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Vol 76, 1981, pp. 1775-1783

Geology,Mineralogy,and Chemistryof Lateritie Nickel-Cobalt

Depositsnear Kalgoorlie,Western Australia
WesternMining CorporationLimited, KambaldaNickel Operations,Kambalda,WesternAustralia6442, Australia


In the Kalgoorliearea of WesternAustralia,significantdepositsof Ni-Co laterite are de-

velopedon large ultramaficcomplexesat Siberiaand Bulong.The ultramaficrocksform part
of extensiveArchcangreenstonebeltsin the granitoidterrain of the southeastern Yilgarn
Block,and were lateritizedduring Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary times.
The lateriteprofiledevelopedover serpentinizeddunitc and peridotitcis divided into four
zoneson the basisof morphology,mineralogy,and chemicalcomposition. In the oxidized
bedrockzone,Ni-rich "saproliticserpentine"andsmectitearedevelopedin jointsandfractures
in the bedrock.The overlyingsaprolitezoneconsists predominantlyof "saproliticserpentine"
and may retainbedrockstructures and textures.It is characterized by a decrease of Mg and
an increasein Ni upward.A well-definedclay zoneis commonlydevelopedover the Bulong
saprolitezone.The clayzoneiscomposed essentially
of nontroniteandquartz,andcommonly
containsNi valuesof i to 2 percent.The limohirezoneoccursat the top of the profile and
may consist of an upperhematite-richsectionand a lowergoethite-richsection.The limonite
zone is rich in Fe, A1, and Cr and is formed by residualconcentrationof stableoxides.A
concentration of Mn oxides,commonlycontaininghigh Co and Ni grades,occursat the base
of the limonitezone.Where sufficientlythick, Co and Ni-rich Mn concentrations havebeen
minedfor directsmelterfeed to augmentCo and Ni productionfrom KambaldaNi sulfides.
Physicaland chemicalcharacteristics of the underlyingbed rock are importantcontrolson
the distribution of Ni and Co accumulations.
The modeof occurrence of Ni andthepresence
of Co aresignificant
factorsin theeconomics
of exploitingthesedeposits.

Introduction Although no Western AustralianNi laterites are

currentlyexploitedon a large scale,small-scalemin-
ALTHOUGHa major part of the total Ni resourceof ing operationshave been establishedrecently in re-
WesternAustraliais in sulfidedeposits,lateritic Ni sponseto two specificdevelopments:(1) a require-
neverthelessconstitutesa significantcomponent.The ment for siliceous flux for the flash furnace at the
combination of largeultramaficcomplexes and a pe- Kalgoorlienickel smelterhas led to the mining of
riod of intensivedeep weatheringand laterite for- silicaand Ni-enriehedlateritiecapping,and (2) high
mationin the early Tertiary hasled to the develop- Co prices have led to the exploitationof small Co-
ment of lateritic Ni-Co depositsat many locations rich Mn depositsas direct smelter feed. Both these
throughoutthe state.Althoughcommonlyencoun- operationshave centeredon a part of the Ora Banda
tered in explorationdrillingfor Ni sulfidesin ultra- Ni lateritesnear the locality of Siberia,and Siberia
marlcssince1966,the lateriteshaveonlyrarelybeen laterite is usedto refer to thesespecificlaterite types
in detail.At Wingelinnanearthe South to distinguishthem from the more widespreadOra
Australianborder,extensivedrilling of Ni laterites Banda Ni laterites (Loftus-Hills, 1975).
proved a reserve of 56 million metric tons at 1.24 In thispaperw.eare concernedlargelywith exten-
percent Ni (Spriggand Rochow,1975), but the de- sive Ni laterites,and as the Bulong deposithas the
positis remoteand hasnot beendeveloped.Deposits greatestpotential for development,it is discussedin
at Ore Bandanorthof Kalgoorliewere investigated most detail. However, as the economies of laterite
in detail by percussion
drilling (Loftus-Hills,1975) mining projectsdependsheavilyon the associated
and were estimated to contain some :30 million metric its occurrenceis alsodiscussed
tons at 1.:3 percent Ni (Woodall, 1974). A smaller
depositnear Pyke Hill, eastof Leonora,hasan in- Location and Regional Geologic Setting
dicatedreserveof 10 to 15 millionmetrictons(Wil- The Ni lateritesin the Kalgoorlieregion are de-
liamset al., 1976).The Bulongareaeastof Kalgoorlie veloped over Archcan ultramafic rocks which form
hasrecentlybeeninvestigated in detailby the West- part of extensivegreenstonebelts in the predomi-
ern Mining CorporationLimited and is currently nantly granitic terrain of the southeastern
being evaluated. Block (Fig. 1).

