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Arcadio Santos National High School

Km. 15 East Service Road SMDP Parnaque. City

A Research Paper Titled

“Positive Effects of Skateboarding”

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

in English 10

Submitted by

Mark Dave Suan


Submitted to

Anitalinda Arias

Date Submitted
I. Introduction

A. Brief Background of the Study

Physically, skateboarding is considered to be a moderate aerobic activity, but it

can of course get very intense (vert or serious freestyle), or easy (cruising, downhill). Provided

you skate within your abilities and wear protective gear (including truck pads and shoes with

quality insoles to minimize the impact on knees), it improves your health as any other exercise.

Skateboarding is a sport, an art form, a lifestyle, and a culture. Kids have been doing it

for decades, and it has even become an extreme sport. We can all, however, benefit from

skateboarding, even if we’re not bombing halfpipes and grinding down rails. Not only does

skateboarding get us outside, but it is a fun and effective way to get from point A to point B.

Make sure you have the proper equipment to protect against injury and accomplish your goals!

With people turning everything from airports to deserts into skate parks, it is clear

skateboarding is everywhere. In addition to how cool it is, there are health and social benefits of

skateboarding that people of all ages can enjoy.

While we all know it’s fun, skateboarding has even more benefits that you might not expect. In

fact, many fail to realize the potential and beautiful advantages that skateboarding can bring.
B. Objectives of the Study

Skateboarding seems to bring things into perspective and allows you to feel as though

you're more in control of other aspects of your life. Overall Health: As with all forms of physical

exercise, skateboarding can reduce or eliminate your risk for many health problems, such as high

blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

C. Significance of the Study

It is based on the healthy physical opportunities skateboarding was understood to bring

participants for muscle & bone strengthening and balance, as well as the positive impacts it can

have on youth in teaching them mutual respect, social networking, artistic expression and an

appreciation of the environment.

D. Related Literature

II. Body of the Research

If you’re a skateboarder, you already know that our craft is something special.

Skateboarding is a sport, an art form, a lifestyle, and a culture. The good that we get out of

skateboarding is endless. Today, we’re just going to touch on some of the health benefits that

skating has to offer.

 Overall Fitness

Skateboarding is great for burning calories and staying in great physical shape.

Calculating exact calories burned during skating isn’t easy since some days you might

skate harder than others. Another reason that makes it difficult to estimate is that

skateboarding to get somewhere is different from skating at a skatepark or spot. But with

all this being said, skateboarding uses up far more calories than most other physical

activities. Depending on your size, you might shred between 150 and 500 calories per


 Physical Endurance

Skate all day. Skate all night. You’ve probably heard that motto before. Skateboarding

wears us out, beats us up, but we still do it as long as we can. And the more we do it, the

more we’re able to do it. So why does this happen in skateboarding far more than in other
sports? Why do we skate more in one day than people do other sports in a whole week?

That one’s easy. It’s just more fun.

 Flexibility

There aren’t many other activities out there that involve as much of your body as

skateboarding. When we skate, we’re moving every part of our body, and we’re moving

them in all sorts of different directions. Just think about everything that goes into a simple

frontside boardslide. You’re moving your feet and your legs You’re using your arms to

help balance. You’re twisting your body. Now think about all the tricks you might do

throughout a day of skating. Also, picture all the combination of tricks that you might do.

There probably isn’t any other sport that offers such a variety of movement.

 Precision

You try a trick, you don’t land it, so you try again. But this time, you make adjustments.

You place your feet differently on the board. You change your timing. You change your

speed. You change the way you land. You adjust until you stick it and roll away.

Skateboarding involves a lot of coordination between your eyes, legs, feet and arms. The

more you skate, the better you’ll get at this. Precision and coordination are used

throughout your life, whether you skateboard or not. When you improve these traits, you

better your ability to do all sorts of different things from driving to climbing to multi-


 Pain Tolerance

Bruises and bumps. Scrapes and scars. Aches and pains. They’re all a part of

skateboarding. And since we love skateboarding so much, we’re willing to take the

abuse. The fun and excitement of skating is far greater than the pain involved. Most small
injuries go away. You forget about them. But you’ll never forget your first kickflip, your

first drop-in, or your first handrail. So we roll with the punches. And those punches

become easier to deal with each and every time. We fall. We get up. We try it again with

even more determination.

