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ENTREPRENEURSHIP - an individual who plans, organizes, and

operates a business, taking grater than

normal financial risks, psychic and social
- first established in 1700s
- most people think it means putting up
- willing to work long hours to ensure that
every part of the business is running
Economists- believe that is it more than simply
starting it
- someone who creates or looks for ideas for
Entrepreneur- someone who is willing to bear
business, which is then implemented to
and take risk of creating a new venture if there
become a business
is a substantial potential for growth and profit
- an entrepreneur needs to have passion
- entrepreneur’s role is to be the innovator of
NOTE: Implementation is the key
new products and services that delivers
PRODUCTS- created because of a birth of an
customer’s needs and demands
idea, which is then turned into either a physical
Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950)- studied how
or non-physical product
entrepreneurs are motivated to look, innovate
Theodore Roosevelt- said that “It’s hard to fail,
and create new and better ways of doing
but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
business in 20th Century
Peter Drucker (1990-2005)- a business expert
1. Jody Sta. Maria- Rue Borbon and Happy
who described an entrepreneur as someone
Barn Shake
who searches for things to change, responds to
2. Karylle – Center Stage and Family KTV Bar
it by researching and taking new ideas and
3. Jolina Magdangal- Memory Lane Country
trends, and exploits these charges as an
opportunity to create and deliver something
4. Angel Locsin- Fuel Up Bar
5. Lucy Torres- Gomez- Felix Restaurant
Entrepreneurship- necessary component in
6. Marvin Agustin- Sumo Sam and Johnny
encouraging economic growth
- gives employment opportunities to the
increasing work force and helps resolve
Entrepreneurial Competencies- fundamental
poverty in society
characteristics and traits possessed by
successful entrepreneurs that made them
ENTREPRENEURSHIP- the process of creating
succeed in their chosen enterprise
something new whether be it a product or
1. Initiative- look for new and better ways of
service that brings value by devoting the
doing things, getting ahead of others and
necessary time and effort considering the
aims to lead in their chosen industry or line
financial, psychic and social risks and receiving
in business
the resulting rewards of monetary and personal
satisfaction and independence
 Greeting and thanking customers who are
- requires and demands a lot of hard work
visiting your shop
 Extending and serving more customers by
to be able to create something new that can
opening outlets in new areas
offer value to its chosen market to be able to
 creating new products and services by
get something in return and convert it into
proactively researching what most market
profitable business
2. Sees and acts on opportunities- open your builds by delivering great products and
eyes for new opportunities and most service to customers and delivering on time
importantly acting on them 80/20 Rule- Pareto Principle; states that the last
Examples: 20% of the task needs the 80% effort
 Apple started as company that manufacture Examples:
computers but they expanded their  doing all extraordinary effort to complete a
business by creating iPads, iPhones and job to satisfy customers
even iTunes  accepting full responsibility for problems
 Jollibee started as an ice cream parlor but and therefore ready to provide resolution
found out that Filipinos wanted burgers  having a customer service hotline for
offered by Mcdo so they created their own customers complaints
3. Persistence- to be able to persist in aiming  real concern for satisfying customers
and taking actions for the firm’s growth by 7. Efficiency Orientation- always find ways of
getting the greatest number of customers doing things more efficiently and effectively
Examples: with fewer resources and at lower cost as
 KFC new products come every three possible
months and test how the customers accept Examples:
it  Using internet to sell products rather than
 Samsung getting head to head competition opening a physical store
with Apple in providing electronics and  using video presentations product write-ups
technology products and posted on social media platforms as
4. Information Seeking- make sure to get the marketing tools
appropriate and significant information  Jollibee using video contents
Examples: 8. Systematic Planning- failing to plan is
 Augmented realities being introduced planning to fail; develop a logical, timely,
through Virtual Reality (VR) step-by-step plan to reach the company
 Consulting industry experts in getting goals
relevant and up to date information Examples:
 Seeking information or asking questions to  making formulation plan of actions
clarify customer’s needs and concerns  anticipating expenses
 doing market research, analysis or  evaluating alternatives
investigation  taking a logical and systematic approach in
5. Concern for Work Quality- always strive to executing activities
improving and enhancing the products or  having back-up plans
service to deliver the best for consumers 9. Problem Solving- know how to solve
Examples: problems
 Strong yearn to produce and sell a top or Examples:
best quality product or service  Changing strategies in case of problems
 Jollibee having a standard from to reach organizational goals
measurement of every ingredient up to  generating new ideas or innovative
number of minutes a meal should be served solutions
6. Commitment to Work Contract- always  looking at problems as an opportunity
have in mind that company’s reputation 10. Self Confidence- have strong belief in self
