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Bell Ringer and Compelling Question

1. What do you think about how our government is set up?

In my opinion the United States government is set up in many complex ways and

everything and everyone has their own particular area or place. For an example, the

Internal Revenue Service(IRS) has their own individual place.

2. Does it (our government) protect you?

The United States government does not protect me at all . I think because of who I am I

am in more danger than could possibly be fathomed. The United States government

prosecutes innocent people that look like me for absolutely nothing at all. So no the

government does not protect me.

3. Who does it give power to?

The government of the United States predominately gives the most power to the wealthy.

The wealthy have the majority of the power and prosperity in this country. So the power

in the United States goes to the wealthy.

Did the American Revolution allow for a government that protects ALL of its citizens?

To even propose such a question is absurd. The American revolution did not allow for ALL

citizens to be protected. Think about the racism and ways that things are handled in our “great”

nations the government is the foundation of the hatred and the majority of feuds and beefs of our

nation. Imagine the family of Trayvon Martin would they think that the government protected

him, even though they are citizens were they given respect or even protection. So no the

government does not protect ALL of its citizens so what was the point of the revolution.

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