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by Germain Gallardo
October 23, 2019
Inspired by the posting of Caroline Stevens

Long time ago, I became aware that I was prompt to operate mostly on my default setting, this
default used to guide most of my quick actions it looked like intuitive decisions. My education,
training, discipline (experience) served as actualizations to my v.001 analog version. Now, I pay
careful attention that second voice and use these other components to make better decisions.
The posting on change by Caroline Stevens played in my minds background.

Today, Cancun experienced torrential rain, the streets were flooded, the roads transformed
into small rivers. I observed the slow-moving traffic and I contemplated a long drive to the
office. An idea crossed my mind, be productive, go on the opposite of the congestion and visit
that business unit that is underperforming. Considering that while it would be somehow
productive, I considered the interpretation of my action. I thought that after the meeting the
day before and the agreed plan, I fear my surprise visit will be misinterpreted as a lack of trust
on our agreement. I decided against it and joined the caravan towards Playa.

Blinded by the torrential waters, I drove into a pothole, ouch! I changed lines and immediately I
felt the steering wheel pull to the right. Unsolicited, my mind began rushing ideas on the
possible causes and the hope that it is not serious and costly.

My default setting moved to plan/control, where is the nearest gas station to have it checked.
The impulse was to press the pedal and move faster towards the destination. My other voice
was saying, pull over survey the damage and draft a plan! No, I hope the rim is not damage,
balancing is most like it, I hope this is not an expensive suspension job, it was my default setting
(know the problem, move fast towards the solution). After seconds on this back and forth
considerations, I yielded to my training, stop, pull over, evaluate and draft a plan. The tire had a
gauge as if it was cut by a machete.
So, now I am facing the need of change. I know exactly what needs to change. The right tire!
Now the question is by whom. I have the recourses, authority and power to act on various
options. The default setting, prompted me to call one of our engineers and ask for help. The
training side, it is 7:05 AM the nearby operation is at 90% occupancy, it is breakfast time, my
need should be a priority? besides the chief engineer is probably still in bed :-), call road
services, where is the phone number? and who knows how much time it will take, no way! Ok
yes, I can do it myself! last time I changed a tire was when I was 14 years old.

Open the trunk, pull the emergency tiny tire, found the jack, found the wrench. The rescued
beach towels that I usually collect on my way to the properties were a blessing to protect my
jeans from the wet floor. I gave myself a pep talk and visualize the outcome. I prepare the
environment and moved to action.


I pulled the jack and moved to the position I remembered, I recalled my father telling me if you
don't position the jack properly under the chassis, the car will not rise, the shell of the car will
rise and it will not be a good idea. So, counting on old knowledge, I position the jack in a very
uncomfortable place and proceed to lift the car. The tire was not raising!

Regroup, pull the jack and find a better pivot point. Ahhhhh! the jack as a label and instructions,
a picture of where to exactly place the jack for optimum results. Wow they even designed the
jack with an indentation that lacking perfectly the jack and the pivot point for a secure lift. God
bless those engineers. The used the KISS (Keep it simple stupid) method for guys just like me.

Now with the same tools but in the right position and with the correct instructions, the effort
was 1/3 of the previous (old practice) and the correct result. Fantastic! the tire is raising. Now
the uptight the bolts it is clockwise or counterclockwise? I should have call for help!

Ok let's try it, this way no, this way no, it cannot be, let's try again, think (since I am not a
millennium I did not google it). Eureka, it moved it is counterclockwise, yeah! I am a genius.

The idea to call for help was not laziness from my part, it was fear, outside of my comfort zone I
wanted to call on my resources and all options to implement change. If I had called someone
from one of the operations, their priority would have become my need, with a full house
someone would have made my need their focus. If I had called road service, my flat tire would
have a lower priority of the many other calls, therefore a longer wait.

