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Callbacks — Programmed Response to User Action

What Are Callbacks?

A callback is a function that executes in response to some predefined user action, such as
clicking on a graphics object or closing a figure window. Associate a callback with a specific
user action by assigning a function to the callback property for that user action.

All graphics objects have the following properties for which you can define callback functions:

 ButtonDownFcn — Executes when you press the left mouse button while the cursor is
over the object or is within a few pixels of the object.
 CreateFcn — Executes during object creation after MATLAB® set all properties
 DeleteFcn — Executes just before MATLAB deletes the object


When you call a plotting function, such as plot or bar, MATLAB creates new graphics objects
and resets most figure and axes properties. Therefore, callback functions that you have defined
for graphics objects can be removed by MATLAB. To avoid this problem, see Define a Callback
as a Default.

Window Callbacks

Figures have additional properties that execute callbacks with specific user actions. These
additional properties are not available in MATLAB Online™.

 CloseRequestFcn — Executes when a request is made to close the figure (by a close
command, by the window manager menu, or by quitting MATLAB ).
 KeyPressFcn — Executes when you press a key while the cursor is in the figure window.
 ResizeFcn — Executes when you resize the figure window.
 WindowButtonDownFcn — Executes when you press a mouse button while the cursor is
over the figure background, a disabled user-interface control, or the axes background.
 WindowButtonMotionFcn— Executes when you move the cursor in the figure window
(but not over menus or title bar).
 WindowButtonUpFcn — Executes when you release the mouse button, after having
pressed the mouse button in the figure.
Add function handle to callback list

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ID = iptaddcallback(obj,callback,@fun)


iptaddcallback(obj,callback,@fun) adds the function fun to the list of functions to be

called when the callback of graphics object obj executes.

iptaddcallback can be useful when you need to notify more than one tool about the same
callback event for a single object.

ID = iptaddcallback(obj,callback,@fun) also returns an identifier, ID, for the callback

function fun.

Add Two Callback Functions to Figure

Create a figure and register two callback functions. Whenever MATLAB® detects mouse motion
over the figure, function handles f1 and f2 are called in the order in which they were added to
the list.

figobj = figure;
f1 = @(varargin) disp('Callback 1');
f2 = @(varargin) disp('Callback 2');
Input Arguments
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obj — Graphics object

figure | axes | uipanel | image

Graphics object, specified as a handle to a figure, axes, uipanel, or image graphics objects.

callback— Callback property

character vector

Callback property of the graphics object obj, specified as a character vector. For a list of
callbacks for graphics objects, see Figure Properties, Axes Properties, Panel Properties, and
Image Properties.

Data Types: char

fun— Callback function

function handle

Callback function, specified as a function handle. For more information, see Create Function
Handle (MATLAB).

Data Types: function_handle

Output Arguments
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ID— Callback identifier

positive integer

Callback identifier for function fun, returned as a positive integer.

 Callback functions that have already been added to an object using the set command
continue to work after you call iptaddcallback. The first time you call
iptaddcallback for a given object and callback, the function checks to see if a different
callback function is already installed. If a callback is already installed, then
iptaddcallback replaces that callback function with the iptaddcallback callback
processor, and then adds the preexisting callback function to the iptaddcallback list.
See Also


 Callbacks — Programmed Response to User Action (MATLAB)

 Overview Events and Listeners (MATLAB)
Callback Definition
Ways to Specify Callbacks

To use callback properties, assign the callback code to the property. Use one of the following

 A function handle that references the function to execute.

 A cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
 A character vector that evaluates to a valid MATLAB® expression. MATLAB evaluates
the character vector in the base workspace.

Defining a callback as a character vector is not recommended. The use of a function specified as
function handle enables MATLAB to provide important information to your callback function.

For more information, see Callback Function Syntax.

Callback Function Syntax

Graphics callback functions must accept at least two input arguments:

 The handle of the object whose callback is executing. Use this handle within your
callback function to refer to the callback object.
 The event data structure, which can be empty for some callbacks or contain specific
information that is described in the property description for that object.

Whenever the callback executes as a result of the specific triggering action, MATLAB calls the
callback function and passes these two arguments to the function .

