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My small grandmother is tall there,

straight-back, white broderie anglaise shirt,

pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun,

a kind, old smile round her eyes.

Her big hand holds mine,

white hand in black hand.

Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

It was true after all, that look.

My tall grandmother became small.

Her back round and hunched

Her soup forgot to boil.

She went to the awful place grandmothers go

Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.

But there she is still,

In the photo with me at three,

The crinkled smile is still living, breathing.

Jackie Kay

English Focus SPM Exploring Literature


The poem talks about the persona’s photograph of her grandmother. The persona describes the

grandmother as being tall and who dressed up prime and proper. She had a kind smile and did not fear

death. As she aged, Grandmother became hunched and forgetful. She has passed away but the persona

still feels her presence as she looks at the photograph of herself and grandmother, taken when she was

three years old.

Poet’s Background

British writer Jackie Kay was born in Edinburgh to a Scottish mother and a Nigerian father, adopted
by a white family and raised in Glasgow. Life was not easy for a biracial child in Glasgow which was

mostly white. Kay’s experiences especially her upbringing in her native Scotland with a majority

culture. have influenced her work

Kay, who writes poetry for children as well as adults, has enjoyed working on several projects that

introduce schoolchildren to creative writing. She noted that students can produce stunning work when

given proper encouragement. Students who understand the music of poetry will also become better at

writing prose. Kay has published two collections of poems for children and has recently completed her

first children’s novel.

Understanding the Poem

Stanza 1

The persona describes her grandmother as tall and well-dressed with a kind smile. Her smile comes

from her eyes. On her deathbed, she held the persona’s small black hand in her big white hand. She

was not afraid to leave the world.

Stanza 2

The persona accepts that her grandmother has passed to the other world, as all grandmothers do.

Grandmother who was of a tall stature became small and hunched and forgetful.

Stanza 3

The persona at age three had taken a photograph with grandmother. When she looks at the

photograph, she feels grandmother’s presence. To the persona, her grandmother is still very much

alive and smiling at her.

English Focus SPM Exploring Literature

Moral Values

• We must strive for close family relationships with our grandparents and

• We should love and appreciate close family members while they are still


• We must learn to let go of the dead

• Keeping a memento like a photograph helps to keep memories alive

• We must not dwell on the past too much

Tone and Mood

• Appreciative and


• Thoughtful and


• Sense of strong

family ties

Language and Style

• Language – easy to


• Style – simple and


• Clear and descriptive


• First person point of view – the

persona uses the words, ‘my’ and



• Close family ties

• Grandmother-granddaughter

• Love and appreciation

• Unwillingness to let go of

someone close

• Value of photographs

The Living


Elements of the Poem

English Focus SPM Exploring Literature

2 The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

(an extract)

Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!

Charge for the guns!” he said.

Into the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”

Was there a man dismayed?

Not though the soldier knew

Some one had blundered.

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die.

Into the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,

Cannon to left of them,

Cannon in front of them

Volleyed and thundered

Stormed at with shot and shell,

Boldly they rode and well,

Into the jaws of Death,

Into the mouth of Hell

Rode the six hundred.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

English Focus SPM Exploring Literature


The poem is a war poem about 600 soldiers of the Light Brigade who were ordered to charge into a

valley where the enemies were waiting. There were guns or cannons to the right, left and front of them.

As the soldiers rode into the valley they were attacked on all sides. Still they rode on and attacked the

soldiers they saw. On their retreat they were attacked just as badly on all sides. Many of these soldiers

died. It was in the line of duty and no one protested when the order was given for them to ride into

the valley of death.

Poet’s Background

Alfred, Lord Tennyson was born on 6 August, 1809 in Lincolnshire, England. He is one of the most

well-loved poets in the Victorian period. Fourth of twelve children, Tennyson showed an early
talent for writing. He attended grammar school until he was eleven and then tutored at home by his

father in classical and modern languages. At age 14, he wrote a drama in blank verse and a 6000-line

epic. In 1827, Tennyson attended Trinity College, Cambridge. During the next few years, Tennyson

continued to live with his family, which had now moved to London, and to apply himself to his

studies and writing. He became engaged to Emily Sellwood. In 1842, a two-volume collection of his

work appeared, containing many revisions of earlier poems, besides a number of excellent new ones,

including “Morte d’Arthur,” “Ulysses,” and “Locksley Hall.” At last Tennyson was recognised as one

of the leading literary figures of the period and was acclaimed throughout England. At the age of 41,

Tennyson had established himself as the most popular poet of the Victorian era.