and own abilities
Examples: 4. can cause a lot of emotional and
 show confidence in one’s abilities to psychological stress
perform tasks 5. unforeseen event
 persist with own judgement
1.1 Assertiveness- have the courage in looking ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS A CAREER
for solutions and find for resources - to be able to be successful in the career of
Examples: entrepreneurship, one must have a heart to
 communicate to others what they have to continue even if everything doesn’t fall into
do and not to place
 reprimand those failing to perform and - one of the best things about being
inform them of the possibilities for entrepreneur is the wide-open possibilities
continuance of the behavior - managing cash flow is difficult most
1.2 Persuasion- influencing others reach especially to the ones that has limited funds
company goals - the opportunities in entrepreneurship are
Examples: ultimately endless
 Convincing someone to buy a product AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS
or service Bakeshops Dress Shops
 Convince a firm to provide financing Barber Shop Drug Stores
1.3 Use of Influence Strategies- learn how to Boarding House Exporter
work with influential people to reach Coffee Shops Fast Food Outlets
business goals Computer Shops Food Catering
Constructions Franchise
Collaboration- one of great way of expanding a
Consultancy Gasoline Stations
Dental Clinic Grocery
Hardware Stores Preschool
 uses influential people as champions to
Importers Producers of Crafts
accomplish objectives Internet Shops Real Estate Brokerage
 uses a strategy to influence or persuade Laundry Shops Repair Shops
others towards organizational goals Machine Shops Resorts
Rewards of Entrepreneurship Restaurants Transportation
1. Money/ Financial Reward- ultimate reward Services
of being an entrepreneur Rice Retailers Travel Agencies
2. Freedom- entrepreneurship is ticket to Spa Tutorial Services
freedom; you have freedom to work at your Sports Venues Veterinary Clinic
own place and decide on how to grow a Tarpaulin Layouts Event Center
3. Psychological Rewards- it is equally a great LEADERS OF THE COUNTRY
feeling to be able to help customers by  John Gokongwei Jr.- chairman; JG Summit
providing products that they need or Holdings
service that help them better their lives “Success is not necessarily connections or
POSSIBLE PROBLEMS FACE BY cutting corners or chamba…..”
ENTREPRENEURS  Lucio Tan- Chairman and CEO LT Group Inc.
1. Usually business demands more hard work “The more bitter the lesson, the greater the
2. it also demands long working hours future success.”
3. requires a lot of sacrifice
 Manny V. Pangilinan- Chairmanl Metro b. how long it takes for the product to make
Pacific Investments Corporation and to be marketed
“I was born poor, but poor was not born in me.” c. total cost to the customer
 Henry Sy- Chairman and CEO; SM 2. Process Planning- determining the specific
Investments Corporation technologies, procedures and systems
“There is no such thing as overnight success or required to produce products or create
easy money….” services
MARKET POTENTIALS 3. Facility location planning- identification of
Identify the market needs- identify what the the place where the manufacturing process
market needs and not what you believe is the will be located and services will be offered
problem Criteria for facility location planning are:
Problem- a condition when consumers have the a. proximity or appropriate distance to target
requirement for a solution that either exist or customers
not b. business climate and the market
Henry Ford- “A market is never saturated with a environment
good product, but it is very quickly saturated c. total costing
with a bad one.” d. transportation facilities and infrastructure
Needs as the motivation for buying products- e. quality of labor
consumers buy products because of needs that f. supplies
requires satisfaction g. location of the company’s other facilities
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs h. peace and order condition
1. Physiological Needs- basic needs are the i. government laws, rules and regulations
requirements for human existence; most j. environmental regulations
vital and therefore should be first met k. host community
2. Safety needs- include personal security, l. competitive advantage
health and well-being 4. Facility layout planning- involves the
3. Social needs- stage for love and placement of departments, workstations,
belongingness machines and inventory storage within the
4. Esteem needs- includes: factory to ensure smooth work flow
- self-esteem - achievement - confidence Factors to consider in facility layout planning:
- respect - recognition - accomplishment a. Objectives and purposes of the system
5. Self-actualizing needs- highest level of in increasing productivity
Maslow’s hierarchy; pertains to what a b. demand for product and service
person’s optimum potential is and realizing c. number and volume of operations
that potential d. space availability
Planning the Business 5. Job planning or job design- function of
Planning- getting into the details of what the specifying work assignments of each
organizational goals and how to attain them employee and group in an organization; to
INVOLVES PLANNING FOR: Areas to consider in job planning or job design:
1. PRODUCT PLANNING- involves a. Tasks to be done
determining: b. Qualification of worker
a. how long the product meets customer’s c. Physical location
needs d. working time
e. reason for hiring - it was mentioned that every product’s
f. performance measurement service must be priced to cover production,
g. motivation wholesale cost, overhead etc.