and extensivevalleysare underlain by lateritic col-

luvium and alluvium, derived from erosion of the
-• Gromte
originally continuouslateritized land surface.The
l'•-• Greenstone region is semi-arid, with an average annual rainfall
• Ultromof•c
of about200 mm, generallyresultingfrom infrequent
0 I0 20
shortperiodsof heavy rainfall.

The Bulong Laterite Deposit

The laterite profiledevelopedover ultramaficrocks
at Bulongshowslarge variationsin total thickness,in
thicknessand continuity of individual zones,and in
mineralogicaland chemical characteristics,com-
monly over shortdistances.The total thicknessof the
profile may exceed100 m, with the thickestprofiles
commonlydevelopedover the mostmagnesianrock
types. The complete profile consistsof four zones,
here termed the oxidized bedrock zone, the saprolite
zone,the clay zone,and at the top, the limonite zone.
FIO. 1. GeneralizedArcheangeologyof the Kalgoorlieregion.
Other terms usedfor equivalentzoneselsewhereare
parenthesized in the followingdescription.
Unweatheredbed rock gradesupward into the ox-
The BulongComplex, about 40 km east of Kal- idized bedrock zone (hard saprolite,saprolitic peri-
goorlie,consists of a largenumberof metamorphosed dotite) with the oxidation of primary minerals in
sillsup to 400 m thick of overall peridotiticcompo- joints and fracturesabove about 100 m depth. This
sition intruded into a sequenceof metamorphosed in turn gradesinto the saprolitezone(serpentineore,
calc-alkalinevolcanicsand sediments(Williams, 1977; softsaprolite,softserpentine),which is largelycom-
Moeskops,1977). Many of the sillsare layered, typ- posedof altered primary minerals;originalbedrock
ically comprisinga thick sectionof serpentinizedol- structuresand texturesare commonlywell preserved.
ivine-rich cumulatescapped by thin altered pyrox- The zoneis generallygray-greenand variesfrom 10
enitic and noritic units.The complexhasbeentightly to 50 m thick.
folded, resultingin steeplydipping lithologiccon- The clay zone (intermediatezone,smectite-quartz
tacts. zone,nontronitezone,mottledclay zone)overliesthe
The Siberia Complex, about 100 km north of Kal- saprolitezone but is not always well developed.It
goorlie, is an ultramafic complex associatedwith variesin thicknessup to about15 m and iscommonly
metamorphosed tholeiiticand komatiiticbasaltswhich characterizedby lime-green,or mottled green and
have beea•intruded by granitoid. The mafic-ultra- brown, clays.There is lesspreservationof relic bed-
maficsequence isfoldedintoa complex,south-plung- rock texturesthan in the saprolitezone.
ing syncline.Laterite developmentobscuresmostof The clay zonepasses upwardinto the limonitezone
the ultramafic rocksfrom direct field observation,but (ferruginouszone, laterite sensustricto, ferralite),
preservedtextures in some of the laterite together which varies from 5 to 15 m thick. At the base of this
with limited drill and outcropinformation showthat zone,and extendinginto the upper part of the clay
the ultramafic complex comprisesa seriesof koma- zone, an Mn oxide-rich horizon (asbolite,Mn wad)
tiitic flowsintruded near the baseby a dunite-peri- is commonlydeveloped,particularlyif the clay zone
dotite layeredsill. Developmentof Ni-Co laterite is is absent.The limonite zoneis in many areasreadily
predominantlyassociated with the sill.The ultramafic divisibleby color into a lower, yellow-brown(mus-
rocksof the sill complexhave been metamorphosed tard) geothite-richsection(lateritejaune) and an up-
at low grade,forming serpentine-amphibole-chloriteper, red-brownhematite-richsection(lateriterouge).
assemblages in the peridotitesand serpentinitein the A pisoliticsection(nodularironstone)may be devel-
dunite, with rare relic olivine. oped toward the top of the limonite zone. The pi-
The Bulongand Siberiaareasboth showmoderate solithsare commonlycementednear the surfaceto
topographicrelief, with hillsof resistantironstoneand form a ferricrete layer (iron cap, canga,duricrust,
silica-dominatedlaterite commonly bounded by es- plinthite zone).A few metersof alluvium may cover
carpments("breakaways").Gentlyslopingpediments the in situ laterite.