Understanding the Poem

Stanza 1

600 soldiers of the Light Brigade rode for a distance of half a league (about two and a half kilometres)

into a valley on the orders of their commander. He had ordered them to charge forward and attacked

the enemy soldiers who lay ahead.

Stanza 2

The order ‘Forward, the Light Brigade’ was given. Yet, no one protested or questioned the orders

although they knew it was a blunder. As soldiers, their duty was to follow orders, whatever they were.

The soldiers had to right to question whether the orders given were right or wrong and even if it

meant death, they still had to follow the orders. So, the 600 hundred soldiers rode on into the Valley

of Death.

Stanza 3

The enemies fired the guns or cannons from all sides, left, right and front of them. Although they

were so badly attacked, the 600 soldiers rode on boldly and properly into the war area.

English Focus SPM Exploring Literature

Elements of the Poem

Moral Values

• We must struggle for peace rather than warfare

• When given a duty we try out best to carry it out

• When we know that some instructions or orders could

lead to danger, we must be prepared o voice our feelings

• Discussion is a good approach before we carry out


• We should be brave in the face of danger

Tone and Mood

• Appreciative and


• Thoughtful and loving

• Sense of strong family


Language and Style

• Language – war words

but clear and easy to


• Style – simple yet



• The rhyme scheme

varies with each


• Third person point of

view – the poem is

presented by an all-

knowing person


• Warfare and conflict

• Carrying out a given duty

• Courage in the face of


• Blind respect for authority

• Death and destruction

The Charge

of the Light


English Focus SPM Exploring Literature


1 Tanjong Rhu by Minfong Ho


Tanjong Rhu is a simple yet profound story about the relationship between Mr T. W. Li, a rich

businessman in the shipping business and his mother (Ah Ma). Mr Li has his office at Shenton

Way and is modern in his ways and ideas. His mother is traditional with strong religious beliefs and
practises ancestor worship religiously. They have a close relationship although Mr Li does not seem to

realise it. The day after Ah Ma’s funeral, Mr Li recalls the day he told his mother about using binoculars

or see-far glasses. While he wants her to have better vision with the binoculars, she however hopes

to see her husband’s shipyard in Tanjong Rhu with the binoculars. She uses them but does not see

anything. Instead, she tells Mr Li she sees his childhood days when they enjoyed walks on Tanjong Rhu

beach in her mind’s eyes. Mr Li cannot remember all these details and wants to ask Ah Ma further. But,

she becomes very sick and is unable to speak much. She manages to convey the urgency of a hidden

key to the altar before she draws her last breath. He promises to fulfil this last wish of hers. But he is

unable to find the key.

About the Author

Minfong Ho is a Chinese-American award winning writer. Born in Myanmar in 1951 to Chinese

parents, Minfong Ho has lived in Thailand and Singapore. Currently, she resides in New York with her

family. She studied Chinese History and Literature for two years at the Tunghai University in Taiwan.

After that, she attended Cornell University and graduated with a B. A. in Economics and a Master of

Fine Arts.

She writes on the lives of people in her native South East Asia. The stories are usually set against

the backdrop of real events in countries like Thailand and Cambodia. She also writes stories for young

adult readers and middle graders as well as picture books for younger children in simple yet appealing


In 1983, she worked at the National University of Singapore as the writer-in-residence and held

that position for seven years. As a result, she is widely referred to there as a “local writer”. Her works

have been selected as teaching material for English literature in lower secondary schools. She has also

travelled and made presentations at various writing workshops in middle schools and high schools in

the United States and international schools in Switzerland, Indonesia, Thailand, Poland, and Malaysia.

English Focus SPM Exploring Literature

Elements of the Poem


Tanjong Rhu

Place Time

• Office of Mr Li which is high above

Shenton Way near the Singapore harbour

• Home of Mr Li – sitting room and the

altar room

• Hospital – Mr Li’s mother was admitted

to hospital

• Present day – Mr Li is standing in office

and looking at the ships in the harbour.

