock entered that forbidden hole. It was like a warm
velvet glove had encircled my penis. Such was the force of
my entry I had half my cock in her at my first thrust. She
groaned and waited patiently. I slowly worked the rest of into
her ass. The heat of her shit hole was incredible and the
tightness of that tunnel was unbelievable. My god, she had
my whole cock buried in her ass and she was not groaning in
pain, but in lust. She said, "Do it you piece of shit, make me
come, you mother fucker. Bugger me, ram me."

"I watched with fascination as my whole cock came out of

her anus and then I rammed it back in, quickly getting into a
rhythm of hammering it in and withdrawing till only the tip
remained in and then ramming it back in. I was sweating onto
her back now which was already covered with her own
perspiration. I reached around and squeezed her boobs and
ran my oily fingers over her nipples. I reached down and
found her hand working her cunt. My hand joined hers as we
both strummed her clitoris and rhythmically fucked her cunt
even as my cock rammed her ass. My other hand sensuously
massaged her breast and nipple. It went from one to the
other breast and nipple with feverish abandon. The
combined effect of all this stimulation was to send my
mother over the edge. She screamed out an expletive and
hammered her back side at me as she came in copious
amounts on my hand in her cunt."

"I was so proud of myself! I had fucked my mother in the ass

for the first time and had made her come!"

"Now I took hold of her hips and began really pounding her
ass. I went back to pulling out my cock till only the tip lay in
her ass and then ramming the whole thing in till my abdomen
met her buttocks. The only sound now was the rhythmic
slapping of my abdomen on her backside. And the intensity
and frequency of this increased as I got nearer to my release.
She hastened it by chanting, "Come on baby boy, come on
you mother fucker, come on bugger me," over and over
again. I do not think I have ever experienced the intensity of
feeling that I did when I finally discharged my semen into her
rectum. Over and over again my penis ejected into her ass.
There was so much that it leaked past my cock and onto her
thighs and down to her bush and onto the bed. She slumped
down onto the bed and I just lay on top of her in our
combined sweat."

"I had come but was still hard. I wanted more. I began
moving back and forth in her. She was taken by surprise but
not for long and was soon into the rhythm of the buggering
she was getting."
"She got up on her hands and knees once again. I twisted her
face around and stuck my tongue in her mouth. I licked her
ear lobes and spat on her cheeks. She licked up my spit with
her tongue. I pulled out and before she had time to register
what was happening I had placed her on her back, spread out
her legs and entered her asshole once again."

"Now I could see her face as my cock ravaged her ass hole.
She was beautiful with her face twisted with lust. Her mouth
was open as she moaned in lust and entreated me to do it
harder and faster.
I pulled out all the way and watched as her eyes opened to
assess what was happening. She looked down quizzically at
my oily cock and then looked up at me. I pushed her thighs
up till I could see her ass hole clearly. I gestured to her to
hold my penis against her anus. She massaged my cock and
placed it on her bum hole. I pushed it in and watched as her
rectum gradually swallowed the whole fucking thing right
down to the base. And then I pulled out again and watched
her crinkled opening close."

"It was black, not like the cowherd's wife's ass hole which
was brown or like yours my queen which is a heavenly pink.
The blackness was so arousing, the crinkled skin at the
opening so inviting that I pulled out completely many times
just to see it close and then open again as I brutally pushed
my whole cock in. She watched me with an amused look on
her face, enjoying the ass fucking as well as the fact that I
was indulging myself."

"And after that I fucked her in the ass, many a satisfying


"My mother even got me to bugger her while she cleaned

out the shit from the priest's house. She took me up her bum
as she bent over emptying the toilet bowl full of morning shit
into a large bucket. She stood and braced herself against the
wall in the crawl space below where they crapped into an
earthenware pot, as I thrust into her with all my strength and
emptied the contents of my balls into her bowels. Then she
turned around and licked my cock back to full mast. Then she
turned around once more, spread her buttocks and told me
to do it again. I looked at her magnificent buttocks and that
crinkled black hole winked back at me. This time I lasted a
long time and she interrupted the buggering a few times to
take me in her mouth and lick my cock while I manhandled
her breasts. When I finally came I pulled out of her anus and
turning her around, grabbed her head and forced my cock
into her mouth spilling my come in her mouth and then all
over her face."

"Afterwards she said to me, "now you are getting the idea.
Fuck a woman with your mind and body. No place will ever
be wrong for sex. No woman will ever be left unsatisfied if
you concentrate your mind in pleasing her only."

"The truth really was that I was young and lusty and could
have cared less about my surroundings."

"But don't get the idea that we walked around covered in

shit. Absolutely not. Right there, in the middle of the village,
was a hut, with a well in the center. There was a high wall
around the hut to prevent good people of high caste to be
contaminated by it. It was exclusively for outcastes. We
visited it throughout the work day, washing ourselves
scrupulously with soap and water. We were outcastes, my
queen, not unclean."

"Out of the blue one day my mother informed me that she

had found a girl for me. A girl she was sure who would be
able to accommodate my 'thing'. All I wanted to do was to
continue to fuck my mother. When I asked her if we could
fuck even after I was married she enigmatically said, "We
shall see."

So engrossed was he in telling his story that he had forgotten

his promise to fuck the queen's ass if he told her about how
he buggered his mother. She wasn't about to remind him as
he forged on with his tale.

"So we got up before day break one day and washed and
scrubbed ourselves and put on the best clothes we had. We
were going to visit the girl's family in a village quite some
distance from ours. She belonged to a family that looked
after the place where dead bodies were burnt -- a Dom. We
were going to hitch a ride in a bullock cart that was
transporting sandal wood for burning the corpses of the rich.
It was owned by a farmer who was not averse to giving
outcastes a ride for a small sum of money."

"Needless to say that morning, like most mornings, I fucked

my mother with my piss hard cock the moment I got up. In
fact it was she who woke me by riding on it. And then while
we washed ourselves inside our hovel I could not help but
take her again from behind with her leaning against the wall.
And then because her ass hole was exposed I proceeded to
bugger her and then laid her on the floor and took her ass
face to face so that I could indulge myself and watch her
ravaged beautiful face as I rammed her ass hole with my
cock. I finished by pulling my cock from her clenching anus
and sticking it in her mouth for her to joyously suck, till I filled
her mouth with my come."

"I did not realize it then but that would be the last time I
would enjoy my mother's body."

"So, there we were bouncing along slowly, at the back of the

bullock cart. We had squeezed ourselves between freshly cut
sandalwood branches, separated by them from the farmer
who sat in front and guided the bullocks. He ignored us
completely, pretending no doubt that we did not exist. He
had of course taken his money first!"

"We were passing through a village that I had not seen

before, when one of the logs came free and fell off the side
of the uncovered cart and rolled onto the dusty road. Before
I could react, my nimble mother had jumped off the cart and
had retrieved the log. Suddenly a horse and rider galloped
around the corner and were upon my mother in a flash. She
got kicked in the chest and flung to the side of the road even
as the rider fought to bring the frightened horse under
control. Once he had his horse reined in and calm he got off
and began yelling at my mother. He had surmised from her
appearance that she was an outcaste and calling her a piece
of shit and other derogatory things wanted to know why she
had tried to kill him and injure his prize horse. When she did
not reply he picked up the sandalwood log and proceeded to
beat her with it. That is when I knew my mother was badly

"She did not move to protect herself but just lay curled up,
her breathing labored and noisy as she exhaled more blood
than air from her tortured lungs. I asked the man to stop.
Later on I learnt he was the son of the richest landlord in that
village. He sneered at me and wanted to know how I was
going to stop him and turned back to beat my mother again. I
moved quickly and held his upraised arm firmly. He cursed
me and began kicking my shin. I picked him up and flung him
over my shoulder. He fell against the wheel of the cart and as
luck would have it his head struck the metal pin that holds
the wheel to the frame. It entered his skull, killing him

"My mother regained consciousness to realize what had

happened. "Run," she gasped, "run away." I quickly picked
her up and began running. "No, no, leave me here, you run."
But I was not going to do that. I ran towards the jungle that
bordered the village. But first I had to negotiate my way
through fields of wheat. The farmer who had been a silent
spectator till now suddenly found his voice and began yelling,
"Murderer, murderer," and before long I knew a crowd
would gather and give me chase."

"I reached the jungle when I heard my mother faintly saying,

"Stop. Stop." I gently laid her against the trunk of a large tree
and wiped as much of the blood as I could from her face. She
suddenly opened her eyes and gathering strength held my
face in both her hands. She looked at me with those beautiful
eyes, and said between heavy gasps for air, "Promise me, my
little boy that you will live to be an old man. Now obey your
mother. Leave me here and run. You have to live. I am dead
already; let me go in peace." I could hear the excited voices
of the chasers in the distance and knew that the hunt was on.
"Leave my body here; let the wild animals have a meal. Run,
run," wheezed my mother with her last breath and then she
was gone."

"It was as if a bottomless black pit had opened and I was

falling with no control. My mother, my lover, my friend, my
life was gone. I just stood there looking at her lifeless form. A
million thoughts and emotions ran through me yet I felt
empty. Then out of nowhere, I began sobbing. Not before
and not since have I cried as much as I did that day. I howled
my heart out."

He sat with bowed head above her. A tough giant with what
she could have sworn was the hint of tears in his eyes.
Moved by this show of vulnerability she reached up and
embraced him, hugging him like a child, comforting him. He
felt her nakedness against him and his cock responded. She
wanted to hear the rest of his story and so she moved off him
and said, "Then what happened?"

"Then my queen," he said, caressing his cock and wanting

desperately to sheath it in her, but controlling himself
continued, "I stood there even as time stood still for me. It
was the excited voices of my pursuers that finally roused me.
One last longing look at my dead mother and then I took off. I
ran into the depths of that jungle; very quickly losing my
hunters. I wandered through the jungle for quite a few days,
living off wild fruits and berries, leaves, roots, insects and the
occasional small animal. I even caught fish with my bare

"And no, my queen, I was not attacked by tigers, lions or

leopards. You learn to avoid them. Other animals like the
deer, boar, and especially the chattering monkeys tell you
exactly where the predators are if you care to listen."

"Then one day, just like that, I wandered out of the jungle. I
came upon a group of small boys playing in the dirt. They
took one look at me and ran off as fast as their little legs
could carry them, yelling for their mothers. Come to think of
it, I must have been a frightening sight. Huge, black, with
dirty long hair and my face hidden by thick growth, my
clothes ripped to shreds, I must have looked like the devil
himself to them!"

"I hadn't gone very far when I was confronted by three young
men. They asked me who I was and what I was doing there. I
really had nothing to say and so I grunted. They took this as
an act of aggression and attacked. They were smaller than
me but astonishingly quick and very coordinated.
In a trice they had pinned my arms and legs and thrown me
to the ground where they held me immobilized. It took all my
strength and agility to release their hold and throw them off
me. I stood up to be confronted by this big fellow who was
wearing only a loin cloth and whose bronze skin shone with
oil that looked like it had been freshly massaged in."

"He said, "Strong fellow eh," and then moved so quickly that
before I knew what was happening, I was thrown to the
ground with my neck between his strong legs and my hands
pinned in a painful grip. His legs were choking me and I found
everything going black. From far away I heard a voice
ordering my release. I felt the choking grip relax and
gradually I regained consciousness. With a grunt I was
pushed off and my attacker quickly stood up and watched me

"I heard the voice again and turned to see an elderly man
with long graying hair tied in a knot atop his head and a
flowing white beard. "Who are you? Do you understand what
I am saying?"

"I stood up and pondered what I should do. Since the dialect
that this elderly man spoke in was close to mine I said, "Yes
sir, I do." The yes sir was by force of habit. The man was
visibly relieved when I spoke. I guess till then he had a vague
suspicion that I was one of those fabled men of the jungle --
part man, part animal."

"It turned out, that I had stumbled on a community of

wrestlers. The venerable bearded one was their guru -- coach
and leader. This particular community had been in existence
for centuries. The sole aim was to produce professional
wrestlers. These wrestlers then fought against others from
different akharas or communities of which I learnt there
were several hundred spread out over thousands of miles.
There was a lot of money involved. There was the purse or
prize money and then there was the money from wagers. All
this money came from rich men. These could be kings,
landlords or merchants. Some of them would act as
promoters and arrange competitions. Some of them would
become benefactors -- people who paid a community or
akhara and in a way owned them. All in all if your guru was
smart he could make the community really rich. Of course all
depended on the winning ways of the wrestlers."

"At the time that I entered the picture this akhara was not
doing too well. The man who had so easily bested me was
their champion. But unfortunately he had suffered a series of
losses and the other wrestlers had not fared too well either
and so the stock of this community was low. Just perfect for

"After the guru had ascertained that I was indeed a human

being, his next concern was what caste or tribe did I belong
to. Something prevented me from telling him the truth -- that
I belonged to the caste or tribe that cleaned shit. I told him
that I was a potter but not a very good one and that made
him laugh. "Was that why you ran away and got lost in the
jungle?" he asked, half in jest. I told him a version of the
truth, that I had lost my mother and in my grief had
wandered off and got lost."

"I was very young and everyone knows that the very young
handle emotional issues very badly. So he accepted my
explanation as did the rest of the community. I am sure he
knew I was an outcaste from my skin color and appearance,
my accent, and the fact that I could not read or write. He and
his wife taught me how to read and write and slowly but
surely taught me how to talk like a high caste person."

"He and the rest of that wrestling community looked after

me and taught me how to wrestle. I was a natural -- my size
and agility lent themselves to wrestling. In a very short while
I had the measure of the big guy who had so easily felled me.
And in our next outing I was able to beat all comers from a
nearby akhara. Not just wrestling, the guru taught me how to
fight with a sword, protect myself with a shield, throw a
spear and use a bow to shoot arrows. And under his guidance
I became an expert horseman. This was not out of the
goodness of his heart but pure business. When we were not
wrestling we were sent out as armed escorts, as mercenaries.
We would accompany marriage parties, caravans of rich
merchants or act as security guards. Clearly, knowing how to
fight was essential."

