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the big arms

Sculpt your biceps and triceps with this
challenging total-body workout
By Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S. • Photograph by Scott McDermott
the Big arms workout

Pack on
Do workout A once a week and workout B once a week, resting Want to see more of
This arm-expanding workout overloads your biceps and triceps for guaranteed growth. The program is only 2 days the Big Arms Workout?
a week, because the exercises challenge all the muscles in your body; you’ll need the rest of the week to directions at least 2 days between sessions. Alternate between sets of Visit MensHealth.
exercises of the same number (do 1 set of 2A followed by a set com/bigarms to watch

Muscle Fast
recover and grow. On the first day, you’ll focus on all the common weaknesses that limit your ability to add size to of 2B, for example) until you complete all the sets in that pairing. a complete video dem-
your arms. Day 2’s aggressive approach directly targets your biceps and triceps so you can pack on more muscle. Use the specified number of repetitions, sets, and rest periods included with each onstration of all the
exercises in this sleeve-
Try this program and you’ll no longer need to make excuses for your upper body. exercise description. stretching routine.


Snatch grip deadlift on box
A YTWL dumbbell raise series B Offset
A Inverted row B T-pushup
A Prone cobra B Farmer’s walk
Squat on a 6-inch box or step and Perform this sequence of shoulder raises on an incline bench. Do 8 reps of the Y raise, rest 30 seconds, then 8 reps dumbbell lunge Hang from a low Assume a pushup position and grip a Lie facedown, your arms at your Grab a pair of heavy
grab a barbell using an overhand grip of the T raise, rest again, and so on until you’ve completed the series; that’s 1 set. Do 3 sets total. Hold a dumbbell in bar with your body pair of hex dumbbells. Lower your body sides [A], and then lift your head, dumbbells and walk
that’s about twice shoulder width Y Start with your arms T Let your arms hang W Bend your elbows L Let your arms hang straight your right hand next straight from head to the floor [A]. As you push back up, chest, arms, and legs [B]. Only your for 30 to 75 seconds.
[A]. Without rounding your lower hanging straight down with your palms fac- 90 degrees [A]. With- down, palms facing behind you [A]. to your right shoul- to ankles and your rotate your body to the right and raise a hips should touch the floor. Hold the Make it harder by
back, pull your torso up and back, [A]. Raise them to ing forward [A]. Raise out changing the Row the weights to the sides of your der. Lunge forward heels on the floor. dumbbell straight above your shoulder position for 3 minutes total, resting grasping each
thrust your hips forward, and stand shoulder height at a your arms straight out bend in your elbows, chest [B]. Then rotate your forearms with your right leg Pull your body up [B]. Each rep, alternate your rotation as needed when you feel fatigued. dumbbell by its end.
[B]. Do 3 or 4 sets of 6 reps each, 30-degree angle, the to the sides until raise your upper arms up and back as far as you can [C]. and return to the until your chest direction. Do 3 sets of 8 reps per side, Once you feel you
resting 2 minutes between sets. thumb sides of your they’re at shoulder until your palms face starting position. touches the bar. resting 1 minute after each set. can go longer than
hands facing up [B]. level [B]. the floor [B]. Do 8 reps on each Do 3 sets of 8 reps, 75 seconds, switch
side. Rest 1 minute; resting 30 seconds to heavier weights.
do 3 sets total. after each set. A

grooming: Scott McMahan/WT Artist Management/Redken; grooming (front of poster): Mia Sarazen


A Close-grip chinup B Dip
A Seated rack lockout B Barbell row
A Decline dumbbell triceps extension B Dumbbell curl series (incline/seated/decline)
Hang from a bar using an underhand grip, but keep your Grasp the bars of a dip station and lift Sit in a power rack and set a bar on the safety pins Grab a barbell just Lie faceup on a decline bench and hold dumb- This is a three-exercise sequence of curls, all performed with your palms
hands 6 to 8 inches apart [A]. Perform a chinup [B]. Do 1 set yourself so your arms are straight. at ear level. Press the bar above your head, and then beyond shoulder bells over your head with your arms straight facing forward. Do 4 to 6 reps each of the curl while lying faceup on an in-
each of 8 reps, 6 reps, and 4 reps, and then a last set of as Lower your body until your upper arms lower back to the pins, keeping the tension on your width and hold it at [A]. Lower the dumbbells until your forearms cline bench [A], while seated on a flat bench [B], and while lying facedown on
many as you can. Rest 2 minutes after each set. dip just below your elbows. Do 1 set muscles in the bottom position. Do 3 sets of 8 reps, arm’s length. Then are beyond parallel to the floor [B]. Do 2 sets of an incline bench [C]. That’s 1 set; do 2. Rest 30 seconds after each set.
each of 8 reps, 6 reps, and 4 reps, and resting 1 minute after each set. bend at your hips 6 to 8 reps, and then 1 set of 15 reps. Rest 30
1 last set of as many as you can. Rest 2 and knees. Pull the seconds after each set.
minutes after each set. bar to your upper
abs. Do 3 sets of 8
reps, resting 1 min-
ute after each set. A


Photographs by

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