• Childhood day – His mother reminisces

about the past when Mr Li was a boy

and this causes Mr Li to wonder about

his past too


The plot refers to the events of the story. It starts with the beginning of the story and shows how one

event leads to another.


Mr T. W. Li, a rich businessman stood at his office window high above Shenton Way. Concerned

about something which he could not lay his finger on he was not ready to go home. His mother’s

(Ah Ma) funeral was just a day before and everything had been done correctly. He counted the

number of ships in the harbour as it was his habit with his binoculars. The binoculars reminded

him of his mother.


He recalled he had bought them for Ah Ma and was eager to give them to her. He wanted her

to use them as she did not want to undergo a cataract operation. His wife was having tea with

friends in a room. Ah Ma was in the garden feeding her chickens. Speaking to her in Cantonese,

he mentioned the binoculars as see-far glasses. Ah Ma was irritated as it reminded her of her

refusal to have a cataract operation. Later, she mentioned her willingness to use them at his office

to see Tanjong Rhu where her husband’s shipyard used to be.


English Focus SPM Exploring Literature


Next morning, Ah Ma prayed in the altar room. Then, she talked to her dead husband to inform

him of her going to their son’s office. Her granddaughter, Ying offered to do the praying with the

joss sticks for her but she would not allow it. Mr Li ticked off Ying for criticising her grandmother

for wanting to do things her way. While waiting for Ah Ma, Mr Li looked at his father’s photograph

and remembered their time together. When they were in his office, Mr Li pointed out the ships

and the whole harbour to Ah Ma but she could not see anything. Instead, she talked about seeing

their old hut, walks and crabbing on the beach. Coming back to the present, Mr Li felt nostalgic

and wanted very much to go back to the time of his childhood. He tried to recall but had very

blurred memories.

Falling action

He recalled that he tried to ask Ah Ma again. But, by then, she had become very sick and was

bedridden in hospital unable to move or talk very much. Ying helped to look after her. Knowing

that her father wanted to talk to Ah Ma, she lifted her grandmother’s eyelids and told her father

to say something. But, Mr Li could not and scolded Ying for not being respectful. Ah Ma moved

restlessly and managed to say something about the key to the altar being hidden before she drew

her last breath.


Now back in his office, the day was becoming dark and he suddenly thought of the altar and what

he had promised Ah Ma at her deathbed. This was what had been troubling him the whole day,

something he had left undone. He rushed home to do that one last thing for her. He paid his

respects to Ah Ma but, he could not open the drawer. He cried and told Ah Ma he saw Tanjong

Rhu that day and then decided to leave well alone.

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Filial piety





Keeping alive

memories of

family members’


Ancestor worship


practices versus

modern ways and

Generation gap

Moral Values

• We should always voice out our feelings especially if we want to express feelings of love for a family

member especially an old parent.

• We should take care of our parents especially in their old age.

• We should consider and accept changes in our lives and progress with the time.

• We should trust family members and know that they always have our interests at heart.

• There should not be a generation gap especially with regards to family values.


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Tone and Mood

• Serious and proper : Mr Li is a successful businessman who is takes his work seriously and he is set

in his ways. Mr Li’s mother is also very proper in that when she prays, everything has to be done


• Anxiety and nostalgic : Mr Li’s mother talks about the past, their shipyard in Tanjong Rhu and

Mr Li’s childhood days

• A light note or moment here and there when Ying attempts to rush her grandmother.

Point of view

• Third person point of view or omniscient point of view

• Gives insight into the feelings and thoughts of the characters

Language and Style

• Simple language and descriptive especially with reference to the praying process

• Style – the writer uses flashback to project the mother’s thoughts and feelings

Literary Devices

Mr Li wants Ah Ma to see the ships and harbour which reflected his business

success with the binoculars but to Ah Ma the binoculars are helpful to look

back to the past as they are ‘see-far glasses’

Rhetoric questions ‘What was it then? Why did he feel that he had left something undone?’


• Mr Li: ‘He was boyishly eager to show her the binoculars, the evening he

returned home from work with them.’

• Ah Ma : ‘A thin little boy ... walking alone on the beach .. I see you, Ah Wah,

I see you clearly.’



• ‘has eaten more salt than you have eaten rice’

• ‘these numbers fixed him in time and place’

• ‘his place of work ... at the edge of the sky.’


