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All children around this world have the rights to be

secured and protected, to grow up in a place where the

child can have their own freedom, not to expose to danger
or risks, to survive in spite of danger and hardships,
to be loved, to be heard and perceived by someone and
lastly, they have the legal entitlement to obtain the
rights of receiving the care they needed the most. A care
like the provision of what is necessary for the health,
welfare and maintenance. We all know that when a disaster
strikes, children and young people may suffer
disproportionately. Disasters such an accident or a
natural catastrophe that causes great damages can impact
children in many ways. They get separated or slip apart
from their family and friends, and in some cases, they
can also become either orphaned or isolated. A family is
the first line of protection for children. Every child
deserved to be in the right hands, if they lost someone
who would protect them from danger and to take care of
them then they must really struggle to deal with
uncertainty, anxiety and shock, so their emotional and
psychological well-being suffer as well.
Keeping children’s safety and security is everyone’s
obligation. Organizations, corporations, and
professionals who work with children are required to
ensure or make certain that their policies, practices and
implementations reflect this responsibility.
Millions of children are not fully protected. Many of
them deal with violence which is caused by the other’s
behavior involving physical force intended to hurt,
damage or even kill to someone. Abuse, neglect,
exploitation, exclusion and/or discrimination every day
are also included in how hopeless and dejected children
can experience. Such violations limit their chances and
possibility of surviving, growing, developing and
pursuing their dreams to happen. Any child can be
susceptible to physical or emotional attack and
vulnerable to violations in many places, including the
home. The actual number of children experiencing
violations is not easy to determine and establish
exactly. This type of data is hard to collect and is not
updated frequently. Due to the Republic Act 7610, Article
I, Section 1, “Special Protection of Children Against
Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act”. It is an act
providing for stronger deterrence and special protection
and defense against the severe behavior such as child
abuse, exploitation and discrimination, providing
penalties for its violation and for other purposes. This
act is launched by the Department of Education (DepEd)
to promote the zero-tolerance policy for any act of child
abuse which is the physical maltreatment or sexual
molestation of a child, exploitation which is the
behavior of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit
something they wanted, violence which is the unlawful
exercise of physical force or intimidation by the
exhibition of such force , bullying which is to harm
someone perceived as vulnerable, discrimination which is
the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different
categories of people or things, especially on the grounds
of race ,age or even sex, And other related offenses. The
child protection has established the corporal punishment
or that kind of punishment or penalty imposed for an
alleged or an actual offense (such as physical, sexual,
psychological and other acts of violence), which is
carried out or inflicted, for the purpose of discipline,
training or control, by a teacher administrator, an
adult, or any other child who has been given or has
assumed authority or responsibility for punishment or

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