, i I

FIc. 2. Typicalmineralogicalandchemicalprofilethroughlaterite,BulongComplex.A = antigorite,
C -- calcite and dolomite,G = goethite,H = hematite;K = kaolin, N = nontronite,Q = quartz, S
= spinel(magnetiteand chromite_ maghemite).Major elementsby X-ray fluorescence after fusionto
by atomicabsorption
of qualitativeX-raydiffractiondataandchemicalconstraints
providedby analyticdata.

Profilemineralogyand geochemistry drill holebut consists

mostlyof antigoritewith minor
spinel(chromiteor magnetite).Asdescribedby Moes-
The main mineralogicaland chemical features kops (1977), bedrockchemistryis characterizedby
of the Bulong laterite profile are outlined about40 percentMgO and low Fe, A1,and Ca. The
with referenceto a typicalexampleshownin Fig- averageNi contentin unweatheredultramafic rocks
ure 2. is 0.2 to 0.$ percent.
Unweathered bedrock is not encountered in this In the oxidized bedrock zone, smectite and Ni-rich
1778 ELIAS,

serpentineare developed on joints and fractures. The

Ni-rich serpentine("saproliticserpentine")becomes
predominantin the saprolitezone. Despite consid-
erablechemicalcomposition changes(e.g.,gainin Ni,
lossof Mg) in the alterationof bedrockantigoriteto
saproliticserpentine,particularlynear the top of the
zone, the two mineralsare almostindistinguishable
by X-ray diffraction.Relic chromite,magnetite,and
rarely chlorite and talc are alsopresent.Minor smec-
tite and secondaryopaline or chalcedonicsilica are
common,particularly toward the top of the zone.The
main chemical features of the zone are a consistent
decreasein Mg and an increasein Ni and Si content
upward (Fig. 2).
The transitionto the clay zone is defined by the
abruptdisappearance of serpentinein X-ray diffrac-
tion analysesand its replacementby smectite.The
clay is probablynontronite,as it is Fe rich and has
very low AI and Mg contents,thusprecludingmont-
morillonite (sensustricto) and saponite.Minor relic
chromiteand magnetitealsooccur,and geothitebe-
comes prominent toward the top of the zone. Sec-
ondarysilicacharacteristically accompanies smectite
in the clay zoneand is reflectedin the chemicalpro-
file by an increasein Si content.
The transitioninto the limonite zone is accompa-
nied by a marked increasein Fe, A1, and Cr and a
decreasein Mg and Si contents.The Mn oxide-rich
horizon,if present,is composedof fine-grainedMn
oxidesapparently intimately intergrown with goe-
thite,makingtheindividualMn oxidemineralspecies
difficult to identify by X-ray techniquesalone. The
phasespresentinclude cryptomelaneand Ni-Co an-
aloguesof todorokiteand chalcophanite(discussed
further in a later sectionon Co-rich laterites).
The goethite-richsectionof the limonitezoneprin-
cipally containskaolinitc and goethite, apparently
very finely intergrown,as X-ray diffraction traces
show that even apparently pure kaolinitc contains
appreciable goethite. Minor smectite, hematite,
maghemite,and quartz also occur. The goethiteis
poorlycrystallineand X-ray diffractiondata (method
of Zeissink,1969) indicate that it containsup to 10
mole percent A10(OH) in solid solution.In the he-
matite-richsection,hematitepredominates over goe-
thite, and the sectioncharacteristicallycontainsless
kaolinitcand more quartz than the goethite-richsec-
Lorerite cover tion.Residualchromitemay be stronglyconcentrated
here. Minor concentrationsof Mn oxidesmay occur
Ultromofic with
fully stripped lorerite
or near the base of the hematite section.
Inlerpreted boundoryof ultromofic The limonite zone is characterizedby a very low
Mg contentand Fe, AI, and Cr are stronglyenriched
relative to the lower zones. The hematite-rich section
Position of cross-section shown
in Figure 4
0 I 2 3
i I I
Kilometers FIG. •3. Part of the Bulong Complex showingareasof intact
laterite cover and interpreted boundaryof ultramafic.