• her eyes were ‘as blank as office windows’ and ‘like bits of colourless stones’

• the skin on her face ‘looked like a fruit left to dry too long in the sun’

• hospital rooms ‘felt like a prison to him’


• the number of ships in the harbour – the figures were a symbol of his

success and consistency

• binoculars or see-far glasses – symbolises seeing things far away that is the
past which is very far away

Imagery ‘small and thin, with grey hair and a bent back’ creates image of an old person


• the altar like the horizon that separates the sea and the sky is the line

between life and death

• Ah Ma’s womb is compared ‘like the seed cavity of the fruit had held

countless seeds within it’ – refers to her fertility and large number of


English Focus SPM Exploring Literature


Main and Minor Characters

Main Characters

Mr T. W. Li

• A successful businessman in the shipping sector

• Has a happy childhood with his family in Tanjong Rhu

• Happy family life – wife, son and daughter

• Close relationship with his mother but does not open up to her easily

• Modern in his ways and ideas – takes pride in his modern ways – makes sure no one is about when

he bows to show respect to his dead parents

• Tolerant - does not interfere in his mother’s traditional ways

• Meticulous – keeps track of number of ships every day by counting them

• Patient and respectful – waits for mother to finish prayers although he had to leave for office – does

not hurry her

• Filial – made sure funeral of mother is done in the right way – full of customs and traditions
• Strict and does not entertain disrespect from the young – expects daughter to respect elders

• Regrets not talking to Ah Ma and never listening when she talked

Ah Ma (Mr Li’s Mother)

• Traditional with strong religious beliefs – values Chinese tradition of ancestor worship – talks to

husband who has passed on for 10 years

• Meticulous – keeps all the prayer paraphernalia under lock and key

• Determined to do things her way – refuses to allow Ying to do the praying – ‘Do you even know

how to speak to your grandfather?’

• Good memory – can recall the childhood of Mr Li well

• Old-fashioned – does not believe in having eye operation for cataract

• Proud and refuses to admit to ill-health

• Clings to the past – refuses to accept change

• Proud of son’s success – voices her feelings to dead husband

Minor characters

Ying (Mr Li’s daughter)

• Loving – takes care of grandmother in hospital – refuses to believe that her grandmother is dying –

assures grandmother not to worry about her keys

• When young loved helping grandmother with wine cups and burning of gold paper in front of altar

• Generation gap with grandmother – as teenager feels that one need not be fastidious when doing

prayers to ancestors

• Talks to father in English when referring to grandmother being stubborn

• Persuasive – try to persuade her grandmother to let her do the praying to the grandfather

Helen (Mr Li’s wife)

• A lady of leisure who enjoys having tea with her friends.

• Superficial and full of pretence

• She mentions the children’s overseas education to impress her friends.


English Focus SPM Exploring Literature

2 Leaving by M.G. Vassanji


The story, Leaving is set in Tanzania. A woman raises her five children alone after the early death of

her husband. After the two elder girls get married and the eldest son acquires a job, the mother focuses

on the two youngest, Aloo and the youngest daughter (the narrator). Aloo is in his final year in school

and the girl is in university. She pins all her hopes on them that they will have a better education. She

winds up their store and moves them to a quieter part of town, Upanga. The place is quieter and is a

better environment for them to study. The return of Mr Datoo, a former teacher inspires Aloo to think

of furthering his education overseas in medicine in America. He starts writing to American universities

to get the necessary information. He is not keen on studying agriculture in a local university. He is

offered a place with a scholarship in the California Institute of Technology. However, his mother would

not allow him to accept the offer citing finances and fear of losing him as the reasons. Finally, on the

advice of a school officer, the mother relents and accepts the idea of allowing Aloo to leave home for

a different sky. The narrator, for the first time, sees her mother as a person and not just as her mother

– someone who has always thought only of the children’s welfare. Aloo’s first letter was a graphic

enthusiastic account of London but to the mother, she is uncertain of his return.

About the Author

M. G. Vasanji was born in Kenya in 1950 and was brought up in Tanzania. He studied at the

Massachuettes Institute of Technology and the University of Pennysylvania in the United States

before moving to Canada in 1978. From 1980 to 1989 he was a research associate at the University of

Toronto. He co-founded and edited a literary magazine and began writing fiction.

