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Business Management


Word Count: 491 Words

Ahmed Nasr Nadir



When interviewing a potential employee, or even going for an interview, it is important to keep
in mind that both parties must be absolutely calm. After all, an interview is just a “casual”
assessment of a person’s skills. An interviewer must be able to carry a conversation, help the
interviewee relax, ask them about their hobbies and interests, and most importantly, give the
interviewee a chance to explain themselves, give them an opportunity to advertise themselves
Tips for Interviewers
As a I explained before, an interviewer must be calm, but not cold and indifferent. Make sure to
greet the interviewee warmly, get them a drink, talk to them casually, as you would a friend or
family member. Make sure to print out a copy of the interviewee’s resume, review it well, and
research the works mentioned on the resume, make sure that you know as much as possible
about the interviewee, there should miniscule gaps in your knowledge. Before the interview,
consider the actual benefit this person could bring to the company, remember the requirements
the company has, and ask yourself, do they fit the role? Make sure to focus on your note taking,
don’t simply note down your personal opinion during the interview, try and not down exactly
what the interviewee says, so that you have an accurate reference when judging their answers to
your questions.
Also, make sure to all answer all the interviewee’s questions, its important that they also know
all they can about the company they want to get into. When interviewing the interviewee, make
sure to also focus on body language, if the interviewee is leaning forward and maintaining eye
contact, you can understand that they are interested and listening to everything you are saying.
Body language shows whether or not a person actually cares about this job. During most
interviews there will always be little intervals of silence, these are good opportunities to think of
any other questions you want to ask, you can even use it as a time to ponder on the interviewee’s
Tips for Interviewees
It goes without saying that before the interview make sure that you are well rested, make sure to
also eat a proper meal, you need to be attentive and alert during the interview. Make sure to bring
a copy of your resume for reference, stay absolutely calm, show the interviewers that you are
confident. Practice answering questions at home, your answers need to be clear and coherent.
During the interview your “selling points” need to be loud and clear, make sure the interviewers
know why they should hire you; they need to understand what you can bring to the table. Most
importantly, keep a positive mindset, even if the interviewer asks questions, you’re
uncomfortable with answering, keep a cool attitude, and don’t focus on whether or not your
objective is reached, there are always more opportunities. Be clear, calm, and take control of the

Bika, N. (n.d.). How to be a good interviewer. Retrieved from Workable:

BrandYourself. (2018, June 22). 43 Tips On What To Do Before, During And After An Interview. Retrieved
from brandyourself:

Experis. (n.d.). 20 TIPS FOR GREAT JOB INTERVIEWS. Retrieved from Experis:

Global Listening Centre. (n.d.). Body Language of Listeners. Retrieved from globallisteningcentre:

Indeed. (2020, January 27). Q&A: What is a CV? Curriculum Vitae Definition and Examples. Retrieved

Leitch, C. (2019, November 14). The 8 Best CV Formats to Land a Job (with Examples). Retrieved from
Career Addict:

Rampton, J. (2015, July 21). 15 Tips for Improving Your Skills Interviewing Job Candidates. Retrieved from
Entrepeneur :


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