"One day the guru called me to his house to discuss what he

called a serious matter. It took a while for him to get to the
point and when I learned what the serious matter was I
understood why. In a nutshell, he wanted me to impregnate
his wife. This was his second wife, much younger than him.
His first wife had died childless and he had married again
hoping for a progeny. It had been five years and there was
not even a hint of pregnancy. He was both a desperate and
down to earth person. Before giving up all together he was
ready to take this last measure. After I had got over the initial
shock and realized that he was dead serious I pointed out
what I thought was an obvious problem. Both he and his wife
being of high caste were fair. Not as white as you my queen.
But definitely not black like me. He had thought of this
already. It seems that his sister and his wife's brother were
quite dark (these things happen) and so a dark child could be
passed off as a familial throwback."

"It was arranged that the first attempt at impregnation would

take place that night. The guru would leave the house for a
few hours on some pretext or the other, leaving me alone
with his wife, who it seems, had agreed though only after a
great deal of persuasion."

"He led me to the bedroom and then left. The room was
dark; the oil lamp had not been lit. The only light was vaguely
reflected from a half moon. It took a while for my eyes to get
adjusted. I was then able to see his wife. She was lying on the
bed fully clothed. When she saw me she bent her legs and
lifted her sari to her abdomen. She parted her thighs and
said, "Come on," in a flat tone."

"I was very embarrassed. She was like an elder sister to me.
She had taught me how to read and write, had fed me, had
even washed my clothes at times, had cheered me up on my
down days and had given me advice like only an elder sister
can -- with quiet authority even if the advice itself was
skewed. But I owed a lot to my guru. So I took off my clothes
and moving to the side of the bed, began massaging my
flaccid penis, enticing it into erection. The stupid thing would
not respond to my stroking. She lay there looking up at the
ceiling, patiently waiting. Finally, because a long time had
elapsed, she looked at me, I think, to see what I was up to.
An involuntary gasp escaped her when she saw my cock and
she could not look away. By then I was frustrated by my
efforts and in annoyance moved closer and placed her hand
on my cock. I wasn't really thinking straight at that instant."
"For a moment or two it lay still in her open palm. Then her
hand closed and she began stroking it. Her cool hand over my
cock had more of an effect than mine and would you believe
it; I began getting an erection. She was fascinated, I could
tell, for she brought her other hand over and massaged my
cock with both hands, with her breathing now in gasps. The
more erect my penis got the more her excitement rose. As
did mine. I could not help it. I reached down and groped at
her breasts. She took one hand off my penis briefly to place
mine under her blouse directly on her naked breast."

"I began kneading that breast like there was no tomorrow

and brought its rubbery nipple to springy life. Then I moved
fiercely on to the other one. Gone was my embarrassment as
I moved down to her bush and cunt, exploring her cunt lips
and clitoris and pushing my little finger shallowly into her
hole. But my sense of shame and shyness came right back
when she parted her thighs and again said, "Come on,"
though this time in excited gasps. I found it very difficult to
move. She tugged on my cock and said, "come on," yet

"I awkwardly mounted her and she took hold of my cock and
placed it on her cunt. I think at this point she too was
overtaken by shyness and shame because abruptly she took
her hand away and lay there with her head turned to one

"I pushed forward and my cock entered her cunt. Just the
head went in. Then the going got tough. Her cunt stretched
to its limit around the head of my cock making further
progress impossible. So I withdrew and pushed in again.
When I withdrew I swear I could make out a look of
disappointment on her face only to be replaced by one of
apprehension when I pushed in. And this alternating pattern
of looks continued as I renewed my thrusting and
withdrawing till gradually my penis began making in roads
into her cunt. When I had half of it in her she reached down
and felt my cock and said, "My, god, so big, so much still
there." Then she held her thighs widely apart and began
thrusting herself back at me. Our combined efforts bore fruit
and in a short while I finally sheathed the whole damn thing
in her."

"For a moment we lay suspended in our sense of

achievement. She was the first to move; rubbing her pubis
against me. I think she was stimulating her clitoris and vulva
by doing this. Then I moved, pulling out slowly. She was wet
and tight. An exquisite silky slippery sensation. I could have
died happy at that instant. I withdrew completely. I was
supporting myself on my hands above her. Looking down I
found her looking directly at me. Her mouth was open and
her features were twisted in wanton lust. There was no
mistaking it; she was ready to be fucked. This was no longer a
mere task that she had to perform to please her husband. It
had become an act of pleasure."

"I thrust back into her, sheathing my cock to the hilt in one
thrust. This drew an involuntary gasp from her but she made
no move to stop me or to withdraw. Instead she again began
rubbing her pubis against me. I withdrew again and then
began ramming her without mercy.
She placed her hands on my buttocks and pushed on them
every time I hammered her. She was moaning over and over
again, "come on, come on."

"And very soon I did just that. I came in her cunt in copious
amounts. Stuff leaked out of her and onto the cot that she
was lying on. I mean there was enough deposited to create
any number of babies. But she still held on to my buttocks
and then began rubbing herself on me, not letting my
softening penis escape. She wanted to fuck again! No
problem; I mean she was a comely woman, well worth
fucking, once I had gotten over my shyness. Very soon I was
up to ramming speed again. I had been supporting myself on
my hands all this time. But now I lay down on her and
pressed my face on to hers. Her body melded into mine and
her tongue sought mine. This was developing into a mind
blowing fuck! It was not long before I was ready to come
again and once more deposited a boat load of semen in her. I
came in her two more times that night, once with her riding
me and once with her on her hands and knees. She looked
divine from behind in a subservient position. Her rounded
buttocks and crinkly ass hole were a great turn on. I fingered
her ass hole to my heart's content; she never objected. I
think she would have gladly taken me up her bum hole. But I
never buggered her. It would have defeated the purpose of
our fucking and would amount to cheating on my guru."

"We really enjoyed our fucking sessions. But we never lost

sight of why we were fucking or the fact that we both loved
and respected the guru in our own way. So we never sought
each other on our own. Each get together was arranged by
the guru, who would then leave us alone for prolonged
periods. But once we were alone we were like insatiable
lovers. She became pregnant about three months later. But
did not reveal it till she was into her third month of
pregnancy and on the threshold of her abdomen swelling up.
She told us she wanted to be sure, but I knew that it was
because she wanted to fuck me as long as she could. Of
course we stopped fucking the moment she declared her

"She delivered a healthy boy. And would you believe it, he

was as fair as the two of them!"

"Meanwhile my fame as a wrestler was spreading. No one

could beat me and so obviously the number of wrestlers who
wanted to be the first to do so grew everyday. My fame was
in a way my undoing."

"One day the guru took me aside and said that he had just
come back from a village called Parasia. That was the name
of the village where the tragic events had taken place. He had
learned that the father of the fellow I had killed had surmised
that I was the killer and he was sending a bunch of
mercenary soldiers to kill me. "I have grown to love you like a
son and you have brought a lot of riches to us. I am obligated
to help you," he said, "Run away son and may god help you."

"And I have been running ever since. Every time I settle down
somewhere, something happens and soon enough there is a
posse looking for me. I guess the fellow I killed had a very rich
and very unforgiving father with a very long memory. The
fact that I am an outcaste and had dared to escape justice
had added fuel to the fire."

"And here I am still running. But now I am under your

protection and I know that I am safe. I will stay here for as
long as you will let me." She felt relieved, for he seemed to
be back in his goddess worshipping mode. But in the next
instant he continued, "But now my queen my story is done
and it is time for this black outcaste cock to enter your ass!"

He stood up and taking hold of his cock placed it in her

mouth. He held her head as she sucked on the nub and
gradually worked as much as she could down her throat. He
sighed for he could have her suck him forever and love every
minute of it. But he had to move on. Removing his prick he
gestured to her to get on her hands and knees on the bed.

With dread she moved slowly, till her backside was presented
to him to assault. He just stood there, awed at the sight.
Flawless white tapered pillars that supported perfectly
rounded buttocks without a hint of weightiness or sag. He
got on the bed behind her and parted her cleft. There
winking back at him was her crinkled rose bud anus. He
lovingly massaged it with his thumb marveling at the
muscular reaction and the thought that very soon it would
contract round his penis.

He got off the bed to retrieve scented oil from one of the as
yet unlit lamps. He rubbed the oil on his hands and then
gradually introduced an oily finger into her anus. Slowly he
worked it in and out till she got used to this abnormal
intrusion. Then another well oiled finger joined the first. She
groaned in pain and then fear filled her as she imagined what
that huge prick would feel like. By parting his fingers as they
ground in and out of her asshole he was able to dilate her
back passage. Now he was ready.

He got on his knees on the bed behind her. She waited with
trepidation for the first thrust of his cock which would send
searing pain up her gut. Instead she gasped in astonishment
for she felt his tongue licking her behind! Goray Lal could not
help himself. He had to pay homage to his goddess.

But then even more primeval instincts took hold and he

reached for more oil. He massaged his cock with it till it was
slick and shiny and ready. He pressed the head against the
rose bud and gently but with persistence pushed it in.
Gradually the muscular ring parted and the tip of his cock slid
in. She held her breath, waiting to be ravaged.
She gasped in surprise when she felt an oily hand on her
breasts and another on her hairy cunt. One lovingly played
with her breasts and nipples and the thumb of the other
strummed on her clit while two fingers sawed into her
vagina. While she was distracted with these pleasurable
sensations he concentrated on imperceptibly pushing his rod
into her rectum. It took some time but finally he was buried
in her ass and she had not even noticed!

He removed his hands from her breasts and cunt to hold her
by her haunches. That was when she became aware that he
had his humongous cock completely embedded in her

How had he done it? And how was she tolerating it so well?!
Before she could analyze the situation he began slowly
withdrawing his penis. He stopped, when only the head was
rooted. Then he shafted her ass in one fell move. She huffed
more in surprise than pain. Before she knew it he had started
ramming her ass vigorously.

Then he draped himself on her back. She bore his weight as

he reached around for her breasts. His oily hands squeezed
her breasts and then pinched her nipples mercilessly. Once
again the other hand stimulated her clit and cunt. She felt the
mat of chest hair rub against her naked skin with each thrust
of his cock in and out of her rectum. He rammed into her ass
relentlessly, licking the back of her neck and her ear lobes.
He lifted himself on his haunches and his enormous black
cock withdrew smoothly from her warm shit hole till the
massive head was almost out. Then he held onto her hips and
rammed the whole thing in viciously. She struggled for breath
at the force of the coupling. He pulled on her long silky hair
till her neck was hyper extended and she was looking up at
the ceiling.

"If only you could see what I am seeing. My black out caste
cock invading your upper caste rose bud." And then in time
with his savage ramming, "Again and again, yes, yes." She
was being used as a plaything, as a fuck slave. She had no
control, no dignity, and yet she loved every moment!

For him, this was his supreme moment. When he had his
goddess under him, getting filthily buggered and enjoying it,
completely at his mercy. This thought and the physical
sensation of his penis drilling her hot and tight ass and his
abdomen thudding against her perfect buttocks were enough
to drive him over the edge. He had planned on going on for a
long time, but alas he could hold out no longer. With a deep
grunt he came in her rectum, coating it liberally with his
come. This was without doubt the deepest emotion, the
most ecstasy he had felt in his entire fucking career. His
mother fucking included.

She had slumped down, completely prone on the bed. For

the longest time he lay on her with his cock embedded.
Gradually, it softened and then fell out. Only then did he stir
and moved off her.

She got up and sat on the edge of the bed. Weak and
completely overwhelmed. Not ashamed that she, a queen,
had been so contemptuously treated by an outcaste. Just
physically and emotionally spent.

She felt him stirring on the bed behind her and then in the
next instant found him kneeling on the ground before her
kissing her knees.

"My queen," he said, "I am your slave. Do with me what you

will. I am now and ever will be yours to command. You are a
goddess. As beautiful as Lakshmi, as knowledgeable and
clever as Saraswati, as fierce and protective as Parvati in her
many manifestations, you are the embodiment of the
Mother Goddess."

My god, she thought, this giant has reverted back to his

goddess worshipping mode!

She stood up tall and proudly naked, "Kiss my feet." Without

a moment's hesitation he prostrated himself before her and
kissed her feet.

Then she had a wicked idea. She regally walked to the

bathroom, indicating with her fingers that he should follow
her. She made him lie down on the floor. Then she squatted
over him and began pissing. He did not flinch. He just lay
there motionless, looking up at her with a devout expression
on his face. She started on his legs and penis and dribbled her
way up his forest of abdominal and chest hair. By the time
she got to his face there was not much urine left in her
bladder. She pissed on his face and then made him open his
mouth and trickled the last few drops down his gullet. When
she had finished; of his own accord; he lifted his head and
licked the remnants from her bush, her vaginal lips, her anus,
buttocks and thighs.
He looked up at her with drops of urine and a devout
expression on his face, "You are my mother, my lover, my
god. Just being around you will fulfill my destiny in life. I beg
of you to let me fuck you whenever the mood takes you. My
queen you decide when you want me. I will never force
myself on you and I will never fuck anyone but you."

And that she felt was a very satisfactory arrangement.

In exchange for his loyalty she made him first the chief of her
palace guard and then a few years later the commander in
chief of her army. Such was the power of her personality, and
his sheer physical presence, that none of the men even
thought of questioning the fact that they were taking orders
from an out caste.

The Maharani - Part Three: Chanakya

Parvati expanded her territory by seeking out the larger
kingdoms around her. She annexed Gwalior, then later
Ajmer. She had perfected the technique of firmly squeezing
kingdoms into submission. It was much cleaner than a full
scale bloody assault and allowed easier assimilation of the
conquered people. It involved 'retiring' the king of Gwalior;
but sadly the king of Ajmer had to be beheaded. However, it
proved to be a popular move because he had been a tyrant.