340 34O

33O 33O

07%• NI<I I%


Ni:•l 5%

0 50


•::• ...................
::: .:.: :.' :g::::::: -:.:-:-:.'.% ..•:•."T..'•.5•::: 350
ß o. o. o/ ' '.'.'.'.'.'.::::::::!: .::::.. - ..:::.- •:•:.•, .•:.::::::.....•:::.. ß ..:,:....:.:

I c•
FIG. 4. Crosssection(naturalscale)interpretedfrom 5-m-spaced drill holesin the BulongComplex
showing:a, nickelisogradsand b, laterite profilezones.Dashedline showsthe outlineof ore zonein a.
Positionof crosssectionis shownin Figure $.

haslowerA1andhigherFe contents
thanthegoethite- thickzonesof Ni andCo enrichmentmay occurad-
rich section. jacent to these mafic units.
Ore distribution Cobalt-Rich Laterites
Althoughthe BulongComplexprobablyhad con- Concentrations
of Co occurin mostlateriteprofiles
tinuouslaterite cover at some time, erosionhas re- throughout
the Bulongand Siberiaareas(e.g., Fig.
moveda significantproportionand extensiveintact 2), mostlyconfinedto the Mn oxide-richhorizonnear
lateriteis now confinedto the northwestern part of the baseof the limonitezoneor in the upper clay
the complex(Fig. $). Evaluationof the lateritic Ni zone.The horizonis generallyirregularand discon-
resources has involvedmainly shallowdrilling to tinuous,rarely exceeding(3m in thickness.Massive
depthsup to 50 m. Mostdrillingwasdoneby con- Mn-Fe oxidesarebestdevelopedwherethe clayzone
ventionalopenhole,air blastrotary,androtaryper- is poorlydevelopedor absent.Nickel is alsoenriched
cussionmethods,with samplesbeing taken every in the Mn oxides but to a lesser extent than is Co.
meter. Drilling conditionsin lateriticterrain vary In the Siberia area, a number of Mn-Co-Ni con-
widely,andproblemswith porousand unconsolidated centrationshave developedto a sufficient extent to
lateriticmaterial,resultingin lossof circulationand beof interestasa distinctoretype.The concentrations
samplecontamination, are frequentlyencountered. occur in lateritized dunite-peridotiteadjacentto a
Thedistribution of Ni gradesandtheirrelationship lateritizeddoleritedike of probableProterozoic
to the lateriteprofileare illustrated
in Figure4. The whichcutsthe ultramaficcomplex.The oreshaveCo
highestNf gradesoccurin theclayzone,particularly gradesof between0.1 and 1.0 percent,locallyex-
in the upper clay zonenear the baseof the limonite ceeding2 percent,and Ni gradesof generally1 to
zone, and Ni gradesof 1 to 2 percent are common. (3percent.A geochemical profilethroughan ore pod
The upper part of the saprolitezoneand the lower is shownin Figure 5, and a crosssectionshowingthe
limohirezonehaveNi gradesof 0.7 to 1.0 percent. spatial relationshipwith the lateritized dolerite is
Ore distributionmay be locallycontrolledby the shownin Figure 6. Localizationof theseCo-richores
of maficunitsin theultramaficstratigraphy, hasbeenstronglyinfluencedby bedrockstructures
whichare moreresistant to lateritization.
Unusually suchas faults which have displacedthe dolerite.

