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Notes:1. The special surcharge for non‐reserved seats on “NOZOMI” is a special rate, equivalent to
rates for non‐reserved seats on HIKARI and KODAMA trains.
2. When you want to change your seat on “NOZOMI” from non‐reserved to reserved, you
must pay the difference for the reserved‐seat super‐express surcharge (minus ¥ 200 at off‐
peak season, and plus ¥ 200 at peak season).
3. When riding “MIZUHO” between Shin‐Osaka and Hakata, the basic fare and the super‐
express surcharge are the same as those for the “NOZOMI” (they are also the same if
you transfer between the “MIZUHO” and “NOZOMI” ).
4. A ¥ 200 discount during the off‐peak season and a ¥ 200 surcharge during the peak
season are applicable.
5. When a Green Car is used, an additional surcharge is applicable.
6. Fares for children aged from 6 to 11 years are half of the adult fare; Green Car charges are
the same for children as for adults. Children aged 5 years or younger may travel with an
adult without charge if they do not use a separate seat.
7. Japan Rail Pass is not valid for “Nozomi” and “Mizuho” trains(including non‐reserved
seats). To travel on Tokaido & Sanyo Shinkansen lines, Japan Rail Pass holders have to
take “Hikari” trains, “Kodama” trains or “Sakura” trains(see the next page).

170 500 6,260 8,210 8,750 9,290 9,830 10,480 10,800 11,660 12,310 12,640 13,180 13,820 Tokyo
2,460 2,460 4,830 5,700 5,700 5,810 6,330 6,860 6,860 7,420 8,050 8,600 9,130 9,130
     東 京
860 860 4,100 4,870 4,870 4,870 5,290 5,820 5,820 6,380 6,910 7,460 7,990 7,990
410 6,260 8,210 8,750 9,290 9,830 10,480 10,800 11,660 12,310 12,640 13,180 13,820 Shinagawa
2,460 4,830 5,700 5,700 5,810 6,330 6,860 6,860 7,420 8,050 8,600 9,130 9,130
     品 川
860 4,100 4,870 4,870 4,870 5,290 5,820 5,820 6,380 6,910 7,460 7,990 7,990
5,620 7,880 8,420 8,960 9,610 10,150 10,800 11,340 11,990 12,640 13,180 13,500 Shin-Yokohama
4,830 5,370 5,700 5,810 6,330 6,860 6,860 7,420 8,050 8,050 8,600 9,130
4,100 4,540 4,870 4,870 5,290 5,820 5,820 6,380 6,910 6,910 7,460 7,990
2,590 3,350 4,000 4,750 6,260 7,020 8,420 9,610 9,830 10,480 11,120 Nagoya
3,210 3,210 4,180 4,280 5,030 5,480 5,810 6,330 6,330 6,860 7,420
2,480 2,480 3,340 3,340 4,090 4,540 4,870 5,290 5,290 5,820 6,380
560 1,080 2,270 3,670 4,750 6,480 7,560 8,210 9,290 9,830 Kyoto
2,460 2,570 3,320 4,180 4,180 4,930 5,480 5,810 5,810 6,230
     京 都
860 1,730 2,480 3,340 3,340 4,090 4,540 4,870 4,870 5,290
640 1,490 3,020 4,000 5,620 7,020 7,560 8,750 9,610 Shin-Osaka
2,460 2,460 3,210 4,070 4,820 5,370 5,370 5,700 5,700
860 1,730 2,480 3,340 4,090 4,540 4,540 4,870 4,870
970 2,590 3,670 5,400 6,480 7,340 8,420 9,290 Shin-Kobe
2,460 3,210 4,070 4,820 4,820 5,370 5,700 5,700
1,730 2,480 3,340 4,090 4,090 4,540 4,870 4,870
1,490 2,590 4,430 5,940 6,480 7,560 8,420 Himeji
2,460 3,210 4,070 4,820 4,820 5,370 5,700
     姫 路
1,730 2,480 3,340 4,090 4,090 4,540 4,870
2,270 390 920 1,580 4,430 9,290 9,610 9,610 Nishi-Akashi 970 3,020 4,430 5,080 6,260 7,340 Okayama
3,210 2,460 2,460 2,570 4,280 5,910 6,330 6,330 2,460 3,210 4,070 4,070 4,820 5,370
西明石      岡 山
2,480 860 1,730 1,730 3,340 4,870 5,290 5,290 1,730 2,480 3,340 3,340 4,090 4,540
※Fares and fees are for the “Nozomi” to/from Nishi-Akashi. 1,940 3,350 4,430 5,620 6,480 Fukuyama
3,210 3,210 4,070 4,820 4,820
     福 山
2,480 2,480 3,340 4,090 4,090
1,660 2,270 3,670 5,080 Hiroshima
2,460 3,210 4,070 4,070
     広 島
1,730 2,480 3,340 3,340
760 2,270 3,350 Tokuyama
2,460 3,210 3,210
     徳 山
860 2,480 2,480
1,490 2,590 Shin-Yamaguchi
2,460 3,210
1,730 2,480
1,140 Kokura
     小 倉

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