Parvati stayed away from the Punjab. She was not yet ready
for Mahmud of Ghazni.

To the south lay a few kingdoms that stretched to the

Vindhya Mountains. And beyond the mountains, rumors of
great kingdoms. Of immediate interest to her were the
kingdoms that lay to the east; in the lush plains fed by the
great rivers -- Ganga and Jamuna. She set about annexing
them, one by one.

It was during this period of expansion that a wandering

Brahmin demanded an audience with her. It was not at all
unusual for ordinary citizens to meet the queen and air their
grievances. In fact she welcomed it and set aside certain days
entirely for this.

But they had to state the purpose of their visit so that

officials could gather relevant information beforehand to
help the queen prepare for the appointment. She paid
attention to detail and really took these meetings seriously.
This fellow however refused; except to state that he was
here to help the queen and would speak to her alone and not
to underlings. And so, of course, the officials denied him
access to the queen.

Apart from his arrogance it did not seem he had much else to
offer. He was dressed in a spotless white dhoti, his bare torso
adorned by a slender loop of white cotton thread that hung
from his left shoulder. All his worldly possessions were
gathered in a small bundle of cloth that hung from his other

He left in a huff and settled down in front of the palace gates

and waited. An ascetic could wait for ever because his wants
are few. In the case of this Brahmin those wants were met by
ordinary folk passing by who revered the advice and blessings
of an ascetic Brahmin. They left behind food and other items
essential for daily living.

Days went by before the queen became aware of his

existence. Then, curiosity drove her into granting him an
audience. He stood before her with an expressionless face
and waited. No obeisance, no greeting, just a silent gaze.

Finally the queen said, "What did you want to see me


"To see if you are ready to become a Maharani or remain a

mere Rani."

There was a rumble among the courtiers at the sheer

arrogance of the man and one even rose to strike him only to
be stopped by a gesture from the queen. Her interest was
piqued. Maybe he had something to back up his ludicrous
claim or maybe he was just a conceited fool. Let's find out,
she thought.

"Well," said the queen, "we now know why you are here;
let's start with who you are?"

"My name is Chanakya and I am a Brahmin from Kashmir."

"Chanakya? Wasn't that the name of Chandragupta Maurya's

prime minister?"

"Yes I adopted his name after it became clear to me that his

mission in life was the same as mine."

"And what is this mission?" asked the queen.

"To prevent foreigners from invading Hindustan. The original

Chanakya wanted to stop the Greeks from ever coming back
and I want to thwart Mahmud of Ghazni. I was a student at
the University of Takshashila when Mahmud last visited
Hindustan. My studies were rudely interrupted and I swore
then that I would find a way to end future invasions."

"And have you found a way?" asked Parvati.

"Yes I have," and he paused for effect, "The way is to

establish a strong empire, then a dynasty that stretches for
hundreds of years. I know it will not last forever but that is
not my purpose. My purpose, first and foremost, is to stop
Mahmud. Like the original Chanakya made Chandragupta a
Maharaja and established the Mauryan Empire, I will make
you into a Maharani and you can establish your own empire.
That is if I find you worthy."

At this the court exploded and the queen had everyone

removed, except the haughty Brahmin.

"Tell me," said the queen, when they were alone, "Why
should I take you seriously? What do you possess, apart from
rudeness and conceit, which will convince me that you can
achieve your goal?"

"I possess knowledge, and the intelligence to put that

knowledge to practical use," said he loftily, "I have read and
re-read the Arthashashtra, or 'the science of material gain'
written by the original Chanakya, many times; I now know it
word for word. I have diligently sought teachers who not only
taught me the ancient texts or shastras but explained the
truth behind them. I have learnt that it is not by acts of
supernatural beings that great things are achieved, but by
the assiduous application of the ideas that one believes come
from those supernatural beings and are contained in these so
called holy texts or 'shastras'."

"And what you perceive as arrogance," continued Chanakya,

"is absolute belief in me, in my knowledge and in my
intelligence to interpret and implement my knowledge. I am
absolutely sure of my mission and absolutely sure that I can
accomplish it if I meet the right person."

"And how do I convince you that I am the right person?"

asked the queen with a twinkle in her eye because she was
beginning to like this fellow.

"By answering a few questions," said Chanakya.

"Go on," said the queen and waited. She dramatically placed
a hand under her chin and feigned an expectant look on her
face. She was ready to mentally joust with this vain Brahmin.

"What is the difference between telling the truth and lying?"

"None," she said promptly, "it is the end that defines the

Not so original. She had got that from the teachings of Lord
Krishna in the Gita.

"What is the meaning of power?"

"It is one of the means by which you achieve your goals. In

order to wield it effectively one must be able to
depersonalize it. Power is visible when used. Mainly it is the
threat of its use that makes it a useful tool. And I emphasize
tool, because that is all it is - a tool to express yourself and
impose your will. We all have cruelty within us, and what
separates us, is the amount inherent within us and the
degree to which we let it express itself. As a ruler it can make
me a tyrant if I use it overwhelmingly. But make no mistake, I
will have to use it and it will make me a tyrant to some."

Whew! That was a long winded answer, she thought. Where

had all that come from?

"What is the difference between good and evil?"

"None," again promptly, for she had thought about this

herself and worked out an answer some time ago, "It is a
matter of interpretation. Killing one person can be evil and
killing a thousand can be good. It depends on your personal
point of view, and the belief of people at large at a particular
time and the so called laws that people invent invoking divine

"Do you believe in God?"


"So if priests told you not to do something because God did

not want you to, what would you do?"

"It is their interpretation of God's will and if my

interpretation is different I will do as I please."

"What about the wrath of God that the priests say would
surely follow if you do not do as they say?"

"I did not immolate myself on my husband's pyre. That I was

told was evil and God would punish me. I am still here, aren't
I; and flourishing."

He stood with his arms crossed across his chest and nodded,
"You are intelligent and capable of independent thinking. You
are educated and able to look at issues dispassionately. I feel,
instinctively, that you have compassion. You have the
attributes that a great ruler should have."

"All this," exclaimed the queen theatrically, "because I

answered a few lousy questions?!"

There appeared the hint of a smile on his stern face.

Then he bowed his head and brought his hands together in

salutation, "Please allow me to be your tutor so that I can
achieve my goal and bring meaning to my life."

This sudden switch from conceit to humility took her by

surprise. Now what is he up to? She thought. But his eyes
were transparent with honesty.

"All right," she said, "let's see what you can do. But for now
you support yourself and live outside the palace."

The next day there was a great hullabaloo that disturbed the
queen's morning yoga work out. It seemed Chanakya had
decided it was time to tutor the queen and had attempted to
walk past the guards into the palace. On being physically
restrained he had started cursing the guards in ancient
Sanskrit. This scared the daylights out of the guards because
the curse of a Brahmin and that too an ascetic was surely
going to lead to terrible things and they went scurrying for
their captain. The on call captain that day was none other
than Goray Lal himself. He of course could not give a toss for
the caste system and curses of Brahmins ascetic or

He simply picked up the cursing Chanakya and held him up at

arm's length and quietly told him to stop cursing. This so
scared the daylights out of Chanakya that he began
screaming as loud as he could in terror.

The queen was vexed and brought an end to this nonsense

by ordering Goray Lal to unhand the screaming Chanakya.
She then called her Palace guard together and told them to
recognize Chanakya and allow him ingress at all times.

And so it was that in the months that followed, Chanakya

became a fixture at the queen's side. He was always on hand
to guide and advise her, to help pass laws, and in private one
on one sessions to tutor her in the art of governing. To have
access to the queen at all times he was allowed into the
palace itself and given private chambers.

One day, one of these tutoring sessions was free ranging but
centered on taxation.

This session was fractious because Chanakya was irritated as

the queen did not appear to be getting what he was teaching
Matters came to head when she asked, "How can I provide
good government without raising taxes?"

This got him ranting, "Are you not listening to what I am

saying? Do you want to be a major ruler and the founder of a
dynasty or just another small potentate? Tell me, do you
want to learn? If not, say so and stop wasting my time."

"Oof," she said in frustration, "you have no control over your

temper. For an otherwise brilliant person you have the
emotional stability of a two year old."

Completely ignoring her jibe, he said edgily, "I am waiting for

your answer."

Exasperated, but wanting to hear him out she said, "Yes, yes,
I am listening, tell me."

Having vented his anger he carried on in a more conciliatory

tone, "The answer is in local government. You let the people
decide what they want at a small local level. Let local officials
be selected by the people; let those selected be answerable
to the people of that locality. You stay out of it. You appoint
overseers for a large region. Be careful who you appoint and
make sure they stay out of local politics. As your kingdom
grows, this will become more crucial."

"Never let these overseers get too powerful. And always

remember to keep the smallest unit of your government at a
local level where people can feel that they are empowered to
control their own destiny. Keep the bulk of your taxes local
and make sure people see the money being spent locally."

He concluded, reflectively, "There are lots of ways to raise

your revenue to provide good government. Taxation is just

"Now enough of that, my queen," he said abruptly, bottom

shuffling to where she sat on soft cushions, "Time for some

In a flash, he lifted her half sari and petticoat out of the way,
parted her thighs and buried his face in her crotch.

She was completely taken aback by this sudden assault.

Nothing in their relationship so far had been even remotely

Before she could move away, or even protest, his tongue was
busy on her labial folds and the sensation was mind blowing.
His lingual ministrations were just perfect. Each slurp had the
right amount of pressure to excite the labial nerve endings
relentlessly and the timing was just right. Each excursion
would stop just as she felt the stimulation reaching a climax
and the next would start just as the memory of the last was
fading. It got to her. It awakened her lust that was always
simmering under her queenly façade. She just lay back and
forgot about who was doing this to her and decided to enjoy
the sensation and work out the complexities later.

He moved to her clitoris, teasing it out of its hood. Then he

parted her thighs and smoothly entered her vagina with his
tongue, slowly working it further and further in.
She noticed that there was a rhythm to his tongue fucking
which reminded her of the ebb and flow of a musical raga.
Completely different from Goray Lal's all out assault - this
was cultured and done so expertly that she was already
feeling the start of an orgasm.

Precisely at that moment, he moved his face away and

looking directly into her eyes, said, "Completely different
from Goray Lal, eh?"

This was so shocking and unexpected that she gasped and

looked at him in alarm, flapping her parted thighs in an effort
to get away, "What, what?"

"Relax, my queen," he said, soothingly, "your secret is safe

with me," as he held her firmly by the knees, preventing her
from jerking away.

"You were very good; very careful. I came to know of it only

because I made it my business to know everything about you.
And then I discovered it purely by chance. There was no
pattern to your meetings with him, no public display of
affection; if anything you seem to be very strict and
businesslike with him. I applaud you on your discretion."

She looked at him, mouth open, still in shock. Then she

gathered herself, "Alright, so you know. What are you going
to do with that knowledge?" Already in her mind she was
running through various scenarios to stop this guy
blackmailing her.

He held one of her feet gently in both his hands and began
kissing her toes! He looked up at her, "My queen, I am your
servant, your slave. You give my life meaning. I cannot ever
do you any harm."

She was aghast. What had happened to this fellow?

Complete turnaround from his usual haughty self. She looked
at him to get a clue.

She could have sworn the expression on his face was the
spitting image of that on Goray Lal's face in his goddess
worshipping mode! Alright; this she understood. Men for
some reason were prone to going ga ga over her. It did not
diminish them in her eyes or give her a power high. It just
made her feel secure. It assured her that they would sacrifice
themselves for her rather than hurt or harm her in any way.
After all, security or rather the search for it was the driving
force that propelled her. It was at the core of her empire
building ambition.

But who would have thought that this self assured Brahmin's
core was mushier than overcooked rice! For all his
haughtiness, his rudeness, his egoistical ranting, he was but a
love sick boy! Or was he? Oh well, she thought, let's see
where this leads, feeling more relaxed than she had ever felt
in Chanakya's company.
He had resumed his licking of her genitals. Using only his
tongue, gently and rhythmically, he was gradually bringing
her to a boiling point. His left hand found her left breast. She
removed her blouse to give him better access and began
squeezing her right breast with both her hands even as he
alternated between pinching her left nipple and pressing her
other breast. She moaned loudly and grasping his head with
both her hands, began humping her hips at his face.

Every now and then he would move off to survey in

wonderment what lay revealed in front of him. Perfectly
toned thighs led to a hairy bush that barely concealed soft,
pink lips now glistening with the fluids of her arousal. A firm
belly and curvy waist led to divine breasts with pink nipples
erect with excitement, and then that face that made strong
men weak in the knees and weak men drool. Her mouth was
open, her breathing deep and even, and her eyes closed as
her brain savored the incredible sensations. The lack of
stimulation made her open her eyes in inquiry and
annoyance to find Chanakya looking at her in wonder. He
promptly resumed the oral onslaught on her labia, vagina
and clitoris and manual assault on her breasts till she gave in
once again to the wonderful sensation and closed her eyes to
savor it fully.

He worked his magic and this time he did not stop till she hit
the take off point and tumbled into a full fledged orgasm.
With a gasp she came. A staccato burst of low moans
heralded her orgasm and she flooded his chin with her come.
For what seemed an eternity she rode the rainbow and then
gradually descended to ground zero.

It was one of the deepest and most satisfying climaxes of her

sexual life. It took a while for her to get her breath and her
senses under control. She was still weak in the knees, so she
remained supine.

When she opened her eyes, he was still in the same position,
between her legs, gazing at her with what she could have
sworn was puppy like devotion.

"Did you enjoy it, my queen?" Why do they always ask this
stupid question? But her vexation was quickly replaced by
the joyful memory of her orgasm and she smiled dreamily.

