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Mechanical ventilation in trauma

Peter J. Papadakosa, Marcin Karczb and Burkhard Lachmannc

Department of Anesthesiology, Surgery and Purpose of review
Neurosurgery, bDepartment of Anesthesiology,
University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
The purpose of this review is to evaluate new concepts in mechanical ventilation in
and cDepartment of Anesthesiology and Operative trauma. We begin with the keystone of physiology prior to embarking on a discussion of
Intensive Care, Charite Universitats Median Berlin,
Campus Verchow Klinikum Humbolt University, Berlin,
several new modes of mechanical ventilation. We will discuss the use of noninvasive
Germany ventilation as a mode to prevent intubation and then go on to airway pressure release
Correspondence to Peter J. Papadakos, MD, FCCM, ventilation, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, and computer-based, closed loop
Director, Critical Care Medicine, Department of ventilation.
Anesthesiology, Surgery and Neurosurgery, University
of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14642, USA Recent findings
E-mail: The importance of preventing further injury in mechanical ventilation lies at the heart of
Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 2010,
the introduction of several new strategies of mechanical ventilation. New modes of
23:228–232 ventilation have been developed to provide lung recruitment and alveolar stabilization at
the lowest possible pressure.
The old modes of continuous positive airway pressure and bilevel positive airway
pressure have been actively introduced in clinical practice in the case of trauma patients.
Used with proper pain management protocols, there has been a decrease in the
incidence of intubation in blunt thoracic trauma. Airway pressure release ventilation has
been gaining a role in the management of thoracic injury and may lead to less incidence
of physiologic trauma to mechanically ventilated patients. High-frequency oscillatory
ventilation has been shown to be effective in patient care by its ability to open and recruit
the lung in trauma patients and in those with acute respiratory distress syndrome but it
may not have a role in patients with inhalational injury. Closed loop ventilation is a
technology that may better control major pulmonary parameters and lead to more rapid
titration from the ventilator to spontaneous breathing.

airway pressure release ventilation, atelectasis, closed loop ventilation, high-frequency
oscillatory ventilation, mechanical ventilation, pulmonary trauma

Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 23:228–232

ß 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

sors are the iatrogenic effects of intubation and the effects

Introduction of mechanical ventilation, which include barotrauma and
Owing to the evolution of emergency medical services biotrauma and the syndrome of ventilator-associated
(EMS) throughout the world, a growing number of pneumonia. An important thrust has been in research
patients present to both the operating room and the on how mechanical ventilation modulates a number of
ICU after sustaining massive chest trauma. The majority physiologic responses.
of these patients are young and thus in their most
productive years [1]. Pulmonary dysfunction is now The purpose of this work is to review and highlight
being recognized as a major contributor to the loss of some of the new contributions in mechanical ventilation
productivity [2]. such as lung recruitment, closed loop management,
and physiologic principles of ventilator-associated injury
Pulmonary dysfunction in trauma patients is multifactor- in trauma patients. Clinicians can greatly improve their
ial and may be the result of direct contusion of the lung care of patients as they develop an understanding of
tissue, lung injury by fractured ribs, loss of chest wall how the presenting injury and the basic support provided
function, fat embolism to the lung from long bone frac- by mechanical ventilation interact and can affect out-
tures, aspiration of blood or gastric contents and the come. New technology, such as computer controlled
consequences of the activation of the systemic inflam- closed loop technology, is being introduced in the care
matory response syndrome (SIRS) of shock, reperfusion, of these patients. The syndrome of posttraumatic venti-
and transfusion therapy [3,4]. In addition to these stres- lator-associated pneumonia in these patients and the
0952-7907 ß 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/ACO.0b013e328336ea6e

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Mechanical ventilation in trauma Papadakos et al. 229