Vassanji is one of Canada’s most acclaimed writers. He has published six novels, two collections

of short stories, a memoir of his travel in India and a biography. His work has appeared in various

countries and several languages.

Elements of the Short Story



Present day

• Uhuru Street – the family store and home

• Upanga – their new home in a quieter neighbourhood



The narrator’s mother sold off the store in Uhuru Street in town and moved Aloo and the narrator, the

youngest daughter, to Upanga, another part of town. The other children were married and had their

own life. The new house was in a quiet area with a better environment for them to study. The mother

pinned her hopes on the two younger children. Aloo was in his final year in school and the narrator

was in university.

English Focus SPM Exploring Literature



Aloo began to think of his future – of furthering his education in an American university. He wrote to

universities in America for information. Mother just smiled and teased him about having rich uncles in

America. Aloo learned that there was an exciting new world waiting for him. He was offered a course

in agriculture in a local university but he was not keen about farming.


Aloo was offered a place and scholarship by The California Institute of Technology.

Initially, mother did not believe Aloo had the offer and confirmed it with the narrator. Then, she

emphasised that they could not afford the spending money of a few thousand shillings. Aloo suggested

they get a loan and promised to work his way through college to repay the loan. Mother voiced her

fears of losing a son. Mr Velji, a school officer explained that the offer would be good for Aloo’s

education but they might lose him as he might not return.

Falling Action

Back home, mother for the first time asked to see the college prospectus. Aloo understood that his
mother was indirectly giving him permission to take up the offer. He was extremely excited. She made

Aloo promise not to forget his roots. The narrator saw her mother as a person for the first time and

realise the sacrifices she had made for her children at the expense of her own happiness.


Aloo wrote to his mother from London. His letter was full of excitement at the new things he saw.

Mother stared into the future not daring to think aloud her thoughts.



English Focus SPM Exploring Literature

Moral Values

• We must give support to family members and help them achieve their ambition.

• When we need information for whatever we are interested in we must take the initiative to do

something about it.

• It is good to be ambitious.

• One must be courageous and have the strength to stand up to what one believes in.

• If one is determined and not waver from one’s goal, one will be successful.

• It is good to want to keep family members around forever, but sometimes we need to let go for them

to live their own life.

• New experiences and exposure to different cultures and ways of life enriches our lives.

• We must not be afraid to get out of the known to learn about the unknown.

• Parents are always willing to sacrifice for the good and happiness of their children.

Tone and Mood

• Tone : practical and serious at the same time – the characters relate and want to understand each

other’s feelings

• Atmosphere : uneasy and angry as the characters talk about the issue and voice their feelings in no

uncertain words

• Tone and atmosphere change from simple, loving to dramatic and back again.
Point of View

• First person point of view – story is told by Aloo’s sibling, the third daughter in the family

• She gives a subjective view of the story – her relationship with mother and siblings, feelings and

attitude towards the issue at hand.

Language and Style

• The language used here is simple and straight to the point.

• It is easy to understand as it follows a chronological order, from when Aloo writes to different

universities to get information, gets a reply with an offer of a scholarship to when mother agrees to

let him leave for further studies overseas.

Literary Devices


• The mother wants Aloo to be happy and to have a bright future but she

is afraid to let him go and achieve it. She is so sure she will lose him.

When Aloo writes letters to some universities in America about courses and

possibilities of scholarships, his mother teases him about having uncles in

America who will pay for him to attend college there.

• Ironically, ‘Uncle Sam’ (or America) does help him when he was offered a


Flashback The narrator recalls her mother’s outburst of love

English Focus SPM Exploring Literature



• the ‘big shiny prospectuses’ is a symbol of the bright future or prospects that
Aloo hopes to acquire by studying overseas. Aloo’s mother is a symbol of the

old way of thinking that local education is as good as overseas education and

that that will ensure the children will stay close to home.

• ‘A bird flying high and free ..’ is a symbol of Aloo’s in the plane high in the air

and free to follow his dreams.

Rhetoric question • ‘But could he get there? Was he good enough’

• ‘How can I describe what I saw from the plane?’

