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-Badminton was first called as Poona. It was developed from children’s game called battledore and shuttlecock.
-It was I the 1860s, when some British officers in India who were stationed at ‘Kirkee’ near the city of ‘Poona’ (now
known as Pune city) used to play game which was very similar to badminton and the game was known as the ‘Poona’
game at that time. These soldiers played with Battledores (Paddles)which was used to hit the shuttlecock and had also
added a net in between the players. When these British soldiers returned back home at Gloustershire Country in
the1870s, they continued to play this ‘Poona’ badminton game.
-In 1873, the Duke of Beaufort held a lawn party in his country place, called Badminton.
- By 1877, the “Bath Badminton Club” was the first ever club formed & also the first official sets of rules were developed.
- The International Badminton Federation (IBF) was formed in 1934 with 9 founding members.
 England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Denmark, Holland, Canada, New Zealand and France
-Major international tournaments like the Thomas Cup which is for men, and the Uber Cup which is for Women started
to be held.
- Badminton World Federation (BWF) is the new federation or club for the badminton.


-The aim of badminton is to hit the shuttle with your racket so that it passes over the net and lands inside your
opponent’s half of the court.
-Play begins from the right half court. Players must hit the shuttlecock into the diagonal opposite court.


Racquet- The frame of the racket, including the handle, is not to exceed 680 mm (26.75 inches) in overall length, and
230 mm (9 inches) in overall width.
- Parts of the racquet: Head, Stringed area or gat, Throat, shaft, handle.
Shuttlecock or Birdie (Bird)- It has a small ball at the front to give it speed, and feathers protruding from it to help it
float when it is hit high into the air. Made up of 16 feathers of goose or duck (Wing part).
Shoes- Special court shoes are worn to allow players to move quickly across the court, and to give them traction for
quick movements around.
Net- 5 feet high in the center, and 5 feet 1 inch at the sides.
Badminton Court- 13.4m in length and 6.1m in width.


The commonly used Badminton Accessories are Grip, Badminton Clothes, Socks, Wrist Band and Head Band.
Grip - A grip made of cloth or synthetic fiber absorbs sweat and provides you a drier feel.
Badminton Clothes - Comfortable T-shirts and shorts, that don’t hinder your movement are ideal to play Badminton. A
cotton round-neck or a collar t-shirts with a pair of light shorts are usually preferred.
Socks - Wear a pair of thick cotton socks as they help to absorb sweat. They also prevent your feet from slipping inside
your shoes. Avoid wearing Nylon socks that don’t absorb sweat.
Wrist Band - If you perspire a lot, you may consider getting a wrist band that prevents your sweat from flowing to your
racket handle.
Head Band - Wear a Head Band if you wear spectacles. It prevents your lenses from getting wet and also stops the sweat
and hair from getting into your eyes while playing.


 Scoring System
- Every time you win a rally, you get a point.
- The winner of a badminton match is the player(s) who win two games out of three.
- A game is won by being the first to reach 11, 15, or 21 points.
- Each game must be won by at least two points and a number of systems are available for extending a game
where a score of 10-10, 14-14 or 20-20 has been reached.
- The server is now allowed to serve until his opponent is ready. If the opponent attempts to return service, he is
deemed to have been ready.
- Both the server and the opponent receiving the serve are required to stand so that some part of both feet
remains in contact with the surface of the court while in a stationary position until the service has been
- Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored.
- The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.
- At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.
- At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.
- When you’re saying the score, always say the server’s score first.
- The side winning the game serves first in the next game.
- If players commit an error in the service court, the error is corrected when the mistake is discovered.
- Serving is how you start the rally
- Is the person who hits the second shot in the rally. In doubles, the receiver’s partner is now allowed to hit this shot.
How to serve?
-In badminton, the serve must be hit in an upwards direction, with an underarm hitting action. You are not allowed
to play a “tennis style” serve.
-The main rule here is that when you hit the shuttle, it must be below your waist. To be exact, the rules define this
to be a height level with the lowest part of your ribcage. In other words, you can serve from a bit higher than the top
of your shorts, but not much.
Service Courts
- The service courts are smaller box shapes inside the court.
Two Service Courts
- Your right service court, and your left service court.
Doubles Service Courts
- They are wider, because they use the outside side line (remember: the doubles court is wider); and they are
shorter, because they use the inside back line.
Deciding who gets to serve first
-In a major tournament, a coin toss is used to decide which side will serve first.
-In more casual club or league games, you usually just throw the shuttle up in the air, let it land, and see which side
it points towards: that side serves first.
Position of Server and Receiver in Doubles Match
In a doubles match between A&B against C&D. A&B won the toss and decided to serve. A to serve to C. A shall be
the initial server while C shall be the initial receiver.
- Love ALL - 1-1 - 3-2
- 1-0 - 2-1 - 3-3
- 2-2
• The order of server depends on the score odd or even same as in singles.
• The service courts are changed by the servicing side only when a point is scored. In all other cases, the players
continue to stay in their respective service court from where they played previous rally. This shall guarantee
alternate server.

