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The Value Novel The Hungers Games With Teori Psikoanalysis


The Hunger Games Novel illustrates psychological description of main character when facing anxiety
caused by id conflict with ego and super ego. Anxiety meant by psychoanalyst is overwhelming anxiety,
in which the anxiety drives psychosomatic disturbance or results an individual behaves unnaturally. The
writer finds that the main character applies several defense mechanisms for the same conflict to solve
anxiety emerging. Moreover, regression which becomes particular character of Freudian is also
undergone by the main character. Defense mechanism of main character seems running well. Main
character could be free from pressure and undergoes life well.

Keywords: The Hunger Games, psychoanalysis


The Hunger Games is one of the trilogy of teenage novels written by Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games
is an annual event and each district will send one boy and one girl selected by lottery and be shown in
the Capitol colonies so as not to rebel. The representative from the surviving district will be the winner
and keep their district from starvation which every second lurks their lives. Because of limited space, the
author will only discuss the main character namely Katniss Everdeen. The alternation of encouragement
experienced by Katniss Everdeen is an interesting thing to discuss using psychoanalysis that was
pioneered by Sigmund Freud.
The Hunger Games novel tells the story of a girl she’s name Katniss Everdeen who must become the
backbone of a family at her young age and replace the position of her sister Primrose Everdeen, whom
she loved so much when her name was chosen to participate in the Hunger Games. Hunger Games is a
very interesting spectacle for the citizens of the Capitol who have met all their needs. In fact, murder is
considered a beauty for residents of the Capitol. The Hunger Games were also shown to all districts so
that they would not rebel. For the twelve districts of the Capitol, the Hunger Games are terrible
monsters because they have usurped their human rights. The following is an explanation of Katniss's
worries and the defense mechanism he does in minimizing the conflict between the id and the ego.
Psychoanalysts believe that an individual's childhood experiences with parents have shaped a person's
personality. Therefore, the author describes the childhood of Katniss Everdeen who translated the
author in the novel The Hunger Games. Neurosis anxiety experienced by Katniss originated from the
death of his father. Katniss Everdeen is still waiting eleven years of compilation left by his father because
of release.
"Even his body was barely left to be buried. I was eleven at the time. Five years later, I still woke up
while shouting at my father to run away from the mine". (Collins, 2012: 12)
Quotes from above because Katniss is haunted by neurotic doubts due to the absence of the father and
the heavy responsibilities that must be endured after the death of the father. One of the improvements
Katniss made to overcome it was a dream. For five years, Katniss fantasized that he could actually save
my father by shouting for him to leave the mine. Another defense transition that Katniss also uses is
rationalization. Katniss rationalizes the loss of his father by hunting. Aside from one way to survive,
hunting is something that can associate Katniss with his father. Neurotic anxiety also began to release
Katniss compilation because of the death of his father, he not only lost his father, but also his mother,
because his mother did not care anymore.

The method chosen in this paper isqualitative descriptive method. Hadari Nawari (inSiswantoro,
2005:56) stated that:
"Descriptive method can be interpreted as problem solving procedure with describe or describe the
situation subject or object of research (a person,institutions, communities, etc.) at the time now based
on visible factsor as is ".
The facts that were unearthed are described in a way that is systematic, that is sorted according to
classification,given an interpretation, and reflection. As for the approach used is psychoanalysis,
Siswantoro (2005: 57). As stated by Cole and Lindemann (1990: 199) that "psychological theories
may be applied to writers, works, or readers. "Writer emphasizing the work and focusing on reason
main character behavior.

Result and Discussion

Sadness over the death of the father is also projected by Katniss for the mother. Katniss doesn't like
having to approve of her life's instincts by letting her and her sister agree.

"My mother must have liked my father so much that he was willing to go home. Only stitches. I believe all
I can do is see a woman sitting quietly, empty and unreachable, while children are riding for leather. I
want to forgive her for my father's sake. But honestly , I'm not the type to forgive ". (Collins, 2012: 15-16)

Fathers and Permits certainly accept each other. The reason that creates an impulse to Katniss is that he
simply does not like or aversion Because in psychoanalysis, hatred can motivate a person to destroy
objects that are the target of hatred, while Katniss never intended that so he realized his subconscious
store hatred at that time.

"From the ferocious side inside me hated him because of my mother's weak attitude, because we
neglected us, for the months we had to go through. Prim forgave her, but I took a step back from my
mother, building a wall to help myself so that I didn't need it, and therefore between we are never the
same again ". (Collins, 2012: 63)