"How did you do it? That was mind blowing." It was not as if
she was sex starved and so ready to be triggered into a
glorious orgasm. Just a couple of nights before, Goray Lal had
expended himself in her many a time. In her mouth, cunt and
at least twice in her ass. He just loved her ass!

"Tantra," he said, and was at once back to his lofty lecturing

manner, "I have read all that has ever been written about it.
In my travels I have met with people who actively practice it.
The sexual aspects of Tantra were taught to me by a Devdasi
considered to be the foremost exponent of Tantric sex. You
can be taught quite easily. With your knowledge and practice
of Yoga you are halfway there already."
And then he lost his patronizing tone and stood before her in
awkward silence. Her blinding naked beauty was too much
even for this worldly wise tantric Brahmin. He reverted to a
pre pubescent lusty boy. He took off his dhoti and stood with
hands behind his back and a very erect penis sticking out in
front, expecting he knew not what.

She looked at him and smiled inwardly. The sight of an erect

cock always got her going. She shuffled over and engulfed
the tip of his rod with wet lips and began running her tongue
along the underside of his penis.

It was his turn to gasp. He looked down and saw this vision
from heaven sucking on his cock and almost passed out. For
all his self assuredness he had never really thought he could
have got to this point. True, he had been attracted to this
kingdom because he thought he could use it to stop
Mahmud. But a secondary hidden agenda had been the
rumors of the beauty of its queen. Yes, this Brahmin was a
lusty fellow. He had fucked his way around Hindustan,
impregnating supposedly barren women who spent the night
praying in a temple for a child and were then just as happy
when a Brahmin assured them that God had heard their
supplication and sent him to give them a child. These women
could be very demonstrative of their gratefulness!

Being an ascetic had its advantages. In many a temple when

he assumed the Shiva position to meditate, it attracted
women like flies to a sweet shop. Not all women, just the
right ones -- the lusty. They would wash his cock and balls
reverently as if it was Shiva's Linga and then collect the soiled
water and drink it! Some would sit by his side for hours and
meditate with him. These he would take to a secluded part of
the temple and fuck the life out of. He had even fucked three
together at one time! And they would return home and be
looked upon as true Shiva devotees for had they not spent
hours in the temple?!

But even a sexually accomplished ascetic has his weaknesses.

And for Chanakya it was this ethereal beauty sucking on his
cock. He had desperately wanted to fuck her. He just did not
know how to approach her. He knew he could not charm her.
He did not have the physical attributes to do so and his
honey tongue which had talked its way into many a cunt had
felt as heavy as lead and stuck to the roof of his mouth when
he tried to lead their ongoing conversation down seduction
lane. Yes, this proud Brahmin, so proud of his intellect was
hopelessly in love and completely beaten.

In his desperation he had attacked her and gambled that his

tongue which had let him down would some how redeem
itself and win her over. It had worked! He was still stunned
by the fact that it had but there was no denying it. It had

And now his moment had arrived. Gently, he moved her

head off his cock and laid her on her back. He moved
between her legs and taking his cock in his hand fed it to her
cunt. Softly it parted the honey lips and was smoothly
engulfed by her wet and clutching channel. He held himself
on his hands as he thrust in and out of heaven not daring to
rest his body on hers.

Certainly not as big as the only other cock that had she had
experienced for quite some time now, nevertheless each
movement in and out of Chanakya's penis had her very
aroused. She reached up and brought him down on her. Her
lips found his and her tongue entwined with his. That was it
for this ascetic tantric Brahmin. He erupted in her cunt like a
volcano and filled her with tons of pent up come.

And that was the start of glorious days of fucking for the
queen. Goray Lal came to know of Chanakya fucking her
(because she told him) but it bothered him not a bit. All he
wanted was to fuck his queen. And that he did! To have her
on her haunches, defenseless, in front of him as he assaulted
her anus was heaven for him. And that he got. So, he was
happy. Chanakya cared not a toss as long as he could fuck
this Apsara now and then. He was in awe and madly in love
with her and felt really grateful whenever she indicated that
she was ready to be mounted by him. She loved his oral skills
and he obliged her to the full!

But whenever they were not fucking, their relationship

reverted back to the old mode of teacher and taught.
And one day there they were in the midst of a high minded
discussion or rather teaching session with Chanakya holding

"It is not good versus evil." He said, "It is never good versus
evil in an absolute sense because who knows what is
absolute good and what is absolute evil. Good and evil are
relative and open to interpretation. That is the message of
the Hindu holy books or Shastras. This is why in them you
find gods behaving badly and the so called evil people or
rakhshasas behaving with dignity. You make the
interpretation and if you can convince enough people then
your interpretation is the truth."

She grew weary of all this teaching; she had worked out all
this good versus evil thing a long time ago, but there was no
stopping Chanakya once he got going. She reached down and
drew her dress up. In a jiffy she had removed her
underclothes and begun lazily playing with her cunt. He was
walking up and down with his head down, lost in his lecture.
Then something made him stop and look up at her. Her
wanton frolicking held him speechless.

She completely removed all her clothes and reclined naked

on the divan. She parted her thighs and shuffled to the edge
of the divan and thrust her cunt at him inviting him to
pleasure her.

He quickly moved to oblige. He knelt before her hairy cunt

and parted her thighs even further as his tongue lovingly
lapped at her bush and labia. Gradually he worked his tongue
into her vagina. Once again she gave in to the incredible
sensation and closing her eyes was transported to another
world. There it was again. His tongue produced that perfect
balance between anticipation and fulfillment. Tickling her
clitoris, teasing her labial folds and boldly thrusting into her
vagina it was the ultimate fucking machine! But there was
something a little different today. She could sense something
else going on, in addition to his tongue moving, he was
moving other body parts.

She opened her eyes and saw that Chanakya had removed all
his clothes (mainly his dhoti) and was masturbating in time
with his tongue movements. It was amusing because he
looked like a boy who had just learned of the pleasure of
stroking his genitals. But then she gave in to his tongue again
and closed her eyes and just waited for the climax. And it
came in waves of crashing color. Once again magnificent and
mind blowing.

She opened her eyes and found him still busy stroking his
cock. He was still slurping away but now he stopped and
stood up. He kept her legs parted as his hand speed
increased. And then with a rush he came. Over her breasts
and abdomen and then just as it looked like the spurting was
finishing he sheathed his cock in her cunt and expended the
last few spurts in her wet vagina.
In her cunt his cock remained hard. Sliding back and forth
wantonly in the sliminess of their combined come, it held her
attention. He looked at her supine form and pure lust took
over. He just wanted to ram her. Gone was all that
knowledge of Tantra, gone were the sophisticated gyrations
of his cock that were guaranteed to drive women crazy. He
was just another guy crudely fucking to a mind blowing
orgasm. He was sheathed in the cunt of his dreams and that
realization was driving his penis in and out with only one
thought in his mind -- unleash his seed in her. It was primitive
in that impregnation was the ultimate though unconscious
goal. Of course the queen was not going to get pregnant.
Yoga and herbs, both oral and vaginal, kept her uterus

He forced her legs further apart in an effort to ram her more

fully. His pubic hair met hers with the violence of each thrust.
His lusty thrusts triggered an orgasm in her just as he was
cresting the wave. They both came at the same time. She
with delicate groans and he with a loud and prolonged cry -
one of, if not the best orgasm of his fucking career.

And their discourse kept going. Each of them could switch

from one mode to other with ease. That is from a lofty
discussion mode to an earthy fucking mode.

One day the dialogue began with Chanakya, as usual, asking a

question, "To the south there are the Vindhya Mountains and
the Mahakoshal and Chattisgarh regions where dwell ancient
tribal people called the Gonds. They wish to be left alone.
What will you do with them?"

"I will leave them alone," said Parvati promptly, "I will
conquer the region around them and leave them in peace."

"Wrong answer," said Chanakya.

She looked perplexed and so he clarified, "You must annex

their land. It is rich and the Gonds are hard working people.
They can be organized into farming and cattle raising
communities. Also they are fierce fighters who do not rely on
modern weapons but rather on breaking the spirit of their
enemy by their sheer ferocity. Unleash them on an
unsuspecting enemy at the right time and your enemy will be
routed. The element of surprise!"

"So how do I conquer such fierce fighters?"

"By befriending them."

"You are confusing me. How do I befriend them?"

"You hire mercenaries to harass them, and then you march in

with your army and crush those mercenaries. The
mercenaries will be hired with your money by a third party
without the remotest connection with you. I will arrange it.
Greed is a good thing and is easy to exploit."
Almost as an afterthought he added, "Their women are great
fucks. Tall, long legged and darker than a moonless night,
they have an incredible appetite for sex. It is not uncommon
for one woman to have four or five so called husbands. For
centuries they have been kidnapped by slavers and make the
best Devdasis."

"And now for my element of surprise."

With a flourish he opened the door and lead in a man and

woman. The man was carrying a pair of tablas and the
woman a Veena.

It was the woman that caught Parvati's attention first. Rather

it was her sinuous movements that attracted her. Tall and
long legged she walked with the rhythmic grace of a classical
dancer heightened by jingling bells on her feet. She was fair
and her black eyes were slanted signifying that she was from
the foothills of the great Himalayas. But instead of the flat
noses that characterize the people indigenous to that area
hers was upturned, almost saucy in its impression.

He on the other hand was stocky and his features were more
traditional of the hill people.

The man and woman bowed their heads and folded their
hands in obeisance to her before sitting down. He gathered
the tablas around his legs and began tuning their
reverberations. She sat with folded legs beneath the stem of
the veena and started strumming on its taut wires.

Chanakya sauntered over to where the queen was reclining

on a divan and sat next to her. Said the queen, "Who are
these people and what is your element of surprise?"

He whispered in her ear above the din of the musical

instruments, "They are experts in Tantra. Especially tantric
sex," looking at her meaningfully.

Well, thought the queen I guess I am supposed to be

impressed. She looked at the pair. They were busy tuning
their instruments. Not a hint of anything remotely to do with
sex there.

She asked mainly to make conversation, "Husband and


"I do not know," said Chanakya, "Could be brother and sister.

No one knows. They are very discreet and very expensive.
You have to know the right people to even know of their
existence. But I am told they are worth every paisa."

Her paisas of course! She turned her attention back to the

couple. The tuning was over.
The strings of the veena were now being rhythmically stirred
by the woman. The man sat quietly looking at her. Gradually
the sonorous notes of the veena conjugated into what she
recognized as the start of a thumri which she knew was the
introduction to a raga. Well versed though she was in
classical music she was not able to place the raga.

As if on cue, Chanakya whispered, "It is music that you have

never heard before. Let it overwhelm your senses while you
focus your consciousness on whatever is important to you
right now. You will find your mind moving to a higher
appreciation of that subject. Focus on sex and you will get so
aroused that if you do have sex you will feel every little
sensation heightened, every little emotion so strong that
when you reach fulfillment and climax it will be an out of
body experience!"

Somehow sex was not foremost in her mind at the moment.

There was something lacking here. Maybe if Goray Lal
suddenly appeared and began massaging his naked cock...
but no such luck, the atmosphere was sterile in the room
right now, despite Chanakya's excitement. And he was not
flaunting his naked cock and flailing it about but rather sitting
with closed eyes beside her and obviously concentrating on

She decided to follow Chanakya's lead and closed her eyes

and let the sound of the veena flood her senses.

Just for the fun of it she decided to focus on a Peepul tree.

Not just any Peepul tree but the one she had seen in
Amarkantak, the place where the holy river Narmada
originated. She had used this imagery as a part of her Yogic
mind exercises at times.

Imperceptibly she found her mind homing in on the tree. The

tree took on a character of its own. Its leaves shivered in the
wind and told a story of birth, death and regeneration. She
could see the life giving sap rising up the mighty stem of the
tree; she became the exploring sprouting end of a root
tasting the bounty of the earth and sipping on tiny pools of
water. She felt the pain as a leaf broke off and fell from its
parent. She felt jubilant and fulfilled; uplifted and sublime;
almost as if she knew the meaning of life and the reason for
her existence.

And then her concentration broke. The music had stopped.

She opened her eyes and found Chanakya looking at her with
a smile on his face, "Powerful music, it leads and you follow.
Frees and opens your mind."

"Open yourself to experience all that your physical being is

capable of experiencing. Some ascetics do it through pain.
They stick themselves with knives and needles or lie on a bed
of nails. The principle is to experience pain, physical pain to
such a degree that it opens up a window in your mind to a
higher existence. Quite simply, a physical truth if torqued
beyond a certain level takes on an out of this world or
celestial dimension."

"Personally, I feel the same can be achieved through music as

you have just experienced. Or sex."
"Titillation when pushed to a certain limit can produce the
same results as pain or music or any other tool. And that is
the true meaning of the Kama Sutra. The book is not just a
manual of how to fuck but how to elevate you to a higher
consciousness through sex."

"I have no interest in lifting you to a higher existence," he

continued, "but rather in helping you use your mind to truly
enjoy something that I know you love -- sex."

The man began tapping on the tablas -- a cascading cadence

of tapping on the lighter taller tabla; each rhythmic passage
punctuated by a thump or two on the deeper rounder and
bigger one.

The woman stood up and arranged her sari around her. For
the first time Parvati really looked at her. After the first
cursory inspection she had not really looked at her. Now the
woman some how commanded her attention.

Her sari was bright blue with a gold trim and made of soft
clingy silk. It was artfully draped around each leg to allow
uninhibited movement. Her black eyes were attractively
highlighted in the tradition of classical dancers. Her long
black hair was braided with ropes of tiny chameli buds and
hung down her back to her buttocks.

She began moving in time with the tabla - just small

movements at first, demonstrating individual excursions of
the neck, hands and torso. Parvati noted her curvy waist was
emphasized by a high blouse and low slung sari. And this
waist moved independently focusing interest on an
undulating navel.

Gradually the tempo built up. Effortlessly, the dancer moved

through complicated graceful maneuvers drawing in her
audience into the inner meaning of the dance she was
performing. So skillful was this exposition that Parvati found
herself not just enjoying the physical dimensions of the dance
but found her mind building a story around it of jealousy,
love, energy, ugliness, beauty and lust.

