How To Make Poha Recipe at Home

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How to make poha Recipe at home

How to make poha recipe at home –Many people ask search on internet, read
differents recipe books but still they never get appropriate answer that from where
they should start to make poha which is available in market, but here you will get
answer .As we know Poha come’s in lite food and mostly people in India preferred
to take it in morning therefore As lite breakfast, this recipe is easy to make and this
Recipe is best breakfast for the kids to serve them in their school tiffin box.

Poha can be also serve with pickle and curd and people use water and milk both to
rinse the poha. In market there are also several types of poha, but always remember
that you should always take medium type of poha to make. This Article help those
people who search for Poha Recipes, Now let’s check out the Recipe.
 2 Bowl of Poha.
 3-4 Curry Leaves (kadi patta)
 1-2 chopped onion
 1-2 chopped tomatoes
 2-3 green chilly
 4-5 teaspoon of peanuts
 1 teaspoon of mustard seed (Rai)
 1 teaspoon of oil( oil which available at your place)
 1/2 teaspoon of Salt(according to your choice)
 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric (haldi)
 One four teaspoon of red chilli( our choice)
 3 teaspoon of sugar
 1 tbsp of coriander leaves & powder
 1-2 thin chopped potatoes
 2 tbsp of cumin (jeera)
 1 half lemon

***Step By Step Process***

 For making Poha Firstly, We have to take Poha and put it in bowl having normal
water in it, so that poha will rinse,
 Now after that drain out the water completely.
 Next put that poha one side and chopped the vegetable(potato,tomatoes,green
chilly) into small pieces.
 After this when poha become soft then put some sugar and turmeric in poha .
 Mix all turmeric, sugar and poha slowly with your hand to avoid lumps.
 Take kadai or pan and put some oil in it.
 Put 3-4 tbsp of peanuts and sauté it and then mix it with rinse poha.
 After some time when you observe that oil is little heated then put some mustard
seed, jeera(rai) and some curry leaves.(Same oil in which we used peanuts)
 After 3-4 second put some green chilly, thin potatoes cubes and chopped onion
in it and sauté them.
 When you observe that Onion Turn little Golden at that time add some coriander
powder, little bit of Hing (if available), and salt(according to your taste) in it and
saute them until it convert into little gravish.
 Take Poha and put it into kadai and add some sugar in it. and slowly mix them.
 Finally Add roasted peanuts in kadai, squeeze some lemon juice in it and garnish
with coriander leaves.
 Now, Serve it.

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