Singles, Doubles, and Mixed Doubles

You can have either two or four players on a badminton court: one player on each side, or a team of two players on
each side, or a team of two players on each side.
• Singles – One-against-One
• Doubles – Two-against-Two

Five types of Badminton

• Men’s Singles
• Women’s singles
• Men’s doubles
• Women’s doubles
• Mixed doubles(each team is a man and a woman)
Men’s double and women’s are also called level doubles.

Interval and changes of Ends

 When the leading score reaches 11 points, players have a 60 seconds interval.
 A 2 minute interval between each game is allowed.
 In the third game, players change ends, when the leading score reaches 11 points.

Serve – the stroke use to put the shuttlecock into pay at the star of each rally; also called a “service”.
Low serve – the low serve travels into the receiver’s forecourt, to fall on or just behind his short service line. Low
service must travel as close to the net tape as possible, or they will be attacked fiercely. In double, the straight low
serve is the most frequently used service variation.
High serve – the high serve is hit very high, so that the shuttle falls vertically at the back of the receiver’s service
court. The high serve is never used in doubles, but is common in singles.
Flick serve – although the flick serve is hit upwards, the trajectory is much shallower than the high serve.
Drive serve – are hit flat to the back of the receiver’s service court.
Net shot – is played into the opponent’s forecourt, as close to the net as possible.
Drive – a fast and low shot that makes a horizontal flight over the net. A drive is played when the shuttle is near net
height, at the side of the player’s body.
Push – a gentle shot played by pushing the shuttlecock with a little wrist motion.
Lift – a lift is played upwards to the back of the opponent’s court. Midcourt lifts are most commonly played in
response to a smash or well-placed push.
Defensive lift- A lift that is hit very high, so that the layer gains time for recovery to a good base position.
Attacking lift -A lift that is hit more shallowly, so that the opponent is forced to move very quickly to prevent the
shuttle from travelling behind him.
Clear- A clear travels high and to the back of the opponent’s rear court.
Defensive clear - A clear that is hit very high, so that the player gains time for recovery to a good base position.
Attacking clear -A clear that is hit more shallowly, so that the opponent is forced to move very quickly to prevent
the shuttle from travelling behind him.
Baseline- The back boundary line at each end of the court, parallel to the net.
Carry- An illegal stroke in which the shuttle is not hit, but caught and held on the racket before being released.
Drop shot- a shot hit softly and with finesse to fall rapidly and close to the net in the opponent’s court.
Backhand- The stroke used to return balls hit to the left of a right-handed player and to the right of a left-handed
Forehand- The stroke used to return a ball hit to the right of a right-handed player and to the left of a left-handed
Kill- Fast downward shot that cannot returned.
Fault - Violation of the playing rules.
Let- A minor violation of the rules allowing a rally to be replayed.
Match- A series of games to determine a winner.
Rally - The exchange of shots that decides each point.
Service court- The area into which a service must be delivered. Different for singles and doubles.
Shot service line- The front line of the service court 1.98 meters from the net. Singles: a game where one player
plays against another player.
Smash - A smash is a powerful stroke or hard-hit overhead shot that forces the shuttle sharply downwards into the
opponent’s court.
Wood shot- A legal shot in which the shuttle hits the frame of the racket.


- The officials are the judges responsible to ensure a fair badminton game is being played. They consists of:
Umpire: The ‘main judge’ for the particular badminton game. He/she has the power to overrule any decisions made by
the service judge or line judges. The umpire is the person ensuring that the badminton game is run smoothly and
prevent any players from delaying the game play.
Whenever a player requests to change the shuttle, the umpire will need to approve that the change could be made.
The umpire also looks out for faults committed around the net area such as whether a player touched the net when
returning the shuttle.
Besides, the umpire is responsible to make a ‘fault’ call when the shuttle touches the player or the players’ attires except
for the badminton racket. In badminton, it will be a fault/foul to a player if the shuttle touches any part of that player’s
body or attire.
Service Judge: The service judge is responsible in making a ‘service fault’ call and to provide shuttles to the players.
Line Judges: Line judges sit beside the badminton court (right in front of every in/out lines) to determine whether the
shuttle is inside or outside the boundaries of the court. Their calls are usually very subjective and are often controversial.
Referee: is the most senior official. They are having the absolute authority and they are in charge of all matters which
affect play and the players- both on the court and off the court. Referee is looked after the whole tournament.
The umpire, service judge, and line judges are all needed to report the referee. They ensures the correct implementation
of rules and regulations according to international badminton standard.
- The referee is also having the authority in approving the practice and matches schedule.
 1 Referee, 1 Umpire, 1 Service Judge, and 8 to 10 Line Judges. Total of 10 to 13 officials in a badminton
tournament. The variation is on the line judges. The BWF is recommended to have 10 line judges per court.

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