Mn oxidepisolithsconsistof alternatinglayersof var-

iousMn oxidephasesand chalcedonicsilica.Coatings
of Mn oxidesshowa similar layered structure.
The Mn oxidemineralsare alwaysassociated with
fine-grainedFe oxides(goethite,maghemite,hema-
tite), secondarysilica, minor clays (smectite,kaolin-
ite), and rare relic chromite.X-ray diffractionstudy
and microprobe analysisof hand-picked material
haveindicateda varietyof unusualoxides,principally
Ni and Co analogues of todorokiteandchalcophanite,
aswell ascryptomelane.Microprobeanalyses of some
ore mineralsare givenin Table 1. Theseanalysesare
of Mn oxides in bands about 0.01 mm thick alter-
nating with thin silica bandsto form cavity-filling
botryoidalor stalactiticstructures.
Smith(1977)hasdescribedthe generalfeaturesof
laterites in the Archean shield of Western Australia,
stressing the greaterdepth of weatheringin this en-
vironment (about 100 m) compared with modern
0 tropical laterites(about 40 m). He has alsodiscussed
Wt% Ni & Co the complex profilesthat develop from subsequent
prolongedweathering, erosional,and depositional
F]c. 5. Geochemical profilethroughan Mn-Co orebody,Siberia
Complex.Positionof the profileis shownin Figure 6. episodes.Lateritization is believed to have occurred
during pluvial climatic conditionsin the Late Cre-
taceousto early Tertiary (van de Graaff et al., 1977),
The Co-richMn oxidesgenerallyoccurasdiscrete althoughpreciseagesare not known.Postlateritiza-
masses within the hostrock,asvoid infillingsin the tion erosion has removed some of the laterite, but the
host,or asthin coatingson the host.Ore in discrete presentarid climate,low topographicrelief, and tec-
masses is pisolitic,and the pisoliths,rangingin size tonicstabilityhaveresultedin the survivalof a large
fromlessthan1 to 10 mm, maybecementedor loose. proportionof the lateritecoverin the Kalgoorliearea.
In a clayhost,suchasmottledclayor clayeygoethite, The generalchemicaland mineralogical processes
the pisolithsare generallyuncemented,whereasin thoughtto apply in formationof Ni lateritesin the
a hostsuchas massive,cementedpisoliticgoethite, areasdescribedhere are summarizedbriefly below.
the Mn oxidepisolithsare cemented.The individual More detailedaccountsof lateritizationas it applies

5 FIG. 6. Crosssectionthroughan Mn-Co orebody,SiberiaComplex,showingCo isograds
and the
of the orebodyto a steeplydippingdoleritedike.

to ultramaficrocksin generalare given by Webber T^BLE 1. ElectronMicroprobeAnalysesof RepresentativeMn