development of such new syndromes as postventilation outweigh potential risks. PEEPs in the range of 14–
emphysema in severe lung trauma affect long-term care 16 cmH2O may be useful in patients with severe lung
in these patients. injury. This supports observations made in our trauma
population [20] and other groups [21], which showed
positive effects with stepwise titration of PEEP to higher
Physiology in mechanical ventilation levels.
Injury due to mechanical ventilation has been historically
attributed to excess pressure, barotraumas [5,6] or volu- The use of recruitment and PEEP may have a special role
trauma [7], applied to the lung patenchyma. Over the last in brain-injured multitrauma patients who develop
few years, it has become clear that mechanical ventilation neurologic pulmonary edema [22,23]. The use of PEEP
creates shear stresses at the interface between open and in these patients to produce recruitment may have few
closed lung regions, that is, atelectrauma [8,9,10] via adverse effects on intracranial pressure (ICP) in the
cyclic opening and closing, and activation of a cellular majority of patients but may have adverse effects in other
inflammatory response, that is, biotrauma [11]. patients without severe injury. This PEEP effect must be
considered along with oxygenation and hemodynamics
Pulmonary injury will greatly affect the force-bearing [24]. High-frequency ventilation may have a special role
structure, which is a skeleton composed of a fibrous in this select patient population [25].
network made up of elastin and collagen that are
embedded in the extracellular matrix. There are two Another important new development in mechanical
fiber systems that connect at the alveolar level, one ventilation is how even short periods of routine mech-
originating from the hilum and the other from the visceral anical ventilation can affect the physical structure of the
pleura in the periphery [12]. Pulmonary contusion with diaphragm [26]. In this investigation, 18–69 h of com-
interalveolar hemorrhage will affect this fiber system and plete diaphragmatic inactivity and mechanical venti-
may cause rupture of the structure and generalized lung lation resulted in marked atrophy of human diaphragm
inflammation [13]. This breakdown in the structure will myofibers. These results have a marked implication in
also lead to atelectasis, which may not respond to recruit- multiple trauma patients with multisystem injuries, who
ment and stabilization procedures [14]. will have prolonged mechanical ventilation due to the
nature of their injuries. A prospective, international study
The standard of using physiological tidal volumes in the reported that 39% of patients in ICUs are mechanically
range of 6–8 ml/kg and limiting the inspiratory plateau ventilated for a median duration of 7 days [27].
has now been widely accepted in patients with acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [15,16]. This These current concepts suggest that diaphragm atrophy,
reduction in tidal volume may result in alveolar dere- which is found in patients with SIRS, sepsis, or
cruitment if not enough positive end-expiratory pressure barotrauma–volutrauma, should be associated with an
(PEEP) is applied to prevent alveolar collapse. The use inflammatory-cell infiltrate or increased proinflammatory
of high PEEP to compensate for this derecruitment may cytokines. Neither of these findings, however, was evi-
be associated with excessive lung parenchyma stress and dent in the diaphragm fibers examined in this study in
strain [17]. This may impact the most on a highly injured which patients showed decreased cross-sectional areas of
lung after traumatic lung injury. This has led to inves- slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibers, decreased glutathione
tigations to find ideal recruitment maneuvers [18] and concentration, a 100% increase in active caspase-3
how they affect oxygenation and how they modulate expression, and a 200% higher ratio of astrogin-7 mes-
epithelial and endothelial damage, and how this affects senger RNA.
distal organs.

The ideal recruitment maneuver, along with its period- Modes of mechanical ventilation
icity, duration, and optimal inspiratory pressure, still There has been an explosion in the modes of mechanical
needs to be elucidated, especially in patients with pul- ventilation available in ICUs throughout the world. The
monary injury secondary to trauma. majority of trauma patients are managed with pressure-
controlled modes, which have been a mainstay in the
The level of PEEP used to stabilize alveolar beds has treatment of severe lung injury since they were first
been studied in a systematic review and meta-analysis described at the University of Rochester in 1960 [28].
[19] evaluating how this standard treatment can be an
independent variable that can have an impact on Basic physiology serves as the rationale for the use of
mortality. A high PEEP strategy may have a clinically pressure-controlled ventilation [29]. Several new strat-
relevant independent mortality benefit. Despite a egies have gained widespread use in trauma patients,
possible increase in biotrauma, the benefits seem to far including noninvasive ventilation, airway pressure