- before setting the price for a product or
service, it is important to know the costs of 1. OVERHEAD EXPENSES- all non-labor
running the entire business expenditures required to operate a
BASIC RULES OF PRODUCT PRICING business; either fixed or variable
1. All prices must cover costs and profits a. FIXED EXPENSES- fixed and scheduled
2. the most effective way to lower prices which must be met month to month
is to lower costs - includes mortgage payments or rents,
3. review prices recurrently to make sure depreciation on fixed assets such as delivery
that they reflect the dynamics of cost, vehicles office equipment, salaries etc.
market demand, response to the - do not change whatever the company’s
competitors, and profit objectives status is in terms of revenue
4. prices must be established to assure b. VARIABLE EXPENSES- expenses that
sales fluctuate from month to month which
PRRICES ARE GENERALLY ESTABLISHED IN ONE are affected by sales and other factors
OF FOUR WAYS: like promotions, seasonal change, and
 COST PLUS PRICING- pricing that most variation of prices of supplies and
manufacturers use services
- make sure that the plus figure does not only - includes expenses for telephone and
cover all overhead costs but makes the communication, office supplies, printing,
percentage of profit you require as well mailing, packaging and advertising
 DEMAND PRICING- determined by the 2. COST OF GOODS SOLD- also known as cost
combination of volume and profit of sales; cost to purchase products for
- products are priced depending on the resale or to your cost to manufacture
source products
an established market price for a particular TO PURCHASE PRODUCTS:
product or service 1. PRICE- probably one that gets the highest
- widely used within markets with consideration
commodity products, which are difficult to 2. Product quality- consumers always look for
differentiate from another product with worthiest quality
- know the product competitor has 3. Convenience- availability
established 4. impact of promotion- affects customer’s
 MARKUP PRICING- commonly used by decision
manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers  CUSTOMER DEMOGRAPHICS- defining
Markup- computed by adding a set amount or your target market
percentage to the cost of a product  ACCESSIBILITY- business being
PRICING BASICS reachable by your customers
- entrepreneur should be aware with pricing
 COMPETITION- look for location where 6. non-government organizations
you can still have a piece of pie for your RULES FOR FINANCING
business to grow and be sustainable an entrepreneur should be guided by sound
 POPULATION DENSITY- place your financing rules such as:
location where there is a ready 1. know the cash requirements
community of clients are available 2. know the best terms
 ALLOWANCE FOR FUTURE GROWTH- 3. know how and when to pay
part of planning long term for the 4. owner’s investments should be more
business than the borrowings
HOME BASED BUSINESS 5. if borrowing are needed for fixed assets
- business operated at home or working capital
- there should be clear physical and time SOURCES OF BUSINESS IDEAS
boundaries between the business and the 1. Surveys
home 2. trainings
- funding of the business will depend upon 4. hobbies
the nature of the enterprise and of the 5. talents
product 6. market gaps
1. FIXED CAPITAL- for land, building, 9. shows and exhibitions
rental deposits, improvements, 10. merging businesses
machinery, equipment, furniture MARKET ANALYSIS
2. WORKING CAPITAL- day to day - A market analysis is quantitative and
operations until the cash comes from qualitative evaluation of a market. The goal
regular business is to look into the size of the market both
3. ORGANIZATION COST OR EXPENSES- volume and in value.
cost of putting up the legal business HOW TO DO THE MARKET ANALYSIS?
entity - The objectives of the market analysis are to
- amount paid to lawyers and accountants in make sure that everything about the
the writing of contracts or agreements and market is clear and that the business if
fees paid to the government offices to feasible and it is large enough to build a
register the business sustainable business.
4. CONTINGENCIES OR UNFORESEEN These are the recommended for market
COSTS- estimated amount for reserve analysis:
for contingencies or unforeseen events  Demographics Segmentation.
Cash may come from any of the following:  Market Need
1. personal money of the entrepreneur  Competition
2. loans from relatives and friends Demographic Segmentation
3. loans from banks and other lending - Dividing the total of people in the market
institutions based on the customer demographics.
4. investors Target Market
5. government assistance programs
- A target market is a group of customers Idea Stage
that a business has decided to aim its - Ideas for products or services in this stage
marketing efforts towards. are filtered in order for the company to
Recognizing the Target Market maximize its resources for the ideas that
- To build a solid foundation for a business, are most viable.
the entrepreneur must identify first the Concept Stage
business target market. - After a new product/service idea has
Steps in Defining Target Market passed evaluation in the idea stage, it
1. Analyze the product or service should be further developed through
- Write a list of the product or service interaction with customers.
features and benefits to the customer. Product Development Stage
2. Choose specific target demographics - In the product development stage,
- Determine not only who has a need for your consumer reaction to the physical product
product or service, but also who is most or service is determined.
likely to buy it. Test Marketing Stage
 Age - This is the last in the evaluation process;
 Location this provides actual sales results, which
 Gender indicates the level of acceptance of
 Income Level consumers.
 Education Level
 Marital or Family Status
 Occupation
 Ethnic background
3. Consider the psychographics of your
- Psychographics are the more personal
characteristics of a person.
 Personality
 Attitudes
 Values
 Interests/hobbies
 Lifestyles
 Behaviour
Market Need
- Customers are the ones buying form a
Research your Competition
Competitors are like each companies enemies
who always want a bigger portion of the market

The Product Planning and Development


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