Oxide Minerals (in wt %)
(1972) and Golightly(1979a).
1. Dissolution
of bed rockbeginsby alterationof Analysis 1 2 5
serpentine(or olivine) in a mildly alkaline environ-
SiO2 0.56 5.19 0.19
ment to form more stablesmectiteclaysor Ni ser- TiO2 0.02 0.02 0.01
pentines.Ionic exchangereactionsare important in MnO2 58.96 44.65 61.55
thisstageof alteration(saproliteformation)suchas: Cr20a 0.01 0.01 0.01
Mg serpentine + Ni+2• Ni serpentine 4- Mg+2. A120,• 0.72 1.95 0.19
FeO 0.62 2.16 0.18
2. With continued leachingof Mg+2in all but stag-
MgO 5.15 2.19 0.61
nant ground-waterconditions,smectiteclays (non- NiO 7.54 14.77 11.61
tronite) may form in a mildly alkaline environment CoC 8.85 10.87 1.78
(pH "-'9):Ni serpentine
• Ni-richnontronite
+ Mg+•
Total 80.01 79.77 75.95
4- silica.The silicamay be either precipitatedor re-
moved in solution.
HaO (= difference) 19.99 20.25 24.07
8. Higher in the profile,abovethe ancientwater
table, nontronite breaks down in more acid conditions 1. Fine-grained
materialin coreof Mn oxide-Feoxide-
andsilicaislostin solution:Ni-rich nontronitem goe- silicastalactiticstructure;averageof 2 spotanalyses
thite + quartz + Si+=+ Ni +=.While someof the Ni 2. Fine-grainedmassiveoxidein secondconcentricring sepa-
is absorbed intothe poorlycrystallinegoethite,much ratedfrom analysis1 areaby ring of chalcedony
5. Fine-grained radiatingblades(about0.01 mm long)forming
of it is apparentlyredepositedlower in the profile, outer rim of samestructure;probablyNi-chalcophanite; average
resultingin the extremeenrichment. of 2 spotanalyses
Data obtainedby usingan ARL SEMQ automated5-spectrom-
Althoughlittle research hasbeencarriedoutonthe eter instrumentat the Universityof WesternAustraliaand cor-
actualstructuralsitesof Ni enrichmentin the Bulong rectedby a versionof Colby's(1971) MAGIC IV program
laterites,elementdistributionpatternsin the Bulong
profile similar to other lateritic Ni depositssuggest
that no majordifferencesexisthere.In the clay zone, removalof Mg in solutionhave produceda residue
Ni appearsto substitute for Fe andMg in the smectite of essentially
puresilicawith a smallamountof clay.
lattice. In the lower limonite zone, Ni is probably Well-developedolivinecumulatetextureof the par-
absorbed in thepoorlyorderedgoethitelattice.Nickel ent rock has been preservedduring silica replace-
in the saprolitezoneprobablysubstitutes for Mg in ment. Golightly(1979a)considers that massivesilica
the serpentinelattice but may alsooccurin the small replacementof serpentinerequiresrestricteddrain-
amount of smectitepresent. age and slightlyacid conditions.
The laterite-formingprocesses and productsof lat- The association of Co with Mn oxides has been
eritization are broadly similar to mostother laterite studiedin soilsby McKenzie (1967). He has shown
Ni deposits,suchas Greenvale,Queensland(Burger, that Mn oxidescontainrelatively large amountsof
1979; Fletcher and Couper, 1975), New Caledonia Co, Ni, and Cu and has suggested that thesetrace
(Troly et al., 1979), Soroako,Indonesia(Golightly, elementscan be introducedboth by coprecipitation
1979b),and the DominicanRepublic(Haldemannet with the Mn and by sorptioninto preexistingMn ox-
al., 1979). Important differencesin theseother de- ide minerals.Mn oxides,involvingboth Mn+• and
posits,however,are that the bulk of the Ni occursin Mn+4,precipitateunderratherhigherEh and/or pH
high Mg silicatesin the saprolitezonesuchas nick- conditionsthan Fe oxides (Krauskopf, 1957; Butt,
eliferousserpentineor talc ("garnierite")and that a 1979).The higherpH towardthe baseof the limonite
clay zone is either poorlydevelopedor lacking.Ac- zone (Smith, 1977) and the rise in Eh abovethe clay
cordingto Golightly(1979a),conditions favorablefor zone (near the water table) apparently combine to
the formationof a clay zone occur where there is form a favorableenvironmentfor the precipitation
episodicor retardedgroundwater circulation,such of Mn oxides,with concomitantscavenging
of Co
as in a wet-dry climate with seasonal leachingor in (and to a lesserextent, Ni). At Siberia,the lateritized
topographicunits with sluggishcirculation(e.g., doleritedike has apparentlyacted as a hydrologic
broadplateausor valleys).However,the Bulongclay barrier, resultingin Eh/pH conditionsfavorablefor
zonehasapparentlyformedin a zonewhereefficient the precipitationof Mn oxidesover a considerable
removalof Mg hasoccurred(Fig. 2), sincenontronite thickness.It may alsohave had the effect of chan-
with little MgO is the predominantclay mineral. neling Ni- and Co-rich groundwatersthroughthe
A variationof the typicallaterite profiledescribed Mn accumulation,
aboveis the replacementof serpentinizeddunitc by of theseelementsby sorption.Complexlaterite pro-
silicaon the Siberiasill. Hydrolysisof serpentineand files in the SiberiaComplexprobablyindicatere-