Lust? She suddenly became conscious of the fact that the

woman was naked. Her only covering were the chameli buds
that covered her hair. When did she get rid of her clothes?
Magic or outrageous dexterity?

And her dance had taken on a definite sexual tone. The

movements were languid yet in time with the tabla; they
were fuller in limb movement and the expressions on her
face had changed from the ordinary idiom of classical dance
to expressing pure lust.

A set of movements comprised of her legs and arms moving

wantonly mimicking getting fucked in various positions
emphasized by the jiggling of her pert and attractive breasts,
ending with her striking a pose where her hands were poised
around her pubes as if inviting the queen in to her hairy cunt.
There was no doubt about it -- this woman was seducing
Parvati. And the wonder was that Parvati was turned on by
this. She had never fancied a woman in her life. A stiff prick
made her lusty and a male penetrating her made her come.
But here she was with that familiar wetness in her cunt! In
response to a naked woman dancing!

Then the dancer moved away and went back to an ordinary

orthodox classical routine in time with the taal on the tabla.
This went on long enough for the queen to once again be
drawn into drama of the dance to the point where the fact
that the gyrating figure was nude became irrelevant.

Abruptly the taal on the tabla changed. To a faster, more

complicated rhythm. The dancer responded with quicker
more intricate movements which intruded into the queen's
consciousness because they once again took on an overtly
sexual tone directed at her. The dancer was now perspiring
freely from the exertion and the sheen from the sweat on her
face and limbs only heightened her sensuality.

She squatted down in front of Parvati whilst still tapping in

time with her jingling feet, her thighs held so wide apart that
the lips of her cunt stuck out of her hairy bush. Every part of
her body was moving -- her head, eyes, boobs, waist, hands
and of course legs, separately but yet together. The net
effect was that of a woman thrusting herself forward
impaling herself on a cock. Yet it was far from vulgar -- it was
almost spiritual in its effect! Parvati gasped in awe. She could
smell the arousal of the dancer. This woman wanted Parvati
sexually! And Parvati felt no revulsion just a pleasant feeling
of expectancy.

Then the woman stood up and turned around. Everything

done in time with the taal of the tabla. Her sensuously
swaying body arranged itself so that attention was focused
on her undulating toned buttocks. They moved individually of
their own accord so wantonly and so enticingly that the
queen felt her breathing catching in her excitement.

And she turned around once again, still dancing to the beat
of the tabla. But now her movements were urgent and she
moved straight towards the queen. In a jiffy she had Parvati's
clothes out of the way and her face between Parvati's thighs.
And her tongue lashed out at the queen's cunt in time with
the tabla.

This sudden assault, reminiscent of Chanakya's first, left her

flabbergasted but only for a brief while. Then the sensation
of being tongue fucked got to her. This woman was a genius,
a natural born tongue fucker. To Parvati this woman's tongue
felt wet, yielding yet firm, pliable yet stiff and flicked out in
time to the tabla. An incredible rhythm of tongue lashing that
enveloped her labia, clitoris and vagina in a cocoon of
heightened sensation. And the dancer's hands and fingers
were busy too, removing clothing out of the way to reach the
queen's abdomen and breasts. Sensuously rubbing her
thighs, abdomen and breasts in time with the taal of the
tabla and the tongue in her vagina. Parvati gave herself up to
the combined sensation. In no time at all she was climbing
up, up and higher still till she was in the throes of a mind
blowing orgasm.

When Parvati returned to terra firma she found the woman

still busy tonguing her privates. She then moved up and
suckled on the queen's breasts before moving to her lips with
a full blooded tongue into mouth's recesses all encompassing
kiss. Parvati's breath was literally taken away. The woman
then crawled up the queen's supine body and placed her cunt
over her face. Almost as if she was afraid to impose on the
queen, yet begging for attention.

Parvati had never licked a cunt before. In fact she had never
seen a cunt so close up before. This cunt looked cute. Hairy
and red and wet with the woman's arousal. Asking to be
licked and so the queen obliged. A tremor ran through the
woman's body at the queen's touch and she began softly
chanting. The tabla was still playing and the chanting was in
time with it.

It was the first time that Parvati had heard the woman's
voice. It was deep, melodious and seductive. And also for the
first time Parvati heard the words it was forming. This
chanting was not your garden variety temple priest chanting
but rather an exhortation to free the mind so it could roam
freely, taking it where imagination led it. And Parvati
responded - the voice was seductive. Her mind flew to a clear
stream gurgling with icy cold water just freed from a glacier.
Her tongue delved into that clear stream and assuaged its
thirst in patterns of movement so intricate and beguiling that
the woman was gasping above her and thrusting her hips at
that fleshy and fiery rod impaling herself again and again
even as Parvati met the rising strength of the stream with
renewed vigor and imagination and the stream took on a
tumultuous life of its own, bounding and bubbling and
heaving till it lost itself in the relative calmness of the river
which followed the woman's orgasm.

She removed her cunt from Parvati's face and sat down by
her side. The tabla kept playing and now the veena joined in.
Looking up Parvati was surprised to find Chanakya twigging
the strings! Not bad, she thought; actually his playing was
pretty slick. The woman now softly reached for the queen
and moved her till Parvati was sitting on the lap of the
woman. The woman lay back taking the queen with her.

The queen sank back on to the softness of the woman. The

woman reached around the queen's torso and found her
nipples. The queen could feel the woman's coarse pubic hair
rubbing against her buttocks even as thighs pleasurably
rubbed against thighs. The woman's mouth found Parvati's
ear lobes and her lips and tongue feasted on them. And the
chanting started again, in time with the music. It took Parvati
on a journey of the mind once again. This time to a bare hill
top where every gust of hot wind felt like hot knives
penetrating the bare skin, on her face, her ears, her breasts,
her thighs, her cunt and the excited flesh inside her cunt
when the woman parted her vaginal lips with her dainty
fingers. Then she felt the cool rain as it softly fell on her and
it was not the woman's wet tongue but bursts of rain that fell
on her nipples, her clitoris and her vaginal lips. Then as the
woman returned to her former position with the queen
placed on her lap, once again each deft touch of her fingers,
each rub of her mat of pubic hair, each chafe from her erect
nipples on the queen's back felt like little burns, except these
were sensual burns, so exciting that the anticipation of the
next sensation took her lust to places that Parvati did not
know existed.

And the chanting continued and exhorted her to feel heat,

naked searing heat as a fulfiller of her passion, as a means to
slake her lust. Parvati's mind was hooked. She opened her
eyes and saw before her the man and he was butt naked with
a very erect cock that he was languidly stroking. The music
had stopped. She registered all this at a certain level but her
mind was mostly far away in a land of fire and ice. She saw
the man move between her thighs and guide his cock into
her cunt. What she felt was scorching heat that lit up every
nerve ending in her vagina. Never had she felt this alive and
this receptive. Every thrust in and out was mind blowing and
fiery hot, so hot that she felt her cunt would burn up and yet
she knew it would not but that every nerve ending in her
vagina was sending a fiery and fulfilling message to her brain.
And the chanting carried on taking her further and further
into the fiery place. And then it moved her out of there to a
land of ice where everything was freezing. The burning in her
cunt had stopped, Parvati opened her eyes to see that the
man had pulled out and Chanakya was getting ready to fuck

And indeed when Chanakya plunged in, it was an icicle, not

his cock that penetrated her. Each subsequent thrust was a
chilling experience. So cold that she could feel goose bumps
on her skin, and yet it was invigorating, fresh and alive, like
the life giving monsoon rains that make you shiver more with
pleasure and thankfulness that the hot summer was at an

And the chanting continued. The seductive voice encouraged

her to impale herself on that icicle cock repeatedly,
encouraged her to sap the iciness out of that cock and
instead impart the heat of her cunt on to that cool
instrument of pleasure. And her cunt responded closing in
with scorching need, releasing the fiery seed from Chanakya's
cock and dampening its sizzling energy with the icy fulfillment
of her own orgasm.

And the chanting continued, through her orgasm, making her

dwell in the moment and savor each moment of her
fulfillment like it was the last and best. Then the man was
embedded in her again and ramming her with his cock and
the woman's voice took Parvati up into the sky soaring above
the earth feeling the air whoosh past her in gusts of softness
and then voice made her come down to earth pulled by the
weight of her cunt. Her cunt felt really full and heavy. In a
corner of her mind Parvati registered the fact that the
woman had introduced one, then two, then three fingers and
then her whole hand into her cunt, surrounding the man's
cock and massaging both it and Parvati's vagina. Yet there
was no pain but a feeling of fullness that felt wonderful.

And the voice carried her to a tree and set her down on a
large branch precariously arranging her legs to keep their
hold on the limb. She felt her legs being pushed back and
could feel the breeze in the branches of the tree against her
cunt and ass which had now been thrust out defenselessly.
Then she felt the man's cock leaving her cunt and the
woman's hand completely inside, with her thumb strumming
on her clitoris. The voice told her to get ready to welcome
fire again as in one smooth move the man shafted her ass.
Then he was ramming her ass mercilessly even as the woman
worked her cunt. The voice made her concentrate on each
thrust of hand and cock, feel each tiny bit of flesh as a huge
canopy of leather rubbing and chafing her ass and vagina, yet
not hurting but intensely stimulating. And the queen felt the
start of another mind blowing orgasm just as the man
grunted and heaved and thrust mightily and ruthlessly into
her rectum till she felt his hot come in spurts in her ass. And
then the hand and cock moved out gently and the chanting
finally stopped.

So exhausted was the queen that she just lay there and
drifted off to sleep. When she woke up, darkness had fallen
and she was all alone in her chambers. It had been a mind
blowing experience. She was grateful to Chanakya for having
arranged it. He of course was overjoyed that he had brought
her so much pleasure and that was reward enough for him.
The man and woman stayed for a few weeks before moving
on. And so Parvati was at the receiving end of more pleasure.

They would return every now and then throughout Parvati's

reign enhancing her sex life immensely.

And so between Goray Lal, Chanakya and the Tantric pair her
sex life was full. Both the men were inventive and ingenious
lovers. Both head over heels in love with her, willing to do
anything to satisfy her lust and if that were not enough the
Tantric pair would arrive out of nowhere to surprise her and
pleasure her some more.

This meant of course that she was relieved of the anxiety of

finding lovers. This in turn completely freed her up to pursue
her ultimate goal which was to turn her growing kingdom
into a strong and stable empire.

The Maharani - Part Four: The Empire

An Empire is established and a dynasty starts

It was 1015 A.D. and Mahmud of Ghazni was preparing to

raid Hindustan once again. The wealth he had acquired from
his last foray had dissipated. And besides which he wanted
Hindustani cunt. His desire for those dusky sensuous
creatures had been growing even as his treasury was being
depleted till he could contain himself no longer.

Once again Mahmud was ready to prove that there were no

better motivators for the human male to get off his butt and
do things than money and sex.

The disconcerting thing was none of his spies had reported

back to him. They had just disappeared. Before each
expedition he had always gotten information on the
kingdoms that made up Hindustan. He was a practical man
and being prepared beforehand was to him, essential. This
time around he had sent out younger, less experienced men,
and maybe they had lost their way home or something.

He had heard about a large and growing kingdom from

travelers to his court from Hindustan. And though it bothered
him, it was not really something over which he lost any sleep.
He had defeated large armies in the past and he was
confident that his men would grind into dust anything that
Hindustan had to offer. He knew that these Hindus were
good at making wealth and that their women were great
fucks but as far as fighting was concerned – he laughed out
loud as the thought crossed his mind - they were complete
losers. A bigger kingdom was just a bigger target.

And so he moved out of Afghanistan, passed through the

mighty mountains and forded the Indus River to enter

Rehana brought news of his crossing into Hindustan to the

princess. Only then did the princess feel it was safe for them
to play. Even now Rehana was taking no chances and had
securely locked from the inside all entrances to the royal
chambers. She then unlocked the cleverly hidden trapdoor in
the floor below the thick Persian carpet and let Rahim, her
husband, and Rogan her brother into the room. They had
crawled through a long and winding passageway that started
in the royal stables. Rogan was officially in charge of the
stables and had discovered this long forgotten secret
passageway by sheer chance.

The princess had been kept pretty busy by Mahmud. In fact

the night before he left, Mahmud had made passionate love
to her all night long.

It had started with a slow seduction to music from musicians

discreetly placed out of sight. They had gently kissed and
caressed each other to a point where they were both ready
for the main event. He had slowly disrobed her and then
carried her to their private chamber. There he had gently and
lovingly brought her to the first of many orgasms with his
tongue. He knew exactly how to stimulate her vaginal lips
while every now and then darting a lick at her clitoris or
penetrating her slick channel.

Gradually he built up the tempo of his lingual assault,

bringing his years of experience to bear, till she cried out in
bliss. Then when she had recovered he wasted no time in
mounting her and ramming his cock into her aroused cunt,
exactly as he knew she liked. From face to face they
progressed through various positions and many orgasms to
the position she knew he loved the most – taking her from

She knew what was next and welcomed it. The sight of her
faultless buttocks always but always got him salivating to
fuck her anus.

She waited patiently on her hands and knees as he lubricated

his cock and then gently but with purpose introduced it past
her anus until it was completely embedded in her rectum.
Holding her perfect hips he slowly built up the tempo of his
thrusts, savoring the sight of her taut and pink buttocks
moving back to meet his forward thrusts. He wanted to
remain sheathed in the heaven that was her rectum forever.

But alas his excitement got the better of him and he came
with a loud cry, depositing a boat load of semen in her back
passage. As always once was never enough and that night
was no exception. He fucked her bung hole repeatedly in
various positions.

In the morning she woke up with Mahmud's penis up her

rectum, gently but with purpose buggering her. That was
their last fuck together.