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230 Trauma and transfusion

release ventilation (APRV), and high-frequency oscil- trauma) and avoiding low end-expiratory pressure (avoid-
lation. ing alveolar collapse). In patients with severe pulmonary
contusions, the early use of HFOV was well tolerated and
Noninvasive ventilation may reduce the need to intubate led to a rapid improvement in the oxygenation index and
patients with chest trauma-related hypoxemia [30]. It is the PaO2/FIO2 ratio (P/F) [39]. HFOV has had a role in
well known that patients with blunt thoracic trauma are the management of ARDS and severe lung injury, which
at increased risk of developing hypoxemic respiratory are common in trauma patients. This mode has been
failure, which may or may not be associated with hyper- expanded from a rescue mode to a mainstream therapy,
capnia. Hypoxemia in these patients is due to V/Q which has a role in trauma management [40].
mismatching and right to left shunt because of lung
contusion, atelectasis, inability to clear secretions, and HFOV has played a major role in inhalational burn injury
pneumothorax and/or hemothorax, all of which are com- management [41]. Smoke inhalation injury, which is
mon in trauma patients. After the use of analgesia, which frequently associated with burn trauma, poses a unique
is fundamental in the management, the goal is to prevent set of potential challenges to the implementation of
intubation. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), HFOV. These challenges include the presence of diffuse
applied either by face mask, helmet or nasal mask, has airway narrowing and increases in airway resistance,
been tried in these patients in order to avoid the com- hypercapnia, copious secretion production, and the need
plications related to endotracheal intubation, mainly for frequent bronchoscopy and delivery of a variety of
ventilator-associated pneumonia [31,32]. It is, therefore, nebulized inhalational agents such as heparin, N-acetyl-
important that noninvasive ventilation, which has been cysteine, and bronchodilators. New data suggest that
shown to be a safe technique, be used early in blunt HFOV may not be the optimal rescue ventilation
thoracic trauma to prevent acute respiratory failure. modality in patients with ARDS in whom there has been
Further investigations are necessary to find ideal smoke inhalation injury.
parameters to titrate noninvasive ventilation to prevent
Closed loop mechanical ventilation
APRV is a pressure-limited, time-cycled mode of venti- With the introduction of complex computer sensors and
lation which has entered the trauma theater over the last data analysis in mechanical ventilators, systems now are
few years [33,34]. APRV allows unrestricted spon- entering clinical practice to provide closed loop control of
taneous breathing in any phase of the mechanical venti- mechanical ventilation [42]. Closed loop technology is
lator cycle. The degree of ventilator support with APRV now used to both titrate oxygenation and facilitate venti-
is determined by the duration of both CPAP levels and lator discontinuation or to escalate therapy to facilitate
the mechanically delivered tidal volume (VT) [35]. Tidal minute ventilation (VE) [43,44]. Closed loop control of
volume depends mainly on respiratory compliance and inspired oxygen concentration has been introduced in the
the difference between CPAP levels. In principle, management of trauma patients [45,46]. The systems for
changes in ventilatory demand do not alter the level of oxygenation are designed to monitor oxygen saturation
mechanical support during APRV. When there is no via pulse oximetry (SpO2) and to adjust inspired oxygen
spontaneous breathing, APRV resembles conventional concentration (FIO2) while maintaining normal oxygen
pressure-controlled, time-cycled mechanical ventilation. saturation (SpO2) in the range of 94  2% [45]. The
This mode of ventilation may offer the ability to achieve results of this trial demonstrated effectiveness of the
recruitment of atelectatic lung, a common problem in controller at maintaining the target SpO2. This may have
blunt thoracic trauma, and improve oxygenation while clinical use in the hospital to decrease FIO2 below 0.40
maintaining an acceptable peak airway pressure. In one of and decrease hyperoxemia. Another great advantage of
the first studies in trauma, APVR significantly improved this system is to prevent hypoxemia during transport,
oxygenation in a wide variety of trauma patients [36]. It which is a common event in the care of trauma patients
did so with the ability to reduce peak airway pressures, who may need various diagnostic scans in the first few
thus preventing barotrauma. days after admission.

High-frequency oscillation ventilation (HFOV) is a venti- Closed loop ventilation is gaining a major role and will
latory method that theoretically achieved all of the goals aid in ventilator-discontinuation guidelines based on
of classic lung protection used in the ARDS Net trial [37]. the weaning-readiness screening and daily spontaneous
HFOV uses a constant mean airway pressure over which breathing trials [47]. Adaptive support ventilation (ASV) is
small tidal volumes are superimposed at a high respirat- also a technique capable of automated weaning [48,49].
ory frequency [38]. Application of this constant mean ASV can choose initial ventilator settings and escalate
airway pressure allows maintenance of alveolar recruit- ventilatory support when ventilation targets are not met.
ment with lower peak airway pressures (limiting baro- ASV uses a VE target, based on predicted body weight and a

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Mechanical ventilation in trauma Papadakos et al. 231

clinician-set percentage of the predicted VE. The technol- The ultimate new technology in pulmonary management
ogy is based on the minimum work of breathing algorithm in trauma patients may be the introduction of closed
first described by Otis et al. [50]. In patients who had ‘fast loop ventilation in which computers control the level of
track’ surgery, ASV shortened the time to extubation [51]. ventilator support and the concentration of oxygen.
The role of ASV is under investigation in trauma patients These new modes may be unimportant in decreasing
who may meet the need to enter weaning protocols. diaphragmatic dysfunction and wasting, which has been
recently described.

Conclusion Ongoing research and development has ballooned and

Mechanical ventilation and an understanding of the clinicians must remain ahead of the curve as we try to use
underlying physiology of blunt thoracic trauma play an physiologically based mechanical ventilation technology.
important role in the management of complex multi-
trauma. The importance of recruitment and stabilization
cannot be overstated. Atelectasis in pulmonary contusion The authors have no conflicts of interest. No external funding was
is a common finding. This can affect surfactant function provided for the writing of this article to any of the authors.
and immune function in injured lungs leading to venti-
lator-associated pneumonia.
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