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Jeremiah 10.

Isaiah 4713-15


The devil has worked within the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order
fro nearly 500 years to perpetuate one huge fabrication.
We live upon a globe earth, rotating around the sun
in a huge solar system,but spinning through an immense galaxy,
traveling an enormous,ever expanding universe that contains alien life
on other planets.These beliefs are essential to Satan's complex,end
time strategy.Demons, pretending to be aliens,will invade the earth
under the First Who which enables the last Pope to broke a peace
treaty with these stealthy demonic " extraterrestrials."

After the successfully halts the alien attacks,he will obtain a political
appointment to head the new one world religion.In this role, the Pope
will help Satan in this final deception, pretending to be Yahushua. (Jesus )
Satan has always wanted to worship that is due the Creator alone.

Isaiah 14:12-14 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,son of the morning
For thou hast said in the heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt
my throne above the stars of Yahuwah..(Jesus) I will be like the most high. "
For millennia on earth,Satan has diverted worship from the Creator fo false
Gods of his invention and in the final remnant of time,satan will make it
appear he is the Saviour returning as promised.Satan will seek to be the
completion of every religious expectation; Saviour, Messiah, promised one.
All three of the monotheistic, Abraham religions have very specific expectations
for the events they believe will happen at the end of the age.Muslims expect
to see the reemergence of the Hidden Imam, or Mahdi, just prior to the
extablishment of worldwide Islamic dominance.

The Hidden Imam is known by several monikers, which translate to 'expected one' ,
the 'hidden one' and, of course, Mahdi (promised one)."

Jews anticipate the arrival of their Messiah, a descendant from the House
of David. after his return, they believe Israel will be exalted as a nation
All foreigners will be banished from their borders, and the world will be
converted, its leaders bringing tribute to the Jewish Messiah. Christians,
different denominations have differing beliefs as to the order of events
preceding the second coming.However, all Christians are united in looking
for a return of Yahushu (Jesus) the hope of every Christian now living.
These Abrahamic religions are not alone in looking for a Promised One to come
visit this depraved world.

Buddhists believe after a period of great moral degeneration in society,

There will arise in the world an Exalted One named Maitreya, Fully Awakened
abounding in wisdom and goodness, happy, with knowledged of the worlds,
unsurpassed as a guide to mortals to mortals willing to be led, a teacher
for gods and men "

Hindus believe this present time period is the last of four ages and the
most morally depraved of these.At its end, they anticipate the final reincarnation
of Vishnu as Kalki, riding a white horse to gather the few pious souls remaining
together with the other incarnations of the Godhead, or Avatars, Kalki will
destroy sin and vanquish every demon.
80% of the earths population lives within these five religions.Satan, the
mastermind behind every organized religion,has influenced so many through
his own theological lives, he will create fictitious last day scenes to
meet this numbers later day expectations.

Satan is the world's greatest Bible scholar and knows the truth very well
He is responsible for every incorrect view, Concerning the Creator and the
end of the world. He will appear as the Mahdi to the Muslims, the Messiah
to the Jews,Yahushua (Jesus) to the Christians, Maitreya to the Buddhists
and Kalki to the Hindus.

The Trumpets of Revelation 8 and 9 will be heavens's last warning to the

earth.As deceptive as these sequence of events can be,we see the foundation
for that which is to follow, the impersonation of the Saviour by his achenemy.

The world will be thrown into unprecedented chaos during the three and half
year period between the first and Second Woes.Satan desires the masses turn to
their religious leaders to make sense of the catastrophic events.

Thus, he reshapes the thinking of all by the few.The horrific events under the
who have been intentionally designed so that Satan's impersonation of Yahushua
will be whole heartedly believed.

As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself will
personate Christ.

The Church has long professed to look to the Saviours advent as the
consummation of her hopes.Now the great deceiver will make it appear
that christ has come.In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest
himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness,resembling
the description of the of Yah given by John in the Revelation.

The glory that sorrounds him is unsurprassed by anything that mortal eyes
have yet beheld.
The shout of triumph rings out upon the air: Christ has come! Christ has come!