She had been sated, but the moment she knew she could
indulge her wilder side all her lust came bounding back. As
she watched, both Rahim and Rogan shed their clothes and
Rehana took hold of both their cocks and rubbed them to full
erection. Cooing, Rehana slurped on one then the other. It
had been a while since she had enjoyed either.

She had been on royal duty. Sent by Mahmud to accompany

and wait upon an elderly but respected aunt who had to go
to Samarkand to consult a soothsayer on an urgent matter.
They had stayed at the Sultan of Uzbekistan's palace. She had
returned just a few days after Mahmud had left for

It was not as if she had not had sex in that period. Rehana
was too sexual a creature to go without for any length of

She had fucked the nervous and very young man who had
been one of the lamp carriers for the royal party. This guy
was a virgin when he left Ghazni but a veteran fucker by the
time he returned. She had let him enjoy her every which way.

The climax was in a friend's house or rather rooms in

Samarkand. Her friend was a lady in waiting to the second
wife of the Sultan of Uzbekistan and had rooms in the royal
palace itself. So once Mahmud's aunt retired, Rehana could
skip out and be with her friend yet be within range if the old
lady suddenly sought her.

Her friend had no children but it was not for lack of trying.
Perhaps it was Allah's will. For this lady had fucked just about
every eligible male in the palace. And not just once. Her
husband was no passive cuckold either; he had fucked his
share of women, including the second wife of the Sultan
herself. And not just once. It was this love of fornication that
kept the couple together even if they were not able to raise a
family and many a time they enjoyed an orgy together.

Rehana had on her previous visits enjoyed both husband and

wife. This visit had coincided with her friend's husband being
sent to Persia on official business. And accompanying Rehana
this time was not her husband with his humongous cock but
a young man with a fairly normal sized cock.

The turn on was his extreme youth. The moment her friend
closed the door behind them Rehana was on him. She untied
his draw string trousers and grabbed his naked cock. The
young man hopped on one leg and made bleating sounds,
overwhelmed with severe embarrassment for Rehana's
friend could see his thingy. His thingy which against his will
and embarrassment expanded with Rehana's expert

Her friend watched the entire production with amusement.

Suddenly Rehana lowered her head and swallowed the young
man's penis entirely and then vigorously began sucking on it.
The young man stopped hopping as lust replaced his
embarrassment. He bent down and began mauling Rehana's
breasts through her blouse. Slurping on his cock Rehana
turned to her friend and said, "Come on you bitch take your
clothes off and fuck this piece of shit." Before the young man
could protest at being called a piece of shit Rehana's friend's
naked breast was in his mouth. He sucked on a heavenly
nipple even as Rehana sucked on his cock.
Then Rehana drew his cock out of her mouth and pushed him
roughly on to the bed. Quickly she removed her clothes and
lowered her naked cunt on to his tool. She rode him with
abandon for a while before turning to her friend, "I have
never taken him up my ass. You want to be his first?"

Her friend spoke firmly to the young man who had his eyes
closed and was humming with pleasure as Rehana rode him.
"You want to fuck my ass?" He had not a clue as to what she
was saying; he really was a naive young man. So she moved
over him and placed her buttocks in his face. "See that brown
hole? Lick it." And he did; while she turned around so the she
could watch the young man's cock spearing her friend's
aroused cunt.

She spoke to him again, "Make it slick with your spit you
worthless mother fucker because that is where your cock will
enter." The young man was in seventh heaven with the
pleasure afforded by Rehana's cunt riding his cock. He had a
foolish grin on his face as he parted the buttocks on his face
to more effectively slurp on the brown hole offered him.

He was so aroused that the thought that he was licking

another person's shit chute did not occur to him
straightaway. By the time it dawned on him, he was well into
assaulting the bundle of muscles at the entrance with his
tongue, and enjoying immensely the reaction of that elastic
opening and the woman's sighs of pleasure. The woman had
totally fallen onto her haunches to attack Rehana's clitoris
more efficiently and in doing this she had completely
exposed her anus to the young man's marauding tongue.

Rehana could feel that the young man was fast approaching
eruption. Abruptly she moved off his cock. Getting hold of
some cooking oil she lovingly massaged his cock with it while
her friend moved off his face but maintained her hunched
over position. Rehana then applied oil to her buttocks,
tenderly introducing one well oiled digit past the sphincter
and then another one. She then got the young man to
straddle her friend and taking hold of his well oiled weapon
placed it at the nether opening.

"Push it in gently," she cooed as her friend waited on her

knees. Gently, the young man pushed and nothing happened.
He held his cock in his own hands and pushed harder. Then
suddenly he felt a give and in an instant he was in to the hilt.
Rehana's friend let out a yelp and yelled, "Slowly you

The young man had never in his short fucking career been in
such a warm and tight place. Instinct made him move his
penis out of that tight glove and ram it back in again. It made
Rehana's friend grunt and the tone of that grunt fueled the
young man's ardor and he began thrusting in and out with a
rare abandon making grunting sounds himself only deeper
and more frantic than Rehana's friend, who now just held her
buttocks apart and lay hunched and firm, accepting the
ramming, indeed reveling in the buggering she was getting.
Rehana had meanwhile manipulated her body to attack her
friend's cunt with her tongue. Her friend was in paradise with
the vaginal and anal onslaught and very soon was on her way
to a huge orgasm.

Meanwhile the young man was humping his way to a mind

blowing orgasm. As if the friction from the tight shit chute
was not enough or the sight of two round buttocks passively
receiving his thrusts not erotic enough, the ante was upped
by Rehana's mouth every now and then sucking his testicles
or her tongue stimulating the underside of his cock. Suddenly
he was there, and holding the sodomized woman's hips hard
he came with deep grunts depositing a huge load of semen in
her rectum.

That was then but this was now. As Rehana held the two
cocks and slurped on one and then the other the memory of
that young lamp carrier and the way he fucked got her all
wet and excited and she wanted to feel a hot cock in her
vagina. Getting hold of her husband's outsize cock she lay
down on her back and opened her legs and said, "Fuck me
Rahim you bastard. I have not felt this monster in my cunt for
a long time." Rahim was as hard as a stone minaret and
rammed his rigid cock straightaway into her soft and giving
vagina. Up to the hilt in one thrust, making her gasp and
before she got her breath back, he had set up a ramming

The princess was no passive bystander. She pushed Rogan on

to his back and impaled herself on him. But Rogan wanted
her ass. It had been a long time since he had been up any
one's ass and the princess's was a prize from heaven.
He let her expend her initial ardor by riding his cock. Then as
she slowed down, he deftly pushed her off him and onto her
knees. There before him were those perfect buns and
between them - that crinkly pink hole that ordinary men only
dreamed about.

He took a moment to pour scented oil on his cock before he

thrust it into the royal shit chute. Ramming it in to the hilt in
one fell swoop, with abandon, making the princess yell,
"Slowly you camel fucker other wise I will cut it off and feed it
to the vultures."

To soothe the enraged royal, he reached around and began

strumming on her clitoris with one hand while two oil slicked
fingers of the other hand penetrated her vagina and began a
gentle fucking motion till she was cooing and sighing. Then
he removed his hands and placed them on her perfect hips.
This was to brace himself as he began ramming her ass hole
with fury. In and out went his cock repeatedly raping into
that perfect sleeve. The princess yelled expletives but made
no move to get away. He moved his hands to spread those
wonderful buttocks to afford him a better view of his cock
ramming in and out of that hole in her magnificent backside.

Beside them, Rehana was getting royally fucked by her

husband. Oh, but she had missed this enormous prong. In
and out it went ramming her vagina, driving her to a frenzied
orgasm. And even then the battering continued as he looked
down at her with a lustful sneer. He picked up her legs and
pushed them back on to her chest and spread them widely
apart so that he could get his whole cock in her and then he
really began to give it to her. The whole bed shook as he
rammed her relentlessly.

Suddenly both men seemed to reach their peaks

simultaneously and a ton of semen was deposited in ass and

For a while the foursome lay exhausted on the huge bed. But
this was party time and they were all young and primed.
Rahim, of the monster dick, was the first to recover. He
moved over to his wife and stuck his cock in her mouth.
Rehana joyously sucked it to full mast. He then
unceremoniously turned her over, parted her buttocks, spat
on her anus, and introduced his cock into her rectum, in one
fell swoop; making her yell in agony and then curse him out
in chaste Persian.

He just lay on top of her and used his body weight to keep
her thrashing body from getting away as he plundered her
rectum. Gradually Rehana stopped protesting and then
actually lifted herself up so that they both rose up and her
husband could ride her buttocks better.

Rogan had just come back from cleaning the Princess's shit
off his cock and the sight of his sister getting royally
sodomized aroused him instantly. He offered his hard on to
the princess who was also a very interested spectator. She
sucked on it absent mindedly while still watching the brutal

Rahim was really getting into now. He reached around his

wife and groped for her tits. He savagely mauled her breasts
as he kept up his vicious buggering tempo. Then he moved
back and off her and rested his buttocks on his knees,
unsheathing his cock in so doing. He placed his hands on her
haunches and moving back up re- sheathed his cock to the
hilt in one push. She cried out, more in shock than pain. He
did it again and again, taking his cock out completely and
then ramming it back up her rectum. She wriggled her
bottom in an effort to get away. He then forcefully pushed
her down onto the bed and held her there once again by the
sheer weight of his body. Once again he removed his cock
out all the way without moving off her body. He then parted
her buttocks by placing his hands between them to fully
penetrate her rectum again. He was nearly there – on the
verge of what was going to be a mind blowing orgasm. Now
he placed both his thumbs into her anus to keep her hole
open and rammed her even more forcefully. That was it – he
could hold in his semen no longer and jerked and swayed and
cursed her rudely even as his cock pushed out tons of fiery
liquid into her rectum.

They lay like this – husband on wife for a while. They were
both exhausted in their own way – he from the exertion of all
the physical movement, she from the physical sensation of
having her rectum stretched beyond recognition.

Then Rehana spoke in a soft voice that belied her words.

"Rahim, you bastard, you didn't have to be so brutal."

"Ah, but you love it my wife. You are a filthy bitch, a whore, a
slut; you will lie down and get fucked by any one willing to
fuck you. A big cock ramming you mercilessly sends you to

"That's why you love me, you filthy swine." And she was

"The only thing missing is pissing on you. I have not done that
for a while."

The princess, who was still sucking Rogan, asked in

amazement, "You piss on her?!" she thought she knew
everything about their sexual lives. Rehana felt her cheeks
burning. This was not something she had ever wanted the
princess, her true love to know.

"Oh yes," continued Rahim, "Very occasionally and only when

the mood takes her, she wants to be pissed on. In the years
that we have been married I must have pissed on her a half
dozen times. I mean really pissed on her. She is not satisfied
with a dribble dropped on her stomach. No, she wants a
gallon of the stuff on her tits, her cunt, her ass hole, inside
her asshole, her hair and her face. And she drinks it – holding
on to my cock she engulfs the head and gulps down the
warm stuff even as it comes out of my piss hole!"

This really excited the princess. She pulled Rogan's cock out
of her mouth and pushed him onto the bed. She crouched
over him and holding his cock introduced it into her cunt.
Then she began riding Rogan in real earnest. Not satisfied she
reached back and parted her buttocks and told Rahim to
shove his cock into her anus.

This was new for Rehana. She of course had been double
fucked on numerous occasions but had never seen the
princess take two on at the same time.

"Are you sure my love?" She asked softly.

"Oh yes," said the princess, while she waited patiently for
Rahim, "there are things about me you don't know either.
When I went back to Persia after my son was born my
cousins seduced me. I had gone back alone basically to show
my parents their grand child. It was just for a few days and
you were sick and could not come with me. Those cousins
were horny and so was I, seducing me was easy. They do
everything together. And so first one fucked me and the
other got me to suck his cock. Then they both fucked my
cunt! I never knew I could take two up my cunt at the same
time! Then one got me to ride him and the other buggered
me. And then to crown it all they got me to take them both
up my ass simultaneously. My god, come on Rahim give it to

"My love," said Rehana, "they have normal sized cocks." She
had fucked all the princess's cousins and knew which ones
she was talking about, "Rahim is huge!"

"Really, I had not noticed." said the princess sarcastically.

"Okay, okay just a moment," said Rehana, searching for the

scented oil. When she found it she lovingly poured it on to
the royal buttocks and gently lubricated the anal rim and
then the inside with first one and then two oily fingers. She
turned around and lavished a boat full on her husbands cock
and massaged it to steel hardness. She then took him by the
cock and led him to the princess's anus.

"Gently, Rahim you bastard, do it gently."

So excited was Rahim that he pierced the princess's anus

forcefully and buried his cock to the hilt in her rectum. He
just could not help it – he was in a totally brutal mood today.
Both the princess and Rehana cried out at the same time and
Rehana slapped him hard across the buttocks.

"Sorry, sorry," he said, even though he really was not

because the sensation had been incredible. Rogan's cock in
the princess's cunt had made her ass that much tighter and
penetrating it that much more of a treat!
For a moment he held still as Rogan began ramming her cunt
from below. Then the princess got into it and began rocking
on Rogan's cock.
Rahim waited to get used to the princess's rhythmic
movement. Then he began moving. Every time she came off
Rogan's prick Rahim hammered into her ass with his massive
organ. This got a guttural cry from the princess but she did
not protest and made no motion to get away from the ass
battering she was getting. Her ass felt so tight that Rahim
wanted to get her off Rogan and royally bugger the crap out
of her on his own. But this would make her ass feel loose, so
he held on to her buttocks and savored the sight of his cock
going up the royal shit chute.

For Rogan at the bottom of this threesome the sensation was

incredible. He loved fucking the princess but this was out of
this world. Her cunt felt so tight, it was unbelievable!