In our organizations at times our fears are transmitted as priorities when they are not. The
urgent become important. We take up the challenge and we make changes; however, these
changes are not complete, they are merely the first step.
The change of the damaged tire, to the emergency tire made the car functional, it was a
temporary solution for limited miles. At times changes that we can drive ourselves are only
temporary to get us on the way.

At times facing the need of change we move to quickly to delegation, regardless, if the focus of
the teams were ready and available to the task.


The damaged tire before the pothole was just as good as the other three, when impacted by a
new condition it became obsolete. In our organizations there are conditions that render
perfectly good people in no longer capable to get us going towards our destination.

My default setting assumed that for optimum results the right and left front tires should be
replaced. Or maybe it is time to change all four for uniformity and security. The other side (the
training) call for confirmation of theory and cost consideration.

Reached the tire shop and carefully stated the need and asked for an opinion. I need a tire,
"what do you think, should I change it both" I look closely to their body language to see if what
will follow was an upsell. The technician, measured the grove on the existing tires and said, you
should change only the damaged one. A huge deposit of trust followed and I wanted to do
business with them. Ok, let's change the tire, how long it will take and price. Notice, that the
priority changed to time over price after trust was established. Maximum 30 minutes. Let's do

Your tire size is 185/55/16, I have the same brand but the size is 185/60/16. Right back to
default mode! (what is the consequence) 55 to 60, clearly 60 is bigger than 55, Humm, since he
inspired trust before, I ask ...... what do you think? I don't think is a problem the technician said,
look .... he placed the new tired side by side the rear tire and ran his hand over pointing out
how leveled they seem. It is only 5 millimeters it is nothing! I don't think you should have a
problem. Another technician nearby listens closely to the conversation, his colleague called him
over and asked his opinion. He is not as quick to state the "no problem" instead he said it will
work. Hint, hint, ok guys thank you, I am going to find the exact size. I leave on my search of

When change is necessary in our organizations, at time we think that the bigger is the better, if
someone seem to have 5 millimeters more of experience we thing that they will perform better
and give us better results. Unfortunately, our operational or business needs are not reduced to
a 185/55/16 specification to make the decision more effectively.

On my next stop, they have the 185/55/16 but not from the same manufacturer, the price is
less, they are not busy, the installation will be swift. I never heard of this brand, I said .... the
sales person, "it is a great brand", they used to make only trailer and tractor tires now they are
making small tires. (the underlining message your car is not as heavy as the big truck, including
with you inside :-) .... Humm .... what to do? The training kicks in when in doubt keep on

I arrived to my third stop, now armed with more information, the 185/55/16 rolls off my
tongue with expertise, I don't ask I need a tire, I say, I need a 185/55/16 tire do you have it?
No, I am sorry just sold my last four. Wow, looks like someone else ran into a pothole, hope it is
not the same one.

I have the same size but not the same brad he makes an offer. Ok, that is great, I take one
(jump to solution, my default setting), ok it will be 2,870 pesos. How long it will take I ask, not
long he said about 20 minutes. Let me ask you, does it matter that is not the same brand? yes,
he said, you should put it in the rear, because if you place it at the front you will have a balance
issue. Humm ......... interesting! Training, improvisations are always costly. Sorry, I think I go
looking for the same brand same size solution.

Call the dealership, they don't have one in stock but they can order one for me and it will arrive
in 7 days. Do you have one in Cancun? after few minutes, yes, we have one in Cancun and the
cost is 2,700 pesos.

Now, I am equipped with all the information and options. Rolled over to my next provider, I
need this tire, this size, do you have in stock, what is the price and how long it will take to install
it. Finally, after all these experiences, I was able to state my needs completely. Yes! I have it,
change it .... I sit behind a triple, latte, two Splendas and began to write this experience,
because I think it speaks how a real-life event apply to the post in LinkedIn by Carole.


In our organizations, the solution that we summon must be representative of all our needs not
only fears. The change has many components matching talent to mission is the key and not
matching a person to a job.

We can draw great practical insights of our everyday events if we are connected to our default
setting and our many different actualizations that we learned thought the years.

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