Comparison Aloo’s new and happy freedom compares with his mother’s sadness about the

uncertainty of the future not knowing whether she will still get to see her son

Figurative Language





• ‘his head... which looked like an egg... he walked in like a


• ‘mother was not made of stone’

• ‘the letter was full of excitement’

• ‘a little wind came in...’ the wind is personified as walking in

through the open door

Main and Minor Characters

Main Characters


• Youngest child in the family – doing his final year in school.

• A good student who does well in school examinations, obtains straight As.
• Is inspired by a former teacher who returns from America for a visit to consider furthering his

education overseas in America.

• Not keen on studying agriculture at a local university

• Diligent – writes to universities to get necessary information for further studies

• Ambitious - Wants to study medicine

• Extremely happy when offered a place with scholarship in California Institute of Technology

• Spirited and courageous - willing to do part-time work while studying

• Tries to convince mother that he will definitely return to his homeland after his studies.

• Obedient – willing to accept mother’s decision – does not speak about overseas education and

prepares to study agriculture locally

• Could not suppress his excitement when mother finally allows him to go overseas

• Writes from London to mother – his letter was so full of excitement that it creates doubts in mother’s

mind about the future


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• Mother of the five children and runs a store in Uhuru Street – single-handedly raised five children

after the early death of her husband

• Thinks of the children’s future first – willing to sacrifice for them - closes down the store and

moves family to a quieter part of town – better environment for studying - a big change for her

• Ambitious about her children’s education – wants them to do well

• Afraid to let youngest son go for overseas education – afraid he might not return home, take a

European wife or forget his roots

• Wise and understanding about situation – children have to grow up and leave home one day – but

yet hopes to hold on to them as long as possible

• Loving and caring – take steps to ensure youngest son leave for further studies with a happy frame

of mind

• After receiving letter from Aloo in London – feels unsure that Aloo will return to hometown in

Minor characters

Aloo’s sibling (narrator)

• Second youngest in family and studying in local university

• Supportive of and understands Aloo’s needs to study overseas and not in local university

• Loving and caring of mother and understands mother’s refusal to allow Aloo to study overseas

• Observant – observes mother’s face and sees her as a person and not just as their mother –

recalls mother’s worried, unsmiling face looking after them

Mr Datoo

• A former teacher in Aloo’s school – came back from America for a visit.

• It was his visit that inspired Aloo to think about his future – of studying overseas in America.

Mr Velji

• A school officer who gives an objective comment about Aloo’s studies overseas

• Knows that Aloo will get a good education but fears that his mother may lose a son

• Has an understanding look when he reads the contents of Aloo’s letter from London

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The Right Thing to Do by Martyn Ford


A man is lying in the street. Three people, Patrick, Rebecca and David pass by and they look at him

not knowing what to do. They are in two minds – whether to walk away or do something to help him.

They push the act of checking on the man to each other as each feels it is not their problem. As they

are hesitating and arguing, a woman in blue comes and she immediately starts helping the man. She
instructs each one of them to do certain things for him – David has to call for an ambulance, Rebecca

to get water from a house nearby and Patrick to feel the man’s pulse. The lady and Patrick see the bottle

of pills in the man’s pocket. He has to take one if he feels ill. They help him to take a pill and he feels

better. The woman walks away quietly unnoticed by the others. Then, the ambulance arrives. The man

tells the nurse he is Michael Scott, the famous TV chef. The ambulance takes him away and the three

bystanders are happy they have done the right thing by helping the man. They commented on the

woman walking away, not realising that they were all reluctant to help in the first place.

Elements of the Drama




• Daytime

• The sidewalk of a street in town



Patrick and Rebecca see a man lying on the five-foot way of a street. They are unsure whether they

should help him. Each felt it is not his or her duty to help the man.


David passes by and asks about the man. The other two answered they do not know. Both men feel that

Rebecca should help the man as she is the first there. She, however, insists that it is not her problem.


While they are hesitating and arguing, a woman in blue comes by and she kneels down to help the man.

The others want to know why she is helping but she tells them to be quiet and do what she instructs.

David has to call for the ambulance, Rebecca to get some water and Patrick to feel the man’s pulse. They

find the man’s bottle of pills which he should take when he feels ill. They help take the pill and when he

feels better, the woman in blue leaves. The others do not notice this.

