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Vocal Warmup

1. Center yourself - feet shoulders width apart, little bounce in the knees and swing in a
2. Throwing air to specific points in the room – be as specific as possible
3. Changing the air to “He Hay Hi Ho Who” (VOWELS ARE THE IMPORTANT THING HERE)
a. Speaking and pointing same thing – connection to an object
4. Breathing into the intercostal muscles arm curved over your head – 3 big breaths in
through the nose out through the mouth – on the final breath hum and point out on a
5. Burst the barrel – bending over hugging in your legs trying to expand as much as
possible breathing into lower back, 3 breaths – on final breath hum and point out
6. Chewing the numbers 1-10 – then point and say the numbers full voice
7. Building the numbers 1-10 finding a new specific space each time - Sending your voice
to that object
a. Can also build a line of text instead same thing
8. Swing into the earth, dropping your weight into your legs – let the words jostle out of
you “hay, he, hi, ho who”
9. Throwing “pas’, bas’, tas’, das’, cas’ and ga’s” swinging the arm, switch arms every time
your switch consonants
10. Pushing off the wall – line of text, reciting the line of text to yourself 1st circle and then
pushing off the wall with a full voice

Mr. It – Basics of Tag, except when you’re touched you must say the name of someone in the
room and that person becomes it. If you mess up or take too long, you’re out and you must
leave the game JOYFULLY!
Boom Chicka Boom (Two Circle Communication) – same rules as boom chicka boom but the
circles must try to work together and listen to create one cohesive group
Badadada First Thought – Two people start first thought that comes to your head state it the
person next to you states something else and then you repeat followed by badadada. All of this
while keeping the beat

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