For example, define a callback function called lineCallback for the lines created by the plot
function. With the lineCallback function on the MATLAB path, use the @ operator to assign
the function handle to the ButtonDownFcn property of each line created by plot.


Define the callback to accept two input arguments. Use the first argument to refer to the specific
line whose callback is executing. Use this argument to set the line Color property:

function lineCallback(src,~)
src.Color = 'red';

The second argument is empty for the ButtonDownFcn callback. The ~ character indicates that
this argument is not used.
Passing Additional Input Arguments

To define additional input arguments for the callback function, add the arguments to the function
definition, maintaining the correct order of the default arguments and the additional arguments:

function lineCallback(src,evt,arg1,arg2)
src.Color = 'red';
src.LineStyle = arg1;
src.Marker = arg2;

Assign a cell array containing the function handle and the additional arguments to the property:


You can use an anonymous function to pass additional arguments. For example:


Related Information

For information on using anonymous functions, see Anonymous Functions.

For information about using class methods as callbacks, see Class Methods for Graphics

For information on how MATLAB resolves multiple callback execution, see the BusyAction
and Interruptible properties of the objects defining callbacks.

Define a Callback as a Default

You can assign a callback to the property of a specific object or you can define a default callback
for all objects of that type.

To define a ButtonDownFcn for all line objects, set a default value on the root level.

 Use the groot function to specify the root level of the object hierarchy.
 Define a callback function that is on the MATLAB path.
 Assign a function handle referencing this function to the defaultLineButtonDownFcn.


The default value remains assigned for the MATLAB session. You can make the default value
assignment in your startup.m file.
Create and Execute Callback Functions
Create Callback Functions

The power of using event callbacks is that you can perform processing in response to events.
You decide which events with which you want to associate callbacks, and which functions these
callbacks execute.


Callback function execution might be delayed if the callback involves a CPU-intensive task, or if
MATLAB® software is processing another task.

Callback functions require at least two input arguments:

 The OPC Toolbox™ object

 The event structure associated with the event

The function header for this callback function illustrates this basic syntax.

function mycallback(obj,event)

The first argument, obj, is the toolbox object itself. Because the object is available, you can use
in your callback function any of the toolbox functions, such as getdata, that require the object
as an argument. You can also access all object properties, including the parent and children of
the object.

The second argument, event, is the event structure associated with the event. This event
information pertains only to the event that caused the callback function to execute. For a
complete list of supported event types and their associated event structures, see Event Structures.

In addition to these two required input arguments, you can also specify application-specific
arguments for your callback function.


If you specify input arguments in addition to the object and event arguments, you must use a cell
array when specifying the name of the function as the value of a callback property. For more
information, see Specify Callback Functions.

Write a Callback Function

This example implements a callback function for a records acquired event. This callback
function enables you to monitor the records being acquired by viewing the most recently
acquired records in a plot window.
To implement this function, the callback function acquires the last 60 records of data (or fewer if
not enough data is available in the OPC Toolbox software engine) and displays the data in a
MATLAB figure window. The function also accesses the event structure passed as an argument
to display the time stamp of the event. The drawnow command in the callback function forces
MATLAB to update the display.

function display_opcdata(obj,event)

numRecords = min(obj.RecordsAvailable, 100);

lastRecords = peekdata(obj,numRecords);
[i, v, q, t] = opcstruct2array(lastRecords);
plot(t, v);
isBad = strncmp('Bad', q, 3);
isRep = strncmp('Repeat', q, 6);
hold on
for k=1:length(i)
h = plot(t(isBad(:,k),k), v(isBad(:,k),k), 'o');
set(h,'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','r')
h = plot(t(isRep(:,k),k), v(isRep(:,k),k), '*');
set(h,'MarkerEdgeColor',[0.75, 0.75, 0]);
axis tight;
ylim([0, 200]);
eventTime = event.Data.LocalEventTime;
title(sprintf('Event occurred at %s', ...
datestr(eventTime, 13)));
drawnow; % force an update of the figure window
hold off;

To see how this function can be used as a callback, see View Recently Logged Data.