The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him, while he lifts up

his hands and pronounces a blessing upon them, as Yahushua ( Jesus) blessed
his disciples when he was upon the earth.His voice is soft and subdued,
Yet full of melody. "

Satan's control of organized religions has led most followers to conclude

that which he desires. They all approach their local religious leaders
for instruction in what to believe thus his lies are disseminated throughout.
Leaders consult with superiors to follow the guidance of the upper hiearchs.
in the near future, the Pope's influence will cross all religious boundaries
directly under Satan himself.

Thus, when he appears as Christ, the Pope accepts him to conduce the world's
worship of Satan as truly Saviour. The leaders of all other religious bodies
follow his example.

The orthodox churches will be told by their patriarch this is indeed Christ
Jews will rejoice to finally receive their Messiah. Muslims will thank Allah
for sending their Promised One.Buddhists accept him as Maitreya, Hindus as
the prophesied Kalki.
Christian leaders assure their sheep, the beautiful being they see, closely
matching the description of Yahushus (Jesus) given in Revelation, This is the
long-awaited Saviour of the world. All will insist, "This is the Christ"
All who disagree are considered radicals, yet this is precisely how the people
of Yah respond.

Only those who have been diligent students of the scriptures and who have
received the love of the truth will be shielded from the powerful delusion
that takes the wolrd captive.

By the Bible testimony these will detect the deceiver in his disguise.
Are the people of Yahuwah now so firmly established upon His word that they
would not yield to the evience of their senses? Would they, in such a crisis,
cling to the Bible and the Bible only?"

The religious hierchy of Babylon prepares the world to worship Satan.and for
this reason the clarion call goes forth,


The sincere in heart flee Babylon, no longer influenced by heirarchical

human control. During the second woe, the bible foretells the death of one-third f
of humanity. Yahuwah, in great love and mercy, does not allow Satan's destruction
to fall before all have heard the clarify of the gospel message once again.

Satan's imposter occurs the destruction of the Second Woe, while heaven's
truth resounds throughout the Earth. As the world's massess follow the
example of religious leaders,and before Satan, great will be the indignation
felt against all who refuse to act accordingly. The small remnant stand boldly
for the truth, while denouncing the counterfeit and face harsh persecution.

As the world's masses bow before Satan, their Saviour and persecution for
noncompliance increases,then those found under political control are obliged
to accept Satan as their Messiah.

" In gentle, compassionate tones he Satan presents some of the same gracious,
heavenly truths whcich the Saviour uttered;he heals the diseases of the people,
and then, in his assumed character of Christ, he claims to have changed the Sabbath
to Sunday, and commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed.

He declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are
blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his angels sent to them
with light and truth.

This is the strong almost overmastering delusion. Like the Samaritans who
were deceived by Simon Magus, the multitudes, from the least to the greatest,
give heed to these sorceries, saying: This is " the great power of God."

It is impossible to grasp the sheer hatred felt against all who steadfastly refuse
to bow to this satanic counterfeit. The dsire to force compliance is driven
by the fear, if all don't unite to accept the Promised One, the "alien"
invasion of the First Who might return.

When humanity suffers the great losses predicted under the Second Woe, this
will appear justified. Many will be martyred for refusing to go along the mass
hysteria, when lending an air believability demons appear and impersonate
prominent religious leaders of the past,including the 12 apostles, with other
prophets, and the 12 patriarchs.
The Third Woe begins, probation having just closed. All holy and righteous
will remain thus,as those having persisted in rebellion against Heaven are filled
with a satanic zeal unprecedented in earth's history, which steadily increases
under the seven last plagues.

Satan too will be filled with murderous intent.If he could wipe from the earth
this small remnant denouncing him as a fraud,his triumph would be complete.
The malevolent imposter coerces world leaders to enact a law declaring all
who refuse to bow and worship Christ shall be put to death.

The faith of the remnant, although solely tested, will not fail as with extreme
spiritual thirst, they remain standing in obedience to see their beloved Saviour
at His appearing. These shall continue to abide in peace and boundless joy.

As him who is the water they seek grasps their steadfast loving desires and will
call to with for all eternity those who have forsaken all,for him whom they have
loved.He will swallow up death in victory;And adonai Yahuwah will wipe away
tears from off all faces;and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from
off all the earth: For Yahuwah hath spoken.And it shall be said in that day,


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