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This is the second revision Assignment of Course 1, which again is laid out as a multi-choice
paper in the same way as the question paper for the Part 1 Entry examination. The intention is
that you gain experience in answering this type of question paper quickly and correctly, so
gaining the necessary examination technique that is called for with this type of examination.

In the examination you will be allowed 1 hour to answer 100 questions and so this paper, of
fifty questions, should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete.

In order for you to prepare for the examinations, it is suggested that you approach this in the
way you would if it were the actual exam. Do not refer to the earlier units or other reference
material, but answer the questions from the knowledge you have gained so far. The paper only
recalls matters that have been covered in the course so far. Remember that the marks you
receive are there to help you identify the areas and matters you need to revise. Cheating to
gain better marks will only mislead you into believing you are doing better than you really are
and there are no prizes for getting high marks.

The pass mark for the examination is 65%. If your mark for this Assignment is less than 70%
you need to do some determined revision. In any event you should organise a short period for
revision on a regular basis. Use the marks you obtain here as your guide to the matters you
need to revise.

ANSWER ALL FIFTY QUESTIONS by entering # in the box opposite to the answer of your
choice. Should you change your mind, you can easily delete it and enter it in the box
corresponding to your new answer.

(Note: In the examination, if you find you need to make small calculations, notes or other
jottings to help you, by all means do this on the side of the paper. The examiner will ignore
these but please ensure any such notes are kept well away from the answer boxes so as to
avoid confusion.)

It is suggested that you read through the paper answering only the answers of which you are
certain. Once you have worked through the paper in this way return to the beginning and
answer those questions you initially did not attempt.

Once the marked paper is returned to you, look through it noting those questions you got
wrong and use them as a basis for your revision programme. Remember last minute revision
seldom helps, in fact it often hinders, but a subject well learnt and constantly revised is never
forgotten. To this end little and often is of far more benefit than long sessions.

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