It is also justified by Krech (in Minderop, 2010) that feelings of hatred are always attached to a person
and he will never be satisfied before destroying it; if the object is damaged then he will be satisfied. As
for Katniss, mothers are still mothers. Even though he can't depend on difficult conditions. He still loves.
Dislike of growing grows in unison with love.
Super ego Katniss tolerates his mother's attitude. The death of someone who is loved is very painful
because Katniss also felt that. As explained in the quote above, in the subconscious Katniss actually
began to appear conflict. The super ego leads him to regret doing that, while the id whispers that what
he is doing is a natural protest against someone who does not perform the role as they should. This
encourages his ego to state that he actually loves his mother even though it is only a normative reason_
maybe those words can be a counterweight. The conflict between the super ego and the id ends when
Katniss realizes that she should have something that can remind her of her mother and home, not Prim,
whom she loves so much, as revealed in the following quote.
"I left my mother's blue dress and shoes on the floor of my room in the train, never thought of picking it
up, and tried to hold something that reminded me of my mother, and home. Now I wish I had taken that
dress." (Collins, 2012: 74)

super ego Katniss is aware of that distance between him and his mother because his subconscious
impulses were dominated by impulses
hatred so despite the urge of love on the mother wants to be treated as a child loved ones, id Katniss
instead fortified her.Anxiety also disturbs his id when knowing which boy will become one of his
opponents at the Hunger Games is Peeta Mellark A child he doesn't know however had given him bread
in the worst winter after three months of his father's death. Death because of starvation is common in
the district The district where Katniss is, even aged in the district is a symbol of prestige.This is the main
reason for anxiety morality Katniss is eating away at her super ego so Katniss encourage his id to
fantasize by finding a 'solution'in the world of fantasy. That the father should didn't leave so he didn't
need to worry because he had owe my life to Peeta Mellark and maybe alone will kill him at the Hunger
Games. Katniss balance the conflict between the id and the ego with fantasize about the presence of the

"My feeling of being numb over death my father has passed, and that pain suddenly attacked me from
nowhere, in double the pain, and shake my body with sobs. In where are you I screamed in my heart.
Where are you go? Of course there was never an answer to that my questions ". (Collins, 2012: 35)

The quote above is very real Katniss wants to deny the departure of his father he loved so much that he
denied with instilling fantasy in his sung brain dad is actually still there, still reliable, and asked for help
so he doesn't need to owe a debt to Peeta Mellark. The quote above also illustrates that conversation of
morality psychosomatic draw for Katniss_ shake my body with a tear. The body is shaken because very
mood continue. Trying to shake because it's hard feel and submerge pain which was very unsuccessful.
Id Katniss relentlessly sends impulses that Peeta is good, that thing cause conflict with his super ego like
Katniss's subconscious picture follows.

"Only the next morning crossed in my mind that boy might be

deliberately scorch the bread he threw.It could be that he dropped the bread into in the fire, even though
he knew he would be punished,then give it to me. But I get rid of this thought. It must be charred bread
accidentally. Why did he do it? He doesn't even know me. However throwing bread at me is
immeasurable kindness that can make it beaten if caught ". (Collins, 2012: 41)

Id conflict and super ego Katniss does not stop after the draw, on the way towards the Capitol, the
impulse of Katniss still with straightforwardly stated that Peeta Mellark did indeed good person, like the
following quote.

"I'm thinking of the reason why he is insisted on taking care of Haymitch himself and I suddenly thought,
that's because he really is well. The same good deed as when he gave me bread ". (Collins, 2012: 59)
Such anxiety is disturbing Katniss remembers the Hunger Games they will be face will make them kill
each other.

In addition, Katniss also heals id conflict and his ego by doing things that his father loved, namely
hunting. Although it was just a diversion, Katniss did this is due to the urge of eros, in addition to himself
also for his mother and sister. Hunting is the only source of livelihood that is so close with him because
his father did that. Although initially, Katniss could only run away from danger threatening objectives,
such as the following quote.

"Initially, if you felt a sign of danger, howling in the distance, a broken branch suddenly, me must have
run straight to the fence. Then I began to dare to climb the agar trees can escape from the pursuit of stray
dogs usually get bored quickly and leave "(Collins, 2012: 62)

Katniss experienced many objective anxieties when fighting at the Hunger Games. Besides threats from
the Hunger Games participants, the situation and conditions Hunger Games are modified in such a way
also poses many threats to Katniss.

"In today's conditions, I guess kind of any wasp nests have no effect more for me. I was hurt and trapped.
Darkness keeps my death suspended for a while, but at sunrise, These Career participants will draw up a
plan to kill me. It can't be them didn't do it after I made it they look so stupid. Bee hive that's probably my
only choice remaining. If only I could drop the nest That wasp to them, I might have chance of escape.
But to be able to do that, I could have lost my life ". (Collins, 2012: 208)


Katniss Everdeen is a girl with so dynamic personality. Very thing striking from the anxieties they
experienced is the death of the father. From the discussion above,it appears that the death of the father
buried security that is the main source of emergence various anxiety experienced by Katniss, such as
neurotic anxiety, morality, and objectivity. Although experiencing psychosomatic disorders due to
anxiety anxiety experienced, the subconscious Katniss has a myriad of ways to survive so that conflict ID
with ego or super ego can be overcome well.And it is humane when inside fatigue due to facing the
natural conflict below mindful of that, Katniss sometimes chooses encouragement thanatos, even
though it never was really chosen because of the urge to love the sang sister made him choose to fight
to survive with the worst conditions though.

Collins, Suzanne. 2012. The Hunger Games.
Endraswara, Suwardi. 2011.

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