peated lateritization events,raisingthe possibilityof Conclusions

redistribution of Mn oxides.
The lateritic Ni-Co depositsof the Kalgoorliearea
Economics of Ni-Co Laterites showmany similaritiesto other lateritic Ni deposits.
The lower partsof the profile (oxidizedbedrockand
Recent developmentsof lateritic Ni-Co deposits saprolitezones)retain many bedrockfeaturesdespite
throughoutthe world have suffered acute economic significantchemicaland mineralogicalchanges,par-
disadvantages due mainly to the high cost of fuel ticularly in the Mg and Ni contents.The sharptran-
necessaryin the metallurgicaltreatment of the ores. sitionto the overlyingclay zone is characterizedby
This applies particularly to ores with a high MgO completebreakdownof saproliticserpentine,with its
content derived from the saprolitezone. The con- replacementby smectiteclaysand silica. The exis-
centrationof Ni in the well-developedlow MgO clay tence of a well-developedclay zone at Bulongwith
zoneof the lateritesfrom Bulonggivesthema distinct high Ni gradesis unusualin relationto mostknown
metallurgicaladvantageover depositswith mainly depositsof Ni laterite,and probablyformedin a trop-
high MgO saproliteore. Oreswith a low MgO content ical wet-dry climate where the laterite profile was
are more favorablefor the simplerand cheapertech- sporadicallyor seasonallyleached. Above the clay
niquesof Ni-Co extractionsuchasacid leachingand zone,breakdownof claysand residualconcentration
sulfation (Canterford, 1979; O'Kane, 1979). of Fe, A1, and Cr oxides formed the limonite zone.
Significantenrichmentof Co in partsof the laterite Enrichmentof Co in the profileiscloselyassociated
profile is an important factor in the economicsof with Mn oxides which concentrate at the base of the
lateritic Ni projects(O'Kane, 1979), consideringthe limonite zoneand in the upper clay zone,in response
recent sharp price increasesof Co. Small depositsof to rapid Eh-pH changesnearthe ancientwater table.
Co-rich Mn oxides at Siberia, each of about 15,000
Concentrations are generallythin and irregular,but
metric tons, have been mined and fed to the Kal- at Siberia the existence of a lateritized mafic dike in
goorlienickelsmelterto supplementNi and Co pro- the lateritizedultramaficcomplexhasresultedin sig-
duction from sulfide ores at Kambalda.
nificant concentrations of Co-rich Mn oxides.
The advantageof the existingNi industryinfra-
structure has allowed the development of a small- Acknowledgments
scalelateriticNi miningoperation.At Siberia,a nick-
eliferoussilicaflux is producedfor treatment of sul- M. J. Bird, B. H. Smith,and R. P. A. Perriam were
fide oresat the Kalgoorlienickelsmelter.The flux is involvedin the early stagesof laterite reconnaissance
a blend of two components:Niorich clay developed in the areasdescribedhere and deserverecognition
on a lateritizeddoleritedike and an adjoiningsilica- for initial developmentof many of the concepts.The
rich laterite developedover dunite. The two com- authors have also drawn freely from unpublished
ponentsare mined from one open pit. The flux has company reports by M. J. Bird, D. N. Harley,
satisfactorilyreplacedthe barren quartz sandprevi- R. P. A. Perriam, I. R. Scott, and P. Woolrich. K.
ouslyusedand concomitantlyaugmentsNi produc- Norrishand J. G. Pickeringof CSIRO, Adelaide,as-
tion. sisted with the identification of Mn-Co oxides. The
The lower Ni gradeof lateriticdepositscompared authorsare grateful to G. D. Loftus-Hillsand B. H.
to sulfidedepositsis an important factor in the eco- Smith for criticallyreviewingan earlier draft of the
nomicsof exploitation;however, this is offset to a manuscript.The permissionof the WesternMining
certain extent by the advantagesof cheap, open pit CorporationLimited to publishthis paper is grate-
mining techniquesenablinglargetonnagesto be han- fully acknowledged.
dled. The irregular grade distributionmakesgrade April 27, 1981
prediction and ore reserve estimationdifficult, but
shallow percussiondrilling, the main method by REFERENCES

which these deposits are evaluated, is relatively Burger,P. A., 1979, The Greenvalenickel laterite orebody,in Ev-
cheap, enabling a high samplingdensity to be ob- ans, D. J. I., Shoemaker,R. S., and Veltman, H., eds., Interna-
tainedeconomically.Irregular gradedistributionalso tional laterite symposium:New York, AIME, p. 24-$7.
would require strict mining control to keep dilution Butt, C. R. M., 1979, Geochemistry of a pseudo-gossan, Killara,
to a minimum. Western Australia: Univ. Western Australia, Geol. Dept. Exten-
sion Service Pub., v. 4, p. 14-29.
Althoughthere is at presentno major development Canterford,J. H., 1979, The sulphationof oxidizednickel ores,in
of lateritic Ni depositsin Western Australia,the ad- Evans, D. J. I., Shoemaker,R. S., and Veltman, H., eds., Inter-
vantagesof cheapmining techniquesand existingNi nationallaterite symposium:New York, AIME, p. 656-677.
industryinfrastructurecombinewith higher metal Colby, J. W., 1971, MAGIC IV--A new improved versionof
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