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Walking down the streets of this secluded place. I watched as the glow from the street
lights illuminated this seemingly exhausted plants. Dehydrated from a long day that passed.
Examining this woman as she walks like she’s not on her right mind. I quickly scanned the
surroundings and found my chance. I walked closer to her, almost bumping her back. I grabbed
her clutch hoping for it to be rich of things that would benefit me and my famished spawn. “Hey!
What do you think you’re doing? Give it back!” she shouted as she tried to chase me, but that’s
impossible because I’m telling you, if I am the one you are after, you’ll surely lose your chance.
For years of doing this, I can already call myself an expert.

Yes, I am a thief and not just that, I am also a murderer. I have killed a lot people in
exchange of money, I rob money, jewelry and all other valuable things in order to survive. Yes,
call me a criminal, and evil mastermind who escaped hell to make other people’s lives miserable.
That’s me, a hopeless case for anyone to solve. But even though how much I try to surrender this
battle in life, whenever I look into those pair of eyes, I always find myself fighting back, for I know
that if I leave my daughter behind I’d also lose my life. She’s the only one I have, that no matter
how much pain her existence has brought to me, still she’s the lamp that brought light to this dark
life of mine.

Beads of sweat dropped from my face to my already soaking shirt as I reached our little
house. “Knock! Knock!” I tried so hard to make my voice as playful as possible as I knock on our
door. (silence). There was no response. “Knock! Knock!” I tried again for the nth time but still there
is no response. My heart pounded so loud as I thought of possibilities. I nervously reached for my
pocket, hoping that I have a key with me and fortunately there was. I immediately opened the
door and was relieved when I saw my daughter sleeping on our worn out couch. I slowly walked
towards her and kissed her chubby cheeks, causing her to wake up. “Mama, you’re home!” she
said as she jumped to me for a hug. “Yes baby, sorry for waking you up”. I responded. “No it’s
okay, I was actually waiting for you but I dozed off”. I sighed and told her “Oh, you must be tired
now?” “No mama, I was actually worried because you were out for so long. Where have you been
Mama?” she asked and was catching her breath after uttering those words. “Don’t worry now,
I’m home already. Calm down okay?” then she only nodded in response still catching her breath.
I looked away, because I couldn’t bear to see my little girl struggling for air. I know it’s my fault
that she’s like that....

I grew up in the arms of my relatives, specifically my aunt and uncle because my parents
died when I was young. I was left in the care of my relatives. But was it really care? I don’t think
so. Waking up every morning because of the voices of people fighting. No matter how much I
tried to cover up my ears, the voices still manage to penetrate my ears. My aunt’s place is not the
most comfortable place to live in. Pieces of woods and sacks of recycled materials to build this
place they called home. But I didn’t feel at home. Smoke from my uncle’s cigarette fills the air as
I walk through the place. My aunt would always shout at me, humiliating me in front of our
neighbors while they’re playing cards. She would always boss me around and tell me to get things
done she would also hurt me physically, slap me, punch me and even put me in a sack just
because I couldn’t finish the task she wanted me to do.

While she’s enjoying in tormenting me. Being not with my parents was already bad, but
this kind of treatment from my relatives made it worse. And I thought it was just that, until one
night came, the night I considered as the worst part of my life. As I was getting ready to sleep,
calloused hands reached for my leg. Shocked, I wasn’t able to utter any word then I looked at that
person and recognized him, he’s that old and filthy man from the neighborhood. When I was about
to shout, he instantly covered my mouth, then he flashed the most disgusting grin I have ever
seen in my life yellow teeth, breath that smells like rotten flesh. Before my vision turned black I
could feel the pain in the things he’s doing to my body I couldn’t fight back I lost all my strength
and energy during the struggle. As he toyed with my body pleasuring his dirty little fantasy I was
left unconscious.

Days after that incident, I decided to leave that place. I was miserable and to make things
worse, I discovered that I was pregnant. I attempted so many times to abort the baby I don’t even
know a thing or two about raising a child I also don’t even have a job to start with but I guess the
baby was really for me. As I heard her first cry, it felt like my world shifted from night to day. I
found new hope. I took care of her, until one day after several minutes of crying, she suddenly
stopped breathing. I was terrified and brought her immediately to the hospital. “She has a heart
problem” the doctor informed me as it dawned to me those attempts of abortion I made, I know
then it was my fault. Several attacks and I’ve got no money to fund her medication and that time,
no one accepted me even in the lowest position possible that I applied for. My daughter’s condition
got worse when suddenly a big amount of money was offered. Tempted, I got the offer even if it
meant taking another person’s life. But who can blame me? I’m just a mother desperate to save
her daughter. And that was the start of all these evil doings I’ve done. It was even supported by
all the bad things I’ve been through growing up...

I tucked my daughter to bed. Upon making sure that she’s already asleep, I checked the
recent clutch that I got. Dismayed and frustrated I threw it out, it was full paper I couldn’t
understand. I am in the verge of tearing up when I heard an almost silent knock. I slowly opened
the door and saw my past client. He handed me a picture and envelope which I knew was cash,
then I nodded. Little did I know that my next target came from a family known for doing evil. After
doing my mission I headed to the pharmacy to buy my daughter’s medicines.

As I was walking back home, I saw an old woman struggling to sell her almost rotten
products. Then it struck me, while I was busy doing things for easy money, there are also people
who are in need of money but getting it the hard way but in a legal one. That was when I decided
that this mission will be the last. From now on, I will work fair and hard to supply and provide for
me and my daughter. With that in mind I hurriedly continued walking, determined to change from
that moment on. Thinking about how am I supposed to tell my daughter about my job when she
will be old enough. How am I supposed to tell her that her mother is a criminal? I could not even
imagine the hatred that would grow in her heart towards me when that day comes. I realized that
if this job of mine will continue, I will not any be different from the people I grew up with.

I was about to open the door when I heard a gunshot. I turned around and saw how the
shadow vanished in the dark and felt something down my stomach. I was shot and I knew I
couldn’t survive this one. Just when I was about to lose consciousness all the terrible crimes I
have committed flashed right before my eyes, from the girl that I robbed to the man that I have
murdered in cold blood knowing that the person may have a family to feed and all the other
multiple crimes I have committed. I know I did not live a perfect life but I know that I did this for
the sake of my daughter Hope. I Know I may have been a terrible person but I know I’m not a
terrible mother. I know that if you were in my shoes you would feel the same. A mother’s love
cannot be broken same as a mother’s sacrifices cannot be questioned. Since a mother cannot
bear to see her child suffer and die. As I lay on the ground, I thought to myself who would take
care of Hope now? As I drew my last breath I called out to my daughter Hope. “HOPE, HOPE!!!”
“I know I’ve done terrible things in life but I only did it because I love you, you’re the angel that
brought light in my dark world, you made me smile in times of hardships in life. The only thing I
want you to remember is that I love you so much, I hope you won’t follow my footsteps, I hope
you would grow up to be a strong independent woman, I love you Hope” as I utter those final
words. Today, I, Emily Prime, upon realizing my mistakes in life, I tried to change all of it from this
moment on but fate suddenly twisted unexpectedly. I knew this is the end, just when I was about
to start a new life it didn’t turn out the way I have imagined it to be. It took a different path, I know
this is all my fault all my doings, I cannot change this anymore, I was about to start, but it ended
like a flash.

Group 5
M. Cabojoc
E. De Los Santos
G. Kinanahan
J. Arreza
K. Balbutin
K. Villanueva
R. Pastor

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