The princess had never felt so stuffed. Rehana was right;

Rahim's cock was way too big to be part of a simultaneous
attack on her cunt and ass. When he had first pronged her
she had almost passed out because of the pain. But gradually
she had got used to it and was now really enjoying the
sensation. She was a lusty creature!

Rogan's movement got more urgent and hectic and

incredibly he was the first to come. The princess could feel
his fiery seed shoot into her and she lowered her head and
sucked on his tongue till the last of his come dribbled out of
his cock into her vagina. She continued to suck his spit out of
his mouth till his prick shriveled and fell out of her cunt.

Rahim immediately felt the change. Gone was that super

tight feel. It was not as if the princess's ass was loose. This in
it self was surprising given the fact that she had been royally
buggered by many a cock on very many an occasion. But
there was a distinct difference.

Rehana now got into the act and pushed her brother out of
the way and maneuvered herself in such a way that her face
was below the princess's cunt and her own cunt below the
princess's mouth.

This gave the perverted Rahim an idea. He waited till Rehana

had sucked out her brother's come and was eliciting grunts of
satisfaction from the princess for her labial efforts. Rehana's
cunt in turn was being attacked by the royal mouth and
tongue. Both females were in sexual bliss as Rahim slowed
down the pace of his ass fucking.

Then he spoke, "Rehana," he said softly and endearingly,

"will you put your fist up the princess's cunt?"

"Shut up, Rahim, just get on with your buggering and get off

"Please, it was so tight and wonderful and I want to feel that

tightness again."

He took his cock out of the princess's ass and offered it to his
wife. When she ignored him he reached down and forced it
into her mouth, "Lick your love's shit off my cock you whore."
And Rehana did that with vigor.

Then the princess said, "Do it Rehana I have not been fisted
by you for a long time." She really was a horny perverted

Hearing this, Rahim removed his cock from his wife's mouth
and shoved it back into the royal ass in one brutal move.

Meanwhile Rehana gradually worked one, then two and then

three fingers in. Even more gradually the fourth finger and
the thumb went in. Rahim waited patiently moving his cock
just enough to keep it erect. The princess had been busy too.
She had got her fist into Rehana's cunt and was moving it in
and out; vigorously! Finally Rehana began pushing her fist in
ever so slowly into her true love's cunt.

"Shove it in faster, you bitch, I want to feel the whole damn

thing tearing into me," barked the princess and Rehana
instantly obeyed. This was what Rahim the rogue was waiting
for. He began hammering into her ass once again. The feeling
was again incredible. So tight, so clingy and yet so yielding.

Surprisingly it was the princess who came before Rahim

could. She screwed her ass deliriously on his giant cock even
as Rehana's fist battered her cunt. The combined sensation
was unbelievable and she climbed the rainbow of her orgasm
even as she drenched Rehana's hand with her come.

Rehana was the next to come. The princess's orgasm was the
trigger. Even as the princess came on her fist, Rehana
copiously decorated the royal fist with her orgasmic fluids.

And still incredibly Rahim kept going. He yelled at Rehana to

keep her fist firmly entrenched in the princess's cunt as he
kept her buttocks spread out with his hands to fully savor the
sight of his huge cock popping the royal ass. He would pull it
out and look at the anal ring widely parted and wait till it
closed again and then he would ram his thick cock past the
ring and savagely imbed its whole length in the rectum.

But all great and good things come to an end. And so did
perhaps the best fucking experience of Rahim's life, one that
he would salivate over in his old age. He held off for as long
as he could and then with a rush he came and flooded the
princess's ass with hot fiery bodily secretions.

And then he stayed slumped over the princess as she in turn

fell on Rehana. Rogan was coming to life and was
contemplating where to stick his erect penis next.

But back to Mahmud.

He passed through Punjab and visited a few kingdoms that he
had subjugated on his previous visits. He reminded the
puppet rulers to have his tribute waiting for him on his way
back to Afghanistan. Then he moved on.

Next he raided a few small kingdoms without meeting much

resistance. Everything seemed to be in order, nothing out of
the ordinary, just like his previous expeditions. Quite a few
women caught his eye. Some were wives of the ruling class,
some wives of rich merchants, others wives of landowners.
His lust got the better of him and he decided to stop his
expedition and launch a campaign to snare one or more of

It was at this moment that his spies caught up with him.

They all seemed to arrive almost at the same time. They

brought news of a huge army making its way towards
Mahmud and his men. In fact said the spies this army was but
a day's march away.

Mahmud was both angry and astonished. He was angry with

his spies because they had not done their job properly.
Astonished, because this was unprecedented, an army
coming out to meet him! He had always been the attacker,
never the defender. Then he was furious with his spies for
not having informed him in time. He ordered them hanged
then and there. The men begged for their lives, saying that
they were loyal subjects of the great sultan. They had been
held in captivity till very recently. The moment they had been
released they had made a beeline for him.

Mahmud was a practical man. There really was no purpose to

having these men executed apart from appeasing his anger
and frustration. He stayed their execution.

The next day the astonished Mahmud sighted the

approaching army. And what a sight it was! Rank upon
orderly rank of foot soldiers armed with swords and spears,
with a generous sprinkling of archers. Behind them
thousands of men in orderly rows on horses and behind the
cavalry stretching almost to the horizon stood at least a
thousand elephants, atop each sat men with a veritable
arsenal of weapons.

Mahmud felt something that he had felt on very few

occasions in his life. He felt fear. In Allah's name where had
such an army come from and who was its leader?

He had brought with him a few thousand foot soldiers and

ten thousand or so men on horses. It was the expert Afghani
horsemen who had always brought him swift and resounding
victory. He remembered how his men had cut through large
Hindustani armies in the past. Maybe none were as big as the
one facing him now but it was still an army made up of
spineless Hindus.

He rallied his men and then sent them out in Allah's name.
"Death to the infidels," and off went the first lot of horsemen
with swords and spears at the ready.

They bore down on the Hindus with a ferociousness known

only to true believers. They cut a swath through the foot
soldiers, scattering the first few ranks. Then the next line of
foot soldiers held its ground. Mahmud pulled his men back
and planned his next foray.

That was just the start of the battle. It became clear in a

short while that this army was not going to cave in quickly.
No matter, Mahmud had fought plenty of hard battles and he
and his men hunkered down for a long and bruising fight.
And the battle raged on in lulls and periods of great activity
as most great battles do.

At one point, Mahmud noticed that his whole army was

engaged – both infantry and cavalry, and yet the opposition
showed no sign of cutting and running. And to top it all the
elephants stood in lofty splendor behind the active battle
lines and had not been engaged at all.

That was when Mahmud perceived that the royal elephant

had moved to the front of the battle with only a few lines of
foot soldiers ahead of it. It was easy to pick up the fact that it
carried the leader for its head and trunk and sides were richly
decorated in eye catching red and gold cloth. Aha, thought
Mahmud these Hindus never learn! He remembered how
Raja Anandpal had given him a hard time and Mahmud was
on the brink of defeat when the royal elephant had gotten
spooked and had suddenly taken flight and it appeared as if
the Raja was running away. His men had caved in and
Mahmud had won a famous victory. Could history be made
to repeat itself?

Mahmud pulled in a section of elite horsemen and gave them

specific instructions. These were battle hardened warriors
that every Afghani in the field that day recognized as special.
Off they went in a measured lope seemingly seeking to
engage the enemy's flank when they suddenly wheeled
around and galloped towards the emblazoned elephant.

It looked as if they would accomplish their mission for no one

had spotted them and divined their intention. Then suddenly,
seemingly from nowhere, came a multitude of wild black
men with curly hair who threw themselves on the horsemen
with a fierce abandon. Armed with clubs, chains and some
with nothing more than their bare hands; they ripped
Mahmud's men off their horses and pulverized them.
This reckless act of violence broke Mahmud's men and
Mahmud saw a sight he never thought he would ever see. His
elite Afghani horsemen turned tail and fled, that is the ones
that were still living and still on their horses.

The ferocious Gonds (for that is who they were) had done to
Mahmud's men what massive armies had not. They had
ripped the heart out of them. Exactly as Chanakya had
The fact that his best soldiers had been broken spread
dismay and panic amongst Mahmud's men. In next to no
time his demoralized army was defeated and had
surrendered to the victorious and jubilant opposing forces.
The elephants, that had played no part in the battle, now
appeared and herded the defeated Afghans into segregated
imprisoned entities.

It was dusk by the time a dazed Mahmud found himself in

shackles, being led off with the rest of his men. That is when
it struck him that the whole thing could have been a ploy.
The bait was the seemingly vulnerable royal elephant and he
had simply sent his best men into a trap. Clever! Something
he would have been proud to have done. He had just
disdainfully dismissed Hindustanis as inferior people and this
fact had been intelligently used against him. Again he
thought, "Who is the leader of this army?"

Suddenly two very serious looking men arrived and with

authority ordered his fetters removed.

One of them spoke, with hands folded in obeisance, "Sir, we

are sorry that you were shackled, we beg your forgiveness.
Please come with us."

They led him through a maze of tents, which the opposing

army had as if magically installed in next to no time. After
negotiating their way through this maze they came to a
central space where a massive tent had been set up. The men
accompanying him spoke to the guards that stood at the
entrance. A few words and then they all stood aside to let
him enter alone.

He found himself walking on a soft carpet into a truly massive

edifice. The only indication that it was a tent was the gentle
movement of the high canopy with the breeze.

There were three people hunched over a table in the central

area. They stood up and turned as he entered. One was a
huge black man, the other was a nondescript Hindu and the
third was a woman. Not just any woman but his tall
Hindustani Apsara!

His look of recognition tinged with astonishment must have

shown on his face for she smiled and said, "Yes it is me!" That
entrancing throaty voice removed any doubt about her

But there was something different about her. She held

herself erect, her gaze was direct and unswerving and when
she moved it was with grace and poise and authority.

With a nod she dismissed the others. After they left he asked,
"You are the leader of this army?"

"Yes, but you seem surprised."

Surprised? Shocked was more like it. Never, not even in his
wildest dreams had he imagined her capable of anything
even remotely approaching this. In fact in his wildest dreams
she was capable of very imaginative copulation but nothing
beyond that. She had been a sex object pure and simple, a
prize that he had to win. She was a woman for heaven's sake
and what woman was capable of anything apart from fucking
and bearing children?

"How did all this happen?" asked the still reeling Mahmud.

"You made it happen," said she smiling at him.

"I made it happen?" thought Mahmud.

All he had made happen was a great deal of fucking.

Oh, yes that was great! He could feel his cock rising as he
remembered. This Apsara was one of the greatest fucks of his
life. He had been her mentor, her teacher; he had led her
from the lie on your back and get fucked frame of mind to a
hundred and one ways to satisfy yourself and your lover.

"You made me break with convention. That freed my mind.

You see till then I had looked upon myself as a good and
virtuous Hindu woman, capable of nothing more than looking
after her husband, her home and her children, subjugating
herself to the wishes of men. But once I became your lover I
was placed outside that conventionality. And I started
looking at things in an entirely novel way."

Subconsciously he had been struggling to explain the change

in her. By Allah, it suddenly struck him. This was not the
young widow he had seduced and then left to her fate – this
was someone with a regal bearing, this was a Maharani!

"But enough," and she clapped her hands, "you look tired
and need to be refreshed."

Servants immediately entered bearing trays. They were

directed to a curtained off section in the large tent by the
Maharani where they placed the trays and waited.

When he entered he found himself ankle deep in soft fleece

like material. There was a raised section that looked like a
soft plush bed and another smaller section that looked like a
table. On this table the servants had placed the food and
liquid refreshments. He was handed soft silk cloths steeped
in scented cool water. It felt like heaven against his sun and
weather burnt tired skin.

As the fear and tiredness left him he became conscious of

hunger. He squatted down and attacked the food with relish.
After dismissing the servants she sat across him and
indulgently watched as he tore into the food. She saw the
firm jaw line, the piercing eyes and the hawk like nose and
her mind took her back to the time she had first made love to
any man but her husband. Softness crept into her eyes at the
memory and then lust replaced the softness. Her cunt
became wet as she remembered this man's cock ravaging

When his hunger was sated he looked up and found what he

recognized as unbridled lust in her eyes. His cock
immediately responded even as he thought, "This may be my
ticket to freedom. She obviously wants to fuck and like any
woman will get all soft and clingy after that. In the Prophet's
name, that is when I will appeal to her and have her send me
back to my wife and child."

Oh, yes, Mahmud was a practical man. Live now to fight

another day.

He cleansed his messy fingers in a bowl of lime water and

dried them off on a soft cotton cloth. Then he moved beside
her. He took one of her hands in his and began softly
caressing it. Perfect, slender fingers unadorned by jewelry
and indeed what embellishment did perfection need!

He kissed her hands then moved up her arms to those

smooth rounded white shoulders that he suddenly
remembered so well. She had come straight from the
battlefield and smelt of it. Of horses, of elephants, of dust
and grime and the sweat of apprehension, excitement and
sheer heat. But somehow this smell from her body was not
off putting at all. If anything it made her more sexually
desirable. All Mahmud could think of now was fucking the
crap out of her. All the old memories came flooding back and
only served to heighten the desire to sheath his cock in her
wet and willing cunt. But Mahmud controlled himself. He was
going to go slow and deeply enjoy the whole thing.

He moved with her to the soft plush bed and lay down beside
her, his lips caressing her face – flawless skin, perfect bone
structure and those almond shaped grey green eyes. He ran
his hands down her well toned sinuous body – supple and
curvy with not even a hint of flab. He reached inside her
blouse for her breasts, and caressed nipples hard with
excitement. She got up and removed her clothes and stood
up in naked splendor. He gawked in awe at her bare body,
reminded once again that he had never seen anyone more
beautiful, his Persian princess included. She caught him
staring and posed for him, turning around so that he could
see her fully. Those awesome buttocks, not an ounce of extra
flesh, molded by the muscles underneath into perfect
rounded pillows and all he could think of was to part them
and have his way with the delicate rosebud that he knew was
hidden between them. She gestured to him to get rid of his

He got up to remove his clothes and then he could smell

himself on them. Not very nice. But it did not seem to matter
to the queen who was in turn staring at his hard body and
long and lingeringly at that stiffly erect huge prick.