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Falling Action

The ambulance comes and a nurse checks that the man is well. The man is Michael Scott, the famous

TV chef. Scott thanks the three of them and then the ambulance takes him away.


The three, Rebecca, Patrick and David are happy the man is going to be all right. They feel they have

done the right thing for him. He is alive because of them. They criticise the woman for leaving without

realising that she was the one who actually started to help Michael Scott. It is an important day for

them as they have helped someone famous.


• Do the right thing when the occasion warrants it

• Be alert to what others do or do not do

• Learn by example

• Bringing out the best in others

• Humility and sincerity when giving help

• Acknowledge and appreciate help given by others

• Take credit only if one deserves it

• Taking charge in times of emergency

Moral Values

• We must be prepared to help out when the need arises.

• We must be aware of who has helped or have not helped and give credit where credit is due.

• Learn from what others do especially their acts of charity or humanity.

• In whatever we do, we should bring out the best in others.

• When we are giving help, do it humbly and sincerely and do not expect rewards.

• Any help rendered by others, should be acknowledged and appreciated no matter how simple.

• If you feel that what you have done deserves mention, then you can take credit.

• In times of emergency, anyone capable can take charge, even if he or she is not affiliated. The woman

in blue did not know Michael Scott, but she still helped him.
Language and Style

• Simple and clear language

• Dialogue – exaggeration and repetition of words

• Repeated by the characters to show fear of taking responsibility

Tone, mood and atmosphere

• Uncertainty about condition of man lying on the street

• Frustrating mood as the bystanders pushed responsibility to each other

• Atmosphere change to certainty and relief as the man is helped and becomes well

English Focus SPM Exploring Literature


Literary Devices


• It was ironical that none of the three bystanders attempted to check the condition of the man and

when a woman came by and checked on him, they became curious about her rather than the man.

• When the man recovered and was taken away in an ambulance the three bystanders congratulated

themselves for a job well done and forgot to credit the woman in blue.


The man lying on the street with three bystanders not doing anything to help him is symbolic of public

apathy when help is needed. Most onlookers will only look out of curiosity. There is no urgency of

needing to do the right thing.


The three bystanders recalled the woman who helped as being more bossy than helpful.


The three bystanders looking at the man lying on the street gives a clear image of helplessness in the

face of an emergency. Nobody seemed to know the exact action to take.


Repetition of words to get effect and emphasis e.g. “Yes, but it’s not my problem” “And it’s not my
problem!” , “We did everything.” “Yeah. Everything.”

Figurative Devices


“Oh, be quiet!”, “Be quiet and help.” ‘Go on! Feel his pulse.”

Characters and Character Traits


• First to see the man lying on the street

• Looks around and sees nobody around

• Wants to walk away, hesitates and walks back to look at the man again.

• Not willing to help the man physically

• Non-committal person

• Does not like to be told off – annoyed when the woman in blue told her to be quiet

• Instructed to get water but looks at woman with an unfriendly face

• Does what she is told – get water

• Likes to take credit when things go well – saying ‘we did everything’


English Focus SPM Exploring Literature


• Walks past and stops to look at the man lying on the road

• Not keen to help or find out the cause the man is lying on road

• Pushes the responsibility to Rebecca with the excuse that she was there first

• Good at making suggestions e.g. ‘Wake him up then’ but not willing to be physically involved.

• An on-looker rather than a doer

• Instructed by woman to check the man’s pulse – does this quite efficiently

• Expressed happily the man is still alive

• Expressed displeasure that the woman walked away

• Commented that helping the man is the right thing to do


• Comes along after Rebecca and Patrick

• Observant that the man looks ill and is non-committal too

• Insists checking on the man is not his problem – ‘Why me? You do it.’

• Instructed by the woman to call an ambulance – unwilling and hesitant

• Told not to waste time

The woman in blue

• She kneels down immediately to help the man lying on the street

• Though she is not a doctor and does not know the man, she helps him willingly.

• Civic-minded and knows what she is doing it the right thing to do

• Masterly and well-organised – instructs the others with precise instructions

• Humble and self-effacing – after making sure the man is out of danger, she walks away

• Does not like to be in the limelight

• Does not mind to be misunderstood by the others who forgot her role in saving the an

• Confident and considerate – does not stay to take credit for her work

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