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Camino hacia la excelencia académica


ESTUDIANTE: GRADO: 10th Valoración

DOCENTE: Harold Márquez TIEMPO ESTIMADO: 45 Minutos
Esta evaluación pretende revisar los procesos académicos a partir de los niveles de pensamiento:
SINTACTICO – SEMANTICO: Puedo expresarme con la seguridad y confianza propia de mi personalidad.
DISCURSIVO- FUNCIONAL: Uso mis conocimientos previos para participar en una conversación
SOCIAL-CULTURAL: Asumo una posición crítica frente al punto de vista del autor

Complete the dialog c. Went

1. Lucy is intelligent, ____? 14. John and Mark have not painted the wall, ----
a. Is she ?
b. Isn’t she a. Already
c. She is b. Yet
2. Johnny can drive the car, -----? c. Since
a. Can he 15. Mr. Smith ____ ______ since ten am
b. Can´t he a. Have spoken
c. He can b. Has speaking
3. You´re kidding me, -----? c. Have speak
a. Are you? 16. If Sandra ___ to the party, then I ___
b. Aren’t´ you a. Go- go
c. You´re not b. Go - goes
4. You know Mike, -----? c. Goes- goes
a. Do you 17. If I ___ _____ about the problem, I __ ___
b. Don’t you? __?
c. You do? a. Had knew - would have come
5. You have done your homework, ----? b. Had known - wouldn’t have come
a. have you c. Had know - wouldn’t has come
b. haven’t you 18. Mark and Lucy ____ to the movie , if you
c. You have. _____ them
Vocabulary. a. Would go – invites
6. She works in a hospital and cares for the sick b. Would go – invited
a. A teacher c. Would going – would invited
b. A nurse 19. I ____ sick yesterday
c. A lawyer a. Were
7. We can find some books to read b. was
a. In a bakery c. being
b. In a hospital 20. I ____ an alien last night, believe me!
c. In a library a. See
8. He is the ruler of a country b. Saw
a. Mayor c. Seeing
b. President
c. The Governor
9. If you want to eat something you go to
a. The restaurant
b. The library
c. The hospital
10. If you want to make work out you go to
a. The mall
b. The gym
c. The movie

11. Charlie and mike ____ a cake.
a. Have made
b. Has made
c. Did make
12. Tom ____ his homework yet
a. Hasn’t do
b. Has Did
c. Hasn’t done
13. Kevin has ____ to the gym since last
a. Go
b. Gone

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