He made her lie down and then parting her thighs placed his
mouth on her divine cunt, sweet and intoxicating – just as he
remembered. He parted her labial lips with his tongue and
sipped the nectar of her aroused cunt.

He lost himself in the beauty of what lay between her thighs.

Some women have ugly faces but beautiful cunts; other
otherwise attractive women have really ugly cunts – irregular
discolored labia or gaping holes with flapping fleshy lips. This
woman had both, a beautiful face and cunt. And that cunt
was getting very stimulated by his tongue. His fingers worked
on her thighs and then on her hidden clitoris, getting it to
sprout, and she was off and running on her way to an
orgasm, that when it hit flooded his face and her thighs
rhythmically squashed his head.

When her thighs finally released his head, he looked up at

her with her come wet and lingering on his beard. He moved
up her body till her tongue could lick off her own come and
he could sheath his engorged cock in her slick channel.

It was big and she could feel every inch as it went up her cunt
till pubic bone met pubic bone and pubic hair mashed up
against pubic hair. And he rode her and rammed her and
gyrated his cock inside her even as his mouth swallowed her
tongue and he sucked out her saliva. Faster and faster he
hammered into her pushing himself into her core, grunting
his way to a divine orgasm that filled her cunt with so much
fiery liquid that it leaked out onto her bush, her thighs and
the bed.
For a while they lay, man on woman, cock in cunt,
momentarily sated. But not for long. Mahmud began moving
in her cunt and in no time was hard again. He raised himself
up and gazed down at her ravaged face and that made him
clamp his mouth to hers and savagely fuck her oral orifice
with his tongue in time with his cock attacking her cunt.
She gently but firmly pushed him off her. She was going to
ride him, she was going to fuck him, and she was going to go
at it at her own pace to pleasure herself. He lay down on that
soft bed as she rose up and placing her bent legs on either
side of him took hold of his hard prick and softly and slowly
embedded it in her.

She rode on his thick cock. Lifting herself off her haunches till
only the tip remained in her cunt and then descending wildly
to embed the whole fat pole. She lowered her breasts and
placed a nipple in his mouth to suck on while she swiveled on
his penis. Gradually she built up the tempo and the level of
stimulation till Mahmud found himself meeting her thrusts
with vigorous upward thrusts of his own while moving from
nipple to nipple with his mouth. He held her perfect buttocks
as she rode him and began inching his fingers towards her

Suddenly he was aware of another presence in the tent. He

looked up and saw behind the Maharani the gigantic black
man he had seen earlier. But now he was naked as on the
day he was born, with a mightily erect penis of unimaginable
proportions. Mahmud thought he had a big cock but this
guy's cock was way out of his league.

It was Goray Lal. The queen had asked him to return to the
royal tent in a little while. The battle had left her horny and
she wanted her faithful servant to give her a thorough
fucking. He had returned and on entering the tent had
witnessed the joyful ongoing coitus. The sight of his queen at
any time got Goray Lal's juices going but the sight of her
naked pink buttocks going up and down on Mahmud was too
much. He had taken his clothes off and was ready to join

She looked back and saw him and remembered what she had
requested earlier. She was not at all embarrassed at being
caught en flagrante and continued riding Mahmud. She was
just curious as to what Goray Lal had in mind.

That question was answered very quickly. Goray Lal spat on

his cock and spread the warm liquid on it, massaging its
entire length. He parted her buttocks and spat on her pink
crinkly anus and introduced first one and then two fingers
into her ass hole. He spat copiously on his fingers as he
worked them in and out of her anus. He spat some more on
his cock and then placed it at her nether opening. She was so
filled with Mahmud's thick member that it was virtually
impossible to enter her ass hole. Goray Lal grasped her waist
with a huge hand and pushed his penis with the other.
Suddenly, the head passed the anal ring and the queen
involuntarily groaned with the sudden pain. "Keep still, my
queen," rumbled Goray Lal, "and let this humble servant
sheath his entire organ in your ass."

Slowly and inexorably he kept up the pressure and his penis

began disappearing into her anus. The queen had stopped
riding Mahmud and he saw her go very pale, look sickly and
break out in a cold sweat. But she made no move to escape
or ask Goray Lal to stop. She stayed slumped over and still as
he worked his penis further and further in till at last it was
sheathed completely. With an approving grunt Goray Lal
withdrew his cock to its tip and rammed it back in, quickly
building up to a fast tempo.

Mahmud had lost his erection because of the shock of what

had just happened and the fact that never in his entire
fucking career had he shared a woman with another man.
Lost his erection but not completely and his cock had stayed
in the queen's cunt. Curiously, the buggering of the queen
that he was witnessing in such close proximity actually
stimulated him. He found his cock growing hard. Then, he
found the queen riding him again; she had obviously
recovered from her near death experience. Every time Goray
Lal withdrew from her rectum she lowered her cunt on
Mahmud's cock and then moved back up to meet Goray's
next thrust. Mahmud found himself thrusting upwards to
meet her descent on his cock. Quickly the trio built up a see
saw rhythm. Incredibly, Mahmud was the first to come and
with a hoarse cry he blasted Parvati's cunt with his hot come.
He was done, for now at least.

Goray Lal continued to pound the queen's ass. He lifted her

off Mahmud and stood up. Then holding her by her thighs he
began moving her on his cock which was still embedded in
her shit hole. She reached back and wrapped her arms
around his neck as he held her off the ground and moved her
buttocks on him. Mahmud could see the giant's cock almost
come unsheathed only to have Goray violently hold her
thighs and ram her ass on to his cock. The queen was bathed
in sweat and was moaning meaninglessly as Goray moved
her like a doll on and off his cock.

Then he lowered her to the ground without removing his

cock from her ass hole. He placed her on all four limbs and
began ramming her from behind. He placed his huge hands
on her cunt and while the fingers of one played on her clitoris
the fingers of the other vigorously massaged her cunt walls.
Finally, he reached boiling point and with a loud shout came
in her ass.

For a long time they stayed like that. The queen on her hands
and knees, gasping for breath, her servant behind and above
her watching his cock gradually diminish in size and her
stretched anus slowly contract down. Finally with a plop it fell
out of her bung hole which briefly winked and then closed

Mahmud was shocked at what happened next. Parvati turned

around and engulfed Goray's cock with her mouth, getting
about half of it in. Then she began licking the pole that had
just been up her shit chute. Licking it with passion! Lovingly
she worked her tongue from tip to base and back again till it
glistened in the light from the lamp in the tent. This gorgeous
creature, this epitome of female beauty, this Apsara, was a
slut of the first order! Instead of being disgusted he found
the spectacle very stimulating. For even while performing
this depraved act the Maharani still appeared so beautiful
and so much in control!

And then she worked on Goray's huge scrotum even

swallowing his gargantuan testicles! And just when he
thought he had seen everything she shocked him even more.

She made the giant lie down on the soft bed. She climbed on
top of him and placed her ass on his face. He meekly began
licking her buttocks and then exposing her anus he began
fucking it in real earnest with his tongue. She turned around
so that now she was facing his feet, not for an instant letting
his tongue move from her anus. She then dribbled drops of
piss on to his hairy chest. He reached around and rubbed the
piss like a liniment on his chest. She turned around again and
now her cunt was on his face and his tongue off her anus.
She began pissing in real earnest right into his open mouth,
and the colossus just drank the whole smelly stuff as if it was
the nectar of the gods, and in all this, never for a moment did
the queen appear to be anything but absolutely enchanting,
and she did not stop till she was done. There was a look of
absolute devotion on Goray Lal's face even as he cleaned her
bush of the remnants of her urine with his tongue.

My god thought Mahmud this woman is really out of this

world. The black giant with the humongous cock who had
just brutally buggered her ass certainly thought so. In fact it
appeared to Mahmud that he was actually in complete awe
of her. To him she was a goddess and he was worshipping
her. This woman who was a slut - was divine! A slut goddess!

As Mahmud watched, Goray Lal licked Parvati's urine

completely off her genitals and thighs and buttocks. She then
turned around and began working on his cock with her
mouth, getting it nice and hard. She wanted to get fucked
again! By Allah this woman was too much.

Goray Lal in the meantime worshipped the queen's cunt and

anus, stimulating her even more if it was possible, even as he
lathered her with saliva.

She turned around once again and lowered herself on his

cock. She had done this so many times that it was almost a
ritual – the gradual impalement till the whole damn thing
was sheathed. Then she rode him, her pace increasing with
her lust. He reached around and entered her ass with his
fingers, and gradually worked four huge fingers in and he
began thrusting them into her rectum in tandem with her up
and down movement.
Goray Lal gestured to Mahmud to get in on the action and
get his cock up the queen's exposed anus. The sight of that
bottom riding the giant's prick had actually got him hard
again. Likewise he spat on his cock and zeroing in hammered
his cock up her ass in one savage thrust. She let out an
involuntary cry at being so brutally sodomized which was
quickly smothered by Goray Lal clamping his mouth on hers.

For Mahmud this was heaven. He was an ass man. And this
Hindustani Apsara definitely had an ass to die for. With that
huge cock in her cunt her ass felt as tight as that of a woman
who had never been sodomized. He savored this heavenly
moment fully and kept his cock still and completely
embedded. Indeed it was difficult to move his cock. Difficult
but not impossible and when he began moving it the
sensation was incredible. This was positively the tightest
channel his prick had ever been in.

Goray lay still as did the queen. She was still recovering from
Mahmud's forceful entry. But Mahmud was off and running,
buggering her as hard and fast as he could. He even lifted her
off Goray Lal but not enough to have the huge penis leave
her cunt, just enough so that he could wrap his hands around
her hips to brace her and keep her still as he assaulted her
rectum. No wonder then that in a short while he was spewing
his come into her ass. It was a spent but very satisfied
Mahmud who removed his limp dick out of the queen's ass.
This undoubtedly had been physically the most enjoyable ass
fuck of his life.
Goray Lal now began moving. He lifted up the queen whose
back was now unfettered of Mahmud's weight. He picked her
up and dropped her on his gargantuan cock.
But she who had just had her ass ravaged had enough of this
lack of control. She told Goray Lal to stop tossing her up and

Instead she rode him at a pace and rhythm that would slowly
take her to fulfillment. Goray Lal lay still and let her work her
magic with her cunt as he tweaked her breasts and then later
as his passion built up sucked viciously on one and then the
other engorged and erect nipple.

The tempo of her up and down thrusts increased with her

rising passion and this was heightened by Goray Lal when in a
well practiced maneuver, one that had proven results, he
began strumming on her clitoris with his fingers. That did it;
she came furiously, bathing his cock with her come even as
her mouth sucked out every little dribble of saliva he had in

They lay like that. Maharani cradled in her servant's massive

arms, her body on his, softly sucking on each other's mouth,
till her passion was spent.

But the giant's cock had not spewed its venom. The Maharani
had come but not her serf. So he lifted her off his prick and
off his body. He turned her onto her haunches and moved
behind her. His intentions were clear and she submissively
subjugated herself to them. He spat on his cock and her anus.
That was all the lubrication he needed for what he was about
to do and what afforded him more pleasure than anything
else in his life. His prick head found her ass hole and in one
fell swoop penetrated it. He pushed in till every inch of the
whole enormous thing was embedded and she felt once
again that horrible but pleasurable feeling of being stuffed.
No matter how many times he buggered her that feeling
never went away.

And he rode her, holding on to her hips as he sodomized her.

She passively sweated beneath him waiting for him to reach
his climax. Being buggered and enjoying it immensely.

And he reached his climax even though as ever he wanted it

to last for ever. He gripped her hips and with purpose pushed
his prick into the darkest recesses of her rectum as it spewed
its sizzling contents into her ravished and well fucked insides.

And they lay like that, vassal draped on Maharani till she
pushed him off her.

He got up and she ordered him to dress and get out of there.
This he did.

Only Parvati and Mahmud were left in that huge tent. Was
this a good time for Mahmud to appeal to her soft and
submissive side? He had envisaged a moment were she
would be so filled with his come and so beguiled with his
fucking prowess that she would be like soft putty in his
hands. Was this the time? Would there ever be a proper
time? The intrusion of Goray Lal had thrown all his
calculations askew.

Go for it, he thought.

"Your majesty," said Mahmud, starting what he thought

would be a dialogue leading to his release, "what will become
of this humble teacher of yours?" He was referring of course
to the fact that he had been her first real lover, as opposed to
her husband who had merely been the first one to fuck her.
He had been the one who had taught her to fuck properly
and with passion, and the one who by her own admission
had sent her up the path to becoming a Maharani.

She looked at him tenderly and said," I am a woman and

when I made love to you, I did so with my mind and body.
And even though you abandoned me I still have a soft corner
for you."

Aha, thought the wily Mahmud my opening has come quicker

than I thought, "So will your imperial highness then free me
and let me get home to my wife and son?"

She drew in a long breath and said, "Unfortunately that will

not be possible."
"I am also a ruler and I now want peace and prosperity for
my people. I have to make an example of you so that no one
ever dares to attack my land and its people. You will have to
be executed, but like a king - your head will be crushed by an

And so it was done at dawn the next day. Mahmud was then
buried as a Muslim but in an unmarked grave.

It was late evening a few days later that a weary Maharani

Parvati returned to her palace. She was greeted by a girl who
came bounding up yelling," Ma! Ma! You are back!"

A rejuvenated Parvati got off her horse and scooped up her

daughter and hugged her till her arms began to ache. Already
this ten year old was physically a match for boys her age. She
was a natural with the sword and the bow and her mental
agility astonished her teachers – even Chanakya.

"Yes," thought Parvati, "she will make a great Maharani one


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