Specify Callback Functions

You associate a callback function with a specific event by setting the value of the OPC Toolbox
object property associated with that event. You can specify the callback function as the value of
the property in one of three ways:

 Use a Character Vector to Specify Callback Functions

 Use a Cell Array to Specify Callback Functions
 Use Function Handles to Specify Callback Functions

The following sections provide more information about each of these options.


To access the object or event structure passed to the callback function, you must specify the
function as a cell array or as a function handle.
Use a Character Vector to Specify Callback Functions

You can specify the callback function as a character vector. For example, this code specifies the
callback function mycallback as the value of the start event callback property StartFcn for the
group object grp.

grp.StartFcn = 'mycallback';

In this case, the callback is evaluated in the MATLAB workspace.

Use a Cell Array to Specify Callback Functions

You can specify the callback function as a character vector inside a cell array.

For example, this code specifies the callback function mycallback as the value of the start event
callback property StartFcn for the group object grp.

grp.StartFcn = {'mycallback'};

To specify additional parameters, include them as additional elements in the cell array.

time = datestr(now,0);
grp.StartFcn = {'mycallback',time};

The first two arguments passed to the callback function are still the OPC Toolbox object (obj)
and the event structure (event). Additional arguments follow these two arguments.

Use Function Handles to Specify Callback Functions

You can specify the callback function as a function handle.

For example, this code specifies the callback function mycallback as the value of the start event
callback property StartFcn for the group object grp.

grp.StartFcn = @mycallback;

To specify additional parameters, include the function handle and the parameters as elements in
the cell array.

time = datestr(now,0);
grp.StartFcn = {@mycallback,time};

If you are executing a local callback function from within a file, you must specify the callback as
a function handle.
Specify a Toolbox Function as a Callback

In addition to specifying callback functions of your own creation, you can also specify toolbox
functions as callbacks. For example, this code sets the value of the stop event callback to the
start function.

grp.StopFcn = @start;

Disable Callbacks

If an error occurs in the execution of the callback function, the toolbox disables the callback and
displays a message similar to the following.

??? Error using ==> myrecords_cb
Too many input arguments.

Warning: The RecordsAcquiredFcn callback is being disabled.

To enable a callback that has been disabled, set the value of the property associated with the

View Recently Logged Data

This example configures an OPC Toolbox object hierarchy and sets the records acquired event
callback function property to the display_opcdata function, created in Write a Callback

When run, the example displays the last 60 records of acquired data every time 5 records have
been acquired. Repeat values are highlighted with magenta circles, and bad values are
highlighted with red circles.

Step 1: Create the OPC Toolbox Object Hierarchy

This example creates a hierarchy of OPC Toolbox objects for the Matrikon™ Simulation Server.
To run this example on your system, you must have the Matrikon Simulation Server installed.
Alternatively, you can replace the values used in the creation of the objects with values for a
server you can access.

da = opcda('localhost','Matrikon.OPC.Simulation.1');
grp = addgroup(da,'CallbackTest');
itm1 = additem(grp,'Triangle Waves.Real8');
itm2 = additem(grp,'Saw-toothed Waves.UInt2');
Step 2: Configure Property Values

This example sets the UpdateRate value to 0.2 seconds, and the RecordsToAcquire property to
200. The example also specifies as the value of the RecordsAcquiredFcn callback the event
callback function display_opcdata, created in Write a Callback Function. The object will
execute the RecordsAcquiredFcn every 5 records, as specified by the value of the
RecordsAcquiredFcnCount property.

grp.UpdateRate = 0.2;
grp.RecordsToAcquire = 200;
grp.RecordsAcquiredFcnCount = 5;
grp.RecordsAcquiredFcn = @display_opcdata;

Step 3: Acquire Data

Start the dagroup object. Every time 5 records are acquired, the object executes the
display_opcdata callback function. This callback function displays the most recently acquired
records logged to the memory buffer.


Step 4: Clean Up

Always remove toolbox objects from memory, and the variables that reference them, when you
no longer need them. Deleting the opcda client object also deletes the group and item objects.

clear da grp itm1 itm2

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