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Statistics Symbols in Alphabetical Order

Statistics Basics > Statistics Symbols in Alphabetical Order

Probability and Statistics Symbols

I’ve put these statistics symbols into quasi-alphabetical order, so that they are easy to find. When I say
quasi-alphabetical, I mean that I have ordered them according to what they look like. For example, the
Greek letter Beta (β) looks like the letter b, so you’ll find it in the b section. Same for the letter mu(μ),
which looks like the letter u.cIf a statistics symbol doesn’t look like a letter, for example the “Greater
than” symbol, >, you’ll find it at the very bottom under “miscellaneous.” Most items are clickable, taking
you to an article that explains the statistics symbols in more depth.

Statistics Symbols A to Z

statistics symbols

α: significance level (type I error).

b or b0: y intercept.

b1: slope of a line (used in regression).

β: probability of a Type II error.

1-β: statistical power.

BD or BPD: binomial distribution.

CI: confidence interval.

CLT: Central Limit Theorem.

d: difference between paired data.

df: degrees of freedom.

DPD: discrete probability distribution.

E = margin of error.

f = frequency (i.e. how often something happens).

f/n = relative frequency.

HT = hypothesis test.

Ho = null hypothesis.

H1 or Ha: alternative hypothesis.

IQR = interquartile range.

m = slope of a line.

M: median.

n: sample size or number of trials in a binomial experiment.

N: population size.

ND: normal distribution.

σ: standard deviation.

σxx: standard error of the mean.

σpp : standard error of the proportion.

p: p-value, or probability of success in a binomial experiment, or population proportion.

ρ: correlation coefficient for a population.

pp : sample proportion.

P(A): probability of event A.

P(AC) or P(not A): the probability that A doesn’t happen.

P(B|A): the probability that event B occurs, given that event A occurs.

Pk: kth percentile. For example, P90 = 90th percentile.

q: probability of failure in a binomial or geometric distribution.

Q1: first quartile.

Q3: third quartile.

r: correlation coefficient of a sample.

R2: coefficient of determination.

s: standard deviation of a sample.

s.d or SD: standard deviation.

SEM: standard error of the mean.

SEP: standard error of the proportion.

t: t-score.

μ mean.

ν: degrees of freedom.

X: a variable.

Χ2: chi-square.

x: one data value.

xx: mean of a sample.

z: z-score.

Miscellaneous Statistics Symbols

~ has the distribution of (source).

= equal to.

≈ almost equal to.

> greater than.

< less than.

≠ not equal to.

≤ less than or equal to.

≥ greater than or equal to.

Σ Summation.


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Statistical concepts explained visually - Includes many concepts such as sample size, hypothesis tests, or
logistic regression, explained by Stephanie Glen, founder of StatisticsHowTo.

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By Stephanie | May 4, 2015 | Statistics How To |

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