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Camino hacia la excelencia académica


ESTUDIANTE: GRADO: 4th Valoración

DOCENTE: Harold Márquez TIEMPO ESTIMADO: 45 Minutos
Esta evaluación pretende revisar los procesos académicos a partir de los niveles de pensamiento:
1.1 SINTACTICO – SEMANTICO: identifico las acciones en una secuencia corta de eventos.
2.1 DISCURSIVO- FUNCIONAL: Utilizo adecuadamente estructuras y patrones gramaticales de uso frecuente.
3.1. SOCIAL-CULTURAL: Describo los rasgos personales de gente de mi entorno

Choose the correct form of the verbs

1. Mike ___ to the beach on vacations Family members
a. Goes 16. Your father´s brother is your
b. Go a. Cousin
2. Mary ____ the lunch every day b. Uncle
a. Make c. Grand father
b. Makes 17. Your mother´s daughter is your
3. Charles ____ French in Paris a. Sister
a. Study b. Cousin
b. Studies c. Nephew
4. Mr. Harold ____ English Mood
a. Teaches 18. She is
b. Teach a. Happy
5. I ___ to eat hamburger b. Sad
a. Likes c. Angry
b. Like
Logic answers
6. You take a shower in…
a. The living room
b. The kitchen
c. The bathroom 19. She is
7. You have breakfast …. a. Happy
a. In the afternoon b. Sad
b. In the morning c. Angry
c. At night
8. You go to sleep at
a. Your bathroom
b. The living room
c. Your bedroom 20.
9. If you want to watch a movie you go to…. It is
a. The mall
b. The cinema a. Hot
c. Hospital b. Cold
10. When you want to make a phone call you use c. Bored

a. Your laptop
b. Your cellphone
c. Your TV

Complete the dialog

11. Is Mary at the school?
a. No she isn’t
b. Yes of course
c. You´re kidding?
12. This is Mathew.
a. Well done
b. I don´t know
c. Is he your brother?
13. Whet time is it?
a. Go to sleep
b. Maybe tomorrow
c. It´s ten o´clock
14. Do you want to drink soda?
a. Well, let´s go
b. Yes I do
c. No, he is very late.
15. Is it raining?
a. No I don’t
b. Yes it is
c. She is very beautiful

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