 Falling

Prevention of future injuries is one of the most beneficial things that skateboarding has to

offer in terms of health. When you skate, you learn how to avoid falling (if possible), and

you also learn how to fall correctly. Skateboarders naturally get better at knowing where

to place their feet and their hands as they progress with their skating. The more you skate,

the better you get at catching yourself from taking a spill. If falling is unavoidable, a

seasoned skater will know how to do it in a way that minimizes injury. This is an

excellent tool to have in your life. You’ll reduce the chance of freak accidents. You’ll

naturally be more able to recover from slips, trips, and stumbles and avoid falling on your


 Stress Relief

Any physical activity is considered to be good for relieving stress, but we think

skateboarding is especially powerful in this way. Skateboarding can help you take your

mind off things. Alternatively, it can also help you think clearly about things.

Skateboarding seems to bring things into perspective and allows you to feel as though

you’re more in control of other aspects of your life. In addition, skating helps you feel

more relaxed in general. When you’ve conquered things like hand rails, concrete bowls,

and stair sets, a lot of problems you might encounter in life are greatly reduced or
disappear altogether. Landing tricks also brings a sense of accomplishment and

confidence. Most importantly, skateboarding is fun and brings about happiness.

Skateboarding is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body, mind, and soul. If

you were thinking about starting, we highly recommend it and we hope that this article helped to

convince you. And if you’re still not sure, just try it. You won’t regret it.

Other effects of skarteboarding are:

benefits your heart and blood pressure

controls weight

improves immune system (which is kind of a big deal, because your immmune system

influences virtually everything in your body - from preventing cold to preventing diabetes,

cancer and other illnesses)

stronger bones, muscles, and improved mobility of your joints

for skateboarding specifically, it seems obvious that it improves your equilibrium ability and

reaction times

I'm not an expert here, but there are definitely many other important physical benefits of

exercise. For example while you're riding, you're not sitting - and sitting shortens life.
Skate boarding are also used for ideas:

1. Staying Fit and Healthy

Like any other sport that encourages us to get outside and put our muscles to work,

skateboarding is a way to stay fit and healthy. Constant practice can provide a heart-pumping

cardio boost. It can also reduce stress and fatigue levels. If you have healthy joints and enough

courage to take to the streets, skateboarding is a sport easy to master and requires minimal

equipment. This Men’s Fitness article lists just a few reasons why skateboarding is such a good


2. Transportation

Skateboarding is definitely linked with the urban environment and becomes a great way to

explore it. As you switch between streets, sidewalks, or parks, there is no other means

of transport more suited for the unpredictability you will find while cruising around the city. One

of the greatest benefits of skateboarding is not skating at all: you can always walk and carry your

board without the hassle of locking up a bike! For some commuters, skateboarding can be a

practical decision, as you no longer need to worry about finding a parking space or a way to keep

your bike safe from theft. Skateboarding thrives around college campuses as well as many

pedestrian-friendly urban areas.

3. Meet New People

Needless to say, skaters are some of the most interesting, quirky, and inclusive people you’ll ever

meet. At the skatepark, a shared love of a skating brings everyone together. Skateboarding can

bring a child closer to his/her parent or even set the foundation of new neighborhood friendships.
Where there is something free to be enjoyed together, friendships and other positive relationships

flourish. Skateboarding can build bridges between generations and different social backgrounds,

ultimately bringing people together and offering a great outlet to meet new people.

4. It’s Fun!

Regardless of the other benefits, we can definitely say that skateboarding is a major source of fun

and quality time. The mix of speed, hanging with friends, and getting outdoors to enjoy your city

are an awesome combo. Each ride becomes a new experience, a chance to see the city and its

people in a different light. For some, skateboarding represents skateboarding provides an

identity, a social group, and a creative outlet that is irreplaceable.

5. Skating’s Cool

For most kids, the idea of riding a skateboard has nothing to do with staying healthy, learning

traffic rules, or exploring the city. Most of all, skating is cool! Skateboarding can offer

acceptance, respect, and a peer group. Skateboarding’s not just a hobby or a sport – it’s an entire



Although many would consider it as a dangerous and defiant sport, there are many health

benefits of skateboarding. It is probably one sport parents would never willingly give the nod to,

but then every sport has its risk – football, wrestling, rugby or even pole vaulting. Often, having
experience is often a determinant of how much the person enjoys the sport, the positive

implications of participation largely outweighs the negative impacts.

I’m not sure about the physical benefits. It’s not much good as a cardiovascular workout

and unless you’re a switchstance God, it’s asymmetrical. It does tend to give you impressive

explosive power in your legs, an unusually high standing jump, and good balance. Experience

tells me it also works abs. I’ve also heard that bone strength and density is built via all the falls

and impacts, but not all the effects of those things are positive, obviously!

IV. Bibliography

1. (April 12, 2016) “Skateboarding is good for you – and good for public places” Retrieved

2. Gary. ”Amazing Health Benefits of skateboarding” Retrieved from:

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